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Past, Present, and Future


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This is the spinoff I was talking about in my ASSTF topic. It's about Spongetron finding the time machine from SB-129 and going back in time to meet Spongebob, who suddenly takes Spongebob to the future, so THEY can find the time machine to get back in time and find Spongegar and take him back to Spongebob's time. Then, after that, they have...normal adventures. First episode coming soon.

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1 - ST-101


French Robotic Narrator : One time, in the Khromey Krab, located in Booster Bottom, Eugene H. Krabstron asked his loyal fry cook, Spongetron Squarepants to go into the freeze and get more ice. 

Krabstron : Spongetron, hurry up and get that ice!

Spongetron : Yes, sir, i'm getting it! (walks into the freezer) Here's the i- 

Squidtron : Hey, what are you doing?

Spongetron : Getting some ice, Squid!

Squidtron : Let me help you with that. (slams and locks the door)

Spongetron : HEY!

Squidtron : That opened the door to a new fry cook. Ha. Ha. Door humor.

Spongetron : What to do? (looks back) Hey, a time machine. (walks over to it)

Voice from the machine : Welcome to the Timenius 865. Select the year you want to go to.

(Back at the cash register)

Krabstron : Mr. Squidtron, where's me fry cook?

Squidtron : Locked in the freezer for eternity.

Krabstron : WHAT?! 

(Patron bursts into the Khromey Krab)

Patron : I heard someone say Spongetron is locked in the freezer!

Krabstron : Well, yes, he-

Patron : I'LL SAVE YOU SPONGETRON! (runs over to freezer door and picks it up and throws it, as Spongetron is still deciding the year he wants to go to.)

(Krabstron and Squidtron walk over)

Patron and Krabstron : Spongetron!

Squidtron : Mph.

Krabstron : Er, what're you doing, laddie?

Spongetron : I found this neat time machine!

Patron : A TIME MACHINE! (everyone runs into it) GIMME GIMME GIMME!

Spongetron : Um, what year do you want to go to, guys?

Krabstron : How do we decide?

Spongetron : Um, by picking a random number.

Squidtron : How about....2002?

Spongetron : (speaks into microphone labeled "Year Decider") 2002!

(Patron, Krabstron, Spongetron, and Squidtron are all thrown into a vortex hole that they spiral into screaming, until they finally reach 2002, and land in a street, alongside with a pineapple, tiki head, rock, and an anchor in the distance.)

(Inside Spongebob's pineapple, SB is feeding Gary, when he hears the crash)

Spongebob : Gary, what was that?

Gary : Mrow. (I don't know.)

Spongebob : I'd better go outside!

(Inside Squidward's house, Squid is practicing his clarinet, when he hears the crash)

Squidward : What was that?

(inside Patrick's house, Pat is eating the TV because of a Krusty Krab commercial, when he hears the crash)

Patrick : Mmm?

(Krabs is counting his money, when he hears a slight crash)

Krabs : What in Davy Jones' Locker was THAT?

(All four walk outside to where Spongetron, Patron, Squidtron, and Krabstron fell)

Spongebob : (walks over to Spongetron) Hey, you look like me!

Squidward : (walks over to Squidtron) You're one snazzy guy.

Patrick : (walks over to Patron) AAAGGHH, THERE'S TWO OF ME!

Krabs : (walks over to Krabstron) Do you like money?

Spongebob : Wait..are you us from the future?

Spongetron : Precisely. I am Spongetron.

Patron : And i'm...uh..Patron!

Squidtron : I'm Squid...tron.

Krabstron : And i'm Krabstron! Ark ark ark ark ark ark!




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2 - Entrance of the Gars


Spongebob : So, you guys are from the future?

Krabstron : Yep, we're from 4008.

Patrick : And you're directly related to us?

Squidtron : Yes.

Spongebob : Cool!

Spongetron : Now all we need is for our cavemen relatives to show up-

Spongebob : THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!

Spongetron : And we can make it happen too!

Squidward : How?

Krabstron : First, let's go the Khromey Krab!

Spongebob : The what? Oh, you mean the KRUSTY Krab.

Krabstron : Yes, I do. 

Patrick : Well, let's go.

(They arrive at the Krusty Krab)

Spongetron : Now, too the freezer!

Squidward : Why?

Squidtron : Just go!

(They arrive at the freezer)

Spongebob : Hey, is that a time machine in the corner?

Krabstron : Yes!

(Everyone steps into the time machine and Spongetron picks up the "Year Decider" microphone)

Spongetron : 81 BC!

(Patron, Krabstron, Spongetron, Squidtron, Squidward, Spongebob, Patrick, and Krabs  are all thrown into a vortex hole that they spiral into screaming, until they finally reach 81 BC, you faded rock houses, looking like that of SB's, Pat's, Squid's, and Krabs'.)

Spongegar: (just waking up, and hears the crash) Wah? Plusonga noise!

Patar : (running around, hears crash) Eh?

Squog : (walks outside, hears crash) What the palonga...

Krabgar : (sitting on a rock, hears crash) Whu?

Garar : ("cleaning" Spongebob's house) Mrow? (What is that noise?)

(All five go outside, Garar almost crushing Squog)

Squog : Who in their coronga polanga would be here?

Spongebob : Cave pee-pul, I am Spung-bawb! Can you uhn-dur-stand meeee?

Spongegar : O?

Spongebob : We are plisonga loconga from flonga sidonga!

(The four caveman and the one cavesnail suddenly nod their heads in agreement)

Squidward : You can speak Cave people?

Spongebob : How did you know?

Krabs : Krabstron, did you bring the time machine along?

Squidward : You physically brought it along?

Krabstron : Yes. Now let's go!

(Krabstron beckons to the cavepeople/snail to follow them, as everyone steps into the time machine as Krabstron pulls it out of his pocket) 

Spongetron : (speaks into "Year Decider" microphone) 2002 AD!

(Everyone is thrown into the same spiraling vortex until they fall right back into present-day Conch Street.)

Spongebob : Hooray, everyone's here!

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3 - Spatulas, Burgers, and Customers: Oh My!


Patrick : Well, now that everyone's here, now what to we do?

Spongetron : Let's go to the Khro-I mean, Krusty Krab.

Patar : Whu?

Squidward : Oh yeah. First you have to teach Mr. Literative here some things. (points to Patar)

Spongebob : Oh yeah.

Krabs : Well, if we just show them the ropes, maybe they can understand us! Ark ark ark ark ark!

(bubble scene shift cues, and everyone is in the Krusty Krab's kitchen)


(The five cave ancestors have a blank expression on their face)

Spongebob : (frowns) Spongegar, Patar, Squog, Krabgar, and Garar, (holds up another fresh Krabby Patty) Wolonga sliponga minonga cavemen Curonga Longa.

(The five cave ancestors nod excitedly)

Spongebob : Exisonga. (Watch me.) 

(SB flips the Krabby Patty) 

Spongegar : Yahah. (nods head again)

(SB then assembles a Krabby Patty together in fifteen seconds flat)

Spongebob : See?

(The five cave ancestors nod in agreement)

Squog : (tries to make a Krabby Patty but it creates a mess on the floor) Ahrhghrh.

Spongebob : No, Squog! Trinonga use palonga oftonga!

Squog : Ohhh.

(Squog steps up to the grill again, and uses "his palonga" better to make the patty)

Spongebob : Squog, you did it!

Squidward : Whoopee.

Spongebob : Now, you deliver it to the customer!

Squog :  Uh?

Spongebob : Oh yeah. Squog, blaonga cavemen exclonga.

Squog : Ohhh. (nods excitedly)

Spongebob : Chuonga! Chuonga! (Go! Go!)

Squog : (walks outside to the dining room) Ack!

Spongebob : Here, i'll help you.

(Spongebob and Squog walk to a table where Fred is sitting at)

Spongebob : Here's your meal!

Squog : Yaonga Plaonga wonga!

Fred : AHHHHH! CAVEMEN! (runs out of the Krusty Krab but trips on a chair) DAHHH! MY LEG!

Spongebob : Penonga, tokonga clinonga. (Well, that didn't go too well.)

Squog : Yah.

(SB escorts Squog into a bathroom stall and gives him normal clothes)

Spongebob : This should help. And we should we get you to know how to speak normally.

Squog : (nods in agreement)

Spongebob : (makes another Krabby Patty and hands the tray to Squog) Dalonga, strionga. (Now, try again.)

(Spongebob and Squog walk out to the Krusty Krab's dining room)

Spongebob : Here's your meal, mind the intern.

Nat Peterson : Hey, thanks! (shakes Squog's hand) And good luck!

Spongebob : Look, Squog, your first happy customer!

Squog : Yehhhhh.

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4 - Fum with Chum


(at the Chum Bucket)


Karen : And then you should calm down over this silly business.

Plankton : Yesss...... (begins walking to Krusty Krab)

Spongebob : Patar, slonga blahonga barbonga.

Patar : Yonga, Spongebob!

Plankton : What?? Who's Patar?

Spongebob : (spots Plankton)

Plankton : Oh boy.


Krabs : (begins scurrying out to the KK entrance) So he is. (picks him up by the leg and throws him) Ark ark ark ark!

Plankton : (lands right back in the Chum Bucket) THAT'S IT. I'll never get the formula from him. Never, never, ne-hey, I have an idea!

Karen : What is it, honey?

Plankton : I'll get one of those cavemen-look alike fools to help me get it!

Karen : What? It's like one of them is going to come crashing through the roof.

(Back at KK)

Spongegar : (points to something in the near back of the kitchen) Whut that?

Spongebob : Oh, that's a trampoline. You use it to have fun and bounce yourself up high!

Spongegar : Uh?

Spongebob : Oh, yeah. Woronga tramponga lisonga chunonga!

Spongegar : Ohhhh.

Spongebob : Probonga, crimonga lenonga shidonga. (But, we have to use it outside.)

Spongegar : Ohhhh.

(Spongegar and Spongebob both walking outside, lugging the trampoline behind them)

Spongebob : Stonga, raconga! (Now step on it, and go!)

(Spongegar does such a big jump that crashes straight through the Chum Bucket roof)

Plankton : Well, that was oddly convenient.

Karen : What if you can't understand them?

Plankton : Of course i'll be able to understand them. Right?

Spongegar : Tabonga doo!

Plankton : Or, maybe not. You don't happen to still have the Cavemen Understander helmet, do ya?

Karen : Uh, no.

Plankton : Great.

(Plankton begins pushing Spongegar out of the Chum Bucket)

Plankton : Now to fine someone who's actually understandable.. 

Spongebob : Spongegar, palonga kazonga! (Spongegar, where were you?)

Spongegar : Alonga wadonga yamonga wonga! (I was at the Chum Bucket with someone named Plankton)

Krabs : (walks up) What did he say?

Spongebob : He was about to help Plankton get the formula, but Plankton couldn't understand him?

Krabs : He couldn't? (holds up Cavemen Understander helmet) Ark ark ark ark ark ark!

Spongebob : Hahaha. good one, Mr. Krabs!

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5 - Garetron


(at Spongebob's pineapple, Spongetron is petting Gary)

Spongebob : Nice, isn't he?

Spongetron : Yep, reminds me of-

Spongebob : Reminds you of what?

Spongetron : GARETRON! I left him in the future!

Spongebob : We can always go to the future and get him!

Spongetron : Great idea! We need to find Krabstron and the time machine now.

(The two run to Mr. Krabs' house where Krabs is trying to teach Krabgar about money, with Krabstron sunken into a rusty chair)

Krabs : Now, this is money. (holds up a dollar) Can you say "money"?

Krabgar : Whu?

Krabs : Oh, forget it.

(Spongebob and Spongetron burst into the door)

Krabs : What in the-

Spongebob : Where's Krabstron?

Krabstron : Here! Ark ark ark ark!

Spongebob : (runs over to Krabstron) We need the time machine to get Garetron!

Krabstron : (pulls the time machine out of his pants) Ah, yes. Here it is. Come in.

(Spongebob, Spongetron, and Krabstron all go into the time machine)

Krabstron : (speaks into the "Year Decider") 4008!

(Spongetron, Spongebob and Krabstron are thrown into a spiraling vortex until the land into the Khromey Krab)

Spongetron : Now, we just have to get to my house!

Spongebob : Wow, cool place here.

Krabstron : Thanks! Ark ark ark ark!

(The three walk out of the Khromey Krab and run to Spongetron's chrome-y pineapple)

Spongebob : Wow, it looks just like my house!

Spongetron : That's because it is your house....except it's chrome.

(The three enter Spongetron's chrome pineapple)

Spongebob : I don't see him.

Spongetron : Remember, he's the chrome version of Gary, but since everything is chrome, it'll be easy for him to blend in,

Krabstron : I don't see him yet.

(A "mrow" sounds from the kitchen)

Spongetron : That's him! (picks him up) We gotta get you back to 2002.

Krabstron : I left the time machine back at the Khromey Krab!

(The three hurry back into the Khromey Krab and into the time machine)

Krabstron : (speaking in the "Year Decider") 2002!

(Spongetron, Spongebob, and Krabstron are thrown into the spiraling vortex mention earlier and fall out the sky and into 2002 onto Conch Street)

Spongebob : Gary will love his chrome pal! (walks into his pineapple with Garetron and sets him down next to Gary) Garetron, meet Gary. Gary, Garetron.

Gary : Mrow. (Hey.)

Garetron : Mrow! (Hi!)

Spongebob : I feel they'll get to know each other easily. (walks out of the pineapple)

Spongetron : How was it?

Spongebob : I think they're friends already!

Spongetron : Great!

Spongebob : Now we just have to have them get acquainted with..Garar.

(Garar comes up and leaves a giant trail of slime that surrounds Spongebob, Spongetron, and Krabstron)

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6 – A Visit to the Library


(Spongebob, Patar, and Spongegar are standing in front of the Bikini Bottom City Library)


Spongebob : Spongegar, Patar, rockonga pukonga shonga. (Spongegar, Patar, this is a library. You use it to read)


Spongegar : Shonga? (Read?)


Spongebob : Yes, shonga. Linonga walonga blanonga boonga nionga. (Yes, read. You look at words on a page.)


Spongegar and Patar : Ohhh.


(The three walk into the library.)


Patar : Oooh.


(The library is huge, surrounded by books and cassette tapes)


Spongebob : Yes, circonga whionga reonga. (Yes, just check out whatever you want from here?)


Spongegar : Teonga  rock conga? (What about rock coins?)


Spongebob : Oh, chonga bonga cronga. (Oh, those don’t matter. It’s for free!)


Spongegar : Yay!


Spongebob : Tonga, ZONGA! ZONGA! (Now, GO, GO!)


(Spongegar and Patar run off, crashing down shelves)


Spongebob : Spongegar, veonga cronga! (Spongegar, pick The Big Book of Chum up!)


(An encyclopedia labled Volume 18: Sabaton to Syzygsy comes crashing down on Spongebob)


Librarian : (comes walking up to Spongebob, with a mad expression) You might want to get your hairy friends out of my library.


Spongebob : Uhh, yes, I’ll get them on that.


(Spongebob begins pushing Spongegar and Patar out of the library)


Spongebob and Patar : No, alonga gulonga conga, alonga! (No, please don’t make us go, please!)


Spongebob : Sorry, senonga ponga snonga bonga nonga. (Sorry, guys, but you were destructive.)


Patar :Honga destructive bonga? (What does destructive mean?)


Spongebob : Caponga gonga songa. (To give great damage to an object.)


Spongegar and Patar : Ohhh.


(The three are back in Spongebob’s pineapple.)


Spongetron : (sitting by the couch) Hey, guys? What are you doing?


Spongebob : Teaching these two proper library etiquette.


Spongetron : OK, have fun!


Spongebob : Thanks.


(Spongebob, Spongegar, and Patar go up to Spongebob’s room)


Spongebob : Now, tonga coatonga honga bonga donga and quonga. (Now, first you walk into the library quietly.)


Spongegar and Patar : (nod in agreement)


Spongebob : Next, you phonga ronga fonga titonga kitonga and plisonga monga comonga. (Next, you walk into the library quietly and take out a book.)


Spongegar and Patar : (nod in agreement)


Spongebob : And, monga feeonga woronga conga dunonga tanonga. (And, finally, you give the librarian a book, she scans it, and you walk out of the library and back to the house, where you read your book, then after you’re done with it, you get another one, and the whole process goes on and on.)


Spongegar and Patar : (nod in agreement)


(Cue bubble scene cut, and the three are back to the Bikini Bottom City Library, about to try to follow Spongebob’s proper library etiquette instructions.)


Spongebob : Now, zonga, chonga gonga. (Now, go, get some books!)


(Spongegar and Patar quietly walk in the library, then take out a book quietly, and then, the two give the librarian their books, she scans, and they walk out of the library.)


Spongebob : How did it go?


Spongegar and Patar : Aonga!  (Great!)


Spongebob : That’s aonga! (That’s great)


(Spongebob, Spongegar and Patar go back to Spongebob’s pineapple, and read their books, then after they’re done with it, Spongegar and Patar go back to the library, and get another book, and so on.)



Spongebob : Two more happy customers from Spongebob’s Proper Library Etiquette Service! Daahaahahah!

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7 – Khromey Patties


(At the Krusty Krab, Spongebob and Spongetron are sitting in the KK kitchen)


Spongebob : Did you have Krabby Patties in 4008?


Spongetron : No.


Spongebob : What about Krabby Kelp Bits?


Spongetron : Nope.


Spongebob : Coral Bits? A Double Krabby Burger? Krabby Meals?


Spongetron : No, no, and…no.


Spongebob : Then what do you have at the Khromey Krab?


Spongetron : Remember, everything in the future is chrome. So, we have Khromey Kelp Bits, Chrome Bits, Double Khromey Burgers, Khromey Meals, and of course..Khromey Patties!


Spongebob : Cool! Can you show me how to make a Khromey Patty?


Spongetron : Of course, but one thing…. (takes off for Mr. Krabs’ house)


Spongebob : What was that for?


Spongetron : (still running to Mr. Krabs house) Krabstron, Krabstron!


(Spongetron enters the anchor house)


Spongetron : Is Krabstron home?


Krabstron : Aye, laddie!


Spongetron : I need to get some chrome by going back to 4008 by using your time machine.


Krabstron : (pulls the machine out of his pants) Here ya, go! Ark ark ark!


Spongetron : (steps into the time machine and yells into the Year Decider) 4008!


(For the, like, what, 3rd or 4th time, Spongetron is thrown into a spiraling vortex blah blah blah he lands right in the middle of Khromey Krab)


Spongetron : Now, where’s that freezer? (spots the freezer) Here it is!


(Spongetron grabs a bag of Khromey Patties and steps into the time machine again and speaks into the “Year Decider”)


Spongetron : 2002!




(Déjà vu enters the room as Spongetron is thrown into the spiraling vortex and crashes right through where SB is standing, who was just wondering where Spongetron went right before he could make the Khromey Patties)


Spongetron : I got the Khromey Patties!


Spongebob : Ohhh, OK.


Spongetron : Now, first we put the Khromey Patties on the grill.


(The hardness of the Krabby Patties crashes a gaping hole in the grill.)


Spongebob : (angry expression)


Spongetron : (shoots a piece of metal from his hand, which lands onto the hole into the grill)


Spongebob : Cool, I didn’t know you could do that!


Spongetron : Well, ehe, I’m from 4008, remember?


Spongebob : Oh, yeah. Now what’s the next step in making a Khromey Patty?


Spongetron : Ah, yes. Then you get some chrome buns and add all the ingredients, which I luckily didn’t forget to get when I went back to the Khromey Krab.


Spongebob : And…


Spongetron : And, then, you serve it to the customers.


Spongebob : Can I have a bite?


Spongetron : Sure!


(Spongebob takes a bite of the Khromey Patty)


Spongebob : This is…


Spongetron : Yes?


Spongebob : Delicious! We ought to serve these at the Krusty Krab.


Spongetron : Well, you have my permission to do so!


Spongebob : You be the fry cook, and I be the server.


Spongetron : Great! (makes up a batch of 393 Khromey Patties in seconds)


Spongebob : Good job! Now let’s get these to the customers!


(Spongebob hands a tray of 2 Khromey Patties to Spongebob, who walks out to a table with the tray and gives it to Fred)


Spongebob : Here you are, sir!


(Fred takes a bite of Khromey Patty, but his teeth falls out and he drops the patty on his leg)




French Narrator : It turns out a few other customers were watching Fred try the Khromey Patty, but others wheeled around in their seats when he yelped out in pain.


(The customers leave after seeing what happened to Fred, and Fred has to be carried out on a stretcher.)


Krabs : (walks out of his office and into the kitchen) What happened?


Spongebob : Uh, Spongetron and me made Khromey Patties…


Krabs : WHAT?


Spongebob : Ask Krabstron about Khromey Patties-


Krabs : Noonononono, you made a hard new food without me permission. Next time ASK me about these things before ye drive away all me customers!


Spongebob and Spongetron : OK, Mr. Krabs!





4b is in "production."

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8 – The Kaveman Krab


(At Spongebob’s pineapple, Spongebob is getting ready for work, with Spongegar tagging along behind him)


Spongegar : Longa suronga luonga losonga memoronga awfonga. (Hey, can’t I go to work with you? Can’t I work there?)


Spongebob : No, shonga longa othmonga, sorry. (No, you’ll miss things up, sorry.)


Spongegar : Pleeeaasse!


Spongebob : Well, OK.


Spongegar : Yay! Honga conga sallonga! (Yay! You won’t regret it!)


Spongebob : You can go ahead. I gotten tie my shoe.


Spongegar : OK. (runs off the Krusty Krab)


Spongebob : (ties shoe)


(SB beings walking to the Krusty Krab, and when he gets there, he stops in awe)


Spongebob : WOAHHHHHH!


(The Krusty Krab has now been turned into the Kavemen Krab, with prehistoric-like music playing in the background, and an additional sign that says “Wonga Spongegar” (Founded by Spongegar), and the place is now a rock version of the Krusty Krab)


Spongebob : (walks in and bumps into Spongegar) Spongegar, restionga nonga meonga?! (Spongegar, what have you done?)


Spongegar : Why, I’ve todonga barbonga ilonga placonga japonga! (Why, I’ve renovated it into a modern restaurant!)


Spongebob : Japonga? Tonga theonga couronga neonga 81 partonga! (Modern? It’s from 81 BC!)


Spongegar : Oh.


Spongebob : Tronga nuonga tooonga weeonga! (You need to change it back!)


Spongegar : It’ll robbonga, courtonga. (It’ll take a long time, though.)


Spongebob : Then how did failonga exponga 5 staronga? (Then how to you make this in about five seconds?)


Spongegar : Magonga reonga boonga chonga. (Because it was easier for me cause I didn’t have to use modernism to put it back.)


Spongebob : Oh. What songa catonga? (Oh. What do we do?)


Spongegar : We shuonga chonga nonga. (We have to find out how to renovate it back to the Konky Krab.)


Spongebob : Krusty Krab.


Spongegar : Ohhh.


Spongebob : Now, shuonga chonga. (Now, we figure out  how to get the Krusty Krab back.)


Spongegar : OK.


(The two walk in, and everything has formed into rock, and everyone is wearing caveman outfits)


Spongebob : (to himself) This is going nicely..


Krabs : (walks up) SPONGEBOB! Look what your little friend has done here!


Spongebob : But-


Krabs : But, all the food is made of rocks!


Spongebob : What?


Krabs : Look. (points to Nat Peterson, who takes a bite out of a Rocky Rock and spits it  out)


Nat : This stuff is terrible! Let’s get out of here. (everyone walks out of the Kaveman Krab)


Krabs : It’s losing me money. I need you to get the Krusty Krab back to the way it was, pronto!


Spongebob : Y-yes, Mr. Krabs.


(Krabs walks away and Spongebob takes his trusty “Things to help get your Caveman-Like restaurant back to it’s former glory of being a food shack” building kit out of his pocket)


Spongebob : This will be all I need to get this Caveman-like restaurant back to it’s former glory of being a modern heaven!


(Cue a brief construction montage of Spongebob using the kit to make the Krusty Krab modernized again)


Spongebob : Almost done..


Krabs : (walks out) Good going, laddie. All you need is the sign restored!


Spongebob : I got you covered.


Krabs : You’re going to pay for it?


Spongebob : No.


Krabs : Then what are you going to do? How are you going get the sign restored?


Spongebob : (pulls the original Krusty Krab sign out of the kit box) Bring it out of the bag!


Krabs : Ah, I’ll put it up!


Spongebob : OK, Mr. Krabs!


(Mr. Krabs puts the Krusty Krab sign up, while knocking the Kaveman Krab sign down. )


Krabs : Now, what about the customers?



Spongebob : (pulls a bunch of Bikini Bottomites out of the kit bag) I got ya covered! Dahahahah!

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9 - Personal Instructor


Spongebob : (running to the boating school in excitement) La la la la la la!

Spongetron : Hey, Spongebob, where are you going?

Spongebob : To get my boating license! Do you have yours?

Spongetron : Yep. 

Spongebob : Well, now i'm about to get mine!

Spongetron : Great!

(Spongebob keeps running until he gets to the boating school classroom)

Mrs. Puff : (sitting in a corner of the room, quietly whispering into a phone) Hello, Bikini Bottom Insurance? I-

Spongebob : Hello, Mrs. Puff! Who are you talking.

Mrs. Puff : Uh, no one. Now..let's go do your exam.

Spongebob : OK.

Narrator : (Cue timecard) 27 seconds later...

(A view of the boating school is shown. The boating school is wrecked, and the boat has fallen over, and near it, a gaping hole is in the wall with Spongebob getting up after his fall and Mrs. Puff puffed up)

Spongebob : So, did I pass?

Mrs. Puff : No.

(Dissapointed, Spongebob walks away)

Spongebob : (sighs, as Spongetron is still standing in the same spot)

Spongetron : Did you pass?

Spongebob : ...no.

Spongetron : That's terrible.

Spongebob : Yeah, I wish I could pass it for once.

Spongetron : Wait, I have an idea!

Spongebob : What?

Spongetron : I could be your personal boating instructor!

Spongebob : Hey that's a great idea! Meet me outside my house tomorrow morning!

Spongetron : OK!

Narrator : (cue timecard) The next morning..

Spongebob : OK, Spongetron, i'm ready!

Spongetron : Good. Now, get in the boat.

Spongebob : Boat?

Spongetron : Oh yes. (Spongetron pulls his chrome boat behind his back) I went back to 4008 to get it while you were taking your official boating test! But no more official tests! Welcome to Spongetron's School for Boating!

Spongebob : (starts clapping)

Spongetron : Now, the first thing to do is remove any hats with walkie talkies in them, where some guy miles away from here is giving you all the answers.

Spongebob : (flashes back to "Boating School")

Mrs. Puff : ..because that would be cheating!

(flashback ends)

Spongebob : Ehe...done.

Spongetron : Next, we obviously get in the boat. 

(The two get in the boat)

Spongetron : Next, start the boat.

(Spongebob presses the wrong button and loud music begins blaring out of the radio, and Spongetron turns the radio off. Spongebob presses another wrong button and the boat begins going in reverse.)

Spongetron : Spongebob, the button next to the reverse butto-AHHHHHH

Spongebob : What? (looks and sees the boat is heading toward Squidward's house) AHHHHHH

Both : AHHH

(Spongetron teleports Spongebob to the other side of the street, as the boat is still going and slams right into Squidward's house)

Squidward : Rrrrr.... (opens front door) Spongebob! Spongetron! You morons can't even stop a boat by yourselves?

Spongebob : (begins sulking home)

Spongetron : Spongebob, it's okay. He didn't mean it.

Spongebob : Well, there is good news!

Spongetron : There is?

Spongebob : Yeah, your knowledge you gave me from your boating school makes me feel like it will help me! I'm off to get boating license tomorrow, and I will get it! (walks back into pineapple)

Spongetron : Great! 

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10 - BCFishing


(Spongebob is sleeping, when his foghorn wakes up)

Spongebob : Well, time for a new day!

(Spongegar is sleeping, when his rock collection begins showering on him)

Spongegar : Ah! Dunonga conga sanchonga! (Ah! Well, time for a new day!)

(Spongebob and Spongegar begin both running in the same direction and them bump into each other)

Spongebob : Ah!

Spongegar : Ah!

Spongebob : Oh, hey, flonga anonga gonga. (Oh, hey, i'm going jellyfishing.)

Spongegar : Gonga? (Jellyfishing?)

Spongebob : Oh, yah. I'll swonga buonga. (Oh, yeah. I'll teach you about jellyfishing.)

Spongegar : Good.

Spongebob : So, first you grab your net....

Spongegar : Duonga? (Net?)

Spongebob : Oh yeah, I have an extra one. (Pulls an extra out of his pocket and gives it to Spongegar.)

Spongegar : Duoooonga. (Neeeet.)

Spongebob : Now, we go to Jellyfish Fields.

(Spongegar follows Spongebob to Jellyfish Fields)

Spongegar : Dofish. (Jellyfish.)

Spongebob : Yes, dofish. Dofish everywhere. Now, we have to catch these dofish with our nets.

Spongegar : OK.

(Spongebob and Spongegar begin catching jellyfish.)

Spongegar : Honga, backonga, songa, jaonga. (Hang on, I have to call someone.)

(Spongegar picks a rock that looks a phone and dials a number)

Spongegar : Hey, Patar?

Patar : Uh?

Spongegar : Ronga, conga whonga finonga bonga dofishing. (Look, you gotta come jellyfishing.)

Patar : Uh?

Spongegar : Onga, get duonga. (First, get a net.)

Patar : Duonga?

Spongegar : Just bonga Dofish Place! (Just come to Jellyfish Fields!)

Patar : OK.

(Patar stupidly runs to Jellyfish Fields)

Patar : OK.

Spongebob : Patar! What a surprise!

Patar : Gonga dofish? (How do you jellyfish?)

Spongegar : Onga, get duonga. (First, get a net.)

Spongebob : I have another extra one! (gets out another net and gives it to Patar.)

Patar : Duooonga.

Spongegar : Jonga, behonga mironga dofish duonga. (Next, you catch the jellyfish with the net.)

Patar : Ahaha!

(Spongebob, Spongegar, and Patar catch jellyfish for half an hour until Spongegar suddenly stops.)

Spongebob : What is it?

Spongegar : Phonga nonga cavemen to dofish with tonga. (I need to get more cavemen to jellyfish with the time machine.) (runs away in the direction of Krabstron/Krabs' house and comes back five minutes later with the time machine, and steps in it,) 81 BC!

Spongebob : Well, i'm gonna head home with Patar. Bye, Spongegar!

Spongegar : B- 

(Before Spongegar could finish saying "Bye.", he's transported into a spiraling vortex and falls through a hole in the sky and into his rock pineapple.)

Spongegar : Donga taonga watonga cavemen dofishing! (Now to get the cavemen jellyfishing!)

(Spongegar grabs everyone in Stone Bottom, throws them and him into the time machine and goes back to 2002. When they get there, Spongegar explains jellyfishing to them.)

Narrator : (Cue timecard) The next morning..

Spongebob : (walking to Jellyfish Fields) La la la la lAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

(Cavemen are jellyfishing everywhere in Jellyfish Fields)

Spongebob : (finds Spongegar) Spongegar! Get your friends out!

Spongegar : Confonga dofish. (But, they want to jellyfish.)

Spongebob : Wait, I have an idea!

Spongegar : What?

Spongebob : There's a vacant lot near Coral Street. (hands Spongegar a map to Coral Street.) Here, tell the cavemen.

Spongegar : Hey, Coral Street dofish. (Hey, you can dofish at Coral Street. I'll lead you.)

(The cavemen begin walking away)

Spongebob : OK, jellyfish, I need half of you to move into the vacant lot at Coral Street. 

(Half of the jellyfish put their thumbs up and fly away to the vacant lot.)

Spongebob : Ah, all better.

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11 - Fandom Theft


(Setting : Spongebob's Pineapple)

Spongetron : Hey, Spongebob, do you like comic books?

Spongebob : I love comic books! Especially Merm-

(Before Spongebob can finish his sentence, Spongetron opens SB's closet door and is blasted by a wall of comic books)

Spongetron : Hm, you sure have a lot of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy comic books. What are they about?

Spongebob : Two superheroes fighting crime!

Spongetron : Heard it before.

Spongebob : No, wait, they're really good!

Spongetron : (picks up and MM and BB comic book) Hmmm....

Spongebob : (looks at the front cover) Oh, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy #753 - The CES Thief! Where Merm-

Spongetron : Don't spoil it! (begins reading)




(The events of the book are showing)

Mermaid Man : Another great day fighting crime! Right, Barnacle Boy?

Barnacle Boy : Right, Merm-

High Pitched Voice : Help, help!

Barnacle Boy : Quick, Mermaid Man, someone needs our help! 

(The two fly in the direction of the voice, only to find it belongs to an eight year old)

Mermaid Man : What happened, young citizen?

Eight Year Old : Someone stole my CES..he went that way!

Barnacle Boy : We'll get it back for you!

(MM and BB have their hero rings touch)

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy : Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy unite!

Barnacle Boy : Which way did the thief go?

Eight Year Old : (points to his right) That way!

(MM and BB follow a silhouette of someone who appears to be laughing and waving something that looks to be a CES. They chase after it, and the silhouette is revealed to belong to Man Ray)

Barnacle Boy : (punches Man Ray in the face)


Mermaid Man : (socks Man Ray in the arm)


Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy : (slug Man Ray in the stomach)


Man Ray : Ohhh, you won...take the CES.

Eight Year Old : (comes running up to MM, BB, and Man Ray) You did it! Thanks, guys.

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy : No problem!




(The aftermath of Spongetron reading the book is fishing)

Spongetron : (puts down book silently)

Spongebob : Spongetron?


Spongebob : Told you would like it! Anyways, i'm going to bed.

Spongetron : Me too. (scoops up a giant stash of MM and BB comic books and walks out of Spongebob's room with them, comic books falling out of Spongetron's hands)

Spongebob : Uh...Spongetron?

Spongetron : Good night, Spongebob!

Narrator : (cue timecard) The next morning..

Spongebob : Well, time to go to-

Spongetron : Hey, Spongebob!

Spongebob : WOAH!

(SB looks at Spongetron, who is wearing a Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy hat, wearing a Mermaid Man shirt and a Barnacle Boy tie, and using Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy leg rockets while carrying a Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy bag to hold the rest of his merchandise)

Spongetron : You like this?

Spongebob : Wait, that's all my stuff! Except the leg rockets, where did you get those?

Spongetron : I got it at Futuristics! Where all the things you need for the future are.

Spongebob :...Oh. Please, though, give me my stuff back!

Spongetron : Hm, OK. Hang on. (Takes all the MM and BB stuff in the house and clones it) There, now we have no problems!

Spongebob : Great! Dahaha!

Spongetron : Hey, you want to read our copies of MM and BB #151?

Spongebob : Sure, and after that we can meet Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy!

Spongetron : M-m-m-meet? (eyes glowing)

Spongebob : Yes, they're real. And then, we can watch their TV show!

Spongetron : Great!

(The two sponges begin running/floating outside, and when they close the door behind them, the screen fades to black.)

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12 - Rock Fort


(In Spongebob's yard, Spongegar is lugging heavy rocks while groaning from the heaviness of the rocks, and he is putting the rocks in a pile)

Spongegar : Rrrghh!

(Spongebob comes walking outside)

Spongebob : Spongegar, what are you doing?

Spongegar : Monga baonga paronga rock fort! (Oh, i'm building a rock fort!)

Spongebob : Oh, well, good luck with that.

Spongegar : Thanks!

(Spongebob walks back inside)

Narrator : (cue timecard) 22 hours later...

Spongegar : (slowly trudges into house, sweating) Woo!

Spongebob : (looks up from snail food can opener) Have you finished the rock fort?

Spongegar : Yea.

Spongebob : Let's look at it as soon as I finish feeding Gary and Garetron!

Spongegar : OK. Gaonga honga banonga. (OK. I'll be out there.)

(SB comes out one minute later)

Spongebob : Hey, pretty good job.

(The rock fort is revealed to be a little rock wall)

Spongegar : Thanks!

Spongebob : Uh, where's the entrance, though?

(Spongegar picks up a rock that's around the middle of the bottom row of rocks and throws it)

Spongebob : WOAH!

(The rock hits Patar in the head)


Spongegar : Ehe... (goes in the rock fort)

Spongebob : Wait, what about me?

Spongegar : Oh. Donga chonga waonga poinonga. (Oh. I'll make it bigger. Just wait.)

Spongebob : OK. (walks back inside)
Narrator : (cue timecard) 1 day later...

Spongebob : (goes outside) Is it big enough yet?

Spongegar : No.

Narrator : (cue timecard) 2 days later...

Spongebob : (goes outside) Is it yet?

Spongegar : Oh, i'll ponga weonga. (Oh, i'll get to it.)

Narrator : (cue timecard) 4 days later...

Spongebob : (goes outside) Getting to it?

Spongegar : Oops.

Narrator : (cue timecard) 8 days later...

Spongegar : I longa nikonga konga yaonga osbonga aonga monga rock fort. (I should probably get out of this rock fort now.)

(Spongegar tries to get out of the rock fort, but the small crack in the rock fort is too small)

Spongegar : Oh.

Narrator : (cue timecard) 16 days later...

Spongebob : (goes outside) Seriously, what's wrong?

Spongegar : Sponga no rock fort! (I can't get out of this rock fort!)

Spongebob : I'll try to take it apart!

Spongegar : OK.

Spongebob : (lifts up a rock) Hrghhhhhh! (fails to pick up the rock)

Narrator : (cue timecard) 32 days later...

Spongebob : Rrrggghhhh! I give up. Can you push some rocks out?

Spongegar : OK. First, honga sponga aonga. (OK. First, get out of the way.)

(SB runs a little to the right, and then Spongegar a few rocks out)

Spongegar : Unlonga basonga cononga! (You can come back here now!)

Spongebob : OK!

(Spongegar squeezes out over the now much larger hole in the rock fort.)

Spongegar : Redonga roonga oldonga donga rock fort ponga? (Can we still have the rock fort here? I'll build more of it, but keep this big hole in it here.)

Spongebob : Okay!

(The two walk back inside)

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13 - Tronsportation


(Spongebob and Spongetron are watching clouds in Patrick's front yard)

Spongebob : Hey, Spongetron?

Spongetron : What?

Spongebob : Do you think people in present-day Bikini Bottom would use you to fly?

Spongetron : No, no one would do that. 

Spongebob : You think so?

Spongetron : Yes. 

Spongebob : OK. Anyways, let's go. The last 57 clouds have all been shaped like old coral.

Spongetron : Oh, OK.

(Transition to SB and ST walking/flying through downtown Bikini Bottom)

Spongebob : I'm still worried that people are going to hop onto you for a ride.

Spongetron : Relax, no one will-

Nat Peterson : (walking past, but suddenly stops to stare at Spongetron) Um, hey, is that dude flying?

Spongebob : Yes...

Nat : Cool! I need a ride to the Krusty Krab. Can he help me?

Spongebob : I don't think that will be necessary..

Spongetron : Uh, yeah, I-

Nat : Nonsense! (hops on Spongetron's back)

Spongetron : (mouths to Spongetron) Heeelllppp...you were riiighttt.... (flies away with Nat)

Spongebob : I knew this would happen! Spongetron's being used as a flying boat! What do I do?

(Transition to Nat and Spongetron arriving at the Krusty Krab)

Nat : (hops off ST) Thanks, man!

Spongetron : (sighs)

Spongebob : (runs up to ST) I told you!

Spongetron : I know, I know! Hopefully, this doesn't happen again!

(SB and ST begin walking home)

Fred :(hobbling past, but suddenly stops to stare at Spongetron) Hey, is that guy flying?

Spongebob : Um...

Fred : He is! See, my leg is broken, and I need a ride to the Shell Shack. Can he help?

Spongetron : Yyyye-

Fred : Great! (hops on ST, and the two fly away.)

Spongebob : Well, i'm sure that will be the end of...iiiittttt?

(SB sees lots of people on Spongetron, who is grunting from carrying so much weight)

Spongebob : (walks over) Spongetron?

Spongetron : Just go with iiittt....

Spongebob : No, I can't let them take advantage of you!

Spongetron : Okayyy...

Spongebob : (takes a few steps back) Listen, everyone!

Bikini Bottomites on Spongetron : Uh?

Spongebob : Get off of Spongetron! You all have your own boats!

Timmy Monroe : (raises hand) Not me...

Nat : No, son! You have my boat!

Timmy : Right.

(Everyone gets off Spongetron)

Spongetron : Yes!

Spongebob : Yay!

Spongetron : Man, you were right. We need to find a way to protect my legs, though.

(Transition to Spongebob's yard)

Spongetron : (pulls up fake legs) These will do the trick!

Spongebob : OK, we're good. Now. let's go to Coral Park!

Spongetron : OK!

(Episode ends)

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14 - Sleeping Cavemen


Spongebob : (walks into the pineapple and sighs)

Spongegar : Uh? (What is it?)

Spongebob : Sandy's hibernating for the season..

Spongegar : Who?

Spongebob : Oh, nevermind. 

Spongegar : Buonaonga? (Hibernating?)

Spongebob : Sleeping for a long time, because-

Spongegar : I jonga buonga! (I wanna hibernate!)

Spongebob : No, because-oh, wait. He's already gone to sleep.

(Spongegar is now lying face down on the floor, snoring)

Spongebob : Oop, he'll be fine. Time for me to go to sleep, anyways.

(SB walks upstairs to his bed and puts on his pajamas)

Spongebob : Good night, Gary.

Gary : Mrow.

(SB begins sleeping, and a view of Bikini Atoll turning from night to day is shown)

Spongebob : Well, I guess Spongegar has stopped hibernating now.

(SB walks downstairs)

Spongebob : ...or not.

(Spongegar is still sleeping, but now Patar is too)

Spongebob : What..what are you guys...you're still hibernating?

Patar : (wakes up) Polonga awesonga oronga dononga buonga Spongegar. (I came here to borrow some floor sand, and I saw Spongegar sleeping. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was hibernating, and invited me to join him. I wanted to hibernate with him, so here I am. Also, he told me that hibernating is sleeping for a long time, and I like to sleep, so that's another reason for me to join his hibernating.

Spongebob : OK...well have fun. I have to get to work.

Patar : Wonga woronga bronga kronga! (Thanks, and have fun at the Krusty Krab!)

Spongebob : (opens front door and leaves)

Narrator : 11 hours later..

Spongebob : (opens front door and enters house) Ohhh...

(Spongegar and Patar are still sleeping)

Spongegar : (suddenly wakes up) AHHHHHHHAAAAAHAHAHA!

Spongebob : Woah..

Spongegar : Ahh! Longa follonga! (Ah, I had a bad dream!)

Spongebob : Oh, that's terrible. Hope it doesn't happen again.

Spongegar : Bonga. ((Thanks.) starts sleeping again)

Spongebob : Well, I gotta ready for bed. (puts on pajamas, goes to bedroom, and starts sleeping)

(Transition to a view the clock, which says 1:39 AM)


Spongebob : (grumbles and goes downstairs)

Spongegar : Spongebob!

Spongebob : You had another bad dream?

Spongegar : Yehe. (Yes, I did.)

Spongebob : Don't hibernate anymore, please.

Spongegar : Wha, conga iconga? (What, why not?)

Spongebob : It's bothering me, and I can't even sleep. Remember you have all nights to sleep.

Spongegar and Patar : Oh, yah. Yayy!

Spongebob : So, it's a deal?

Spongegar and Patar : Ye.

Spongebob : Great!

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15 - Past, Present, But No Future


(Setting: Spongebob's living room)

Spongetron : Hmmmm...

Spongebob : Uh?

Spongetron : Aughhh,..

Spongebob : What's wrong, Spongetron?

Spongetron : Oh, i'm just homesick, is all.

Patron : (breaks down door) Did someone say homesick?

Spongebob : Spongetron is..

Patron : Oh...me too...

Spongebob : Oh, sorry about that.

Spongetron : I wonder if Krabstron is homesick..

(Transition to Krabs' anchor house)

Krabstron : Ar har har harrr!

Krabs : Lad?

Krabstron : Oh, i'm just homesick, is all...

(SB and SG, and PT break down the anchor door)

Patron : Are you homesick?

Krabstron : Yes, why?

(Horrible clarinet music begins blaring in the direction of Squidward's tiki head)

Spongebob : What was that?

(Transition to Squidward's tiki head)

Squidward : (still playing horrid clarinet music)

Squidtron : (sighs) That reminds me of how I used to play the chrome clarinet...I think i'm homesick.

Squidward : Oh..sorry.

(SB, ST, PT, and KT break down door)

Patron : You're homesick too?

Squidtron : ...yes.

Krabstron : Hey, what if we go back to 4008?

Spongebob : NO! PLEASE DON'T-

(ST, SQT, KT, and PT, have already stepped into the time machine)

Squidtron : (speaks into Year Decider) 4008.

(ST, SQT, KT, and PT, are thrown into a spiraling vortex, and land back in the Khromey Krab)

(Transition back to Squidward's house)

Spongebob :...go. (start crying) I may never see them again....

Squidward : I may never have someone who understands me again!

(Transition to the future characters landing in the Khromey Krab)

Spongetron : Well, here we are. This is where I went to get some ice and found the time machine. Memories..

Patron : (runs all the way to chrome rock and jumps onto chrome couch and turning on chrome TV) Ahhh...

Squidtron : (finds chrome clarinet in cashier boat and begins playing) Ahhh...

Krabstron : (runs to chrome cash register) Ahhh...

Spongetron : (runs into Khromey Krab kitchen) Ahhh...I wonder how the others are...

Spongebob : I can't believe it..they're gone...

Patrick : Cheer up, Spongebob, they'll probably come back...

Spongetron : I'll probably come back, but i'm not entirely sure!

Squidtron : Good for you. Now start Order #42.

Spongebob : Yeah, maybe i'll forget about them..

(SB thinks about the events of ST 101, Fandom Theft, Tronsportation, Personal Instructor, Khromey Patties, and Garetron)

Spongebob : No....

Patron : Hmm...nothing on TV. I'm starting to miss 2002... (runs to the Khromey Krab)

Spongetron : (happily flipping Khromey Patties)

Squidtron : (happily reading Future Anger magazine)

Krabstron : (happily counting the week's money)

Patron : You want to go back to the past?

ST, SQT, and KT : No.

Patron : Well, I want to...

Patrick : I miss Patron! I'll watch some TV... (zoom-in to the TV)

Perch Perkins : I'm Perch Perkins, and welcome to Future Ideas! The show where we talk about what possibly could happen in the future!

Patrick : Huh?

Perch Perkins : In the future, we could have counterparts of ourself, and everything in the future could be chrome.

Patrick : I miss the future people!

Squidward : I miss people that are exactly like me but future-like understanding me!

Krabs : I miss someone else liking money!

Spongetron : Patron's got a point..I had lots of fun with our past relatives. Even the cavemen probably miss me!

Spongegar, Patar, Squog, and Krabgar : (bawling) Wahhaha! I flonga honga future tronga! (I miss my future relatives!)

Spongebob : You guys do too?

SG, PA, SQ, and KG : Yeh!

Spongebob : Well, then let's go to the time mi-

Spongetron : -chine! Let's go to the time machine!

(The four future characters all miss their relatives by now, so they do go to the time machine, which is actually in the Khromey Krab freezer, but the modern characters and the cavemen didn't know this.)

Krabstron : (speaks into year decider) 2002!

(Spongetron, Patron, Squidtron, and Krabstron are thrown into a spiraling vortex, and land on their modern and cavemen relatives)

Spongebob and Spongegar : SPONGETRON!!!!!!

Patrick and Patar : PATRON!!!!!

Squidward and Squog : SQUIDTRON!!!!!!

Krabs and Krabgar : KRABSTRON!!!!!

(All twelve characters begin celebrating, and the episode ends)

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