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Status Updates posted by Coffee_lover

  1. Hey guys,it’s Tyler730.This is something nobody has expected.I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while now,and I believe it’s time for me to leave ESB because honestly I’m getting a little bit bored here.All of these days where I’m crazy active,I look back and say "What am I doing with my life?"There’s so much things to do and I’m just wasting it away on ESB.Although,I did meet some cool people here with cool opinions,I created popular blog posts such as the user one(seriously that blog has 64 comments),and I played fun Hurt and Heal games.However,I have an actual life and I cannot use it on ESB.I would like to thank all of the user here for begin such a good friends and fun users.This is Tyler730,signing out.


    Tyler730 (M•C•E) 11:34,September 1,2018 (UTS)

    1. WinterArcanine


      I give him 11 minutes.

  2. Guess what a lucky boi gained a load of  Problematic Plotholes recently 


  3. Just replayed original Plants bs Zombies because of its recent 10th anniversary.

    Man,this game really is timeless 


  4. The Man who build Dump Tower 

    1. TTLF


      you're discharged

  5. When your first SBC avvie was a screenshot from a fucking Snooze You Lose 

  6. Infinity Train was a good kino 


  7. Damn,Today would’ve be an 58th birthday of Stephen Hillenburg and that’s so sad to think about ?.

  8. If Spongebob legit referenced Squidward’s Suicide is there’s a hope for show referencing SpongeKnob SquareNuts anytime soon?


  9. Today,besides the birthday of the worst human being,is a Ukrainian Independence Day,I hope everyone already showed their faith to supreme country,or else.


  10. Happ 9/11 day everyone 


  11. I found a rly funny picture that will satisfy your meat 


  12. I looked up for my old Spongebob journals and one of them is a cheap ass Fungus Among Us retold that mixed frames from actual episode and stuck images so bad it’s hilarious 





  13. I honestly have such an odd felling with how steel April Fools Day goes around me anymore.I remember,let’s say,five years ago,when every single soul tried to fool me with untied shoes,nowadays nobody even tried to act like that in the slightest.Maybe it’s just me get too old,maybe our sense of humor as a whole get in the whole,different direction.How April Fools Day been for you this/precious years for example?

  14. Today is the only day of the year you can be a bunny now 


  15. Yay today is a one year anniversary since I joined western side of Spongebob’s forums.It’s been a really nice year overall,and not to mention that I meet a lot of friendly people to talk about anything.I’m hope that I can stay in those premises for a more time.


  16. Bad Spongebob Wiki,Bad!


  17. A lot of people complain that in this year Band Geeks been used poorly for sicko mode on SuperBowl,but I think that the actual problem here that they didn’t even credit song that actually associate with good old Spongebob’s name


  18. the nitwitting meme 2 


  19. @Guapo Flub Big Dick 2020 found this on 4chan.And can I just say that it’s really offensively,cruel shit that I despise with all my passion.



  20. Я КРОЛИК 


  21. From all Posr-Sequel Era’s improvements that exists,I shocked that nobody(or at least barely)mentioned that this stupid running gag about Mts. Puff getting arrested by zero reason been gone.I glad so much that new crew decided put this joke far away,because it’s been one of the most irritating things in S6-9a for me. 


    But seriously,epesodes like Burst Your Bubble or Getaway have a lot of hints for that,but it always ended up begin my gullible intuition every time.

  22. As much as I don’t like Cave Dwelling Sponge,I need to give it  a credit for it animation.While in the first look,it’s your wacky Season 11 episode,but sometimes characters’ designs and expressions are extremely looks like something from a very first seasons.


    Just look at Patrick in this episode,it’s really felt like S1 expression in HD for me.

  23. I know this question gonna be hard to many of you,but,did someone here watched Shaggy and Scooby-Doo get a Clue?I mean,more than fucking theme song.

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