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I think I missed this fad


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Have you ever heard of Cool World?


Before now? No. I just watched a trailer for it and it looks pretty meh. The plot seems really intriguing, but the animation is really sub-par. The colors for the cartoons are too vibrant and the lighting doesn't even match up.

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Its a hilariously bad mess whenever they cartoons try to interact with the humans it looks awful? Its pretty much who framed roger rabbit for stoners?

Yeah. Brad Pitt's character pulling out his badge was especially terrible.

Speaking of which, I can't believe they were able to rope the up-and-coming Brad Pitt into this.

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I think it might've been one the Pittmans first movies?


His third, according to Imdb. He was in Thelma & Louise (which is apparently really good) and Johnny Suede (which is apparently eh) before this, and those were both released in 1991. I thought he was always on the public eye, but it looks like he didn't start making consistently good movies until Se7en.

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Your thoughts on rotoscoping?


I like it depending on how it's used. If you just use it to trace something and you aren't working for Disney in the 1930s then it's probably a bad use of rotoscoping. Making movies like Who Framed Roger Rabbit? are the better examples of how it's used effectively.

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What caused you to shave your beard?

Hey, there's a story here!

Backstory: After college ended, I went to this party my friend was having. There was this girl there that I fell for really hard. I was a year older than her, but she was in my Pre-Calc class when I was a Senior so I sort of knew her (and we were sort of in the same group of friends, we just never interacted that much). We end up talking a bit, and I get her number and we flirt for a while. Fast forward to last week; I think everything's going totally fine, we technically weren't in a relationship but I knew that it was inevitable so I prematurely called her my girlfriend (and I did a couple times on here too, because I was too lazy to type out "girl I have a crush on"; so if I ever said "girlfriend" within the past couple weeks, this girl is her). I guess she got a little freaked out and a couple days later she tells me that she doesn't want a relationship until college, which is perfectly understandable to me.

Anyway, she really likes scruffy beards. Her and I had interacted a few times prior to the party, and I always thought she was really pretty and I always wanted to get to know her, but she never really let me. My beard seemed to help with that... a lot. My friends and I like to joke that "chicks dig the beard" and that "I never got laid until I had a beard", and, well, it's true. Girls didn't like me or notice me until I had a beard; my first girlfriend met me when I didn't have a beard and she didn't start getting interested in me until I started growing one. Coincidence? I mean, yeah, probably.


So, I took it upon myself to shave. It's a stupid reason, I think, but I just didn't like thinking that girls only like me because of my beard.



Also because:

- I decided I wanted to rock stubble/5 o'clock shadow over the summer and then go back to the beard during the school year

- It was itchy

- Everyone kept asking if they could touch it

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Are you Kid Rock?

How about Violent J?


...Wonder Woman?


Naw mayn. I'm Good Money.


Do you wear glasses/contacts?


BTW that story was beautiful :smirk:


Glasses. I don't think I'll ever go to contacts. There aren't any different styles of contacts and colored/designed ones just seem like they'd be really uncomfortable. I like the "accessory" factor of glasses a lot; from head-to-toe it makes me look more put-together than if I didn't have them (though if I didn't need them I wouldn't wear them).


Also, the thought of having to touch my eyes on a daily basis weirds me out.

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