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019a. Home ECCH!

Jjs Goodman

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Ever have ONE of those courses in school that gave you trouble like no OTHER course did? Squidina has one of those. Squidina has managed to get STRAIGHT A+'s in every other course that she needs to take, but because she's had such trouble knitting, ironing, house cleaning, and cooking for her Home Economics Teacher; not only has she accidentally sent her Teacher to the hospital, she's in danger of having to go to SUMMER School! For once, Patrick has a legitimately GOOD idea; as he suggests to Squidina that she should try to do an extra credit project for Home Economics, by doing something she's GOOD at; making a show! After setting everything up, Patrick does his BEST to fulfill Squidina's duties, but because he's never HAD to work behind the scenes before; Patrick's inexperience DEFINITELY shows in his attempt to film Squidina's show! Nevertheless, Squidina tries to show her Home Economics Teacher why she's GOOD at Home Economics, by making a bed (with Grandpat still on it), learning EVERY different kind of fork there is and WHERE to place them, cleaning up, and sewing; but EVERY single attempt they try, they unintentionally make the Home Economics Teacher's health situation WORSE! Needless to say, Squidina positively DREADS trying to make her recipe the RIGHT way this time; when who of ALL characters except Slappy, not only TELLS her how to make her recipe the right way, it actually looks the way it is SUPPOSED to! Squidina and Patrick rush to the hospital, only to find that Squidina's Home Economics Teacher is LITERALLY knocking on Death's Door! Squidina decides to use ALL she has learned about Home Economics, vacuuming OUT the BAD Pickle Pie Surprise, placing all of the organs back in their proper place with the RIGHT kind of fork, sewing her teacher up tight, and filling him up with GOOD Pickle Pie Surprise, and the life of Squidina's Teacher is not only SAVED, he gives Squidina an A+!...Too bad Squidina's Teacher FORGOT to ask Squidina if her Pickle Pie Surprise had gluten in it BEFORE he ate it, but at least Squidina won't have to go to summer school. I guess I'd give this episode a 9.5 out of 10. Enough said, true believers!

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