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Scary Story Contest 2023

Shark Tale

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Happy Octerror, ghouls and any other creatures of the night. This topic is a good chance for you to share your own hauntingly creative talents with others. Our annual Scary Story contest is back for another round!


1.) The story does not have to be SpongeBob related, but it can be if you want. It doesn't matter to us.

2.) It must at least have a Halloween or creepy theme.

3.) No less than 100 words in length.

Just post your story here, and a panel of supernatural judges (Trophy, OWM and sbl) will judge who has the best one. The winner will receive...

  • 1,000 cursed doubloons
  • 20 pieces of candy
  • 200 experience points

Now get writing! You have until October 30th at 11:59pm ET to submit.

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The SBC Slasher

[Whobob enters SBC]

Whobob: hello? anyone here? that's strange, it's empty and it's not even 4 am yet

[Whobob spots jjs in the distance]

Whobob: JJS! there you are! i was beginning to worry [jjs doesnt answer]

Whobob (Cont'd): Let me turn on the lights [the lights turn on revealing the hanged corpse of JJs the kid]

[Whobob screams and attempts to leave, but the doors are locked]

[A shadowy figure appears from the shadows and approaches Whobob]



[Meko, Hawkbitalpha, and Fred arrive at SBC HQ]

Meko1432: this is where it happened?

Hawkbitalpha: yeah [touches Whobob's body] it's pretty bad

Hawkbitalpha (Cont'd): huh?

Fred: what's wrong?

Hawkbitalpha: check this out [knocks on Whobob's body] this isnt Whobob, it's a robot

Meko1432: so he's alive?

Hawkbitalpha: not sure.

Fred: is the blood real?

Meko1432: it's paint........but it seems to be a tra-

Hawkbitalpha: it's a trail to there location!

Meko1432: it leads to that door ove-


Fred: way to go hawk [they high-five]

[They follow the trail into a mysterious door]

[They open the door and find a tied up Whobob]

Whobob: IT'S A TRAP!

[A net trap catches all 3 of them into the air]

[A shadowy figure leaves the shadows revealing Themselves to be ''SOF'']

3 of them: SOF?!

Meko1432: how could you do it, SOF!

SOF: JJS stole my cookie, he had it coming!

[Another SOF enters the room]

Fred: what the?!

SOF: did i miss anything?

Hawkbitalpha: if you're SOF, then who's-

[The SOF-lookalike transforms into a giant blood monster]

Fred: HOLY

Hawkbitalpha: CRAP!

[The monster slashes the net open]

Meko1432: RUN!

[They run towards the door]

[Meko stops]

Hawkbitalpha: Meko, what're you doing!

Meko1432: we need to go back for Whobob!

Fred: i agree

[They rush to save Whobob]

[They jump over the monster's attack and untie Whobob]

[They free whobob and attempt to escape but the monster slashes SOF, then proceeds to eat her whole]

Whobob: NO!

Meko1432: we've gotta go quick!

[They escape and live happily ever after..............and SBC FUCKING EXPLODES]

Edited by Mechbounder
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SpongeSaw SpiralPants

Patrick Star awakens in a fright, spazzing out on the floor as if awaking from one of those falling dreams. After taking a few moments to collect his thoughts and regain his senses, he surveys his surroundings. He finds himself inside of a dingy, dimly-lit room . He gets up onto his feet and navigates the darkness by flailing his arms out in front of him. He can hear the rattling of chains following his every footstep. He reaches down, scouring the floor, and feels said chain. He follows the metal link up to the shackle that’s been tightly placed around his ankle. He has a much delayed moment of panic before a television set turns on, illuminating the dank room. The light emanating from the tv is enough to irritate his dilated eyes. As his sight adjusts itself, he recognizes a somewhat familiar figure on the screen.

Mini Squidward: Hello Patrick. I want to play a game. For years, I have observed your actions. Or rather, your lack thereof. I see that you’ve come to pride yourself on your immense laziness. You consider it to be a “title” that is to be defended. I want to put your lack of skill to the test. Today, we will see whether or not your streak dies. I hope you’ve already become familiar with that shackle around your leg, but if not, well, there you go. When this video ends, your game will begin. And when that timer starts, the chains that bind you will start reeling you in towards the instrument of your self destruction. On the other end of that chain lies a device. A device that’s designed to “wring some life out of you”. Just how it exactly goes about fulfilling its purposes is entirely up to you. You will find the key to your salvation in the nearby jar. Just crack it open, and you’ll be so close to freedom that you could almost taste it. Will you finally break old habits to do something meaningful for once in your life? Or will your continued inaction serve only to keep your streak alive? Live or die, Patrick. Make your choice.

The tv goes to static as the timer officially starts counting down three minutes. Patrick takes a couple minutes to process his current situation as the chain draws him closer and closer towards the activated wringer. Just then, Patrick finally comes up with an idea.

Patrick: Let’s leave!

Patrick gets off his butt and sprints towards the jar, but the retracting chain has already widened the gap between himself and it, so he can’t simply go over and pick it up anymore. Patrick grabs hold of the chain and pulls on it, his strength managing to pull enough of it back out from the wringer in order to grab the jar as originally intended. Patrick lets go of the chain as soon as he has the jar in hand, allowing the wringer to resume, though he inadvertently buys himself more precious seconds with his feat nonetheless. Patrick peers into the jar and sees that the jelly is submerged in a jelly-like substance within its confines. About one minute remains.

Patrick attempts to open the jar, but his efforts to open it from the bottom is all for naught. He tries twisting the glass from the side, but that too leads to absolutely zero results. Frustrated, Patrick throws the jar away, feeling he’s done all that he could do. Just then, it hit him like an oncoming car at 12 years old.


The jar was already in pieces on the floor thanks to the throw, but Patrick considered it as being that his trick worked. He’s just two feet away from the wringer as he desperately crawls and claws towards the displaced contents of the jar. He grasps a smackerel of the jelly and devours it on impulse. It was merely  jellyfish jelly. And just then, Mini Squidward’s words repeated in his own.

Mini Squidward: “You’ll be so close to freedom…that you…could almost…TASTE IT.”

Even more of Mini Squidward’s words come back to haunt Patrick.

Mini Squidward: “Just crack it open”

(Flashback of Patrick throwing the jar to the ground)

Patrick didn’t even have to bother opening the lid to obtain the key, he could’ve just smashed the jar to get to it a lot sooner. But Patrick fails to come to that realization on his own, unfortunately. However, he does remember that the key is still in play, but son of a bitch is just too out of reach now in the time it took to remember. If Patrick had fingernails, he’d be clawing off sections of the floor as he desperately clings on to dear life. Patrick turns over on his back just in time to see his shackled foot just about entering the wringer. He puts up his other foot onto the top roller to hold himself in place, but it’s futile as the rotating roller makes it difficult to firmly place his foot against it. This causes his free foot to enter the wringer first, followed immediately by his shackled one. The wringer slowly devours him up to his knees and then his waist. Patrick could feel hips crushing before his abdomen slid on through next. Patrick’s innards squeeze up through his mouth like play-doh before his chest and neck are next through the wrings. Patrick’s eyes pop as the pressure of the rollers now applies directly to his head. And lastly, his exposed entrails roll on through.

A bloody, pink mess is all that’s left on the other side of the wringer. The door to the room is heard being unlocked. It slides open. A mysterious figure strolls in on a unicycle with Mini Squidward over their left hand.

SpongeBob: I hope you learned a valuable lesson!

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Wasn't sure what story to stick with, so I chose them all.


Steel Sponge’s Super Speedy & Supremely Stupid Spooky Short Story Spectacular


The Last Magnetbender

Water, fire, air, and dirt. Fucking magnets, how do they work? These are all the five miracles in the world. However, everything changed when the Dirt Nation attacked. Only the Juggalo, master of all five miracles could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. One hundred years have passed, my brother and I would discover a Juggalo trapped in a Faygo iceberg. This is where our story would begin…

We saw as the Juggalo, with glowing blood-red eyes stepping out of what was now the demolished Faygo glacier. I, Killtara, of the Water Gathering, along with my brother Sokka 2 Dope, put down our Hatchet Gear as we waited for the Juggalo in the iceberg to greet us.

“What’s up? I’m a magnetbender,” he said. “My name is Ong.”

Face it. Halloween is ruined.


The Yard Sale

Today I decided, for no apparent reason, to check out some local garage sales. After a few uninteresting trips, one yard sale had an item that caught my eye. It was a case for a game that I hadn’t played for years – Pokemon Channel, but the label was poorly scrawled on with some Sharpie, with “Pokemon Channel 666” written over it. It was sketchy, sure, but it was a free GameCube game, so that was a steal. Now, of course, I could then go on some long-winded tangent about my experience with Pokemon Channel, but then a weird old man came up to me and cried out, “Do not play that game that you now hold in your hand! It is cursed, cursed I tell you!”

I rolled my eyes and replied to the old man, “Yeah, okay.”

“That video game disc will consume your soul if you play it during the witching hour!” The old man continued on.

“If that’s true, then how are you here to tell the tale?” I asked.

“My grandson sacrificed himself to cut my family’s ties to Pokemon Channel 666. It must never be played at any cost, especially your own life.”

I left myself to my thoughts and then asked the elder, “Does it have any interesting post-game content?”


“Then I don’t want it.”

And so I left the yard sale behind without having to spend my money on anything. I managed to save $100,000 and my soul today, so that felt good.


Anti-Piracy Screen

So, you’re wondering how I ended up like this. Of course, I didn’t say what happened, but I’m getting to that part. The post-release market for the video game SpongeBob’s Revenge of the Flying Dutchman has suddenly gone up. With there being no re-release or compromise to the cost inflation in sight, I was desperate to find a cheaper copy, and it would happen to be my luck when I found what I needed. As you can tell, the game started off normally and all, but that was until after finding the first treasure. Instead of triggering the usual cutscene with the Dutchman taking Gary, I came across a different cutscene.

“So, what’s this I hear about ye scallywag pirating this game?” The Flying Dutchman spoke. I was shook. Was he referring to me? “I may be a ghost pirate, but the thought of stealing other peoples’ work and distributing it illegally makes my ghostly blood boil! If you’re going to be a thief, a criminal, let alone a pirate, then I’ll treat ya like one! Either you turn off your console and remove this illegal copy of Revenge of the Flying Dutchman and return it in exchange for a legal one, or you can just leave it be and then suffer a very unfortunate fate. ...Well alright then, you’re my prisoner now, and look, I have something that you may be interested in…”

I was suddenly in a trance when he pulled out what looked like a golden case of said video game in front of my screen and swung it around like a pendulum.

“The expanded, never before released director’s cut of the video game you stole. I have it just for you. All you have to do is join my pirate crew, pirate!”

Just right afterwards, the screen blacked out. Then I blacked out...and appeared on the very ghost ship guided by The Flying Dutchman himself, along with The Flying Dutchman. So this is what happens when I don’t buy a legal copy of a video game?

Honestly? I have no regrets.


Ghost Toast

I wake up in the morning and I am hungry. I feel like making myself some toast, so I put some bread in the toaster. To my surprise, the bread ejects itself from the toaster? So I kept trying until I decided to give up and confirm with myself that the toaster is broke. However, when I heard a strange, spectral noise once my back was turned and that was when I saw a ghost...in the form of a slice of toast.

“I am the piece of toast that haunts your very home!” It spoke. “I seek vengeance for all the bread brethren that you have burnt, the lives you have buttered up, and the innocents that you used for your fancy avocado toasts!”

“What can you do to convince me that I’ll never eat another piece of toast again?” I asked the floating crispy bread.

“What am I going to do?” The ghost toast mused. “I’m going to raise my army of the undead!”

With that, the phantom bread used the toaster to fling 8 slices of ghost toast per second to send flying right at me. I tried my best to dodge, but I kept getting hit.

“What have I done to deserve this? I just wanted to make some toast for breakfast,” I bemoaned.

“Breakfast? Don’t you realize it’s 6 PM!?” The ghost toast told me.

And that was when I realized….I am probably on crack.


Interview with a Vampire

“What’s your name, sir?” A man from the other side of the table asked.

“Count Dracula of Transylvania!” He replied.

“Tell me about yourself.” The interviewer continued.

“I spend most of my days resting in my coffin in my castle atop the Carpathian Mountains, and I spend all my nights preying on the blood of any unsuspecting travelers that I find by biting their necks, sucking away their life force completely dry. I have a relative who has his own breakfast cereal, Count Chocula. I’m sure you’ve heard of him.” The vampire replied.

“What would you say your strengths and weaknesses are?”

“A vampire poses many weaknesses, but I oblige to tell that they shall not hinder the best of my abilities. Almost every day, I’m having to hide away from the harsh sunlight that the day brings. I can’t even stand the sight or the smell of garlic, for my senses are too strong not to notice it. Don’t get me started on silver. I can’t even stand to touch my own silverware most of the time. As for my strengths, I don’t believe I need to go on about how impressive it is that I can turn myself into a bat and fly accurately as such. I can also move as fast as the speed of sound, so I can guarantee speedy service.”

“I see. So, why do you believe you’re a perfect fit for a job at Olive Garden?”

“I can make a mean chicken carbonara.”


Bambi: Hunt or Be Hunted

This Summer…

Your favorite childhood characters are going buckwild…

And the hunters that killed Bambi’s mother….

Can only be prepared for a taste of their own shotgun rifles, because….

It’s paybuck time.

(Collection of footage showing Bambi slaughtering several humans by either shooting them with a rifle, ramming them into a cliff or a rock wall, or setting off traps, Thumper biting the faces off same human fodder, and Flower, donning a gas mask, pushing the humans inside a gas chamber with skunk fumes, among other gruesome acts of bloody and gory violence.)

Because now…

The hunters are the ones being hunted.

(End clip showing one of the hunters aiming their rifle, hesitating to shoot while the murderous buck himself, Bambi, intimidatingly looked at the human before an army of deer appeared right before them, with glowing and menacing eyes.)




[So you see folks, this is the kind of stuff that you have to deal with when objects from your childhood go public domain.]

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