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Les Indices


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Season 1:

Episode 1#: The Death Toll/and or "Pilot"

Episode 2#: Fish X

Episode 3#: The Journey Begins

Chrome. Chrome was everywhere. That's how the future is. The Krusty Krab was empty. There was Patrick's house. Squidward's house which was now in need of repair. Then...Spongebob's house. Spongebob hadn't been in that house in 50 years. It was in desperate need of repair. Windows were shattered, it was bashed up, and the petals drooped.


"It was horrible. Cops everywhere. Shattered glass. And the square guy wasn't anywhere to be found. I used to despise him...but know I realize how much he meant to me," Squidward said.

It was dusty. The inside of the pineapple house was damaged. Everything was as it was 50 years ago when Spongebob was first reported missing. Police swarmed the premises. Everyone had rushed over to the house to see what happened. No one knew what happened. All that was on the crime scene was a shattered window and Gary's broken shall.

Gary was living with Mr. Krabs. He had been for 50 years. Gary was close to death, being alive for 101 years. He had been coughing and spitting up.

"Hello Squidward," Sandy said one day while walking.

"Hello Sandy," Squidward said. "Do you want to go now?"

"Yeah," Sandy said. The two walked over to Spongebob's house and opened the unlocked door.

"Hey," Sandy said stopping. "We locked it last time."

"What?" Squidward said, gazing at the glass strewn across the floor.

"Squidward. Last time we came inside, we locked the door!" Sandy said, alarmed.

"Someone came in!" Squidward said.

A loud shatter ripped through the air.

"Come on!" Squidward yelled as he charged into the kitchen. There, he screamed.

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Episode 2#: Fish X

A fish was huddled over. A shattered plate was beside him. He stood up and looked at Squidward and Sandy.

"Ahh," he said. "You're here." He pulled out a gun and pointed it at them. "Stay quiet and do what I say and there will be no blood. Go get your friends and bring them here. If you don't, I will set off the bombs that are planted under everything in Bikini Bottom. Go, now."

"O-okay," Squidward said. Him and Sandy darted out and rounded everyone up. They then went back into the house.

"Alright. As you know, your friend Spongebob disappeared off the face of the earth 50 years ago. Well my name is Fish X, and I am giving you the chance to find Spongebob. I am not saying he is alive, but I am giving you the chance you the chance you find his body, dead or alive. If you accept this, you will also find out what happened to your dear friend."

Everyone was in awe of this.

"Take this and you are brave. Stay and you are a coward." No one said anything.

"I see. Answer in 3 second or you will be dead and this house will be in ruins." Everyone accepted.

"Alright." The man pulled out a blue, round, ball and threw it down. It exploded and everyone was swallowed in a wall of smoke.

"Where are we?" Mr. Krabs asked.

"Your guys are at the start of your journey. The Krusty Krab. I will leave clues along the road that you will have to solve in order to find your friend."

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Episode 3: The Journey Begins

"Okay what now?" Squidward asked.

"I don't know. We have to find a clue," Sandy said, thinking.

"We need luck," Plankton moaned.

"Hmm...well Fish X said he'd LEAVE us a clue. And he left. Is that a hint that we're supposed to LEAVE?" Patrick asked.

"No. Because where would we go?" Sandy replied.

"Spongebob left. Fish X left. Let's go to Spongebob's house and search!"

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Saga 1, Trek 1, Chapter 1

The letter startled Spongebob. He was supposed to go to Shell Gardens Emporium at midnight. Should he go? As he ate, he thought about the situation. He then sat down and turned on the television. As he watched North Park, his doorbell rang. Patrick stood outside, panting.?á

"Spongebob! Spongebob! Help! I got this mysterious letter!" he screeched.?á

"Calm down, Pat! I got it as well," Spongebob said.?á

"What should we do?" Patrick asked.

"I guess just go and see what the fuss is about," Spongebob replied.?á

"You wanna get going? It's 9:00 and Shell Gardens is around three hours away?" a voice said. They turned to see a muscular fish.?á

"Who're you?" Patrick asked.?á

"My name is Johnny Fish. I also got the letter." He held up an envelope.?á

"COOL!" Patrick said. "I'm Patrick and this is my friend Spongebob."?á

"'Hi," Spongebob said. ?á?á

"Hello. I also got a Mercedes Benz that we can drive to Shell Gardens Emporium," phe said.

"Let's get going then," Spongebob said. They hopped in the boatmobile and started off towards Shell Gardens.?á

Right in my trap, Johnny thought. The thing was, his name wasn't Johnny at all.

Saga 1, Trek 1, Chapter 2

The boatmobile arrived at Shell Gardens Emporium with minutes to spare. They raced out onto the plaza and saw a group of men crowded around each other.?á

"We're here!" Patrick announced. The group turned and looked.?á

"Hello," a tall fish said. He waved his hand and suddenly, the setting around them disappeared. They were standing in the middle of a swirling whirl pool.?á

"Dammit!" the fish cried. "The damn thing always gets jammed." He kicked the whirlpool and suddenly it faded until they were in what looked like a television studio.?á

"Welcome to Les Indices!" the fish cried. "You are about to enter a world filled with hell and misery. A world full of deception. If you accept, you are full of courage. If you do not, then you are a coward. Your choice."?á

"I don't understand," Johnny said.?á

"What do you not understand?"?á

"A new world? How can two worlds exist in one ocean? There is one world, and multiple cities. If you travel across Bikini Bottom to Conch Top, you are in a new area. Not a new world."?á

"Interesting question," the fish said. "My name is Clay Mic."?á

"Can you answer my question?" Johnny asked.?á

"I can...but you did not tell me to. Who is entering, who is leaving?"?á

Patrick, Mac, Johnny, Spongebob, Tawny, and Carina entered. Twenty others did not.?á

"Excellent," Clay said. "Just excellent." He waved his hand and the area around them erupted into flames. "Now follow me."?á

Johnny suddenly waved his hand and a blue gust exploded out of it. Everyone fell over as the force hit them. He then snapped his fingers and a knife appeared in his fingers. He stabbed Clay and zapped everyone else so they wouldn't remember what happened. He then grabbed Clay's clothes and put them on. He spent time in the studio making himself exactly like Clay before he got his body and threw him in a tub.?á

"Sorry, Clay," the now Clay said,"But I'm a devious bitch and you were in my way."?á

Saga 1, Trek 1, Chapter 3?á

"Where's Johnny?" Spongebob asked Clay the next morning.?á

"Oh," Clay said. "The little jerk abandoned us. But we will set out at dawn to our next destination." That's right, I thought. I'm in charge of Les Indices.?á

As I left breakfast, I walked around the studio. My little plan had finally started after such a long time of planning. I found Clay's office and walked inside. I pulled out my plans and studied them.?á

Step 2: Gain a group of Les Indices soon to be members and get them on your side. Once they are on your side, become close to them. Very close, so they will share secrets with you. That should take one to two months. Once Step 2 is complete, move onto Step 3.?á

I folded up my plans and walked out.?á

- - -?á

"Hey Patrick?" Spongebob asked.?á

"Yeah?" he replied.?á

"Did Clay seem...different s'morning than last night?"?á

"Nah," Patrick said. "Come on. Let's go and get some pizza."?á

"Okay," Spongebob said, still suspicious. ?á?á

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