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Status Updates posted by terminoob

  1. Ahahahaha pretending hacking for the lulz is hilarious ahahahahaha you guys have so much power over us ahahahahahaha

    1. The Lion King

      The Lion King

      I know, right? It's awesome!

  2. Prior to me shaving my beard I never got carded at Gamestop, and now that I just have stubble I get carded! This is an outrage! I'm going to grow my beard back out of anger!

    1. Metal Snake

      Metal Snake

      Oh my goodness, my mother comes home with "complaints" about being carded all the time. XD

  3. Back in my day, we didn't have these confounded status majiggers. We had to express ourselves the natural way - through angry messages!

    1. Clappy


      Back in the day, I couldn't like this status. I would have to come up to your face and tell you that I liked your message.

  4. Man, I REALLY hope the world doesn't end because there's no way I'm finishing my Netflix queue in five days.

  5. My girlfriend got Mists of Pandaria for Christmas. I should probably just break up with her now because I can't compete with that.

  6. Today I learned that I suck at playing poker unless I'm dressed like James Bond. This is vital information.

  7. Coffee-fueled night number two. At this rate, I'll stop sleeping entirely and I still won't have enough time to do my work.

  8. I can't wait to see A Man Dressed as a Bat Rises on Friday.

  9. Clown colleges must have THE BEST parties.

  10. Man, I wish it was tomorrow already.

  11. (Words (I like) + Words (you like)) x time = Conversations

  12. I hope someone else finds it incredibly stupid that all paintings of Adam and Eve depict them having bellybuttons.

  13. It was the wiggity-whackest of times, it was the dopest of times.

  14. Lil' teaser of the graphic novel comin' y'alls way next week.

  15. Sittin' on the roof DO DO DO DOO sittin' on the roof DREE DO DOO sittin' on the roof DO DO DO DOO.

  16. TEDTalks are dope.

  17. Oh God. Too much Taco Bell.

  18. I feel like I just got hit with a bear tranquilizer. No more fast food for me.

  19. For the next 25 days I'll be posting a sketch everyday. 26 days until I move into the dorms; gotta get in the art spirit somehow.

  20. I always forget that Tramp says the word "biddies".

  21. Octerror Fest 2013: Season of the seasons

  22. Art school: For the kids that know their color wheel better than their times tables.

  23. Dammit Oscars. Your nominees were supposed to be good this year.

  24. What's the sound of one hand clapping? JUSTICE.

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