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Slam Lord BBBB

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Posts posted by Slam Lord BBBB

  1. It's uh.....been quite some time, I believe. Fall 2018?

    Boy I've been up to alot. Made a Dan Vs Forum, met both co-creators, got Chris to join my forum, I did a collab with Joshscorcher and I've got a top secret plan for both co-creators I can't get into yet.

    https://dan-vs.freeforums.net/ if your curious.

    How have you all been? I look back on my years here with both fondness and cringe...so..yeah

    • Like 2
  2. On 2/4/2012 at 10:43 PM, ?Cha? said:

    Yay! I found this thread! :D I started watching this show maybe last summer? I watched it before I watched MLP. I liked it in the beginning sort of, and for a while I didn't like the show after seeing a couple episodes that bothered me. I wondered how they get away with some of their stuff. Now I like watching new episodes of this show regularly. The humor is quite to my liking and the characters too. Mr. Mumbles (or should I say Ms. Mumbles :P) is quite cute too.


    On 2/5/2012 at 8:59 AM, Sebby said:

    I watched a couple episodes during the few months that I had the Hub channel. I'm not a fan of the Flash animation either, but I think the show's pretty decent.


    I created both a freeforum and discord to discuss Dan vs.



  3. 6 minutes ago, Goobz said:

    Pfttt, I'd give it 2 weeks before it goes on a hiatus forever.

    What is it with shows nowadays going on hiatus all the time. IS THE GREAT HIATUS PLAGUE SPREADING?????? QUICK, SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING, GO TO GREENLAND BEFORE IT EVOLVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRRY!!!!!!!!!


    P.S. You should really create a PPMB account lol

    • Funny 1
    • God Himself 2
  4. I was banned from SBM before it was hip. Trendsetter is me.

    19 hours ago, dmandaman said:

    king of spamming the shoutbox

    Well they took away my status updates and blogs and discord where else could I offload.


    Now if I want to talk to someone o have to find a topic of theirs and hunt them down 

    • Wow 1
  5. Episode 2:


    Jane's Procrastination:

    It was a fine day at Laaawndale High, well, maybe not fine. The weather was pretty shite.

    That's not the point. The point is Daria and Jane were walking and Daria was speaking to Jane about the week.

    "The week was more hellish then usual without you helping me maintain my will to live Jane."

    Jane Replied "Trust me, I had my own brand of hell this past week amiga."

    "Concussion recovery that bad? You do look a bit thicker"

    "Nah, the concussion wasn't too bad once I could sleep, that entire hospital was a happy hell hole of joy and
    colorful pleasantness. I think I dropped a dozen IQ points when I was there. When I close my eyes all I can
    see is pink."

    "That's because of light."

    "Oh........right. So, what fresh hell did life dump onto you?"

    "Well, the loss of your business cut the Pizza Kings profit by 15%, Ms Barch blamed "evil muscle men" at
    the club for your injury, O'Neil balled his eyes out, and I spent as much time as possible in my room. Sadly
    my supply of pizza ran out, so I was forced to make a deal with the devil for some more. One of my better deals"

    "Ehh, sounds about right. I assume you found a way to keep your soul, that is, if you had one to start with."

    "I confess, I do indeed have a soul. My shame is truly immense. Thankfully, I don't lose my soul as long as I
    don't fi-"

    "Good for you, Amiga. Anyway, what's your plan for that assignment, "800 words about happiness?"

    "Attempt to figure out what this 'happiness' you speak of is. It is sadly not in my vast vocabulary."

    Jane laughed "You always know how to make me smile Amiga. Truly it is a devious art."

    The two of them walked into Thee Morgendorffer Residence. The main room appeared to be empty. Daria spoke,
    "My parental units aren't currently home, and so long as we don't utilize the telephone Quinn should stay out
    of our hair. I've got something for you, consider it not a gift, but a bribe to not go insane from your pink
    overexposure at the hospital. Help yourself to some food that isn't sterilized."

    Daria left the room to get the 'gift', as Jane dug through the Fridge.

    "Lasagna, lasagna, raw lasagna, green lasagna, pink lasagna, lasagna and meatballs, soda, OJ, purple stuff,
    sunny deight, magic 8 ball, gremlin, green pizza, eh, not that hungry, pizza crust, Pizza, hey Pizza! Yes!"

    Jane pulled out the Pizza.

    "Hmmm, a piece of paper that says "DO NOT TOUCH" and another that says-Ah what the hell I'm eating it anyway."


    "Hmm.....wonder if she has any ice cream in here."

    Just then, Daria walked back into the room, carrying some paint.

    "Here you go, thought you might want to make up for lost time. Don't worry, none of them are pink. Wouldn't
    want to trigger any flashbacks of the Big Scary Pink Hospital, now would we?"

    Jane smirked. "Thanks me Amiga, knew I could trust you. I should probably get back to me casa, before Trent
    burns the house down and sleeps through it."

    Daria gave a smile"And I should probably stop disrespecting the colour pink before Pope Sandi orders a crusade."


    Jane walked into Casa de Lane, passing Trent.

    "Sleeping as usual I see."

    She then walked up to her desk.

    "Okay, time to start writing." She stared at the paper. Staring. Nothing happened. "I said, It's time to write."


    "Come on brain, this is what I pay you for...........What do you mean I don't pay you? Hey, don't use that
    language with me brain. I know where we keep the alcohol, I can nuke you to dust anytime."

    Trent walked into the room. "Hey Janey, do you know where theeeeee..."


    Trent blinked, and turned around, walking right out of the room.

    "Ok fine brain you win, I'll try to get more sleep, but....WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M FAT???? I SWEAR BRAIN I'M GONNA-"


    "I HAVE A CAN OF PAINT AND I'M NOT AFRAID TOO.......wait.....what time is it? Holy shit 5-o-Clock, I need to
    start writing. Hmmmmm............ Maybe a quick run would give me some ideas. Yeah, a run."

    Jane walked up to the door, opening it when....

    "Hey, hehehe, hey artsy chick, ya wanna like, hehe, score with us?"

    Jane slammed the door faster then you could say "T.P. for my bunghole".


    "Shut up Beavis, you like, scared her off."

    "No, hehe, maybe we should just, like, find Diarrhea, I mean, hehe, she's like, cool."

    "Well maybe if you didn't, haha, blow all our bus money, hehe, blow, hehe."

    Jane walked back towards her desk with a twenty yard stare. "Okay, maybe now's not a good time to run. I need
    to write. Ok, focus, must write words, must start writing, must-"

    "Hey Janey."

    Or that could work. "Hey Trent, any interesting dreams? Anything new happening, spare no detail no matter how
    long and tedious."

    Trent smirked a devious smirk, he knew what Jane was doing, and he was gonna have a little fun.

    "Well, I DID have this dream where you met Squidward Tentacles, and went to his bedroom, and then you-"

    "Nope Nope Nope, land of 10000 nopes, I'll stop you right there Trent, you look tired, go to sleep, rest!" she
    shouted, as she practically pushed Trent out of her room.

    "Fine, but you should reallllly clear you internet history Janey-"

    "I SAID GO TO SLEEP TRENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Trent followed orders, he had had his fun. "BTW, Daria dropped by while you were threatening to show your brain
    nothing but Vin Diesel movies for a week. She made a joke about the asylum looking for you, then told me to
    give you this Ultra Cola, said your brain needed the boost. I would have told you earlier, but I fell asleep."

    As Trent walked away, Jane thought to herself.

    'I should really figure out how to clear that before Daria finds anything blackmail worthy.'


    "And, cleared. Whew, crisis averted. That only took me..... 9 O CLOCK????? Shit shit shit, got to work, got to

    And with that, Jane started to work.

    "Ok, lets see, let's just start with 'I', plenty I can put over that. I...wait, this is the big start, the epic
    opening, I need to give it a little pizzazz. Hehe, pizzazz. Maybe just a slight italic look, or some-"


    "And done. Mission accomplished."

    She had indeed done it. She had drawn perhaps the most fancy letter 'I' anyone had ever seen. All sorts of
    fancy stylizations and such. Just the letter I, though, nothing less, nothing more.

    "Break Time! Whoo boy all that work tired me out, I deserve a break. Hmm....maybe I can Daria, see what she's
    up to."

    Jane went to dial the phone, Daria's number was practically muscle memory.

    "I'm sorry, but the number cannot be completed as..."

    "GODDAMN IT. Stupid phone lines. Hmm....guess I could call Jodie." Jane pondered the thought, and reached for
    the buttons once more."


    "Hello, this is Jodie, why the hell are you calling me at this hour?"

    "Hey Jodie, this is Jane Lane, how are you doooooiiing?"

    Unseen to Jane, Jodie slapped her hand her face.

    "Jane, we both know your just wasting time so you don't have to write your essay."


    "Well I'm listening."

    "Uhhh.........sorry Jodie, But, I'm driving thro- unnel, you-reaking up, signal-ad, got- o!" SLAM.

    Jodie blinked. " She's never finishing that essay." and then she went back to sleep.


    "Darn Jodie, should have known I couldn't trust her. Heh, probably in league with Li. Hmm, wonder if these
    pretzels are still edible?" Jane wondered, as she tried munching on one.


    "Bleh, COUGH COUGH, oh my god that's hard as rock, NEED, WATER, AGHH!!!" Jane screamed in faux-drama.

    Jane promptly ran to the sink, stuck her head under the tap, and turned it on. Nothing happened.

    "Oh right....forgot we didn't pay that bill yet."

    Just then, Trent walked in.

    "Little overly dramatic Janey?" asked Trent, leaning in the door.

    "What do you mean over dramatic?" Jane said, in full denial mode. "Have you been talking to Jodie.All that
    panic sure made me hungry though. Maybe I should have some sort of snack, Trent?"

    "I can see where this is going. I'm hitting the hay Janey. Goodnight." Trent said as Jane walked into the
    kitchen. "Let's see, pizza, pizza, where is my pizza?" Jane mumbled as she looked for where she had left her
    Microwave pizza, she still had some deep dish pizza left over from what Daria had nick-named 'The Salted Wound
    Shenanigans' or as Jane called it 'Some stupid muscle jerk keeping me out of the club'. Just then, she found
    her pizza, in the top shelf inbetween a holiday mug(for columbus day, no less) and some Thal-Rat.

    "The Pizza has been obtained. Next stop, drink city."

    Jane peeked her head inside the fridge, trying to avert her attention from the jungle of Fungi and Bacteria
    growing inside, the less one thinks about the horrific beasts lurking amomgst their blue furry food, the better.

    "Jackpot." she said, grabbing the soda Daria had given her, and some ice(when it was restocked, the world may
    never know) as she walked to the microwave, putting in her pizza, and taking a swig of soda. As she waited
    for the pizza to finish, she heard the doorbell ring.

    "Hmm, wonder who could be on the borders of Casa de lane? Napoleon? Hitler? Kurt Cobain?" Jane wondered, as
    she walked up to the door. It was the mailman, coming to deliver something.

    "Hello?" Jane asked the mailman, as he reached into his bag and pulled out a package.

    "Package for Ms. Lane"

    "Thanks, I guess.....Hey It's from Penny!" She said.

    "Do your Essay." Janes blood ran cold.

    "Wha....what did you say?"

    The Mailman responded "I said 'what did you say' Ms. Lane?"

    Jane breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh uh, nothing. tha thank you." Jane replied, walking inside and closing the

    "I really need to get more sleep.............." Jane mumbled to herself. "Well, let's see what Penny sent me."


    She sat the box on the table, plopped her butt onto the couch, and started opening the box, when suddenly the
    TV turned on, startling Jane. She turned over, she had just sat on the remote. "Whew." and Jane got back to
    work, when suddenly the TV changed, as did It's topic.

    "And in other news, local artist Jane Lane, has only a few hours left to complete her essay, yet she continues
    to goof off." Suddenly, the news person leaned out of the TV, and grabbed Jane by the shoulders, shaking her.

    "WHEN WILL SHE LEARN!!!!!!!!!" He said, shaking Jane around, until she snapped out of it and kicked in the TV.

    'Breathing Deeply' "Wha...What the fuck..." Jane said, when suddenly she heard a voice. It was her couch.

    "Hey Jaaaaaaaaanne, come on, take a seat, put up your feet and reelllaaaaax..." Jane stepped back, a look of
    horror on her face. "What the fuck what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!" Jane stammered, stuttering in fear.


    "Oh no......MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!" Jane shouted, suddenly forgetting about the talking couch, and running back
    towards her desk. And run she did, for no matter how far she ran, the desk kept getting further and further
    away, Jane ran as fast as she could, feeling the wind in her face, yet the desk seemed so far, the flicking
    color of the walls dancing around her, the cacaphony of noise echoing around her. Finally, after what seemed
    like years of running, she approached the desk, it seemed so big, yet she had made it. Except.

    "Papers please." A border crossing had suddenly appeared at the base of her desk.

    "What the hell, since when do I need a passport to....what....ALISON? What are you doing here?"

    "Oh, I'm not Alison, I'm just assuming her form. I'm actually your sub-conscious. I'm here to help you out."


    "First off, rude, second, business or pleasure. Third, I'm going to help you learn about yourself."

    "Yeah I don't have time for this, let me through or I'll kill you."

    Faux-Alison blinked. "Welp, can't argue with that. Don't wanna get fired. Come on in, just lay off the drugs."

    "I haven't taken any drugs!"

    "Sure you haven't Jane, sure you haven't. Also, don't trust Dani, she wants you for your body!"

    "IM NOT GAY!!!!!!" And with that, Jane got past the border, and back to her desk.

    "I made it........I can finally get back to work." But just as she grabbed her pencil, and started to write....

    "Wait a second........WHERE ARE MY PANTS? AND MY SHIRT?????" Jane suddenly asked, realizing she was in her

    "Yoo-Hoo, down here!"

    Jane looked down. There they were! Her clothes! They thought they could run off without her, eh? Well, she'd
    show them, they needed her! So she hopped off the desk, and chased after he clothes, as they fled down a
    hall of fickering colors.


    "Freedom!" The clothes shouted, as they ran out the door, into the technicolor stars of the night.

    "CLOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTHHHHES!!!!!!!" Jane screamed as she attempted to chase after them, but they flew into the
    sky and into the giant flicking color wheel in the sky. "No.......I need you clothes....You're my identity."

    SLAM. The door slammed shut, as Jane quickly doubled back to try to get back inside, but the door was locked

    Attempting to look in the window to see who closed the door, Jane leaned in. The clock on the wall began
    spinning rapidly, hours flying by, until the clock exploded into a ball of cinder and ash, setting the carpet
    on fire. As the debris cleared, an angry floating demonic face hung its in place. The face was Mr O'Neils.

    "TIIIIIIIMMMMMMES UP JAAAAAANNNE LAAAAANNNE!" Jane began shaking violently, as she watched the fire on the
    floor grow legs, walk over to her desk, and pick up her essay.

    "Only 799 more words to go! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The beast laughed as it torched her essay
    , then it dissapated, turning into a fireball that quickly engulfed most of the room, including Trent, who
    despite all this was still sleeping soundly, mumbling to himself. "tuuuurn down the heat, grandma.." he said
    as he turned in his sleep, the fire completely overtaking him.

    "NO, TRENT, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, TRENT, TRENT, TRRRREEEEEEEEENNNNNNNT!!!!!!!!!!! NO.......nooo." Jane said, a
    tear rolling down her cheek. Suddenly, a voice appeared to her. "Jane."

    She looked up, it was Daria, steppin oout of the fireball that was Janes room, completely covered in flames.
    Daria walked right up to the window, staring right into Janes soul, even her eyes looked as though they were
    on fire. She then spoke, with an echo.
    "Probably shouldn't have bought all that paint thinner, eh Jane, jane, jane, ja-ne, jaaaaane." A wall of fire
    completely engulfed the window, blocking any view inside. Jane grabbed her hair, tears rolling, and screamed.


    "Jane" Suddenly another voice cut her off. Jane looked up, it was Casa de Lane itself, speaking to her.
    Jane stepped back in complete terror.

    "Jane. Why? Why did you set me on fire Jane. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST WRITE YOUR ESSAY!!!!! WHY?!?! STOP WASTING
    TIME!!!!!!!!! HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!" The house screamed as it jumped out of its foundations, opened its
    door mouth, a wall of pure fire behind it, and began moving towards Jane.

    Jane, snapped.


    Jane continued screaming as she ran down the endless hall of colors, her house tailing right behind her.


    Daria watched intently as she stared, looking into her binoculors, watching as Jane ran down her street in
    nothing, but her bra and panties, screaming bloody murder, and babbling incoherently about her house coming
    to eat her.

    Daria whispered to herself,"Looks like Operation Jane-Insane was a complete success." and it indeed had been.
    Her plan to give Jane soda she had personally spiked with LSD had been a complete success.

    As Jane turned the corner, and several neighbors lights turned on, Daria gave a light mona lisa smile.

    la la LA la la


    "Ugggggggghh. What the hell happened last night?"

    Jane opened her eyes, struggling to do so. She looked back and forth. "This isn't Casa da Lane......"

    As Jane looked around, she suddenly realized. "Wait.....wh....why am I in the middle of the street?"

    "And....why....wait...WHY AM I IN MY UNDERWEAR!?! EEP! AHHHGG!!!!" Jane stuttered as she ran towards her house.

    Charles was walking by, on his way to school. As Jane ran past him, he blinked, then he blinked again. Then he
    pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

    "Yeah, Dr. Millipieds? It's Charles. I think I'm hallucinating bikini clad woman again. 7 tonight? See you then."


    After managing to get her coat back on, Jane went to find her essay. And she did......buuuuuuuuuut.......

    "I........wow, never got past I. Wonder what time it i-9 O CLOCK????? IM GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!"

    And Jane ran to get to school on time, running as fast as she could, failing to realize it was Saturday, as It
    had been a weekend assignment. She also failed to realize she had failed to put on pants.

    THE END.

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