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Old Man Jenkins

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Posts posted by Old Man Jenkins

  1. Since I can't edit the first post, I suppose I'll add this nifty lil' section here. This post will contain character profiles, backstories, the works. Be advised, it will contain spoilers so read on with caution those who haven't read the entire series so far yet.

    The Who's Who of Post Fiction...

    Imposter SOF: An impostor user created in the image of the original Sponge Odd Fan by the nefarious Spongebobs1fan with the purpose to serve as Whale Blubber's almighty and perfect vessel in order to once again wreak havoc across The Community. Deemed to be too destructive and unstable by his creator, he was placed in stasis in order to run further tests to prove his stability under the immense power he was born with. Meanwhile, Whale Blubber wanted to put Imposter SOF up to a real test so he released Imposter SOF from his stasis prematurely and unleashed his vessel upon the unsuspecting Community. Imposter SOF demolished the laboratory warehouse he was conceived in and made his escape, but not before taking Whale Blubber's Mallet of Doom, a perpetual banhammer. Imposter SOF would then go on a Mallet Massacre, laying waste to all who dared cross his path, as well as murdering Tvguy and nearly putting an end to 70s' reigns as Head Admin. He would later be discovered by an admin by the name of Clappy, who seen the potential that Imposter SOF has at doing the Community some real good if composed. Clappy would perform a procedure that would grant Imposter SOF a mind of his own, but at the cost of most of his immense natural power. Imposter SOF has been trying to track down his creator with Clappy's assistance ever since in order to find out for himself what his true purpose is.

    Clappy: Also known as Clapmaster, he is (or was) an all-powerful admin of The Community's Staff. He took notice of the crime that was happening all around The Community and brought it up to his Admin brethren, who were all more pre-occupied in their own personal affairs and struggle for power to do anything about it. Heartbroken at his brothers' leniency towards crime and the subsequent downward spiral of their once-cherished Community, Clappy took it upon himself to personally take care of the crime, setting out on his own accord to dish out some angelic justice. Clappy didn't expect the Community's criminal underworld to be as vast as the Community itself. Clappy did what he could to stop and prevent crime, but it was too much to tackle by just himself. Clappy soon began to take notice of Imposter SOF's exploits, including the murder of Tvguy and his surprising upset victory over 70s. Clappy soon began to follow Imposter SOF's movements, saving the impostor on several occasions before finally introducing himself. Clappy praised Imoster SOF's accomplishments and offered to make the impostor a much more efficient fighter by giving him a mind of his own and not be just a killing machine. Clappy performed the procedure, but unknowingly at the cost of most of Impost's power reserves. Once The Staff became aware of Clappy's actions, they proceeded to slowly cut him off from power, draining him of his own power reserves and admin abilities. He now assists Imposter SOF in his search for his creator as a close friend and ally.

    Jelly: A Super Moderator and lieutenant, serving under Sponge Sebastian in The Community's Peace Keeper Corps. She is currently the only female serving in the corps. Sabresponge is her estranged younger brother. She and Clappy had a fling in the past, but as much as she would like to get back together with him, Clappy is oblivious to her advances. She knows that deep down, Clappy still has feelings and cares for her. Clappy and Imposter SOF come to her in need of her assistance. She is reluctant at first, but helps out in the end for the sake of her and Clappy's past relationship. She gives them a temporary place to stay in her Sharing Time condo. When Clappy and Imposter SOF are at the mercy of Metal Snake and Sabre, she saves them at the last minute before engaging her brother in combat while Impost and Clappy set their sights on Metal Snake. Jelly manages to defeat her younger sibling in a chi beam struggle, send him flying away for the time being. She now finds herself assisting Imposter SOF and Clappy in their quest to cleanse the once peaceful streets of The Community to the best of her abilities.

    Spongebobs1fan: A once trustworthy and loyal moderator for the Community, who was cast off from The Staff due to suspicions of disloyalty and being a troll known as Whale Blubber. He initially denied the Whale Blubber allegations but the paranoia was to much to bear, so he set off away from the Community on a journey to "find himself", feeling as if he lost his own identity due to Whale Blubber's lies. On a trek to Mocvt, his former home, he was confronted by Blubber, himself. Sbs1fan engaged him in battle but was overwhelmed by Whale Blubber, who spared Sbs1fan's life in order to work out a deal with him. He warped Sbs1fan's mind into thinking that it was the Community's fault for losing faith in him and for believing the word of a troll over the word of one of their most loyal disciples. Sbs1fan conspired with Whale Blubber in order to get back at the Community for their wrongdoings. Their plan was to create a perfect and powerful vessel for Whale Blubber to inhabit in order to lay siege to the Community and wipe out all the citizens, including The Staff. Sbs1fan returned to The Community with open arms, presenting them with a news feed to process local news as a peace offering of contribution to cover up his true intentions. Failure after failure, Sbs1fan failed to produce a perfect a vessel from scratch, resolving to create a vessel using the DNA of a past user instead to provide the base and groundwork. After striking a deal with Metal Snake to obtain samples from the already-deceased SOF, Sbs1fan slaved over for countless days and nights, working on perfecting his latest creation. When it was all said and done, Imposter SOF was born, being gifted with an immense supply of power at the cost of having a mind of his, a feature that would be filled in when Blubber would inhabit him. Fearing that his creation would prove to be unstable, Sbs1fan shut him down to run more evaluation tests. Whale Blubber, on the hand, released Impost from his stasis prematurely in order to truly test out his skills on the field. Sbs1fan's laboratory warehouse was decimated in the carnage that followed, barely escaping with his life intact as his creation made his own escape. Sbs1fan has been following Impster SOF's movements ever since alongside his subordinate Sbiscool, waiting for when the time is right to put his and Blubber's true plan into action.

    Whale Blubber: A troll and enemy to the Community and its inhabitants. He strives to plunge the Community into discord and chaos for the lulz. He was the one that turned the Community and The Staff against Spongebobs1fan by telling them lies that they were both one and the same. He would later find Sbs1fan in his exile from the Community at Mocvt, defeating the former moderator in battle swiftly and easily. He manipulated Sbs1 into thinking that the Community is to blame for his fall from grace and joined forces with the common purpose to bring The Community and its inhabitants to their knees. They planned to create a perfect vessel for Blubber to inhabitant in fear that Blubber will be smited on the spot if he were to step foot into the Community himself. Sbs1fan would soon create a perfect vessel in Omposter SOF, but deemed him to be unstable. Impatient and ignorant to the consequences, Whale Blubber telepathically released Imposter SOF from his stasis prematurely, unleashing upon the Community to truly test his new vessel's power out on the field. Satisfied with the results, Blubber waits for when the time is right to swoop in and take what's his.

    Dragiiin: One of the Community's most influential crime lords and leader of the Dragiiin Siiindicate. He is alos business partners with Edmasterchaos, leader of his own criminal organization. He employed rogue moderator, Teenj, to slaughter guests in the Guests' Paradise Resort for an unknown purpose, but was stopped by Imposter SOF. Dragiiin would later cut his ties with Teenj. He also hired the Sea Minors, alongside Sbiscool, to rob the SBC National Bank, but was also thwarted by Imposter SOF. He would soon deploy Ex Kizuna to distribute counterfeit merchandise at the annual Spin-Off Festival, but those plans were also stopped by Imposter SOF. Unsatisfied with Ex's work, he promised to terminate him if Ex were to fail him again, keeping him on board for the time being for Edo's, Ex's father, sake. When Ex failed to kill Imposter SOF in the Xat due to Sbiscool's inclusion in the fray, Dragiiin and Edo personally sent Ex off, bringing in Ex's elder brother, Shinya, to finish the job. Dragiiin was pleasantly surprised to see Spongebobiscool's corpse at the scene. Dragiiin is currently still doing business with Edo while Shinya sets out to carry out their orders.

    Ex Kizuna: A once trustworthy Admin of the Staff before relinquishing his power due to personal reasons. Ex is the youngest son of Edmasterchaos, a crime lord and leader of the Chaos Crew. When his father would muscle his way in during the Community's early days, Ex would be the one who would halt his advances. Time and time again, Ex thwarted his father's plan to set up a branch in the Community, forcing him away for the time being. Ed would quickly grow to be disappointed of Ex's actions, promptly disowning him all together. When the constant turmoil between loyalty to his his new home and to his family came to a head, Ex stepped down from his admin position and went off to work for his father. Ex hoped to regain his father's favor, but found himself where he has always been, getting nowhere to win over his father's affection and praise. Ex was dispatched to the Spin-Off Festival to head a counterfeit distributing ring, but his efforts were stopped by Imposter SOF, who managed to damage and scar Ex's face. Ex would encounter Imposter SOF once again in the Xat, but failed to kill him once again due to Sbiscool's inclusion into the fray. Having failed them twice, he was sent on his way by his father and Dragiiin, who would later call upon Ex's elder brother Shinya to finish what Ex couldn't accomplish. His current whereabouts are unknown.

    Edmasterchaos: A well-respected user, stemming back to a time before the Community came to be. When the populace were migrating to The Community to escape persecution from the strict leaders of Mocvt, Ed chose to stay behind in hopes that his home would flourish once more, for old time's sake. Unbeknownst to a good amount of the refugees, Ed would strike a deal with the Mocvt leaders to smuggle people over from other sites to Mocvt in order to increase activity and population, as well as revenue. Ed made a killing off of this, soon organizing his own organization that would work hand-in-hand with the Mocvt government. Ed would soon make the decision to branch out to the Community in order to smuggle in counterfeit goods and take citizens away to Mocvt. His youngest son, Ex Kizuna, however, thwarted his every attempt before giving up on expanding his business there all together. He would eventually disown Ex and shower his eldest son Shinya with praise for his hard work and loyalty to the family. He would eventually get Ex back into the family business when Ex decided to leave his post as admin in order to remain loyal to Ed and win back his favor. Ed was angered by Ex's decision to give up his power and influence, thinking that his power would further help his organization get a footing into the Community and use Ex's influence to mask over his operations. Ed nevertheless welcomed Ex back into the family business, but not with open arms. Ed would later strike up a business deal with fellow crime boss, Dragiiin, cementing his organization's place into the Community for good. He would later become fed up with Ex's constant failures and proceeded to excommunicate him from the organization, sending Shinya to finish off Imposter SOF for him. He is currently still in business with Dragiiin and it seems to remain that way for a long time to come.

    Metal Snake: A once valued member of the Community's society, Luke James soon proved to be a pest to most of the Community's populace. This would lead to him being shunned by the Community and his cries and prayers for help would go unanswered by The Staff. Luke soon grew to despise the Community and all who had wrongfully shunned. He fled to the deep catacombs of the Underground City, which the Community is built on top of, to escape the shame and humiliation. He soon plotted against the Community, rising from the underground on occasion to cause a stir and beat a few heads in before making his descent again. Luke soon adopted the moniker of "Metal Snake" due to his personality and outlook on life being hard like metal and cold like a snake. He would later claim himself to be the Community's "Arch Adversary". He would later gain a loyal accomplice in Sabre, who also felt shunned and ridiculed by the Community despite being siblings with Jelly, an influential member of society. Sabre shows an undying devotion to Metal Snake and his cause, always assisting him when needed. Metal Snake gathered the samples from the real SOF's corpse that was needed for Sbs1fan to create Imposter SOF. In exchange, Sbs1 offered Snake the Mallet of Doom, a perpetual banhammer that Metal Snake oh so desired. When Imposter SOF made his escape with the mallet, Metal Snake was forced to retrieve it on his own accord. He tried on two occasions but was unsuccessful both times. Metal Snake managed to escape the battle with Imposter SOF and Clappy with his life intact. His current whereabouts are unknown, but he presumably still resides in the Underground City.

    Sabre: Formerly known as Sabresponge, he too, was once a valued member of the Community. Being the younger brother of Jelly, he felt as if he was always in her shadow all his life. When the time came to name the new Lieutenant for the Peace Keepers, Jelly managed to beat Sabre out of contention and was given the spot. Once again overshadowed by his older sibling, Sabre lashed out at the Staff, taking out a few waves of Peace Keepers before being pacified by Jelly. He was to place under suspension for his actions, but Jelly used her sway to lessen the punishment. Not wanting her help, Sabre blind-sided Jelly and left her unconscious before fleeing the Community in order to escape the ridicule and shame for attacking a high-ranking officer. This attack led to Jelly meeting Clappy for the first time and they hooked up. Knowing he could no longer return as a member of society, he fled to the Underground City to seek refuge, hearing stories about the underground caverns from old wives tales and urban legends. Sabre settled into the underground community quite nicely, choosing to remain in the dark as opposed to basking in the light. He would soon cross paths with Metal Snake, whom he had greatly respected before he fled to the Underground City as well. Seeing much of himself in the cold-blooded Snake, they joined forces to shed the Community's own crimes into light. He greatly respects Metal Snake, going so far as to refer to him as "my Lord". He assisted Metal Snake in obtaining the real SOF's DNA samples, but when the Mallet of Doom was stolen before they could claim it, he worked endlessly to track down the thief's location. Once found, Sabre informed Snake and they went on their way. Snake opted to confront Imposter SOF alone, leaving Sabre to watch on the sidelines. When push came to shove, Sabre intervened just in time to save his lord's life. When Imposter SOF and Clappy found themselves at their mercy in the Underground City, they were saved at the last minute by Jelly. Angered at seeing his sister once again, especially in his new home, he opted to take her on alone, leaving Snake to handle Impost on Claps alone. He fought somewhat evenly with Jelly this time before engaging in a chi beam struggle, despite gaining the upper hand a few times, Jelly managed to defeat him by entering her Trance Form, overpowering Sabre and blasting him off into the deepest trenches of the Underground City. Despite the severity of the blast, Jelly claims that Sabre will most likely survive it.

    Spongebobiscool: Leader of the Cool Crew, Sbiscool sought to stake his own claim into the criminal underworld after enduring ridicule of his own. Recruiting fellow members who shares his views, he would soon come into contact with Spongebobs1fan, who offered him more power in exchange for muscle. Sbs1 gave Sbiscool and his gang the boost they needed to be considered a legitimate threat to the Community. They would also lead the Staff off of Sbs1fan's trail during his creation of Imposter SOF in order to hide his plans and true intentions. Sbiscool would later come into contact with crime boss, Dragiiin, who proposed that they should strike up a deal for an upcoming bank heist. Sbiscool accepted Dragiiin's offer, knowing he has hit the big time. Sbiscool contacted Jjs and his gang of Sea Minors while Dragiiin formulated the plans for the heist. When the time came, the heist was thwarted by Imposter SOF. Sbiscool and his gang rallied up to take out a battle-weary Imposter SOF. Sbiscool was knocked out during the battle while his crew was killed by Clappy's Death Clap. Sbiscool was sent out to kill Imposter SOF, but in turn, was killed himself at the conclusion of the three-way battle that also involved Ex Kizuna. When Dragiiin arrived on scene, he was pleasantly surprised to see Sbiscool's corpse. In the meantime, Sbs1fan took it upon himself to create an army of Imposter Spongebobiscools to provide him with extra muscle whenever if need be.

    70s: Head Admin of the Community in Terminoob's absence, he runs the Community with an iron fist. He and his new Staff have worked to make the Community a better place, but as time went on, 70s reign as Head Admin was soon challenged by his own admin brethren. 70s proceeded to keep them in check in order to prevent a coup and his eventual overthrow. 70s has kept tabs on his Staff ever since. Before the time of his reign, back when Termi held the reigns, he caused unrest by taking in Tvguy as his apprentice, thus making promoting Tvguy to the top positions of the Staff. Termi grew upset with this decision and they became embroiled in a heated conflict that threatened to destroy the once peaceful Community. In the end, Terminoob made his departure, leaving 70s in charge of the Community for thinking he could call the shots behind his back. 70s tried to make the most out of his new position by trying to bring the Community forward and further improve it so that it could become a much better place and provide a much better future for its inhabitants. 70s soon wed to his Sara, who became the so-called "Queen of the Community". Behind all the plans for improvement lies a more grim layout for the Community, one that could very well endanger it. With his fellow admins once again challenging him, he has been forced to put those plans on hold in order to deal with them and put them in their place. In his struggle to reign supreme, he has turned a blind eye to the ever-growing crime rate of the Community, along with his fellow admins with the exception of Clappy. 70s soon became aare that there was an impostor in the midst of The Community and sent Tvguy out to deal with it, thinking the impostor would ruin the Community's ecosystem due to it managing to kill a fellow member in Old Man Jenkins. When Tvguy confronted Imposter SOF, he was murdered in cold blood. Upon hearing the news of Tvguy's death, 70s snapped and orchaestrated a trap to kill Imposter SOF personally at his disco club. 70s was shocked to see that the impostor could fight with him on even ground, and was even more shocked when he found himself on the verge of death. When Imposter SOF assaulted his wife Sara, 70s was powerless to save her and himself from the onslaught. His Jared Padalecki-looking bodyguards managed to save him and Sara from further damage and took them to safety. 70s would survive his wounds, but Sara was left in a critical state. In an attempt to save her, he suspended her in cryogenic sleep using his resources. Powerless to save his beloved at the moment, he vowed to have Imposter SOF killed no matter what. When Clappy acted out of his own discretion to help out Imposter SOF, 70s saw this as an act of war, thinking that Clappy was the one who created Imposter SOF. Clappy approached him to explain everything but 70s wouldn't listen. In retaliation, he proceeded to cut Clappy from power, slowly taking away his adminship an the power that came with it. 70s is currently still out to get Imposter and Clappy, while protecting his position as Head Admin at the same time.

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