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Posts posted by 70s

  1. I loved the first season of this show and for some reason stopped caring completely a few episodes into the second season and bailed. Tatiana Maslany was fantastic but I think the show got too into the conspiracy for me and that's not what I was into? I'm always happy when shows get proper end dates instead of just getting canceled though, makes me more tempted to give them a watch in the future.

  2. 17 minutes ago, NegiSpongie said:

    Really? It's THAT good? Here I thought it was an unnecessary sequel made to showcase the popular character from the previous film.

    It can be two things. 

    • Like 4
  3. 7 minutes ago, terminoob said:

    I'll create a new site. It'll be called The Community Community. A safe haven for disgruntled SBC members that get banned by new staff members for not discussing Spongebob enough.

    And then I'll take it over. :troll:

    • Like 1
  4. Anyway, as for the shooting itself... Rest in peace to all the innocent people because of some ignorant asshole. I wish this could help inspire some change so your deaths aren't entirely in vain, but it won't. All day today and yesterday I've alternated between anger, sadness, and actual fear. I'm tired of the pattern of people pretending to give a shit and then moving on and nothing changing, but it's clear that if Sandy Hook didn't change anything, we're fucked.

    These people say it better than I can:





  5. 40 minutes ago, PatBack™ said:

    Also keep in mind that the EEVIL cis white males were the first race to outlaw slavery, and the first to create a secular society legal freedom of religion (something most nations with an Islamic majority have a difficult time implementing, or otherwise retaining).

    Okay, nowhere did anyone say that cis white males (a group I belong to, btw) are evil. The only thing I meant by my post is that were this shooter a white male, the story would be entirely different. Donald Trump and the GOP wouldn't give a single fuck, first of all. For example, last summer when a white male targeted an all-black church in Charleston, how many times did you hear the word "terrorism" used in reference to it? Because that's what it was, but unless the perpetrator is Muslim (or let's be real, brown and vaguely Muslim-looking) no one would dare utter that word.

    40 minutes ago, PatBack™ said:

    I'm not saying all Christians are innocent, or that all Muslims are guilty, as that would be an incredibly rash assertion. But blaming the white Christian male for everything is equally silly and unprovoked, especially when you consider that most of media outlet, such as CNN, are owned by Jews (who themselves have a beef with Muslims).

    Again, who the fuck said this?

    40 minutes ago, PatBack™ said:

    But then again, one of you has a profile picture of Bernie Sanders, so I'm not sure why I'm even bothering.

    How is this even relevant? But for the record, I support Crooked Hillary.

    • Like 3
  6. Some of the stuff in this thread is gross, I'm sorry.

    This was a terrorist attack and (don't forget) a hate crime. It was performed by a psychotic bigot. Of course, the bigot had a Muslim-sounding name so Fox News is going to run with that. If it was a white guy, of course we'd be hearing about how he was mentally ill by now.

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