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Never gets interviewed. :'(

I'm so sorry :( . I'll make sure to get to you this week. Wednesday I'll say.

The Idiot Box: Your interview is Thursday.

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Ep.4 "Steel Sponge: The Daring Do Interview/ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1"

Welcome to the show!

Teenj12: So obviously your a very talented writer in the Spin-off community, your even in the Spin-Off Hall Of Fame. What does it mean to you to be a high credited writer? Do you feel others could look up to your work?

Daring Do/Steel Sponge: Hmm, what it means is that I have more recognition and I'm one of the few who continues spin-offs and such. I feel that some people could look up to my work, depending on how inspirational the spin-offs are.

Teenj12: Which of your spin-offs are you most proud of?

Daring Do/Steel Sponge: Underwater Survivor SBC is pretty famous, but it's also a good piece of work, that's one of them. Out of all the rest other than UWS is Guru Gakuto, it has flaws, but I'm quite proud of this one too.

Teenj12: What are more fun to write, Spin-offs or Lits? and how are the writing styles different for both in your opinion?

Daring Do/Steel Sponge: Spin-Offs, at least. Lits can be fun, but slow development or writer's block is more likely in the way for me in Lits, as it can be common for writing up my Spin-Offs as well.

teenj12:What advice would you give a newbie in the art of Spin-off/Lit writing?

Daring Do/Steel Sponge: A lot of possibilities, but one advice would be the art of creativity, I guess.

Teenj12: Thank you for your time Steel and I have to say yours works are shining jewels of the community. Keep it up :) .

When we come back, I'll talk to ClassicNickelodeanFan 1!

Welcome to the show!

Teenj12: Your a not only a new member, but also a new creator in the spin-off world. How does it feel to be a newbie in the industry?

ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1: Feels Nice being able to Write Spin-Offs with all these wonderful people now. :)

Teenj12: How did you come up with your show ideas? Were any other Spin-offs of inspiration to you?

ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1: For SpongeBob and His Friends, I just like the idea of SpongeBob being involved in murder and mystery. I was looking through the Spin-Off Shipyard and read the only 3 episodes of The Adventures of SpongeBob and Friends. I thought the idea of SpongeBob involved with mystery and murder needed to be continued.

For Gary The Snail's Undersea Adventures, I just loved the idea of having Gary in a comedy with all his friends. I also liked that I made Gary talk in the show. I mean, who doesn't want Gary to say something, am I right? ;) My inspiration for this show was jjs' The Adventures of Gary The Snail. I thought the idea of Gary in a comedy needed to be extended into a new show.

Teenj12: Your right. There hasn't been many Gary centered spin-off's recently.

How long does an episode take for you to write?

ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1: For SpongeBob and His Friends, it might take an 1 hour to a couple of days to write a new episode.

For Gary The Snail's Undersea Adventures, it could take from 5 mins. to 20 mins. because it is easyier for me to write an episode of a comedy than an episode of a mystery for some reason.

Teenj12: Is there a genre you'd ever like to get into?

ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1: Not that I'm aware of, as of right now. Defentially not going into the Horror genre anytime soon though. Might want to get into Drama though.

Teenj12: So does that hint at a possible new show? :o

ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1: No other shows are currently in production, but we'll see what the future holds. ;).

Teenj12: Are both of your current spin-offs going to have a second season?

ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1: I can only give you one answer to that question: Yes. :) Also, plots for movies are currently forming for my 2 spin-offs. In fact, a Gary The Snail's Undersea Adventures movie has already began production(meaning I'm writing it right now. :) )

Teenj12: Wow, that's really amazing, especially considering how new your works are, but you've managed to already do big things with them. I commend you and your work. Thank you for being on the show :) .

ClassicNickelodeon Fan 1: Your very welcome. :) I also really think this is a great show to interview spin-off creators. Please continue this show. I think it is great. You other spin-offs are really great too. Now, before I leave, I can't stop my post until I say this: That's All Folks! Goodnight Everyone. :)

CNF put it best, goodnight everyone :) . Tune in next time for an interview with famous creator, Wumbology :D . Plus The Idiot Box ;) .

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Ep.5a "Wumbology's Big Break"

Welcome To The Show!

Teenj12: What does it mean to you to be such a famed creator in the Spin-Off Community, Even being in the Hall Of Fame.

Wumbology: The fame's definitely a bonus. But really, i just like that I've found a creative outlet to express myself. It's nice to get recognition, but I wouldn't mind it if I was more underground.

(This isn't to say that everybody should stop reading my spin-offs, btw. :P)

Teenj12: What Spin-offs are your personal favorites?

Wumbology: You mean ones that aren't mine? :P No, but seriously, I'd have to pick Adventures in the Underground City as my all-time favourite. Everything works with this spin-off: It can be funny, touching, and exciting at the same time. Sabre's a phenomenal spin-off writer.

Others of my favourites include Bikini Top (70s), Keeper of the Spatula (NegiSpongie), and An A-B Conversation (SpongeSeb).

Teenj12: Which of yours are your favorites? :)

Wumbology: My favourite spin-off that I've done is far and away Patrick's Big Break.

I thought it finally reached an excellent episode by Dish Jockey, the fifth episode (after a rocky start) and

things just kept going uphill from there. For one, I just kept on churning out episode after episode of (IMO) quality comedy. For two, it became wildly popular after Dish Jockey.Entering Season 2, I'm confident that it'll last at least until Season 3, maybe even more.

My other spin-offs? Well, Coral Drive had its stride (I'm trying to get it back on track), and Tentacle High holds a special place in my heart, being the first spin-off I created. Anchovy Busters? Don't even talk to me about that. Great first episode, went down the toilet from there.

Teenj12: Tentacle High was much loved. If you ever had enough interest, would you bring it back?

Wumbology: I realize it was loved a lot, but I don't really have interest to bring it back, at least in its original format. It's just such a stark difference to the spin-offs I write now. However, don't rule out a revamp in the future. I have yet to write a teen drama.

Teenj12: Recently, you've been taking an active part in saving spin-offs. What are you opinions on how everyone can help and what we can do as a community to save them?

Wumbology: I definitely think the Writer's Lounge needs to get used more often. It's a great opportunity for users to bounce ideas off each other, collaborate, etc. I also think that spin-offs need to be reviewed more often (and not just mine, either. :P) Let's face it, it doesn't hurt to get a little publicity/constructive criticism now and again. I think that there's a lot of potential for spin-offs to come back strong, with new users like Idiot Box and CNF1 making their marks in the section.

I have recently agreed to a collaboration project with Steel_Sponge, you I believe, and a few others. This is what I'm talking about. Spin-offs and lits don't always have to be solo efforts. Look at Skodwarde, RRR, etc. Users collaborating and making spin-offs together may just help the section get back on track.

(By the way, I think I forgot to mention it, but Skodwarde's one of my favourites too.)

Teenj12: I definitively agree with your opinions.

How is working on Skodwarde by the way?

Wumbology: Unfortunately, with BrOMJ temporarily on leave, Skodwarde's production is slowing. I'm trying to focus on getting new episodes of my personal spin-offs out, but I suppose I should post a new Skodwarde episode just to get the wheels running again.

(By the way, jjs' guest episode of Skodwarde was hilarious. If you haven't seen it, you should.)

Teenj12: Well Sko is a popular spin-off and the viewers will be willing to wait however long until things pick back up! ;)

Thank you so much for the interview Wumbology and keep up your hard work with your spin-offs :) .

Wumbology: You're welcome, my good sir. Anytime.

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Great Episode. Wumbology, you are one of the most inspirational users of SBC. Thanks for mentioning me in your interview. :) (BTW Everyone, I also agreed to the same collabiration project with Steel Sponge that Wumbo is doing as well. Here's the current staff for that: CNF1, Steel Sponge, Idiot Box, Wumbo, and Teenj.)

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