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The Adventures of Tentacle High


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18. Knockout Victory

Squidward is noticing that he is getting bullied by Hank more often for some reason. When he stands up for himself (or at least tries to), the bullying gets worse. Eventually, Squidward gets fed up with it and challenges Hank to a fight. While Hank and his buddies laugh at the idea, he agrees. After school, in the parking lot, Squidward and Hank prepare to fight. Squidward thinks he may actually stand a chance. Unfortunately, it's his last thought before Hank punches him out.

Squidward finds himself waking up in a hospital. Apparently, Hank punched him really hard. All his classmates are surrounding him, even Squidra! They all brought him get-well-soon gifts. But the greatest gift of all was Squidward returning to school, only to have Hank Musclehead, toughest freshman at Tentacle High, groveling at his feet for forgiveness. Suddenly, Squidward realizes that Hank has become unpopular ever since he knocked out Squidward, and he wants to be popular again. Squidward, thinking of all the times Hank has bullied him in the past, flatly refuses Hank's apology.

The next day after school, Squidward is walking home, only to see someone crying on the curb. It's Hank! Hank says through tears that he misses being popular and wants to get back his friends again. Squidward actually starts to feel sorry for him, and decides that he should forgive him publicly. The next day, Squidward forgives Hank, and everybody assumes that Squidward's feeling better. Hank is back to being popular, but unfortunately, is also back to bullying Squidward. Squidward shrugs it off, knowing he did a good deed.

Special Notes: 30 minute episode

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19a. Just My Two Scents

When a foul-smelling chemical breaks loose in the science lab and everybody starts gagging, Squidward wonders why. The class then realizes Squidward was born without a sense of smell. Feeling left out (more so), Squidward decides to try to get his sense of smell back. After some unsuccessful attempts, Squidward decides to give up, and sadly walks home. He doesn't pay attention to where he's going, and has a head-on collision with a coral plant! Squidward's head hurts, but he discovers something he never did before: smell! Apparently, that bonk from the coral restored his sense of smell. Overjoyed, Squidward returns home and tells his parents what happened. He then goes out to "smell the world around him". The next day at school, he makes snide comments to people (even his friend Rodney Geekson!) based on their smell. Infuriated, Rodney decides Squidward's sense of smell has got to go. However, he doesn't want to destroy Squidward's happiness, so he decides to leave it alone. After being thrown out of science class when remarking that his science teacher has B.O., Squidward realizes his newfound sense of smell has made him unbearably cocky. He goes to apologize to everyone he made a snide remark towards. They all forgive him, even Rodney and his science teacher. Squidward then goes off to "use his sniffing powers for good".

19b. Spooky Boots

Squidward's mom is shopping at an antique store, and decides to buy Squidward a pair of boots. The storekeeper warns Mrs. Tentacles that these boots are haunted, but she scoffs at this and buys them anyway. When Squidward's mom brings them home, Squidward politely thanks her, but is in reality a little freaked out by the boots. They seem to posess psychological powers... or maybe they're just a little dirty. That night, Squidward puts the boots in his closet and goes to bed. He is then interrupted from his slumber by a loud rapping at his closet door. It seems to be coming from... INSIDE! Squidward freaks out (i.e. screams like a little girl) and sleeps with the lights on that night. The next morning, he tells his mom what happened, but she doesn't believe him, blaming his "overactive imagination". In fact, it's a rainy day out today, so Squidward should wear his boots. Begrudgingly, Squidward obeys. Nothing bad happens at school, but he's still suspicious about the boots. That night, he hears the rapping sound again, only it's louder. Also, in the midst of this monotonous sound, he hears a little voice saying "Squidward... Squidward..." He then runs to his mom, asking her to come hear the noise. Yet, when she wakes up, it stops. Squidward throws the boots out that night, never to be seen again. That morning, when his mom asks where his boots are, Squidward replies that he had to throw them out. His mom gets so angry that she... turns into a vampire?!? Same with his dad! Squidward then wakes up, relieved that all of this was a dream.

One-Time Character: Storekeeper at Harry's Antiques

One-Time Location: Harry's Antiques

Revealed This Episode: Squidward did not have a sense of smell until this episode.

Special Note: Although technically not a Halloween-themed episode, this one is also aired near Halloween due to the "ghost story" factor of Spooky Boots.

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20a. Zit's Tragic

Squidward wakes up one morning to discover the unthinkable: he has a pimple! Right on his nose, too! "As if I wasn't unpopular enough," he says to himself. However, Squidward decides to make the best of the matter and go to school. He quickly regrets this, as just about everbody (even Rodney Geekson!) is laughing at his pimple. Humiliated, Squidward asks if he can leave school early. His science teacher Mr. Quandary is giggling too much to reply, so Squidward takes it as a "yes" and bolts out of the classroom. His first instinct is to use his leftover money from lunch to buy as much pimple cream as he can get! However, everybody is laughing too much to sell him any. Angry and frustrated, Squidward screams, "WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH HAVING A PIMPLE?!" He then runs home, sobbing. It's then that he discovers that it wasn't a pimple after all, it was just a piece of red Coral Candy stuck to his nose! Feeling more humiliated than ever. Squidward tells himself to check carefully before making a fool of himself.

20b. Archie at Large

Squidward notices that his best pal, Archie Urchin, has been looking a bit more... well, rotund lately. Not only that, he doesn't seem like his usual bright and chipper self. Squidward suspects something's up and demands Archie to tell him what's wrong. Close to tears, Archie tells him: He's been feeling really depressed lately because his dad came back, so he was eating more to cope with the depression. Squidward is confused, because he thinks that would make Archie happy. Then Archie continues on to say that all he cares about now is his job, and "he doesn't have any time for me". He only stayed for about a day, and then left. "It's like we don't know each other anymore", Archie sobs. Squidward proclaims that they are going to find Archie's dad and talk to him! However, he hasn't really thought of a plan yet, and Archie's dad's home is 40 miles away. Squidward decides to ask his mom if she can drive them, but she says no. So, Squidward and Archie have no choice but to sneak out in the middle of the night to find Archie's father...


Special Note: First cliffhanger episode.

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Woah, it's really been a while. Anyway, here's Season 2 (spin-off festival episode):


Announcer: "We left Archie and Squidward with a plan to sneak out to find Archie's dad in Season 1."

Squidward (from previous episode): "Archie, my mother isn't going to drive us. So that means we'll just have to sneak out."

Archie: "Oh man, buddy... you'd do that for me?'

Squidward: "I'm with you till the end."

Announcer: "What will happen? Find out when The Adventures of Tentacle High: Season 2 starts... right now."

21. Archie at Large (pt. 2)

Archie and Squidward are sneaking out of their homes, according to plan. Archie just has to see his father, one last time, even if it's just for a second. Packed with plenty of rations, they set off to New Suction City. After some amusing occurences along the way (how was Archie to know you shouldn't eat gum off the sidewalk?), they finally find an information center. Looking through the Urchins in the phone book, they finally find Urchin, R.J. Archie remembers those initials very well, so they go to the address. Once there, Squidward lets Archie knock on his dad's door. When somebody answers, they appear to be in really bad shape. Baggy eyes, fat stomach, five-o-clock shadow... Archie asks for R.J. Urchin, and the man replies "I am R.J. Urchin. Now whaddaya want?" Horrified, Archie asks his dad, "Don't you remember me?" His dad answers, "Why, who are you?" Archie, nearly in tears by this point, manages to say, "I'm your son!" R.J. replies that he has no son, or at least none that he wants to be with. He then slams the door in their faces. Devastated, Archie sits down in a gutter and bawls his eyes out. Fade to black.

Archie is still sitting on the curb, continuously crying. Nothing Squidward says can cheer him up. Meanwhile, back in Tentacletown, Archie's mother and Squidward's parents are frantic. Each found a note from their son saying that they were off to New Suction City to look for Archie's father. Terrified at what might happen, they carpool their way to the city. Back in New Suction, Squidward and Archie are at an ice cream parlour. While Squidward enjoys his ice cream, Archie is simply making a teardrop-flavoured dessert out of his. Just then, a businessman steps in. He orders a cherry sorbet, glances at the two teens over at a table, and puzzledly scratches his head. Then, he discovers that one of them is his long-lost son! Apparently, there was more than one "Urchin, R.J." in the phone book. He rushes over to Artchie, who doesn't recognize his dad at first, then it hits him: a memory of his first Christmas with his dad! The faces match, and the two overjoyed sea urchins embrace.

When Archie's mom and Squidward's parents finally find everyone at the ice cream parlour, they're so relieved that grounding the two runaways doesn't even occur to them. Then, Mrs. Urchin recognizes Mr. Urchin. They hug, and then decide on whether or not they should get back together. After some thought, they sadly agree that it can't happen. As they try to comfort a downcast Archie, Squidward points out that now that he knows where his dad lives, he can visit him any time he likes! At this news, Archie cheers up, and everybody says goodbye to Robert James Urchin and New Suction City. It is only when the parents get home that grounding does occur to them. No TV or video games for two weeks! Squidward and Archie are so glad to be home that they barely even care about the grounding, and Archie is especially happy, knowing he can visit his dad any time.

Notes: 30 minute episode, we see New Suction City/Archie's dad for the first time.

Reviews appreciated. 630566.gif

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All right, back to business. 239236.gif

22a. Internut

Squidward discovers a cool new game on the Internet called "World of Squidcraft". He decides to try it out, for the heck of it. Two hours later, he's still playing it. "It's such an addicting game!" Squidward says to his mom later that night. His mom says, "Well, make sure you don't get too addicted, dear. You've got exams to think about. Squidward says, "Yes, Mother."

Next morning at breakfast, Squidward is found back on the computer playing World of Squidcraft again! His mother shoos him off the computer and makes him eat breakfast. Squidward reluctantly gets off the computer. At school, Squidward doesn't pay attention in any of his classes: He keeps on thinking about that game! Pretty soon, he has no memory of what went on during school that week, mainly due to his video game addiction.

That Saturday, as Squidward wakes up and hurriedly starts up the computer, he notices it isn't there! His mother tells him that she hid the computer where he would never look, and advises him to study for exams all weekend. No amount of protesting Squidward does makes his mom change her mind. Reluctantly, he goes up to study.

After a while of alternating between studying and playing outside, Squidward doesn't even miss the game! The next weekend, when his parents allow him to play World of Squidcraft again, Squidward refuses: He's having too much fun outside! As he runs back outside again, his parents give knowing smiles.

22b. Examining Squidward

Despite studying his tentacles off, Squidward is still nervous about his exams. So nervous, in fact, that he starts sucking on his suction cups! His parents and friends advise him to shake off the bad habit, but Squidward can't stop!

During school, Squidward realizes that simply sucking on his suction cups does not provide him with enough relief from stress. So, he starts biting on his pencil! Pretty soon, the pencil he has is bitten down to shreds! He asks his classmates if they have an extra pencil they could lend him, but his classmates have seen what Squidward does to pencils, and nobody lends him one. Squidward decides that he needs to get a pencil from home, and break his habits.

During Squidward's first exam he takes a few deep breaths and calms himself. He finds that the exam isn't as hard as he thought. He breezes through it, and leaves with a smile on his face. Squidward figures that if all his exams go like that one, there'll be no need to bite his nails ever again!

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^Thanks! 125508.gif

23a. Fear of Failing

Squidward is finally done his exams! Or is he? His parents recieve a phone call that Squidward FAILED his math exam!

"Aw, man! What am I gonna do now?" Squidward moans.

Fortunately, there is hope for Squidward: if he comes to school the next day, he can have a retest. But Squidward is worried that he may keep failing the test and have to keep taking it over again. That night, Squidward has a horrible nightmare where he is stuck inside the retest time warp: No matter what he does, he fails his test and has to start over.

When Squidward wakes up from his nightmare, he decides he can't let that happen! From the moment he wakes up until the moment he has to go to school, Squidward studies hard. He is now feeling much more confident about his retest, and he comes to school with pride. Sure enough, Squidward passes the test! He jumps for joy as he takes in the relief of summer vacation.

23b. Glummer Vacation

During summer vacation, Squidward discovers that Rodney Geekson is going to a math and science camp for a few weeks. Squidward takes this in stride, knowing that he still has Archie to hang out with. But it turns out Archie's leaving too! He's going to New York to visit his dad. Left alone, Squidward is b-o-r-e-d BORED.

He tries playing cards with himself, but unfortunately he never learned how to play Solitaire. He then decides to break out the gifts his aunt got him for Christmas. He finds one of those ball-and-cup games. He tries but fails it multiple times. As a last resort, he calls Squilliam. "Maybe I can at least have an interesting argument with him," Squidward says dryly. But even Squilliam is gone! He's off to a soccer championship.

Squidward's out of ideas. These next few weeks will be a huge BORE without his friends. Then, Squidward notices a new kid walking past his house. He introduces himself, and the new kid does the same. His name is Barry Bass. He loves playing the clarinet. "So do I!" says Squidward.

"My mom wants me to go to this clarinet camp. Wanna come with?" Barry asks.

Squidward hesitates, but then realizes it's a lot better than being cooped up in the house with nothing to do. "Okay," Squidward says, and he tells his parents about it that night.

The next day, Squidward is all ready for clarinet camp. It's even more fun than he expected! Squidward then thinks that maybe this won't be such a bad summer after all.

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