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That Excited SpongeKid

Cotton Candy Blue
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Everything posted by That Excited SpongeKid

  1. There is a lot of amazing things I'm sure this man can do... but I bet he could never exaggerate a whole wall
  2. Spongebob wall decor to hang up in my apartment Spongebob socks Spongebob 2024 meme calendar Flying Dutchman board game from the episode arrgh Kirby slippers Dog slippers Little Cesar's gift card Two chick fil a gift cards Another gift card that can be used at various restaurants Glow in the dark pop it Marine life mocchis Sushi squishies Spongebob sweatpants Two spongebob shirts Two pairs of pajamas A new robe Reeses and a reeses teddy bear Lindt chocolate Spongebob mug And there's probably a few more things I'm forgetting.
  3. I'd like to fly my reindeer
  4. Bubble bass
  5. I'd like to go sledding
  6. I'm mentally and emotionally tired af. I'm tired of people not coming through when I need them too. I'm tired of being unimportant and worthless. Im tired of believing that people care about me and me believing that they love me when they don't. I'm tired of being nothing to anybody. I'm tired of being so depressed that I can't breathe and my head hurts. I'm tired.
  7. Already deleted sorry to everyone that had to read that lol
  8. I'm a little emotional today, but I usually am around the holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those two holidays are overwhelming for me. They also make me think about the future and what am I going to do when I get much older and if I have no family around? I'm only 23, but the holidays make me think about that stuff too hard, and I get anxious about my birthday too. I've had people who I thought cared about me treat me like dirt on my birthday. I've even had family forget about my birthday even though it's not that hard to remember, considering it's Christmas eve. And I'm not talking about out of town family, I'm talking about family that I was living with at the time. I think I'm just anxious about my birthday this year because of my birthday last year, where I cried like three times.
  9. I'm with stupid
  10. Ghost, spongebob
  11. Smitty Werbenjägermanjensen
  12. Goblin, patrick
  13. Squidward's Hopes and Dreams
  14. Witch, Mrs Puff
  15. Old Salty
  16. Werewolf, Mr Krabs
  17. Ol' Ribeye
  18. Zombie, Squidward.
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