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Everything posted by 4EverGreen

  1. This might be the first episode of "The Patrick Star Show", where Spongebob had just about as much screen-time and impact on the episode's plot that Patrick did! As it turns out, boredom and access to a time machine are NOT a good combination when it comes to two, roughly teenage boys obsessed with Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy! Instead of time traveling to when the episodes of "Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy" were new, they time travel to when Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy THEMSELVES were new! Apparently, there's been a minor 'Retcon', because now, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy have BOTH known each other since they were babies and are about the same age, rather than Barnacle Boy being significantly younger than Mermaid Man. Not only that, the Dirty Bubble and Man Ray have known each other and the heroes since they were babies, to! In fact, they were all BORN with super powers, and (with two brand new characters to accompany both the heroes and the villains, who I hope we get to see more of), they attend a Super Daycare! However, Spongebob and Patrick seem less interested in caring for the babies' needs, and more about seeing them show off their super power abilities! Than, they decide to tell them a comic book story about ALL of them that comes from the FUTURE! It seems like we've FINALLY got brand new voices for Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy (I wonder who they are), but I'm not sure if I will EVER get used to the Dirty Bubble and Man Ray NOT being voiced by Charles Nelson Reilly and John Rhys-Davies respectively! Anyways, after telling them about their eventual futures, they decide to act out the story they just told them, with Patrick leading the bad babies, and Spongebob leading the good babies. It...goes about as well as you'd expect, with babies who don't know their own strength and haven't gotten control over all their powers yet. Needless to say, when the ACTUAL Day Care Man gets back from his break, he is ANGRY at Patrick and Spongebob for ruining ALL his work for trying to teach them to get along together! As it turns out, when Spongebob and Patrick get back to their own time, it's revealed that the reason Spongebob and Patrick TAUGHT the super babies to fight each other, is because THAT'S what the comic books said HAPPENED to them, so they were invoking a "Stable Time Loop"! However the concept is immediately deconstructed, when both the now grown up superheroes and supervillains appear, and criticize them for teaching them to hate each other! It's only than that Spongebob realizes that both he and Patrick messed up by doing what they did, and they have to run away for their very lives! I guess I'd give this episode a good 8.8 out of 10. Enough said, true believers!
  2. I've seen three-ish movies in movie theaters since the last time I posted on here. "Ant-Man And The Wasp In Quantum Mania", but I missed the first few minutes of it, which is why I say 'Three-ish'. I saw "John Wick: Chapter 4". I haven't seen the first three yet, but this one was action packed and incredible! And "The Super Mario Bros. Movie". Awesome, AWESOME "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"! I NEVER expected them to revive the theme song for "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show", and use "The DK Rap" in this movie! And they used some AWESOME songs in here, to! Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For A Hero", A-Ha's "Take On Me", The Beastie Boys "No Sleep Til Brooklyn", and AC/DC's "Thunderstruck"! Needless to say, I would say that 2023 has its first front runner for the best animated movie of 2023! Enough said, true believers!
  3. This film is a MASSIVE improvement (and a lot truer to text), than the 1993 live-action adaptation! It really shows off the origins of Mario's adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom, and how he (and to a lesser extent, his brother), didn't become the butt-kickers of Koopas and Goombas that they did overnight; they had to practice at it...a LOT!!!! Also, BONUS points to Illumination for making Peach an affirmative action girl for this movie! Without spoiling anything, I will say they included a lot of mythology gags for longtime fans of the Mario series (and Nintendo in general), and they've saved a LOT of future material for a sequel, and a Nintendo Movie Verse! And I thought all of the voice actors within this movie played their parts PERFECTLY! All in all, I'd give the movie a solid 10 out of 10! (Yes, it's THAT good!) Enough said, true believers!
  4. On the one hand, some of the sea monsters introduced in this episode were very interesting. But monsters that LOOK like anthropomorphic bananas? This ISN'T "Rocket Monkeys", and they just feel out of place here! On the other hand, I'm glad they took an episode that could've EASILY had Squidward be FORCED to endure Spongebob's company, instead give that role to Plankton, and it feels a lot better, mostly because Plankton was trying to steal a Krabby Patty (AGAIN!) Although, I can't help but feel like this would've felt more like an ACTUAL episode, if it had more time to explore its ideas more. As it is, being trapped on an island full of monsters has its potentials (as far as story ideas go). But with only an 11 minute running time, the only thing Spongebob and Plankton really have time to do on Monster Island, is hide from monsters, try to build or FIND a shelter, successfully make a coconut version of a Krabby Patty to FEED to monsters (which is PROBABLY the closest Plankton will EVER get to making one of his own Krabby Patties, and managing to escape from Monster Island, only to find that the whole ISLAND is a monster, and chases after them! We also find out just HOW durable Bubble Bass is, as he SURVIVES getting stepped on by the Island Monster! At least he fares far BETTER than the Krusty Krab and Plankton, who BOTH end up by digested by the Island Monster! If it weren't for negative continuity, and the fact that we KNOW more episodes are on their way, it could be said that Plankton invoked "Together In Death", in regards to him having a Krabby Patty. Also, six years AWAY from the Krusty Krab? It would've felt a lot more like six years if the episode had been 15 to 22 minutes long. I guess I'd give the episode a 6.5 out of 10, as it lost a LOT of points due to unnecessary pain being inflicted on Spongebob, the anthropomorphic bananas, and even PLANKTON, for that matter! Enough said, true believers!
  5. What I'm surprised by is, why didn't this episode air closer to the last Thanksgiving, or the last Rose Bowl; to coincide with an actual parade? Anyways, Mr. Krabs learns about a parade, and wants Squidward and Spongebob to build a float for him, because it will generate FREE advertising, but doesn't give them any extra money or supplies to do it with! Of course, Squidward wants to take the Narcissistic Route and make the float all about him, but Spongebob manages to build something a little more on topic, as he builds a float with a bunch of Krabby Patty Burgers, and a Giant Bottle, which contains a giant piece of paper with the ACTUAL Secret Formula written on it! So this episode now confirms the series is currently taking place AFTER "Sponge Out Of Water", because Spongebob didn't KNOW the Secret Formula then, but he DOES now! So naturally, Plankton manages to find out about it, and decides to cause chaos during the parade! We learn Pearl is part of her High School Marching Band, and she and her fellow school mates are actually pretty talented at it! We also see a non-speaking cameo appearance of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. And apparently, Bubble Bass is on such good terms with them, he gets to ride WITH them wearing a Mermaid Man costume! Mrs. Puff is her OWN balloon, and Patrick's rock is SOMEHOW able to move by itself, and Fred makes a float that looks like a giant version of "HIS LEG!!!!" And The Ice Cream King makes a Return Appearance, helping Perch Perkins with commentary on the parade! That's when Plankton decides to make his move to attack the Krabby Patty Float, and ends up causing a WHOLE disaster! In fact, the only characters we DON'T see suffering or in the chaos are Pearl, Patrick, Mermaid Man, Barnacle Boy, and the Ice Cream King! Just when it looks like Plankton is finally going to get to READ the Secret Formula, a last minute float entry by both the local Gas Station and Match Stick Company, has a giant match accidentally get lit on fire, igniting ACTUAL gas in the giant gasoline float, and EXPLODES, burning the written Secret Formula to ashes, except for the word of "Salt". Apparently, this episode takes place BEFORE "The Patty Caper", because Plankton knew every single ingredient in the Krabby Patty Secret Formula EXCEPT for the Secret Ingredient, but in this episode, he only learns that salt is just ONE of the ingredients! Anyways, the episode had an interesting concept, and it's nice that the writers only use the Ice Cream King for moments of comedy relief when its really needed. I guess overall, I'd give this episode a 9.5 out of 10. (The scene where Squidward ACCIDENTALLY gets deep fried and has a bite taken out of him, knocked the episode down a few points). Enough said, true believers!
  6. I find it refreshing when the writers decide to try something different. For instance, Spongebob doesn't have a big role in this episode. I wonder who did the voice of Petunia? I kind of figured this would be another attempt to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula, but I am surprised by how much Plankton underwent "Becoming The Mask" in this episode, he ends up really liking making floral arrangements and selling them to people, even though he could've lived without Squidward's unwanted affection. In fact, Plankton SERIOUSLY thinks about calling the whole thing off, ONLY to be painfully reminded by Karen that his 'Flowers' actually contain explosives set to EXPLODE inside the Krusty Krab so that Plankton could steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula in the process! Plankton actually manages to STEAL all the flowers; only to be stopped by Squidward. And sadly, RIGHT in the middle of Squidward's declaration of love for Petunia, Plankton's plan LITERALLY explodes, and Squidward's heart is broken! Even Mr. Krabs THOUGHT that was low for Plankton to do! However, it seems that Plankton's entire plan didn't go to waste, as Plankton destroyed his old Chum Bucket, and built a brand new model that can now fire lasers, in a case of 'Came Back Strong'. If there are any more Krabby Patty Theft Attempt episodes (and there probably will be), I hope they are as creative and unique as this one. I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10 (it lost a few points due to the kids picking their noses). Enough said, true believers!
  7. There are apparently PLENTY of songs that can inspire a seahorse. Apparently, Squidward's clarinet playing CAN'T replicate a single ONE of them!
  8. I'm not sure if we should think of the pizza shaped like a heart as heart-warming, or misguided.
  9. "Ghostbuster" lasers, the deadliest thing KNOWN to ghosts!
  10. I'll use 500 Cosmic Jelly to get the Flying Pizza Collectible!
  11. They're really starting to learn how to get really expressive for Mr. Krabs' face! I hope the rest of the episode is just as good!
  12. This D.J. Cat can summon pizza in the air, your argument is invalid.
  13. He's excited to go Seahorse Riding!
  14. If you think his LANDING is impressive, just wait until you see how WELL he blasts!
  15. He likes watching fast seahorse run.
  16. Okay, I honestly had NO idea Raiden could summon a gigantic pizza!
  17. I'mma firing my LASER!!!!
  18. While I HAVE heard of Mr. Krabs calling Mrs. Puff 'Poppy' in the past before, I always thought that was more of an affectionate nickname. BESIDES, she DID state in "No Free Rides" that she HAS previously started a NEW Boating School with a NEW name at least ONCE before, so the name change thing isn't without basis. While the educational driving parody has already been done before, at least they justify this NEW version with Mrs. Puff saying it was a court order! Poor Squidward though, I sure hope Mrs. Puff PAID him well, because after all the injuries Spongebob intentionally and unintentionally caused him throughout this episode, Squidward will NEED the money to pay for all his medical bills! Glad to see that the writers STILL remember that Patrick CAN drive a car and has a driver's license, and the "Slow Kids Playing" gag is probably the LONGEST 'Overly Long Gag' this series has had yet! Mercifully for the viewers, the film projector BREAKS before we can find out what happens after the GIGANTIC, burly fish gets his fins on Squidward! Spongebob, than decides to provide his OWN ending, in what is probably the most "And Her Code Name Was, Mary Sue" story this series has had yet! As he shows Squidward and Mrs. Puff loving Spongebob for getting his driver's license, and all the great things he can do while driving; which, BARRING any unforeseen developments; will most likely probably NEVER happen! While this episode segment is a real improvement over "Ma And Pa's Big Hurrah", I AM getting rather tired of Spongebob always failing to get his Driver's License. It's not like THAT new development would end the series. Besides, we could USE some different story ideas! Anyways, I guess I'd give this episode segment a 7.7 out of 10. Enough said, true believers!
  19. Fire more DAKKA, more DAKKA!!!!
  20. What I'm more curious about is, HOW did that PIZZA survive its fall into salty ocean water?!
  21. Those two MUST be riding on the world's FASTEST horse EVER!
  22. Sorry it took me a while to re-run another "Total Cartoon" episode, but here is the latest one. I hope you enjoy it! / The "Total Cartoon Legends Performance Review" sequence starts off as normal, but midway through the sequence, it gets cut off, and replaced with a music video, credited with being performed by "Captain Retro With The Real Breadwinners", and playing a song called, "We Didn't Start The Fire, Part II" (set to the same tune as the original one). / During the music video, as it shows Captain Retro being born and growing up, the technology changes onscreen to show the changes that happens within each year (for instance, the TV shown gradually gets bigger, turning from a two dial 13 inch with antennas, to a 54 inch HDTV), as it is mentioned. The years themselves are not sung, and are merely there for reference. / Captain Retro sings: "(1985) Ronald Reagan, Mr.T, Gorbachev, U.S.A. For Africa, Nintendo and NES, Live Aid, New Coke, You Can't Do That On Television, Jeopardy, The Breakfast Club, Back To The Future, Danger Mouse, Super Mario Bros.; (1986) Challenger Explodes, Janet Jackson, Genesis, Aliens, Platoon, The Legend of Zelda, Alf, Cheronobyl, Double Dare, An American Tail.; (1987) Michael Jackson, U2, INXS, Pee-Wee's Playhouse, Prince, Donald Trump, George Michael, Wall Street, Full Metal Jacket, Moonstruck, Mega Man, Garfield And Friends, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Metroid; (1988) Who Framed Roger Rabbit, George Bush, Guns N' Roses, Rain Man, Super Mario Bros. 2, Paula Abdul, Nintendo Power debuts. We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning. We didn't start the fire. No, we didn't light it, but we're trying to fight it. (1989) Madonna, Game Boy, Pete Rose Scandal, Loma Prieta Earthqauke, Exxon Valdez, Berlin Wall falls, Field Of Dreams, Batman, Tom Petty, Do The Right Thing, The Little Mermaid. (1990) Jetsons The Movie, Tremors, Don Henley, Mariah Carey, The Simpsons, Captain Planet, Dances With Wolves, Super Mario Bros. 3, Tiny Toon Adventures, Final Fantasy. (1991) Beauty And The Beast, Ren & Stimpy, Chicago's got a winning team, Doug, Rugrats, Silence Of The Lambs, Nick Arcade, Nickelodeon GUTS, Sega Genesis, Super NES, Kuwait, Soviet Union Falls, Boris Yeltsin, Super Mario World. (1992) Aladdin, No Rain, Street Fighter II, Metallica, Nirvana, Weird Al Yankovic, A Few Good Men, The Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past, Bill Clinton, Seinfeld. We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning. We didn't start the fire. No, we didn't light it, but we're trying to fight it. (1993) Star Fox, Jurassic Park, Crystal Pepsi, The Fugitive, Rocko's Modern Life, Trouble In Waco, Janet Reno, Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Animaniacs, Legends Of The Hidden Temple, Secret Of Mana, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. (1994) Tonya Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, Pulp Fiction, The Lion King, Lisa Marie Presley, All That, Earthworm Jim, Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, Final Fantasy III, Video Game Ratings. (1995) Playstation, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Unabomber, Oklahoma City, Pocahontas, Toy Story, Virtual Boy's a no go. (1996) James And The Giant Peach, Independence Day, Space Jam, Kablam, Super Mario R.P.G., Hey Arnold, Alanis Morrissette, Spice Girls, Nintendo 64. We didn't start the fire. It was always burning, since the world's been turning. We didn't start the fire. No, we didn't light it, but we're trying to fight it. (1997) Anastasia, Star Wars is back, Dora The Explorer, Hercules, Men In Black, Angry Beavers, Titanic, Mario Kart 64, Figure It Out, Backstreet Boys, Star Fox 64. (1998) Monica Lewinsky, Mulan, Antz, A Bug's Life, The Powerpuff Girls, Pokemon, Game Boy Color, Catdog, Dragonball Z, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. (1999) Mario Party, Super Smash Bros., Spongebob Squarepants, Rocket Power, The Wild Thornberries, Oh Yeah Cartoons, Toy Story 2, The Matrix, N-Sync, Vladimir Putin, Y2K A-OK! What else do I have to say?! We didn't start the fire. It was always burning since the world's been turning. We didn't start the fire. No, we didn't light it, but we're trying to fight it. (2000-2022) Elian Gonzales, Britney Spears, Yakkity Yak, Invader Zim, Survivor, The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Sheep In The Big City, George W. Bush, Game Boy Advance, Sega Dreamcast fails, Twin Towers fall, Nintendo Gamecube, Monster's Inc., Harry Potter, Jimmy Neutron, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Ice Age, Michael Moore, Bill Maher, My Life As A Teenage Robot, American Idol, Kaput & Zosky, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Finding Nemo, Return of The King, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is back again, Wardrobe Malfunction, Nintendo DS, The Incredibles, Camp Lazlo, Madagascar, Catscratch, Hurricane Katrina, Chicken Little, Kappa Mikey, Cars, Scooter Libby, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Nintendo Wii, Yin Yang Yo, Scaredy Squirrel, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Single Ladies, Kung Fu Panda. Begin Barack Obama, Up, Michael Jackson dies, Avatar, TUFF Puppy, Jimmy Two Shoes, Rocket Monkeys, Toy Story 3, Megamind, Despicable Me, Netflix, Nintendo 3DS, Marvel's Avengers, Fanboy & Chum-Chum, Sanjay & Craig, Bojack Horseman, Super Smash Bros. 4, Breadwinners, 2016 Election, Nintendo Switch, Harvey Beaks, Undertale, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Cuphead, Kamp Koral, Joe Biden wins, January 6 Insurrection, The Patrick Star Show, England's got a New King, Elon Musk buys Twitter; Rock & Roll or Console Wars, I can't take it anymore! We didn't start the fire. It was always burning, since the world's been turning. We didn't start the fire. But when we are gone, it will still burn on and on, and on, and on, and on, and on. We didn't start the fire! It was always burning since the world's been turning. We didn't start the fire! No, we didn't light it, but we're trying to fight it! We didn't start the fire! It was always burning since the world's been turning! We didn't start the fire! No, we didn't light it, but we're trying to fight it!" / "Performance Review: Legend Of The Finalists" / (Dedicated to Jason David Frank). / And the music video ends, and it pans out to show that it was being shown on a super-sized screen in the "Performance Review" studio room, with Norbert and Eliza present, and presenting. Norbert claps loudly, and he says: "A wonderful music video that we just saw by Captain Retro with The Real Breadwinners...well, TWO of them at least; backing him up!" Eliza says: "We know that it's a bit unprecedented, and unexpected; but due to events that have happened since our LAST Performance Review, we felt it was kind of necessary!" Kaput says: "You're talking about the big BLOW-OUT that just happened, aren't you?!" Tigress scoffs, and she says: "As IF it could POSSIBLY be anything else!" Norbert says: "Well, yeah; obviously!" Eliza says: "But before we get to that, we have to talk about the contestants who've been eliminated since the last Performance Review, MOST of whom are with us now!" Keswick asks: "Why do you say it like that?" Norbert says: "Well, Future Adult Rube Goldfish had to go back to his own time. For all we know, he may be only just NOW watching this for what is HIS first time, and getting to see how well he performed, among other things." Eliza says: "And Buhdeuce is too busy, dealing with having to help Sniz with the repairs needed to fix the studio that Sway-Sway inadvertently wrecked, and tending to the injuries that Sway-Sway suffered." Norbert says: "But for everyone else, here is what we've got!" / And clips of the previously eliminated contestants begin getting shown! Eliza says: "From Rocket Monkeys, it's Wally!" Daggett says: "Or as he LIKES to be called, Admiral Wally; his Smartness!" Fee says: "Smarter than YOU could ever be, THAT'S for sure!" Bulma says: "BURN!!!!" Norbert says: "From TUFF Puppy, Chameleon AND Dudley Puppy!" Eliza says: "From Spongebob Squarepants, former champion Bubble Bass!" Pearl asks: "I wonder when he will EVER stop talking about it?" Sandy says: "Oh, probably on the 12th of...NEVER!!!!" Norbert says: "And from Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness; Po!!!!" And Tigress' face blanches into emotionless, and with dissonant serenity, she calmly walks to Treeflower, and Tigress whispers into Treeflower's left ear, and Treeflower screams: "Po did WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Taotie groans, and he says: "Saw THAT one coming from a MILE away, even without any access to whatever mystical scrolls the Furious Five have!" Gerald says: "You SAID it!" Monster says: "It's not like Tigress can realistically DO anything about it! She IS pregnant, you know!" Tigress groans, and she says: "Hoist by my OWN petard! The ONE petard I thought could NEVER hoist me!" Eliza says: "Anyways, now that we can recover from NEARLY becoming DEAF; it's time to reveal our FIRST surprise of the evening!" Norbert says: "Whether it's magic or merely a mundane reason, Captain Retro is here PERSONALLY, and is here to help us out! So, give it up for Captain Retro!" And Captain Retro flies onstage, and Super Chum asks: "What?! No song?" Captain Retro says: "I'm trying to NOT be THAT predictable anymore, I found out the HARD way that most people don't like it! Besides, I REFUSE to be a robot! No offense to Jenny!" Eliza says: "Anyways, we were all wondering why YOU didn't sign up to be on this season?" Captain Retro sighs, and he says: "Well, I always felt like maybe I was part of the reason why Total Cartoon Global Cruise wasn't as well-liked as I hoped it would be. Maybe I was TRYING too hard, or trying too hard to make what I thought would be a great season; without any thought as to what other people might want. I...let my ego get the better of me during that season, and it was only when Marlene finally STOPPED pretending to be infatuated with me, that I was able to snap back to reality, and let go of my ego. But...I guess it's TRUE what they say; hindsight is always 20-20, even for someone like me." Norbert says: "But you're clearly smarter NOW than you were THAN; wouldn't have been a contestant on THIS season worked out better?" Captain Retro says: "Maybe, but I felt like there were already ENOUGH contestants THIS season without ME throwing my metaphorical hat into the mix! Besides, all of the contestants PROVED that they had this season under control, and they probably never NEEDED my help! At the very least, they didn't need my help THIS season!" Eliza says: "Anyways, are you up for helping us?" Captain Retro says: "Well, seeing as how the lead singer of The Real Breadwinners is otherwise...in disposed, at the moment; I suppose I must take it upon myself to sing whatever songs The Real Breadwinners feel like playing!" Norbert says: "Anyways, it's time to talk to our first eliminated contestant for tonight!" Eliza says: "While he may not be THE Missing Link between human's and primates, he's definitely proved that when it comes to evolution; he's NO monkey's uncle! At least, not yet!" Norbert says: "Give it up for Wally, the Rocket Monkey!" And Wally rockets in on a jet-pack, doing several loops around the contestants, and Tigress says: "He better not come anywhere NEAR my face!" Zarbon says: "Or MINE! But thankfully, I think that's the last thing on HIS mind!" And Wally finally settles down, and turns his jet-pack off, as he takes a seat on the couch! Wally says: "So, what kind of truth game do you have for us THIS time?!" And Eliza looks taken aback, and she says: "Well...truth be told; we were completely taken off guard by the explosion caused by Sway-Sway's Rocket Van crashing, and due to Sniz needing the resources to rebuild the studio that Sway-Sway wrecked; the only Truth game we're able to have THIS time is...Truth or Water!" / A picture of the blindfolded Statue of Justice is shown, until it gets swept away by a torrent of water! / Captain Retro says: "Wow! Another You Can't Do That On Television reference! If THAT isn't retro, I don't know WHAT is!" Norbert says: "You know the drill, if you lie; if you somehow mention...H2O; OR if we need a good laugh; you will be doused with a BUCKET of it!" Wally scoffs, and he says: "You're KIDDING about ME lying, RIGHT?! Do you have ANY idea of the types of dangers Gus, Yay-Ok and I have had to face on our journeys throughout space?! This will be a PICNIC in comparison!" And Heffer expects something to happen, but nothing does! Heffer says: "Well, I guess that MUST be true! He DIDN'T get hit by any WATER!" (SPLASH!!!!) Eliza says: "Oh, did we forget to mention? The rule applies to all BENCHED former contestants as well!" Harvey says: "NOW she tells you!" Norbert says: "Tell us, is Future Adult Rube Goldfish really as wonderful as we all think he is?" Blonda's voice comes from off-screen, and she says: "He BETTER be; as his mother, I expect NOTHING but the BEST from him! Or at least, a REASONABLE amount of it!" Squidward's voice comes from off-screen, and he asks: "Is THAT what you're calling it now?!" Eliza says: "What an unexpected surprise! I guess they must have had a BREAK in touring! Finally gracing us with their personal presence, give it up for Blonda and Squidward Tentacles!" They walk on-screen, and in the audience, several women cheer and actually throw thorn-less roses at him! Squidward says: "They LIKE me, they REALLY like me!" Blonda says: "I remember when I first coached Sally Field to say THAT originally! So, where's OUR questions?" Norbert says: "You already HAD your questions when we did that Zoom interview with the two of you! Besides, it's a half-hour show; and we can't spend our time talking with YOU the way you WANT us to!" Dog says: "Tell it like it is, Norbert!" Squidward says: "I'm just wondering why Nickelodeon is fooling around with Spongebob Squarepants schedule? That show, and to a lesser extent, Kamp Koral and The Patrick Star Show; are STILL Nickelodeon's prime source of income!" Eliza says: "Dang it if I know! I obviously have NO vote in how Nickelodeon does THEIR scheduling! If I did, I'd be showing NEW adventures around the world with NEW animals!" Captain Retro says: "And I don't dispense any future information for just ANY reason anymore! Been there, tried that; I'm NOT going through THAT criticism again!" Blonda groans, and she says: "Fine! I can't believe we took a BREAK from touring, and I didn't even get to see Future Rube before he went back to his own time!" Squidward says: "At least you get to see Infant Rube and your husband again!" Blonda says: "True. I HAVE missed having THEM around! Let's grab us a seat!" And Blonda flies to the top, while Squidward takes a seat near the bottom with his fellow eliminated contestants from "Spongebob Squarepants". Squidward asks: "Wait a minute; where IS Spongebob, anyways?!" Larry says: "Spongebob is STILL in the game!" Stimpy says: "And before you ask, he is NOT kidding!" Tigress' face blanches again, and with dissonant serenity, she walks to Squidward; whispers to him, and Squidward yells: "When did FREAKING SPONGEBOB LOSERPANTS BECOME SO COMPETENT?!" Super Chum is shocked, and he says: "Squidward!" Squidward defensively says: "WHAT?! HER words; not mine!" Darwin says: "Doesn't MEAN that YOU have to say them!" Snaptrap, from off-screen says: "And I, most certainly AGREE!!!!" Norbert says: "Wow! The surprises just DON'T stop coming! I thought he'd NEVER show up, but I guess Verminious J. Snaptrap has FINALLY decided to grace us with HIS presence!" And Snaptrap walks in looking happy, as he's no longer wearing the clothes that forced him to be evil! Keswick THINKS about it, and he says: "I think he looks BETTER without the Mad Scientist garb!" Eliza says: "So, what made YOU finally decide to grace us with YOUR presence?" Snaptrap says: "Well, now that Anti-Cosmo is no longer able to make me evil and crazy; I realize that the whole reason no of my plans to take over Petropolis, or WHATEVER insane plan I have had in the past; never worked, is because I never had the ability to think my plans through rationally! But now that I can think clearly, I'm able to see that what I thought was evil and cool; was really just crazy and DUMB! A crazy plan, is NOT better than no plan; especially if you don't know what to do NEXT! If you think about the consequences of any actions you THINK you want to do; if the potential reward is NOT greater than the potential risk, than it's not worth doing!" Norbert says: "Words to live by, Snaptrap!" Eliza says: "I heard that you are responsible for Dora STILL being grounded at her parent's house!" Snaptrap says: "Well, yeah! I HAD to tell on her parents! Legally, she's ONLY 15! And her parent's STILL have legal custody over her, no matter HOW rich she is!" Wally looks dumb-founded, and he says: "Wow! I thought you two were SUPPOSED to be interviewing me?!" Norbert says: "Sorry! We got distracted by these unexpected guests! Snaptrap, we're going to have to cut talking to you short! Is there anyone you want to win?" Snaptrap says: "I really don't have any stake in the outcome, but I guess I'd like Yakkity to win; just because it would be the most unexpected outcome!" Eliza says: "Well, it WOULD be pretty unexpected! Please take a seat!" And Snaptrap takes a seat right by Keswick! Snaptrap says: "Don't worry, Keswick! I don't bite anymore!" Keswick says: "Yeah, but I think that Kitty STILL does!" Norbert says: "Wally, same question. Is there anyone you want to win?" Wally says: "It's got to be Spongebob Squarepants! If Future Rube vouches for him, than that's good enough for me! I'm going to root for Spongebob!" Eliza says: "Well, stranger things HAVE happened in just this half-season! Go ahead and take a seat!" And Wally takes a seat up with Darwin! Darwin asks: "You WANT to sit with ME?!" Wally says: "Hey! Us primates have to stick together, don't we?!" Darwin says: "I have NEVER felt more loved than I am now, excluding Eliza; of course!" Norbert says: "We've got to take a break, but when we come back; we will interview Chameleon, Bubble Bass, Po, and Dudley Puppy; and our former, eliminated contestants are going to have a say as to who will have an advantage in the final challenge that will soon be happening at the season finale!" Eliza says: "We'll reveal how THAT'S going to unfold, as soon as the commercials are over!" Captain Retro says: "And I can't WAIT to see how that happens!" / (Commercial Break) / The camera opens up back on Norbert and Eliza, and it shows Captain Retro coming back to sit on the couch, but his face is covered with clean sink water! Wally asks: "Captain Retro, what happened to YOU?! You look as though you've just been through SHOCK treatment or something!" Captain Retro asks: "What's MORE shocking than losing a Nickelodeon icon from Power Rangers, and you keep EXPECTING someone to inevitably CLONE him and make the pain of the loss more bearable, but it doesn't happen?! So, you can FORGIVE me for the fact that I feel somewhat MORTIFIED that something THAT unthinkable; or at least, something that SHOULDN'T have happened for another 70 years, MINIMUM; actually happened! Something DRASTIC like that, should be WARNED about...ten YEARS in advance; PREFERABLY!!!!" Otto says: "WOW! I guess even Captain Retro can be caught off guard!" Zarbon says: "And NOT just by my beauty!" Gonard says: "Well, if it makes you feel any better, a LOT of us have felt the pain of loss in one form or another! I had to accept the fact that Bulma was already in love with someone else, and I wasn't going to change her mind about who she loved! Speaking of, why is SHE here; anyways?! I thought she was SUPPOSED to be with Yakkity!" Bulma yells: "Have you EVER heard of 'COMMUTING'?! We're ONLY a few miles AWAY from the currently wrecked studio, you know!" Heffer asks: "Does she ALWAYS treat EVERYONE else like a brain dead idiot?!" Blonda sighs, and she says: "Not EVERYONE, just life-forms she thinks are DUMBER than she is; which is ONLY mostly everybody!" Eliza says: "And I had to deal with the loss of what WAS my job on Family Guy!" Dog says: "Trust me; you're really NOT missing a thing!" Daggett says: "I agree! I've NEVER been on that show, and I'M actually funny for the RIGHT reasons!" Taotie says: "I lost my wife to divorce." Stimpy says: "And I lost Ren...well, divorced him because he was mentally unstable." Keswick says: "Bottom line is, you can't keep everything around you, always staying the same; no matter how much you want to. I know this seems like a change you don't want to accept, but there will be plenty of other changes in life, and I know if you're patient enough, they'll be changes you'll be grateful for, and GLAD that they happened to you! So, you just got to take the bad changes, with the good." Captain Retro says: "I know, you're all right. Even the pain I feel right now will go away in time. It's just waiting for enough time to PASS, that's the hard part!" Norbert says: "Anyways, time to get back to our regular schedule!" Eliza says: "They might have gotten eliminated at different times on this half-season!" Norbert says: "But we're STILL interviewing them together, because they WANT to be interviewed together!" Eliza says: "Give it up for Chameleon, and Dudley Puppy!" And Chameleon and Dudley Puppy walk in together, holding hands, as they listen to the thunderous applause! Kitty says: "I don't think I'll EVER get used to seeing that, much like all those AWFUL FAKE pictures of ME on the Internet! It's NOT funny OR sexy, it has NEVER been funny OR sexy, and it NEVER will be funny OR sexy!" Tigress says: "FINALLY! Someone ELSE says something I can actually AGREE with!" Taotie says: "You SAY that like nobody has EVER said something that YOU'VE agreed with EVER before!" Tigress says: "Well, it certainly doesn't happen enough for MY taste; THAT'S for sure!" Norbert says: "Look, can we cut it with the bleacher chatter? We've got a show to get on the road, metaphorically speaking!" Chameleon says: "Thank you! And I just want to say, that learning about all the different legends that this show has presented us, has been a really enriching experience!" Dudley says: "I'll say! What other show do YOU know can run the gamut from the Promethius Torch, to the Lucky Pocket Watch of Henry Ford?! I'll bet the list is PRETTY small, that's for sure!" Eliza says: "Just like HOW important Kaput REALLY is to Nickelodeon; pretty SMALL!!!!" Kaput says: "Just wait until Season 6! Zosky will help me win THAT one for sure!" Monster says: "Even I think that's highly unlikely!" Norbert says: "Agreed! Now, out of the three finalists; who would you most like to see win?" Chameleon says: "Probably Spongebob. He's probably only SECOND in shape-shifting skills compared to me!" Dudley says: "Tough call. I'd have to go with Yakkity. He's palying for his Grandma, and he's a really nice guy!" Tigress says: "A FAR more acceptable choice for a winner, THAT'S for sure!" Fee sarcastically says: "Like YOU'RE the best choice to decide what IS and isn't acceptable in this world?!" Tigress angrily asks: "Would you CARE to say that CLOSER to my FACE?!" Harvey seriously says: "We'll PASS, 'MASTER' Tigress!" Larry says: "I'm not sure WHY he used air quotes like that, and I'm not sure I WANT to know!" (Confessional) Harvey says: "At this point, the only thing I'd HONESTLY be willing to call Tigress a Master of, is being the Master of Misplaced Outrage! SERIOUSLY, there are FAR worse things she could be upset about than WHO actually wins this half-season, of this show!" / Tigress says: "I think Yakkity and Marlene know BETTER than to 'Let' Spongebob win! They BETTER know BETTER!!!!" (End Confessional) Eliza says: "Before they take a seat, Chameleon and Dudley have asked Captain Retro and The Real Breadwinners to sing Jefferson Starship's With Your Love, set to a montage of their most romantic moments! Care to take them up on that offer?" Captain Retro perks up, and he says: "Absolutely! Anything for a Jefferson Starship song!" / The studio lights dim, a spotlight appears on Captain Retro and The Real Breadwinners, as a montage of Chameleon and Dudley's best and most romantic moments during the course of this half-season, plays in the background during the song. / Captain Retro (and The Real Breadwinners) sing: "Don't know what's happened to me since I met you. Feel like I'm falling in love since I met you. I got to know what you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, baby. It feels so good, whatever it is. Knew from the start it had to be you. You got my heart. I don't know what I'm gonna do with your love. Heaven sent a sign that sent you. I'm going out of my mind since I met you. I got to know what you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, baby. It feels so good, whatever it is. Whatever it is and whatever it's called, I know that it's you. I can't help gettin' involved with your love. With your love. With your love. With your love. Whatever you did to me; well, you sure did it good. My heart's filled with loving, and I knew that it would; with your love. Don't know what's happened to me since I met you. I feel like I'm falling in love since I met you. I got to know what you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, doing to me with your love. (With your love). What you doing, baby; It feels so good, whatever it is. Knew from the start, it had to be you. You got my heart, I don't know what I'm gonna do with your love. Baby, sweet baby." / And the song ends as the audience loudly applauds, the studio lights come back on, and Chameleon and Dudley take a bow. Norbert says: "Thank you both for the great montage, and thanks to Captain Retro and The Real Breadwinners for a great song! Dudley and Chameleon, you may both take a seat!" And they both take a seat together close to Keswick! Tigress says: "Now THAT is TOTALLY unfair! THEY get a great LOVE song, and I get...WHATEVER 'Ride The Tiger' is SUPPOSED to be about!" Treeflower says: "Come on! Judging by the way you and PO have constantly lived life together; I thought THAT song would've BEST described YOUR love life together!" Bulma says: "BURN!!!! And I don't just say THAT about anything!" Zarbon says: "I highly DOUBT you would if Captain Retro weren't here, to keep an EYE on Tigress!" Tigress says: "The MINUTE I'm no longer pregnant; WATCH out, Bulma!" Bulma says: "You'd have to get past VEGETA, FIRST! And good luck TRYING!!!!" Eliza says: "In any case, it's time to introduce our NEXT former contestant!" Norbert says: "He can't stay here for long, because he's got to go back to helping Marlene in the final two challenges; but he's a champion eater, a champion gamer, and has CONSUMED more pickles than he would care to admit, give it up for Bubble Bass!" And Bubble Bass floats in on his bubbles, and lightly sets himself down on the couch! Blonda looks at Tigress, and Blonda asks: "What? No snarky comments about HIM?" Tigress scoffs, and she says: "As if! Bubble Bass learned EVERYTHING he needed to KNOW about becoming a CHAMP thanks to ME! The likelihood that HE could've won without MY valuable skills and advice, is practically...NON-EXISTENT!!!!" Larry angrily says: "You know something, Tigress? You would've been NOTHING without Bubble Bass in the last half-season!" Tigress' face SOMEHOW scowls even more, and she angrily asks: "WHAT do you MEAN by THAT?!!!" Larry asks: "Who came up with ALL the good ideas in the last half-season? Bubble Bass! Who did all the degrading and important work? Bubble Bass!" Tigress asks: "Do you WANT to start something? Because I WILL end it! How FAST I end it, depends entirely on YOU! I CAN make it quick, but if you MAKE me end it SLOWLY...well, I can't guarantee YOU'LL enjoy it the way I will!" Bubble Bass says: "You know; THAT was your BIGGEST problem in the last half-season? Always ASSUMING that you could solve ANYTHING with your fists if you JUST hit it HARD enough? But just remember; Po MIGHT be backstage, and if he HEARS any of what YOU have been saying; even I highly doubt he would WANT to stick around with YOU!!!!" Tigress says: "I am CARRYING four of his FUTURE children! Of COURSE he's going to support WHATEVER I decide to do, if for no other reason that he doesn't WANT them to grow up to have the same GOD Forsaken AWFUL child-hood that I did!" Bubble Bass says: "And THAT'S what EVERYTHING about you BOILS down to! You're STILL bitter that neither your dad or Master Shifu EVER let you do anything a normal, happy child usually gets to do; and because you could NEVER bring yourself to attack your dad or Master Shifu, you decide the next best thing is to become EXACTLY like your father was, and take it out on your children who HAVEN'T done anything to you! That's REALLY getting REVENGE against your father, Tigress!" Tigress, for ONCE in her life, looks absolutely stunned and SPEECHLESS, as if someone FINALLY identified the BIGGEST flaw in her life SO concisely, even SHE couldn't possibly IGNORE it! She sits down, and she sputters: "How could HE know the baggage I carry?! He's FRIENDS with SPONGEBOB LOSERPANTS!!!!" Bubble Bass says: "That's your OTHER flaw! You see Spongebob as the WEAK child YOU used to be, and you think that if you can JUST beat him up so UTTERLY and completely, you'll FINALLY beat your father, and win the love he's NEVER given to you before when; SPOILER ALERT, if your father REALLY loved you, than you wouldn't NEED to beat up a sponge who poses NO threat to you whatsoever, and he would accept you without the NEED for you to win ANYTHING!" Tigress says: "Well, it doesn't matter if you ARE right about that; because you KNOW as well as I do, that Spongebob could NEVER win against the likes of Marlene and Yakkity! Those ODDS are insurmountable even for HIS so-called skills! His dumb luck WILL run out before too long; just WATCH me turn out right!" Squidward asks: "Do you think you're ALWAYS right about EVERYTHING?!" Tigress pulls out a BIG jar of coins, with a digital coin counter on it, and she says: "According to THIS jar, I am!" Pearl reads it, and she says: "Time's Tigress has been right: 46,392,817,645,327,164 times. Time's ANYBODY else has EVER been right BESIDES Tigress: 4 times." Wally says: "I'm surprised she even COUNTED 4! Where did THOSE come from?" Tigress says: "Three from Po, for his movies. And ONE from Bubble Bass just a little while ago!" Bubble Bass says: "And I'm PROUD of it, to!" Eliza says: "Well, I hope you're HAPPY Tigress! You just ate up ALL of the time we were GOING to use to interview Bubble Bass!" Tigress sarcastically says: "Oh, we wouldn't want to make Spongebob LOSERPANTS SAD, now WOULD we?!" Zarbon says: "Hey! Cut it out, or I SWEAR to Porrunga, I'll HIT you! Children, or NO children! You're WORSE than Freeza! You're...EVIL!!!!" Tigress boldly says: "Oh, YEAH?!!! Well, if I'm SO evil; why doesn't somebody try to STRIKE me with--!" And Zarbon ZAPS her with a lightning bolt, but she just STANDS still, as though she is COMPLETELY unaffected by the attack attempt! Tigress says: "Nice TRY, Zarbon, you JERK!!!! Next time, TRY bringing your A game!!!!" Zarbon gets an Anime sweat drop, and he says: "That...WAS my A game!" Bubble Bass says: "Enjoy yourself while you CAN, Tigress! It's later than you think! Oh, and by the way; even though I'm helping Marlene to win, I feel PRETTY confidant that Spongebob is going to prove you SO wrong; the IRONY of it will be JUST sickening to you!" Tigress scoffs, and she says: "PLEASE!!!! I would LITERALLY KILL one of my OWN nine lives before I ever let Spongebob LOSERPANTS ever win something that SHOULD be rightfully MINE!" Captain Retro says: "Watch your MOUTH, Tigress! It didn't do Bulma any favors in season three, and it WON'T help you here! If you continue down the path you're currently on, you WILL do it alone; and I mean ALONE!!!!" Tigress says: "Like I'd EVER NEED anybody ELSE'S help to win!" Captain Retro says: "That day may be coming, a LOT sooner than you think! And it will be to NOBODY'S surprise except YOU, that NO help will be given to you; when you FINALLY, inevitably need it!" Tigress says: "I don't NEED to be like Marlene and listen to YOUR predictions! Nothing, not even FATE controls me! I ALWAYS make MY own destiny!" Captain Retro nods his head sadly, and he says: "That's PRECISELY what I'm afraid of!" Bubble Bass says: "Well, I'd love to stay and watch the inevitable fall-out of Tigress' RASH decisions, but Marlene needs me! Good luck with the REST of your show!" And Bubble Bass floats out on his bubbles! Norbert shouts out: "Thank you! And on that note, it's time to reveal something that will make even Tigress' fur stand on in; PO has been BACKSTAGE, listening to your ENTIRE conversation this WHOLE time, and has heard EVERY single WORD of IT!!!!" Tigress yells: "LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!! If Po WAS here, I would be the FIRST to KNOW about it!" Blonda smugly says: "Oh, you WOULD, would you? While I may NOT be able to live forever anymore, or even be able to have someone wish it for me; I can STILL use my magic for OTHER purposes! And I've USED my magic wand to MASK Po's presence in this building, EVEN from YOU!!!!" Tigress angrily yells: "LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!! No amount of MAGIC can stop MY skills! I PROVED that THREE times OVER in the Temple Run challenges!" Blonda says: "I knew FULL well that you'd CALL the Temple Run 'RIGGED' if you didn't NEARLY instantly win it EVERY single time you competed, so I purposely held BACK the defenses of the Temple's integrity every single TIME you ran, increasing it ONLY ever so slightly, so you WOULDN'T get suspicious! But know this, my magic could've STOPPED you any time I WANTED it to; I only DIDN'T because I KNEW your own POOR decision making would be far WORSE of a punishment than ANY magic I could've concocted!" Tigress angrily yells: "LIAR!!!! LIAR!!!! LI--!!!!" Po angrily yells: "TIGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tigress' eye irises shrink down in horror, and all she can do is scream: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Daggett says: "SHEESH! And I thought TREEFLOWER could scream!" Tigress nervously says: "H...hi, Po! What an...unexpected...surprise!!!!" Po angrily says: "Blonda TOLD me she'd be keeping MY presence a SECRET from you so I could HEAR your unfiltered thoughts, but I NEVER would've expected that you'd have such an AWFUL opinion about Spongebob! What did HE ever DO to you?!" Tigress sputters, and she says: "He EXISTS!!!! He's the ENEMY!!!! I HAVE to BEAT HIM or FATHER will NEVER give me my--!" Po yells: "NO!!!! You CANNOT keep using YOUR father as a crutch to keep WEASELING your way out of your own HORRIBLE opinions about others! Master Shifu taught you BETTER than that! The examples of Master Crane, Master Monkey, Master Mantis, and even Master Viper taught you better than that! I thought that you would've learned to be BETTER than this by BEING with me, and THIS is the kind of stuff you honestly SAY about others BEHIND my BACK?!!!" Tigress says: "Those THOUGHTS were supposed to be PRIVATE!!!! You were NEVER supposed to KNOW about them!" Taotie says: "But YOU sure felt comfortable enough sharing them with the entire UNIVERSE that WASN'T Po, even ME!!!! And I thought I was supposed to be your sworn enemy!" Po angrily says: "Taotie is actually RIGHT, as shocking as it is for ME to admit! I would THINK that given the circumstances, I have been EXTREMELY patient and FORGIVING of your attitude up until now! But what you SAID about Spongebob, who has done NOTHING to you; is BEYOND the pale!" Tigress nervously says: "You can't POSSIBLY leave me, not now; not when WE have our WHOLE future ahead of us!" Larry suspiciously says: "Oh, so NOW it's 'WE' and not 'YOU'! Where was THAT when you were so SMUG and SECURE about yourself?!" Po angrily says: "Look, there are at least a MILLION other ladies in China who wanted ME; a million other ladies who would've THROWN themselves on the ground, and kiss my feet, as gross as THAT would be! But I denied EVERY single one of them, because YOU were the lady I most wanted to BE with! You might very well BE the strongest, fastest, and TOUGHEST female in the entire world; and while I would NEVER say you LOOKED like it on the OUTSIDE, but on the INSIDE; for what it's worth, I have NEVER seen ANY woman UGLIER than YOU are on the inside right NOW!!!!" Tigress actually starts crying, and Po says: "You're LUCKY that Master Shifu taught ME so well! Many OTHER men in MY position; THEY'D--NO! Don't EVEN let ME go there, Tigress! I don't EVEN want to THINK about THAT!" Tigress cries, and she says: "What would YOU have me do?! Completely deny who I AM?! I've had to LIVE with myself and the way I behaved all my life! You can't HONESTLY think that I can just DROP it all, just like THAT; do you?!" Po sighs, and he says: "Of course not! But it's high time you STARTED! You are SUPPOSED to be Master Tigress! You're supposed to be able to handle ANYTHING! And I've NEVER known you to turn your back on a challenge; and I don't think you wanna start! Not now, not when you're SO close to having the life you've always wanted! Come on, Tigress! I can give you ONE more chance to PROVE yourself, but you HAVE to promise to LET whatever FEELINGS you have about Spongebob, your childhood, or your father go! You HAVE to start taking responsibility for your OWN decisions! I WANT to be a part of YOUR life, and I KNOW you want ME to be a part of YOUR life to! BUT; I'm only willing to do so if YOU can make an HONEST attempt to change and BE better than you have been! And I can only do that, if you HONESTLY mean it!" Tigress wipes away her tears, and she says: "Okay. I promise on behalf of our children!" Po says: "Don't say it on behalf of ANYONE! You SHOULD be able to promise on behalf of yourself!" Tigress' face blanches, and she calmly says: "Excuse me." She walks over to Taotie, whispers something in his left ear, and he screams: "OH MY GOD!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS DIRTY, STINKING ROTTEN, LOW DOWN, NO GOOD, BLIFFER BATTEN, TERRA MACKEN, COUGHA PLASTA, CLIPPER CLATTEN, HEFFER HATTEN, MERRA RACKEN, GLIPPER GOW, CRAIG McCRACKEN, NO-GOOD MACHIAVELLIAN THING!!!!" And the entire audience loudly "OOH'S" at that statement!" Taotie says: "Don't 'Ooh', at me! That's what Tigress WANTED me to say, since SHE didn't want to say it!" Tigress groans, and she says: "I...needed to get THAT out of my system." Po sighs, and he says: "Well, at LEAST it's progress! So, do you promise to do better?" Tigress sighs, and she says: "I promise." (Confessional) Tigress groans, and she miserably says: "I'm DOOMED!!!! If Spongebob ACTUALLY wins, I'll LOSE!!!! If I over-react IF Spongebob wins, I'm DOOMED!!!! If Po LEAVES me, I'm DOOMED!!!! I call that a LOSE-LOSE-LOSE situation! And worst of all; I was SO desperate to not have Po be disappointed in ME, I PROMISED to behave myself! If I break that promise NOW...it would be the END for us!" / Po sighs, and makes a praying position: "Please, Master Oogway! PLEASE give Tigress the strength she needs to keep her promise!" (End Confessional) Eliza looks at her watch, and she says: "I'm dreadfully sorry Po, but I'm afraid you've used up all the time you COULD'VE had for talking!" Po says: "Don't worry about me, it's TIGRESS who needs the help; now, more than ever!" Tigress groans, and she says: "Right! I have to adjust the 'Times Anybody ELSE was right' to SIX for starters!" Norbert says: "But just out of curiosity, who DO you want to win; Po?" Po says: "Well, to AVOID any freak-outs, I'll play it on the safe side, and I want Yakkity to win!" Tigress sighs in relief, and she says: "Thank you. I NEEDED to hear that!" Po says: "You're NOT out of this yet, not by a LONG shot!" Tigress groans, and she says: "I know! This is going to be a TRILLION times worse than having to endure Tai Lung's attacks!" Taotie says: "Come on! Even with FOUR other Masters to help you fight him?" Tigress says: "ESPECIALLY even with four other Masters to help me fight him!" Eliza says: "However, we got one last surprise for you. To play us out on a montage of everything the contestants, both eliminated and remaining have been through, Captain Retro and The Real Breadwinners will perform Jefferson Starship's hit song, Count On Me! Are you ready?" Captain Retro says: "Practically born that way!" Norbert says: "Than sing it, like you mean it! Let's end this episode on a HIGH note!" / The studio lights once again dim, a spotlight appears on Captain Retro and The Real Breadwinners, as a montage of the highlights all of the contestants in this half-season have been through, play in the background while they sing. / Captain Retro (and The Real Breadwinners) sing: "Precious love, I'll give it to you. Blue as the sky and deep in the eyes of a love so true. Beautiful face, you make me feel light on the stairs and lost in the air of a love so real. You can count on me! Count on my love! Count on me! Count on my love to see you through. Emerald eyes and China perfume caught on the wheel and lost in the feel of a love so soon. Ruby lips, you make my song into the night; and saved by the light of a love so strong. You can count on me! Count on my love! Count on me! Count on my love to see you through! (Instrumental Break) Woo, hoo, hoo, hoo! You can count on me, girl! (Count on me)! You can count on my love! (Count on my love)! Precious love, I'll give it to you. Blue as the sky and deep in the eyes of a love so true. Beautiful face, you make me feel light on the stairs and lost in the air of a love so real! You can count on me! Count on my love! Count on me! Count on my love! Count on me! Count on my love! Count on me! Count on my love!" / And the song fades out as the audience loudly applauds and the studio lights come back on! Eliza says: "Well, this wasn't the Performance Review we envisioned, but it was certainly interesting!" Norbert says: "Please stay tuned for the final two episodes of Total Cartoon Legends, the next time we come back!" Captain Retro says: "And we WILL be back!" / Episode Notes: Songs performed in this episode include "We Didn't Start The Fire, Part II" (based on the tune originally written by Billy Joel, with new lyrics written by Jason Cantu, AKA yours truly) as performed by Captain Retro and The Real Breadwinners; what was originally Jefferson Starship's "With Your Love" and "Count On Me", as performed by Captain Retro and The Real Breadwinners. Tigress is FINALLY given the ultimatum to either shape up and start ACTING like the force of good she is SUPPOSED to be, or Po will LEAVE her for good; which she promises to be, because she was SO desperate to NOT lose him! Eliminated Contestants: 46. Kowalski. 45. Private. 44. Kaput. 43. Johnny Krill. 42. Haggis McHaggis. 41. Monster Krumholtz. 40. Aang. 39. Verminious J. Snaptrap. 38. Darwin. 37. Heffer Wolfe. 36. Judy Funny. 35. Sway-Sway. 34. Invader Zim. 33. Gonard. 32. Blonda. 31. Squidward Tentacles. 30. Dora the Explorer. 29. Tigress. 28. Otto Rocket. 27. Dog. 26. Zarbon. 25. Super Chum. 24. Kitty Katswell. 23. Jenny Wakeman. 22. Treeflower Fields. 21. Gerald. 20. Fee. 19. Harvey Beaks. 18. Daggett Beaver. 17. Pearl Krabs Barracuda. 16. Bulma Briefs. 15. Keswick. 14. Taotie. 13. Stimpy J. Cat. 12. Sandy Cheeks. 11. Larry The Lobster. 10. Wally. 9. Future Adult Rube Goldfish. 8. Chameleon. 7. Bubble Bass. 6. Po. 5. Dudley Puppy. 4. Buhdeuce. The Final Three: Spongebob Squarepants ("Spongebob Squarepants"). Marlene Otter ("The Penguins Of Madagascar"). Yakkity Yak, ("Yakkity Yak"). / Personal Notes: Sometimes, the reason why I have a hard time writing new episodes, is because I don't have the idea of how to finish it. Here, it was because I was in a deep funk because of the untimely passing, of Jason David Frank. I felt that the only real way I could write this episode, is by acknowledging it in universe. Yes, it's happened; and we can't go back and change it even if we wanted to. Maybe I didn't need to write it that way, but I know that by being honest about it; I feel more at ease continuing on with this series. It remains to be seen whether or not Tigress will be able to keep her promise. It all winds down to who will come out on top in the final two challenges! I hope you enjoyed reading this episode as much as I did writing it! Enough said, true believers!
  23. Just pick something random for me to shoot at!
  24. He's playing a beat to inspire his favorite sea horse!
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