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The Adventures of No Name

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S2E37(17): Extinct X-ing/That Darn Leech

An organization has come. The manager has desire to catch every jellyfish in Jellyfish Fields to conduct a big jar of jellyfish jelly after all the hunters are on vacation. The company arrives at Jellyfish Fields. No Name suspects bad things to happen when they arrive. So then, half of the field gets captured by them. No Name expects this day to come: no turning back. Then the other half gets captured by the company. All expect No Name, Angler, Twelvie, Brain, and apparently, Kathy. Kathy leaves the scene telling No Name she has a plan. Twelvie and Angler are called for a distraction. Twelvie and Angler goof and make fun of the company and their warrants and stuff, they run to No Name, and No Name was almost found. But Twelvie and Angler were caught. Brain has more things coming up in his mind, he suggests No Name to hide in another spot where the crooks cannot seek. Brain stalls the company by making a blockade of rocks that he pushed to the side, and with a cannon, he threw rocks at them. Brain then ran until they caught him. Now that No Name is alone, he thinks all he can do is pray. Then Kathy came to the rescue from a vine and took No Name as they quickly escape from them. Kathy tells No Name to run, not sure, he did so. Kathy plots another distraction, and becomes chased while carrying a pile of rope. Then Kathy turns a different direction and the company spots No Name. No Name is captured until Kathy tied up the gang, the entire gang. Jellyfish Fields was given gratitude, but not too easily. The company is now forced to advertise.

A Leech wanders around Jellyfish Fields which is somewhat set up by Lynous. It was originally set to stick to No Name, but instead, it was Angler. Most of the jellyfish notice AnglerÔÇÖs lack of activity and intelligence, which are being fed to the parasite. The retrieval then later becomes complete and Angler is nearly mindless. The leech is alive and no push over this time. The leech almost seeks No Name, but unfortunately, No Name is leeched. Now the leech as the brains of Name and Angler, then the leech seeks a bigger one: Brain. After he was taken care of, the leech was nearly unstoppable. Twelvie and Kathy try and figure out a plan. They hide in a bush of kelp and Kathy lunges over holding on to the leech. Twelvie then runs and grabs the victims and makes the leech re-gain Angler, No Name, and BrainÔÇÖs status.

Steel Sponge Productions

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Okay guys, this is the finale you guys definately deserve!:

S2E18(38): No Name Rides a Bike/The End

No Name Rides a Bike: Exactly.

The End: Un jour dans des domaines de m?®duses, il y a un temps o?? la plupart des h?®ros vont ?á leur chute. Une m?®duse descend tragiquement. Trois amis connus sous le nom d'aucun nom, p?¬cheur ?á la ligne, et Twelvie ne d?®tendaient dans leur habitat, jusqu'?á ce que Kevin frappe encore, et capturent le trio. Kevin les met alors dans le secteur 84, o?? aucun animal de compagnie ne peut s'?®chapper. Le cerveau a ?®t?® averti ?á ce sujet, et va au secteur 84 obtenir la clef. La s?®curit?® ?®lev?®e a malheureusement fait capturer Kevin le cerveau aussi bien. Kevin laisse le p?¬cheur ?á la ligne aller, mais laver seulement son esprit loin de n'importe quoi faire avec ses amis. Le p?¬cheur ?á la ligne erre des m?®duses que les champs sans s'inqui?¿te de ses amis. Kevin laisse le cerveau dispara?«tre, mais cette fois, il ?®change le secteur de prison pour lui. Il n'a eu personne ou n'importe quoi mais le cerveau. Kevin loue des gardes pour son secteur de captivation pendant qu'il va au loin atteindre son but pour assurer des champs de m?®duses. Le cerveau s'est av?®r?® dormir dans son captivation, il ?®tait par la suite mort. Le p?¬cheur ?á la ligne se sent seul et fonctionne dans Thirteeny, ?®tant convaincu de l'appeler au loin avec Twelvie. Aucun nom et Twelvie ne demeurent en leurs cellules. Les gardes laissent Twelvie vont, pendant qu'elle semble choqu?®e pour voir le nouveau p?¬cheur ?á la ligne, avec Thirteeny. Twelvie est au loin assorti ?á la tristesse, pour ne ?¬tre revu jamais. Aucun nom ne demeure, mais des crochets une infection, causant sa chute malheureuse comme protecteur des champs de m?®duses. La moiti?® de la m?®moire du p?¬cheur ?á la ligne a ?®t?® r?®g?®n?®r?®e quand il a not?® que Kevin a atteint son but. Kevin exige un sacrifice, et appelle le p?¬cheur ?á la ligne, causant sa mort dans une pile de formation de soufflures de sort malheureux. Kevin ?®tait le nouveau chef des champs de m?®duses. Par la suite, la population commen?ºant l'augmentation, mais Kevin ?®tait encore heureux.

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