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Heartless Wind Kept Blowing, Blowing...


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As the wind kept blowing, blowing...I sat there, in darkness. My heart was stricken with a swift blow from Splitting Apart. She left my life faster then I could say "sorry". I loved her. The feelings must not have been mutual.

5 Minutes, I cried.

10 minutes, I cried.

A Day, I cried.

One Week, I cried.

As hard to get over as grand canyon blocking a track runner, I had to realize it. She was gone. And did not love me. The crows chirped, the sound ringing in my ears. I flipped open my cell phone, the date came up as well the time. 02/24/10, 10:07 AM. The date made it worse. A week after the day of lovely chocolates, roses, and love left me with a sweet tooth, a dead garden, and a broken heart. Worst of all, I could do nothing. I decided to take a walk, flipping through my cell phone while doing so. Pictures of her were all over the place.

I passed Sheetz, the place where we would always just sit and chat at at. I looked down, and Dairy Queen, where are first date took place, was there staring at me, laughing. A single tear fell from my eye as I walked back. I then remembered, today was the ceremony. She would be united forever with this man, and I wouldn't see her, because of the ceremony meaning she had to move, forever. I passed it as I cried some more, and faces looked back at me, in suits in dresses, as a man stood between my beloved and the man taking her away from me. She stared at me, and I cried, keeping my hood up. Walking some more, I passed her house, and cried some more. Two figures' backs stared at me, through the slit opened window. I finally made it to my house. I slipped through my door, and just sat. I let it all out. Then I turned, and saw the news paper. I picked it up, and cried some more. It talked about her leaving me for the other man.


Tragic news struck today as a tragic accident happened on the happy day of Valentine's Day! A dreadful car accident left three teenagers dead, one Girl and her two brothers. They were all going to the girl's boyfriend's house for a day of "Awesome, Loving, Fun!" as the parents of the three teens said, quoting their daughters ecstatic statements on the night of February 13, one day before the fatal crash-"

I couldn't take it anymore, and threw the newspaper in the trash. And cried. My girlfriend left me for God, and I couldn't stop it at all. She was moving forever to Heaven, as I sat in the peanut gallery until I died. But I couldn't take it. I looked around, and realized no one was home. This was it. I ran to my father's room, unlocked his dresser drawer, and took a key. I ran to the garage, looked under this weird table, seeing a weird, metallic "toolbox" he'd tell me, ever since I saw it on Valentine's Day. And I know why he hid it from me. Because of this.

I took the box, and ran to my room, and locked the door. And the window. I turned the T.V. up, and started my iPod on it's dock. It played "Valentine's Day" by Linkin Park. I then took the key out of my pocket, and turned to the box. I unlocked it. I opened it.

My insides are turned to ash...-

I cried.

A black wind took them away, from sight...

There stared at me, .22 Caliber's of metallic woe. Laughing at me. I picked it up, my hand trembling.

And the clouds above move closer, looking dis-satisfied...

They were burrieng her now. And soon... They'd be doing the same. I picked up the gun, and loaded it with one bullet. That's all it'd take.

And the ground below grew colder, as they put you inside...

I felt the metal slip into my mouth. This was it. I hear a snap, after moving the top of the gun, as my finger then touched a weird material. I shut my eyes.

I used to be my own protection... But now...


And my lifeless body hit the ground. I flew up now, free. A red hand tried to touch me, but he couldn't reach. Satan cannot touch me. He couldn't touch love. My soul flew, free, as I looked up, my destination being a floating cloud, as I watched a teen girl with mezmorising brown hair, beautiful sparking blue eyes. Above I saw her, and she was an angel. My beloved was an angel, standing next to the great god, God. I kissed her as I looked in her eyes, us both crying. The man known as God looked at us, as we walked into the shining, golden gates. He smiled, even though he did not approve of what our teen did... And below, Satan watched, smirking.

"-Sigh-, teen love..."

So now you're gone, and I was wrong

I never knew what it was like, to be alone

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day

I used to be my own protection, but not now

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day

Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day

I used to be my own protection, but not now

On a Valentine's Day, on a Valentine's Day

Cause my mind has lost direction, somehow

And the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing...

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