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On 5/26/2017 at 7:38 PM, Umbra said:

Season 12 Episode 47

(Season 3 Part 18)

The Slam Lords


As bbbb looked into the sunlight, a spark lit in his eye


"I now know my true meaning" bbbb exclaimed!

"UNDERPANTS SLAM IT AIN'T JUST SPAM" bbbb sung menacingly to a crowd of guys in underwear. "HAIL SLAM LORD BBBB HAIL SLAM LORD BBBB". "Fuck", Cookie exclaimed. "Uh, Mak do we really need this shit". As Cookie wonders what the meaning of life is he realizes "We're all just noobs who have some kind of impossible want". OBAB just went up and walked into the place , maybe he got back from his anime vacation??? "Honey I'm Home!!!!" *clap track*. "How was the vacation?" Mak asks in a snarky tone. OBAB answers "Dude Japaan sucks. Not going there again".

The Trees. A tree is like some symbolic shit, do i really care?  A town is like this thing where people live it needs everyone, even the people who con pearl salesmen you know, that shitty book. "Hey Narrator can you kindly shut the fuck up". Oh I'm sorry I'm just here to announce things that the audience can already see I mean this is a movie right. "It's a book". YES I CAN MAKE MORE SHITTY DESCRIPTIONS. So maybe, just maybe you want a recap of what happened in the last 12 seasons? "Please no". OK THEN LET'S GO. In West Philadelphia born and raised on the playground was where I spent most of my days "Just tell the god damn recap" Who even is this mysterious voice? Well this recap will explain "Thank God"

"When I was a kid, I was on the microsoft store. There was a game it caught my eye. 'Underpants Slam'" bbbb stated. "So what's with the new flags?" Outside the first part of the slamming nation has begun, the first flag, the revolution has begun. This one game, a small game sold on the xbox 360 could bring something up. "We're going to make sbm great again" bbbb states, on a podium in front of one man. This man's name... was Abradolf Lincler Umbra. "Cookie, I mean he has a point, we need this, this game is lost and it actually exists. Unlike Mak over there who wants something that is non existent" Umbra says. "Didn't you read his new book! It's called 'Mein Zerschlagen'". "Wow that sounds familiar" says Cookie. The book's cover looked like it was literally made on paint.net (bbbb later admits it was made in it). The cover shows a picture of Spongebob, with the subtitle "The Struggle is Real". "Wow the writing is like a 10 year old?!" Cookie states in complete shock about this bestselling novel. "How old are you dude?". "12 years old, why?". "Oh nothing". As the book goes on it's just a rant about his jail time and other useless things. This is Season 4-6 xd. 


But you get the idea, the Slamming Republic Party has been born. For the next 4 years things change, there has been a rise, somehow the government has been overthrown. UNDERPANTS SLAM IT AINT JUST SPAM. HAIL BBBB AND HIS BUDS. That song blasts on the loudspeakers for years on end. So the mighty have fallen. Everyone has become a slammer. The Slam Lord has taken over, the freedom it was all gone facism had taken over, and some of Cookie's friends were gone Umbra has folded over. The Slam Lord's first supporter in the movement and one of Cookie's first friends, gone. To the political movement. 

To Be Continued

How did you know i was a pro Fascist . My dreams have come true

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Like legit have fun with the parts.


Cookie: Jesus I lost fucking Umbra. I have no one to fight with. Is the slammer army actually defeatable. Can a blade beat a punch. Does sponge live past the morrow of defeat. Is there a XXXBox. Does this thing he's looking for actually exist in the modern age. Is THQ even alive anymore I me-

Mak: Shut the fuck up. We're going to get him back tomorrow. We just have to recruit some epic people.

Part 19: A Meeting with Godd


Godd Phillips: Let bygones be bygones.

Cookie: Nice recruiting someone with Down Syndrome, Mak.

Mak: He has to be strong. I mean his name is God.

Godd: stormy daniels is a liar and a thot,but who cares what trump did he's my president anyway obama screwed america and bill clinton screwed anything that stood still. (Author's note: this is an actual tweet todd made. I wish I was joking)

Mak: Ok he's fucking retarded but that's not the point. I mean have you seen his 120 dollar transformer toy.

Cookie: He spent 100 dollars on a big ass transformers toy from Japan?

Mak: Yes...

Cookie: What a legend.

Mak; He can use the powers of the confederacy!

Cookie: That shit ended at least a millenium ago.


i don’t care what this idiot thinks.

heil trump

Cookie: I'm calling the police Mak

Mak: Godd knows where the IWATG deleted scene is though.

Cookie: Then just let him take you to its location

Mak: Well then. Bye Cookie see you later!

Cookie: Wow what a dumbass looking for a thing that doesn't even exist.

*wind blows*

Cookie: Oh

Part 20: A Slash to the Past

(Umbra appears in new slamming robes, not wearing pants but rather, wearing polka dotted underwear. On his head lies a backwards hat stating bbbb. On his side is new recruit to the team MarioKartMan317.)

Cookie: Fuck you.

Umbra: What?

Cookie: BANKAI

Umbra: nice shit anime

Cookie: Wait I don't have a sword.


Cookie: Wait a second....

My canon just got fucked up. Jeff is my fucking sword. Wait umbra, have you morphed to become jeff?

Umbra: I am what you want me to be

Abney (Wait isn't he fire lord): STOP!

Let's make a deal Cookie. Beat me in a fight and I'll do a canon reset. This will reboot the story to before the slamming republic. Before the 1000 year timeskip.

Cookie (doing a soliloquy): Fuck this shit I will fight abney.

Narrator: Slashing movements meet as the slamming republic shall end on this day. Fire shall reign over normal ass men as the prophecy hereby states. But this prophecy is just fucking bullshit anyway. So what will happen in this battle.


Umbra: How about nah lololololooolollololoolloolololollolololol

Abney brings out his ultimate weapon, the ability to destroy any land that a person stands in. However it only works if a new world record is reached in mario kart 64 by him. This weapon has existed since he started speedrunning the game. Abney has about 50 or more shots readied in this weapon. He could possibly be Cookie's most powerful foe.



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