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FeelMyFeel333 - Story of an SBC Member


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*posted in the Introductions board*

Hey, everyone. My name is FeelMeFeel333 and I'm not sure why I'm here but a friend of mine told me that there was this SpongeBob fansite with people who are actually very friendly and listen to your problems. Not sure what she meant by it, but here I am. Again, don't know what I'm doing here, since I don't even like SpongeBob, but I might as well get to know you guys. How is everyone? Are you all here because you like SpongeBob or are you here because your lives suck too? I'd share some of my life, but it doesn't seem right to unload all my drama in my very first post.

Well, I hope my friend was right when she said I'd like it here. I hope.

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*this and all future posts are in the Sharing Time board*

Wow, I've been on here for two days and I haven't said anything yet. I might as well share some more details with you guys. I am 18 years old and yes I'm a guy. I know emotionally stressed-out guys are the worst of them all. Despite what you might assume, I am not bisexual. I have a girlfriend and I am still in high school. A sophomore in high school to be exact. The reason for that dates back to when I was 15 years old. I was in a knife fight and was sentenced to jail for two years. Those two years were tough on me, but now I am back in the school that casts an unwelcoming shadow upon me.

Okay, I know I might have unloaded a lot onto you guys, but I thought you guys needed to know the basics about me. I just hope I haven't made a big mistake in doing so.

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Okay, so I see it's been 6 days since I posted here. A lot of things have happened since then. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. Of course I am talking about this one girl, Brianna. She is mega HOT and so on Friday I sat next to her in the cafeteria. Being the ice-breaking expert that I am, I broke the ice by saying to her, "What has 142 teeth and can hold back the Incredible Hulk? My zipper."

She giggled and did something I would not have imagine she'd do. She grabbed my hand and she ran it up her backpack. Oh man, she ran it so deep, I could almost feel the squishy pink erasers she had in there. As I gently slipped my hand out, I said, "Wow, you are just... wow. Wanna come over to my house after school?"

She agreed and it was a date. I made it clear that I did not want to go anywhere else because then my current girlfriend would find out, and Briana understood me completely and said that she too would keep it secret from her boyfriend.

Yes, that's right. We're having a mutual affair. I've always been against it, but now that I've tried it, I feel like I want more!! Yes, I just had to express my feelings out to you guys because cheating on your girlfriend does feel good! You may think I sound crazy but it DOES! Well, I'll be back by the end of this week to update you on how the relationship's going. Peace out.

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Oh God guys. I do not know where to begin. I had a very very depressing week. You know that last post I made about me cheating on my girlfriend? Well, my current girlfriend came to my home one day, searched my Internet browser's history and found the post I made here.

Why the hell was I stupid enough to post this here where everyone can see??!!

God, what is wrong with me?!

Okay, I guess it's okay. I mean, I still have Brianna... I hope. You know how it is when you've had something great and you don't realize it until you don't have it anymore? Well, that's how I feel with my current...I mean former girlfriend.

Ugh, why did I even sign up for this stupid site? Why?

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This is pretty good, man The emotion is building up high here like it could get here irl. I would love to see FeelMeFeel get drunk and go all reckless while we talk him out of doing what he's doing. Have Nathan make a cameo where he changes the subject towards himself. Lol. This has potential.
SpongeSebastian: Yes, that's what I'm leaning the story towards. You'll be seeing a lot of similar occurrences like that coming soon.
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SpongeSebastian: Yeah, and it's also a satire of all the drama certain users have brought here to SBC.
...I kinda don't like it being advertised like that. I mean, some people need to see their friends on here, even about their drama. But that's how I see it brah.
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...I kinda don't like it being advertised like that. I mean, some people need to see their friends on here, even about their drama. But that's how I see it brah.
SpongeSebastian: It's not like I'm making fun anyone (or spoofing any particular user for that matter). I'm just portraying a user who is a combination of all that drama, but at a very hyperbolic level.
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So, I've kind of relaxed since my last post here. Well, not exactly. I broke up with Brianna. After that whole incident, she's been all crazy and I had to break it off with her. However, she STILL wouldn't leave me alone. One day, I woke up, and she was sitting on the ground next to me waiting for me to wake up! Seriously, who the hell does that?

Along with that, all of my friends and so-called acquaintances have not looked at me the same since they found out what I did. No, not because I cheated on my girlfriend (I mean seriously, how many people do that?) but because I came to school one day with a spray can and pretty much tagged every single wall and everyone who got in my way--well, I'd just spray them in the face. One of those spray victims was the principal, and yes, I got suspended.

It's stuff like this that makes me consider leaving this town.

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Okay, so it's been like, what, a week, a week-and-a-half since my last post? The reason I haven't been posting in the past weeks is because things have been very heated over here. You know how I contemplated leaving town in my previous post? Well, I left town. Right now, I'm in a very crappy Motel 6. Everything's itchy, the cockroaches are having babies, and the wood looks like it's about to give in. But, that's all I could afford.

I stole about $500 from my parents when I left the house. Notice how I said "left" and not "ran away" -- because I'm 18 and so legally I can just leave the house and I will not be considered a runaway. So while you young'uns run away and all that childish stuff, I left my parents' house.

Right now I'm just laying down on my itchy motel bed, watching whatever crap they've got on ABC Family. Hopefully I won't have any unwanted visitors... and I'm not talking about the police...

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Well, it's been almost two weeks and I have been still living at this crappy motel, buying those nasty hot dogs they serve at 7-Eleven. I'm trying to type this as quietly as possible, because my ex-girlfriend Brianna caught up with me. I don't know how, but somehow she stalked me and she's now shacking up with me at this motel. I don't know what to do!

Oh God, she's right behind me! She's watching me type! AAAgaghHAAH!!

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Well guys, I really need some time to collect my thoughts. I've escape the motel with nothing on me buy my laptop. I'm running... on foot. It's too late now to turn for my car. I just got to get away from that freak!

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Wow, I can't believe it's August already. I was on the run for about a week, living off of the Lifesavers Gummies I had in my pocket, until I came across a friend of mine who's letting me chill at his place. As it turns out he's also a user here. While I'm not sure at the moment if he wants me to reveal to you guys who he is, I wanna say that he's helped me out a lot in the past. I remember in middle school, I had this stalker-like girlfriend and I just wanted to get rid of her. Now, I'm afraid of dumping girls, because I'm afraid of hurting their feelings (I'm also afraid that they'll sneak into my house while I'm sleeping and do something to my pets). So this dude, who will remain anonymous at the moment, went up to her and did the dumping for me. Yes, she cried and harassed me for not manning up enough to dump her myself, but since then I have always thanked that dude for getting me out of what would have been a lifelong relationship with a very crazy girl.

Excuse me for that long paragraph, but I'm gonna log off for now. I don't want him to think that I'm unloading a bunch of his personal stories onto you guys.

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So, remember that "person" I mentioned to you guys earlier? Well, he said it's okay for me to reveal his name to you guys. ... Okay, he didn't really say it's okay. I haven't even ask him, but he claims he barely visits the site anymore, so I guess revealing who he is won't destroy his rep too much.

His username here is Wumbology. Apparently it's a reference to some SpongeBob thing. But yeah, I'm currently staying with him, and we've recently been talking about something very crazy. It's an idea that we have that I'm not quite at liberty to discuss with you guys just yet. Mainly because we haven't decided if we're really gonna do it yet. But I'll keep you guys updated about our decision.

Just remember, what goes on in this thread stays in this thread. That's very important, I guess.

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Wow, is that what you get from the word "cahoots"?
No. I just don't want anyone to assume anything out of the ordinary and Wumbo getting offended. I know some of you may have rather... interesting minds.

But funny story: when you said "cahoots" I looked it up on Google and quickly read their definition, "Colluding or conspiring together secretly" and misread "colluding" as "cuddling." I need bedrest. 428899.gif

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