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Starting Over

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(101 Dalmatian Street fic that I'm cross-posting here from AO3. Considering that I move past my current dry spell, more new chapters will be posted later in April.)


1. Prologue (Originally written on January 17th, 2023)

It was a night that no one could forget. A family of dalmatians was captured by Cruella De Vil, her great-grandnephew, Hunter, and her lackeys. Cruella, who sought after the fur of the dalmatian puppies to make into a coat, with the family’s history of her dating back to the time of their ancestors Pongo and Perdita, returned for the new generation of one hundred and one dalmatians. However, upon realizing the immoral intentions of his great aunt, Hunter turned on her and put a stop to Cruella’s scheme, resulting in the latter being put in her own skinning machine she had intended to murder the pups with before then being subsequently saved by her very enemies.

All these events lead up to the present, with said family of one hundred and one dalmatians was on their bus ride home alongside their corgi neighbor and a group of animals from the canals after they had just faced their darkest hour. Now, it was all over. Cruella and her accomplices were taken to justice, Hunter had shown a change of heart, and the Dalmatian family had all made it through the worst safe and sound. The two parents, Delilah and Doug, couldn’t feel any more thankful for being freed from the clutches of the devilish woman and that they can now rest easy. On the ride back to Dalmatian Street, some of the pups were shooting the breeze (or prattling on about Cruella’s possible return, in Dante’s case), and some were focused on other things. Meanwhile, Dylan, one of two of Delilah and Doug’s oldest kids, did his mandatory head count. “Just in case,” he would always say.

“95…96…97…Clarissa…98…99…100,” Dylan spoke. “Good, looks like everyone is here and safe.”

“I can’t wait to come back home and relax for real,” Dolly, the other oldest sibling, remarked, lounging in her spot on the bus. “I sure hope that wicked lady never comes back for us again.”

“But what if she does?” Dante asked in a frantic tone, lifting his head up from his spot.

“Then we’ll be completely prepared,” Dylan reassured, before coming over to the Canal Crew’s side, saying them, “Hey guys, we should thank you for saving our skins, literally.”

“Aye, you think little ol’ us are heroes?” Fergus the fox questioned. “We may still be vermin on the inside, but you sure have us feeling flattered, D-dog.”

“Yeah, it’s crazy to think who we have to thank for all this,” Dolly added, “The Canal Crew, PC Pearl, Clarissa, and even Hunter, who had been trying to capture us a few times.”

“Oh dog, we should’ve thanked Hunter before we left!” Dylan said. Looking out the window, however, Hunter was already out of their sights. “He saw that crazy lady for what she really was and so he suddenly stood up against her to protect us…”

“Mr. Funnyface said that he spent months stuck inside a crate and his scary aunt never checked on him once,” Dizzy chimed in.

“Yeah, and he also said that he only listened to her because she was the only family he had,” Dee Dee added, “so he must be really sad now after the police took her away even though she didn’t love him back.”

“Then we sure do have a lot of catching up to do,” Dylan said, “but I’m sure he must be doing better now that he doesn’t have that wicked aunt of his to push him around.”

Before the bus would reach its stop, Dylan and Dolly continued to inspect the other dalmatians before eying a sad-looking Dawkins. He had been staring at the sole remains of his beloved Princess Positron doll for most of the ride – the only thing that didn’t survive the dognapping. Dawkins briskly put the lone eye goggle behind his back when he noticed his older siblings coming up to him.

“Hey Dawkins, are you feeling okay?” Dolly asked. “You’ve been looking really sad since we all got out of that cargo ship.”

“Feeling okay, yes, of course I am!” Dawkins responded with a nervous tone. “I’m just having a hard time processing everything that happened that night I almost got made into a fur coat is all. I’m now relieved that the worst is over and everyone made it out alive…well, almost everyone,” the very last sentence he muttered under his breath.

“And where’s Princess Positron? You never leave anywhere without her,” Dylan pointed out.

“Princess Positron is DEAD!” Dante uttered. “She went through the puppy-killing machine and did not survive!”

“Or…I could’ve just left her back home,” Dawkins continued, still lying his way through the conversation. “You know how Dante can be with his outlandish tales.”

“An outlandish tale based on a true story!” Dante restated.

“If you’d all please, I just prefer not to talk right now,” said Dawkins.

Dylan and Dolly, not wanting to question what the other pups saw during the incident, moved on to check on the others and came up to their mum and dad, who were keeping baby Dorothy company.

“Mummuh…dadduh…” Dorothy squeaked, half-asleep. She had spoken her first word before the Dalmatians left the harbor. It came to Doug and Delilah’s surprise that she was already learning a few new words.

“That’s right, Dorothy, you’re safe now,” Delilah cooed, “and so is your mummy and daddy, as well as all your brothers and sisters too.”

“Our spotty-dotty is growing up,” said Doug. “Maybe it won’t be long before she grows her first spots.”

“Oh Doug, I couldn’t stand to watch any of our pups going through that awful machine,” Delilah replied, cuddling her husband with tears in her eyes. “I feel so thankful that nothing terrible has happened to our sweets.”

“I’m so relieved too, Delilah. We have such great kids,” Doug replied.

“It feels so good to know it’s all over,” said Dolly. “Now we have a wonderful home to come back to.”

“Yeah, but the next few days are going to be so stressful,” said Dylan. “Think of all the nightmares that the pups are going to have about the human that tried to kill us.”

“I’m way ahead of you, bro,” Dolly replied. “I know that Cruella is going to give me trouble sleeping for a while.”

“You two just make sure that Cruella’s name and her history with our family is a secret between us for now,” Delilah informed. “The other pups will have to know once they’re old enough.”

“Don’t worry. We’re doing our best to keep that promise,” Dylan responded.

“After all that she’s put our fam through, I didn’t think you’d save her, though,” Dolly said towards the parents.

“As inhumane as she is, we aren’t the kind of dogs to wish the worst to happen to even our greatest enemy,” said Delilah. “I could now only hope she never tries to touch a hair on the heads of our pups ever again.”

“My memory may be fuzzy after me and Delilah got dognapped, but I remember Cruella did leave a big mess back home that we have to take care of,” said Doug.

Minutes later, the bus made its stop at Dalmatian Street, with everyone dropping themselves off before it departed.

Clarissa the corgi was about to step back inside her own abode before the sound of Dylan offering his gratitude made her turn her head towards the Dalmatians. “Clarissa, I just wanted to let you know that we owe you thanks for helping us out back there.”

“Is that all?” Clarissa responded. “Well, we are neighbors after all, but that doesn’t mean that one has to be nice to you now just because one felt the need to do the good deed of trying to stop some nasty human who treats animals so horribly. Now that things are normal again, you’re all still ruff-raff to me.” She turned back and entered her home, not before calling out, “Oh Hugo, one hopes that you have fixed the running water while I was gone.”

“Wow, even at a time like this, Clarissa still doesn’t like us,” Dolly remarked.

“She did help us, so that’s a start, at least,” Dylan reassured.

The Dalmatians opened the door to their own home in 101 Dalmatian Street and were greeted with a home that was still a wreck from Cruella’s invasion.

“Bow-whacka-wow! Home sweet…ohhhh,” said Dolly.

The incident was so traumatizing that the Dalmatians suddenly forgot that their home was still in bad shape. Looking at the lights overhead, they could see that the power was restored and presumed that some handyman had fixed it upon noticing the crime scene while they were away.

“The plot thickens!” Dante uttered.

“Chill out, Dante,” Dolly responded. “Everything’s going to be fine now, so you don’t have to keep worrying about her.”

“We’ve got some cleaning to do,” said Dylan, “and maybe some fixing too.”

“Wait, if our home is still like this, then that means…” Deepak spoke, making a sudden realization, “Constantin!” He finished before rushing over to 99 Dalmatian Street, where the cat lived and was presumably still caged from when Cruella took siege.

“It’s going to be a long time before everything is normal for us again, but I know we’ll get through it,” said Doug.

“That’s right. Just in case though, I should do another head count…” said Dylan. Dolly groaned in response.

Dawkins was shown to be hiding under the stairs whilst Dylan counted the pups. Other than Princess Positron’s eye goggle, what appeared beside Dawkins was a self-made replica of him. He laid the lifeless duplicate in front of the hall before sneaking his way towards the basement.

“…93, 94, 95, 96, and…97,” Dylan counted. “Everyone is still here. All right, we’ve got a lot to do today. The whole places needs to be cleaned up, any trace left by that evil lady needs to be removed, kibble needs to be restocked, some of the pups need to be calmed DOOOOOOWNNNNNNN!-“

Before Dylan could continue, he fell into the tunnel to the park Diesel had dug up the night of the invasion without noticing it.

“…And this hole needs to be buried,” Dylan finished before climbing back up inside the kitchen. “Of course, there’s the hot air and running water situation, but other than those things, it looks like I’ve got everything planned for today’s agenda.”

While Dylan got to work and some of the pups focused on their own matters, Dizzy and Dee Dee couldn’t help but notice the sounds of Dawkins crying over the loss of his beloved space princess coming from the basement downstairs whilst exchanging their confusion over the presence of the decoy that just stood idly in the hallway.

Later that day, somewhere in the city streets of Camden, a group of onlookers saw TV displays showing a news broadcast of Cruella’s arrest, alongside the known details of the crime. Standing out like a face in the middle of crowd, witnessing the broadcast was Hunter, catching the attention of none of the onlookers as he watched the screen without uttering a word.

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