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101 Dalmatian Street

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Status Updates posted by 101 Dalmatian Street

  1. I believe in the Boogeyman.

  2. I don't believe in the Boogeyman.

  3. I feel really bad for Lindsay Ellis right now.

  4. I mean, what, did someone just smash Darren and Marvin together and think that's a clever name? Well, it's not! It's a stupid name! Darvin is the world's stupidest name!

  5. I now have a complete Top 10 list for my best animations of 2015. Except it to come by tomorrow. (according to my timezone)

  6. I say this as a very loyal Muse fan - this sucks:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      God when I first heard this song on my Spotify, I angrily got made for how loud it was in its mixing. Its also shit I agree lmao, and I've been able to tolerate and even like muse past 2009.

    3. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      *mad but you know what I mean lol

    4. 101 Dalmatian Street

      101 Dalmatian Street

      the will of the people the weirder the people the wilma the people the will of the peep hole oh my god please stop muse, you're so much better than this.

  7. I think Coolsville sucks!

  8. I visited Home Depot today, had a case of hiccups and also drank Dr. Pepper

    1. Shark Tale

      Shark Tale

      Oh no! I got the Hiccups! I am not joking. I just went to Home Depot and started getting the Hiccups. But i got a Dr.Pepper from there. So the Dr.Pepper is helping my Hiccups go away, a little. Anyways, I am almost at Level 10! I will try to review as much stuff as i can.

    2. Dragonball Z

      Dragonball Z

      Home Depot isn't exactly the place I would think of to buy Dr. Pepper. I've done it at least once, but I've never gotten hiccups prior to going there.

    3. President Squidward

      President Squidward

      i remember in 2015 i was poor so my family had a leftover thing from an appliance thing we did at home depot and we got like $200 put into a gift card, so we bought drinks and snacks there just to get out of our broken air conditioned house and have a bite.

  9. I'm just going to say it: I miss when genwunners were the greatest focus of Pokemon fandom-related discourse.

    1. Shark Tale

      Shark Tale

      garbage bag pokemon childhood ruined

  10. Internet articles: Why couldn't Aang just kill Ozai? The Fire Lord literally killed his entire race and therefore Aang should have every reason to kill him even if he's against the idea of it. Just taking away his bending wouldn't make much of a better difference anyway.

    Also internet articles: Why would they let Superman kill Zod!!!??? Sure, he was pressured to because Zod was about to kill a group of innocent civilians, but Superman doesn't kill! Man of Steel ruined his character!

    1. Shark Tale

      Shark Tale


    2. 101 Dalmatian Street

      101 Dalmatian Street

      hello i'm the nostalgia critic and i hate man of steel, so here's a 70-minute long review explaining that, while I've brought someone who likes the movie on board so i can make my opinions look stronger in comparison.

  11. It's that time of year again

    1. Danny DeVito

      Danny DeVito


    2. The Crow
  12. Just to give a little musing towards the worst hit songs lists, I'm surprised at the lack of "Cold" in not only the worst lists but also on the dishonorable mentions so far as I've seen from music critics on YouTube yet I've seen "Don't Wanna Know" appearing often on them and "What Lovers Do" twice on the lists collectively. IMO, "Cold" is one of few M5 songs where Adam Levine is at his worst.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wumbo


      why are music critics putting out these lists now

      like jumping the gun much

    3. 101 Dalmatian Street

      101 Dalmatian Street

      The music critics that have started early are not like Spectrum Pulse who wait until the official year-end list is published and/or lay down ground rules for their countdowns. In addition, some of them started forming their lists based on the projected year-end list from the Pulse Music forums. Besides, even if they're kinda sorta jumping the gun, they're still doing it during list season.

    4. Wumbo


      to rush videos out like this not only before the year is properly over but before the year-end summary is even out smacks of simply wanting to be first to me

  13. Like and share this status if you are 420 (adult who still watches cartoons) and proud of it. 

  14. Little Bobby, and little Susie, have hung their stockings with care. Mom and Dad are out looking for Tickle-Me-Elmo ’til five a.m., and all of a sudden, Bobby looks up and he says, “Hey! Who is this Jesus?” Meanwhile, Kris Kringle is drinking Coke, the reindeer are playing Nintendo, the elves are wearing Nike!-

  15. Lovely golf weather today.

  16. Man, Splinter didn't have to go that hard on the national anthem.

  17. Me: Finish one of your one-shot stories and your The Wall riffs.
    Also me: Gets sidetracked by a convo on Discord about DaBaby.

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      me, except with my superhero stories.

  18. My dad used to tell me I was lazy. I got dance moves like Patrick Swayze. I'm the left over turkey for the world's mayonnaisey.

  19. my youtube recommended videos sidebar right now:

    -Mulan 2020 sucked
    -Mulan 2020 sucked
    -Mulan 2020 sucked
    -Mulan 2020 sucked

  20. Nothing hurts me right now than to see that a Pokemon fangame that I've been anticipating to see completed has been killed off by Nintendo's lawyers. I can definitely understand why it had to happen, but still, those 8 years of development, man. R.I.P. Pokemon Prism.

    1. Rebel the Wolfgirl
    2. crushingmayhem


      Would've been a great game but oh well.

  21. Oh Meg, I haven't seen you smile like this in a long time. Probably not since you were in that music video.

  22. Oh, you're not getting into Heaven in those, honey, no. I'm sorry. I died for your sins, but those pumps are unforgivable!

  23. Okay, so the court session that's going to be next week isn't actually too seriously like we thought it could be. But yeah, nothing else is different. Still have that thing next week along with the fact that I have the entire Thanksgiving week off.

  24. Owl House is the Dark Souls of Disney animated shows. Owl House is like Kiki's Delivery Service fused with Beetlejuice with a hint of Little Witch Academia along with a few touches of Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, and Jupiter Ascending, on top of being an animated fantasy that is one part Adventure Time, two parts Gravity Falls, three parts Logan meets Shrek, five parts Steven Universe, equal parts Star Vs. the Forces of Evil, and as well as Hell's Kitchen, Seinfeld, Grand Theft Auto, and Blair Witch Project in spades, and not to mention the similarities to The Looney Tunes Show in a castle far far away where no one can hear you Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels.

    1. 101 Dalmatian Street

      101 Dalmatian Street

      Suppose I could've also just said "kimba simba hmmm suspicious" and called it a day

    2. HawkbitAlpha
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