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That Excited SpongeKid

Cotton Candy Blue
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Everything posted by That Excited SpongeKid

  1. My mom recently started buying Edy's caramel ice cream and it's pretty good. ( I live on my own, but she has it at her house). But my top pick is cookies and cream. Mint chocolate chip is also pretty good.
  2. You could at least put him on dishes or something Eugene
  3. Hey Krabby, do you like my new profile picture? 

    1. Mr. Eugene Krabs

      Mr. Eugene Krabs

      How dare you support Plankton propaganda!? :angrykrabs:

  4. Bikini Bottom Inquirer made Perch Perkins my favorite character.. I'm patiently waiting for season 2.
  5. Not gonna lie, I've always really wanted to eat at Fancy!.
  6. When I was in middle and high school, I wanted to see everything on the big screen. Now when I see a movie that's more than an hour and a half long, it makes me really impatient. I prefer streaming, I may stop going to the movies unless it's something I REALLY want to see on the big screen.
  7. I want to fish!
  8. SpongeBob!
  9. I want to fish mr jjs please!
  10. I want to fish!
  11. Krusty Krab
  12. I want to fish!
  13. I want to fish!
  14. I rarely go on vacation these days and when I do, it's usually to visit family in arizona and we dont do it in the summer because of how dangerously hot it gets there. I prefer to stay home, haha.
  15. Krabby patty!
  16. I want to fish!
  17. SpongeBob!
  18. I want to fish!
  19. I'll build my man Larry
  20. I wish I wish to catch a fish
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