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Danny DeVito

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Status Updates posted by Danny DeVito

  1. Favorite SpongeBob character: Mr. Seaweed Monster Man

  2. me trying to decipher how all the sbc lore fits together


  3. I'm the grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge

  4. let that be a lesson to Andrew Tate to never eat pizza again

  5. I nominate myself to become the new CEO of Twitter.

  6. I am opening a crowdfunding campaign to make Rapsittie Street Kids 2

    1. Steel Sponge

      Steel Sponge

      Ohhh fhgfhioforgbvcdwogbvdyffodvvcclfgdydlbfvydfvcvclgioydwybvvfbifwtyu Christmas!

  7. I hate Hitler

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      bros did we own the libs yet by enabling kanye's silly antics?? 😳

  8. I would like to debunk any rumors that I'm supposedly a member of Antifa

  9. twitter going up in flames on my birthday, musk really shouldn't have

  10. anime swag I'm flying like goku

  11. or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain

  12. I am now a member of the Wu Tang Clan

  13. whoa guys I just saw a ghost, let me record it with a potato

  14. jjs at it again with his sbc lore retcons 😠

  15. I do not play the Roblox name game The Doors

  16. I hate krabby patties

  17. BREAKING NEWS: Andrew Tate arrested for genocide.

  18. tfw we get SBC Sleep before Pokemon Sleep

  19. is it true squidward was kidnapped by the cartel

  20. I am so disappointed in the Solos, this is why I am my own team now

  21. Supreme Court my ass

  22. I’m not afraid of death. What can death bring that I haven’t faced? I’ve lived; life is the worst. Listen to me, I’m a philosopher. Joe, you must do this. You must must must.

  23. graggle simpson is a true hero

    1. Jjs Goodman

      Jjs Goodman

      Truly one of the characters of our time

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