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Posts posted by WinterArcanine

  1. Can You Spare a Dime made it on my list at #5. One of the funniest episodes of the entire show, the way Squidward acts throughout the episode is hilarious, and Spongebob's anger towards Squidward and all his ways to tell Squidward to GET A JOB is even funnier.

    Just One Bite also made my list at #3. Also one of the funniest episodes of the show, there are so many great jokes throughout the entire episode. The fact its still the best pre movie episode even with an entire scene missing proves this.

    Graveyard Shift just barely missed my list, the atmosphere is fantastic and there's many funny scenes in it.

    Procrastination is a weird one because I need to rewatch it. I think it has potential to be even as far as top 10 with how funny and relatable Spongebob's whole situation is, and the crazy stuff that happens in his dream, but I need a rewatch to know. I compromised by putting it in one of the lowest spots on my list, but had I rewatched it in time it could of potentially been on the list.

    I never really understood why My Pretty Seahorse doesn't usually make the list, it's hilarious. It's not on my list but is very close.

    I just rewatched Employee of the Month earlier today and that episode is so funny, Spongebob and Squidward's rivalry over something so stupid, and all the stuff they do to beat each other to become employee of the month, is hilarious. This should've been on the best list instead of just a HM.

    Suction Cup Symphony is really interesting considering it's a post movie episode. It does deserve this though, it's a really funny episode, mainly that song at the end which is just godly.

    Krusty Love is the same exact thoughts as My Pretty Seahorse.

    Naughty Nautical Neighbors and Pranks a Lot shouldn't be here tbh. they're good episodes but not so good that they deserve top 100. We should of gotten more post sequel representation or The Bully instead. Where is Karen's Virus and and Legend of Bookini Bottom ?

    Snowball Effect should of been on the list wtf. You losers didn't put it high enough on the list smh ~~as if I didn't put it at #23 myself lmao~~
    This episode is hilarious, all the snowball fight stuff they do is hilarious, as is Squidward getting into it so much he creates essentially a snowball fort tower, and drives Spongebob and Patrick away.


  2. Been a while since I posted on here, time to say some more thoughts.

    Mermaid Man And Barnacle Boy V wasn't on my list, but it was close and is definitely the best Mermaid Man episode. It's so funny, especially at the climax when they all lose to the selves and E.V.I.L doesn't even have to do anything.

    Spongebob Meets the Strangler was on my list. It's so hilarious seeing Spongebob drive the strangler to insanity with his naivety (unless he secretly knew the whole time....there's two ways to intrepet the episode and they're both hilarious).

    Welcome to the Chum Bucket was on my top 10. It's simultanously really funny and really sad, it causes there to be both one of the best plots (and songs) of the series, and some of the funniest jokes in the series. Such a great episode.

     Krusty Towers was on my list, it's a really funny episode, not much else to say.

    SB-129 was just barely in my top 10, the atmosphere and locations are REALLY good and the episode is very trippy. It's such a cool episode.

    Frankendoodle was in my top 10. It's a really funny episode with some really cool action and the best one off (now two off) character of the series.


    I get why people hate this episode; if you don't like the stuff in it, its gonna be an hour of boredum; but I don't find it boring, because all the montages and flashbacks they show are really cool. Stuff like the alternative theme songs, the old cartoon version of spongebob, squidwards life before spongebob entered it and spongebob getting a house, and a bunch of funny ones too like, of course, the wedding. And a lot of funny scenes in general. Multiple really good songs as well. It's the best episode of the show IMO.

    As for some other episodes, since I haven't posted on the thread in a while:

    Surprised to see Feral Friends returned, but I'm glad post sequel got some representation here. Feral Friends is a really good episode, it's a really cool concept to have the characters turn into their more primitive/realistic selves and it is done very well.

    Dunces and Dragons was on my list this year, it's a really fun adventure and uses its medieval location and atmosphere very well. It's also really funny as well. However I moved it down from #24 to #25 this year. I'm sure that's responsible for its -20 placement drop.

    It's a Spongebob Christmas is in my top 10 and I'm glad it made it on the list again. It does the christmas atmosphere REALLY well and has really cool stop motion animation, and I love the song near the end. It's a really charming episode. I know the plot doesn't really make sense, but so does every story involving Santa.

    Algae's Always Greener only fell because obaby was too busy simping for rwby girls to make a best list. Just felt everyone should know that. Personally I think the episode is really funny and I'm fine with either its 2019 spot or 2021 spot.

    Friend or Foe almost made my list but didn't quite make it, just barely. I love how it added such a cool and interesting backstory to Mr Krabs and Plankton's rivalry/hatred for each other.

    There are more deserving eps to be on the top 50 list than Imitation Krabs, so I'm glad it at least didn't increase. Still a funny episode though

    Roller Cowards was on my list, it's really funny to see Spongebob and Patrick try everyone they can to avoid going on the ride, and all the other funny moments like the mitten. It's also really relatable since I'm at the point where I want to go on more big rides like this but I'm still scared to go on a lot of them.


  4. FUN was really close to my list so I'm glad to see it still managed to make it. I really like the plot and how Spongebob and Plankton are in this ep, and the song is also very good

    Glad to see Artist Unknown finally made the list, its a really funny episode that got a weird amount of hate years ago, which I assume is why its only now making it on.

    I Had an Accident was pretty high on my list, it's a really funny and underrated episode. The ending is so random and so funny.

    One Krab's Trash was also on my list, its underrated and I've never really understood why its so overlooked. It's really funny and a lot of those scenes are even very well known and quoted a lot.

    Surprised to see Feral Friends still made it on, its one of the most unique episodes in a great way, the premise is awesome.

    It's a Spongebob Christmas was very high on my list. The christmas atmosphere and stop motion animation are really good, its one of the most charming episodes. And the song at the end is really good. I had the other stop motion animation episode (bookini bottom) on my list too for similar reasons, but that probably won't make it unfortunately.

  5. Sandy, Spongebob, And the Worm is a very funny episode but not top 50 worthy imo. but who knows, we'll see when I rewatch the show lmao

    Club Spongebob definitely deserves top 50 though, really funny episode and the magic conch shell and everything that happens to Squidward is hilarious

    idk if I'll post every time an episode is added to the list since I'm realizing while posting this that I won't have much to say except "its funny" lol

  6. Most of the show is good, all the episodes that aren't good or at least aren't okay would probably show up in a bottom 50

    Snooze you Lose is one of the worst episodes for having an entire 5 minutes where the characters try to make the loudest burps possible. So fucking stupid.

    Spongebob You're Fired isn't a bad episode at all. It's okay at worst, maybe even pretty good

    • Sad 1
  7. We all know Wyoming doesn't exist, but I personally believe that Delaware also doesn't exist. I know this is not a popular opinion, but as a southeastern Pennsylvanian who has literally been to Delaware before, there is simply no way it exists. It's literally just a small section of the country that you barely even notice on maps. You never hear about something from Delaware, you never hear about something happening in a city in Delaware, you never hear about a physical thing in Delaware like a beach or a mountain, you never hear ANYTHING about it! You never see someone say they've from Delaware, and it's convinently located near Maryland's least populated section. Also, Delaware is one of the original 13 colonies and yet it doesn't even have a million people??? It's literally had 300+ years to get a million people, even Rhode Island has over a million people! Clearly the government realizes they cannot fake a MILLION people's existence. And that's another thing, why would there be 13 colonies? 13 is a cursed number. Why would the founding fathers curse us like that? In fact, Delaware didn't even exist, it's literally just a section of Pennsylvania that left. Oh, and you know who says they are from Delaware? Joe Biden. You know, the lizard person in charge of the country? Yeah, sure he's from Delaware... in fact, he is from Scranton Pennsylvania, so this is a blatant lie! Oh yeah, and a lot of the powerful companies are incorporated for Delaware.....interesting that the only things in Delaware are powerful lizard people. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

    so what is Delaware exactly? Is it a hallucination? Is it a section of Maryland or Pennsylvania that they decorate to look like "Delaware"? Is it a white void like Wyoming? Is it where aliens abduct you to to make it seem like you weren't abducted? Personally, because of the lizard people thing above, I think its a top secret government base in Maryland. I think they use it for when they want to use real life people for something, which is why you can have "went to Delaware". What is this base used for? who knows!

  8. Ink Lemonade was on my list. Such a bad episode, one of the few "squid abuse" episodes that I actually dislike. It's annoying, gross, very uncomfortable considering its torturing squidward so patrick can sell his body fluids for others to drink.... the animation is really good, but it doesn't save the episode in the slightest. 


    Squid Baby has literally every flaw I mentioned above but five times worse and without anything good. Its extremely annoying, very gross (why do we need to watch squidward poop in a diaper???) every character here is awful (besides squidward), the ending makes zero sense, and the worst thing is that Squidward has a serious mental issue and the doctor tells them not to hurt his head at all, so of course no one whatsoever even tries to prevent Squidward's head from being slammed as hard as possible. This episode somehow manages to gradually get worse and worse every minute. Bit disappointed it didn't get #1 like I thought it might but ah well, at least it made it to bottom 3.

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