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Posts posted by Karen

  1. Simply put, my Untitled SpongeBob spin-off has been delayed. I have a pilot written up and everything, however I am not satisfied with it yet. In the meantime here is a fantasy spin-off I have written. It is loosely based on the Seven Sacred Stones spin-off I announced that never came to pass, using that name as indicated by the *. So here it is, I proudly present to you, Episode: A Legend Enters. Please review and comment on the show! 630566.gif

    It is a slow day in the land of Bikini Bottom. SpongeBob is hosting his monthly Parcheesi tournament, which unsurprisingly Squidward is attempting to escape.

    After needing to "use the bathroom", he runs back to his house in a hurry and starts playing his clarinet. However then something very bizarre occurs. The whole town begins to shake ferociously. Windows begin to smash, paintings begin to fall from walls, the sounds of breaking objects are constant. No, it is not Squidward's clarinet playing, but something even bigger.

    Then all of a sudden it stops. But right after it's all over, he can hear a voice. "Squidward, Squuuuidward".

    Obviously in fear, he runs back to SpongeBob's house. However it is the final match, which could go on for hours, and the cheers make Squidward's knocks unhearable from inside. With the door also looked, he is stuck outside.

    He then goes blind for a second. This causes him to start screaming, which continues when he begins to be teleported into the sky.

    Once his vision returns, he sees a beautiful land before him. The sky is a perfect blue, the mountains in the background are high and majestic, even the most pleasant songs are being chirped by the ongoing birds in the air. He sees a grand castle in the background, and due to his still highly prevalent confusion, decides to go to it.

    The walk begins without a problem, in fact it is quite relaxing.

    Then however things get a little crazy. These little green creatures begin to swarm around Squidward. He tries to fight back, but is totally defenseless. He begins to run away from them, but is too slow and is captured. He then blacks out.

    Suddenly he wakes up. He is greeted by a beautiful pink fish with a crown and long golden hair.

    She then begins to scold him, "You shouldn't be fighting Greenlegs yet! Some of them were Level 8!"

    "Not to be rude, but what the heck are you talking about?" responds Squidward.

    "Ah yes, you're the new character. You have yet to learn the rules of our land."

    "Can you please just tell me what the heck is going on here?"

    "Tell me, have you ever played an online Role Playing Game?"

    "Well of course, back in college when I wasn't with the ladies I was a Wizard in AquaQuest. I made it to level 148 before I sold my account for some Power Crystals in World of Waves. But what does any of this have to do with where I am?"

    "Let's just say you are essentially in one those games, only in real life. You have a Level, stats, weapons, magic spells, and you can now pick your character class."

    "Okay, this is just a dream. I never should have eaten the clam chowder SpongeBob had. I swear he like spiked it and wouldn't let anyone else have any, what the heck is wrong with that guy?"

    "The Sponge is a little obsessed over you, but compared to us he hardly even cares for you, we long for your legendary abilities!"

    "Just let me ask two questions. One, what exactly is this crazy place? Two, why did you bring me here?"

    "To answer the first one, these are the Oceantop Realms. Honestly we may just be a fantasy world, none of us know, but once you enter it certainly is not a game. This once great land has been overrun by evil forces. The sad thing is we let them in ourselves, they fooled us into trusting them and have now taken over and destroyed all that made this land so great.

    To answer the second question, let me start by saying you are the first we've allowed in since the Dark One stole the Seven Sacred Stones*. Long ago we were told that this great land would be nearly destroyed by greed and evil, but a savior would come to stop him."

    "Hmm savior, I like the sounds of that."

    "He would be completely bald, have a terrible attitude, be going nowhere in his regular life, and most importantly, be the worst clarinet player this side of the Atlantic Ocean."

    "What an honor..."

    "Once we heard the awful shrieking sounds that you released from your instrument, we knew the prophecy had been fulfilled. You are it, great blue one. This is your legacy."

    "I-I don't know what to say. This feels like an honor, but also quite dangerous."

    "Do not worry, it is impossible to be killed in this world, and any injury or sickness you encounter can be easily cured by a potion."

    "Count me in, this sounds simply incredible. Tell me my mission."

    "The Dark One, as mentioned before holds the Seven Sacred Stones. They are the Stone of Knowledge, the Stone of Strength, the Stone of Lust, the Stone of Mind-Control, the Stone of Fear and the greatest stone of all, the Stone of Power. With these he rules Oceantop Realms. He has given the former six to his most powerful minions, with the later one being in his own possession. You must collect them all, then you will be powerful enough to take on the Dark One for the last of them."

    "I can do it. I've longed my whole life for an opportunity to do something incredible. Lead me forth, show me where I must go!"

    "First you need to learn your stats. They are:

    Level: 1

    Strength: 3

    Magic: 5

    Item: 4

    Speed: 1

    Attacks: None

    Spells: None

    Items: None"

    "Doesn't sound like I have much..."

    "You have only just entered. We must train you. Onto the Valley of 10,000 Corpses!"

    "That *gulp* doesn't sound like the best place for a beginner to go..."

    "Do not worry, if trouble occurs I am here to protect you. My stats are all near the thousands, I could take out any enemy there with one hit."

    "Then why don't you just take out this, what's his name, Dark One? I'm what they call a newbie, you're like a Legend!"

    "I have tried and failed miserably. You are the only one that can stop him. There is something inside of you that makes you able to combat all the power he has. We do not know what it is, all we know is that it does exist, and is something far greater than anything the rest of us possess."

    "I'm ready to go. Let me begin the journey. I feel brave, I feel proud, I truly have a desire to concur all the evil that burdens you folk. Onto the Valley!"

  2. Well here I go again. This is my first attempt during this account revival to create a spin-off.

    Thing is I've never really made a spin-off that I am proud of. Sure SpongeBob 'n' Friends may have had a COUPLE of good episodes, but most were all-around mediocre and not memorable. Plus it only used SpongeBob characters, never using any own spin-off characters to any depth. Also little plot development occured outside of pretty much the finale.

    So here it is, the spin-off I've always wanted to create:

    It stars...SpongeBob. Yeah, not sounding too different so far. But here's the plotline.

    SpongeBob is banished from Bikini Bottom (for a reason that will be explained in the Pilot). Here's a basic show summary:

    -We follow SpongeBob's life in Seaweed Springs, where we meet many new characters, then witness numerous plot and character developments.

    -He is opening up a place called "The Sponge", which is half restaurant and half bar. Many plotlines and relationships begin here.

    - We also get to see how Bikini Bottom has changed without the beloved sea sponge, and let's just say, things get quite different.

    -Every season a close friend of SpongeBob's is allowed to come live with him for a month, and whoever he picks must come (unless they have a legitimate reason why they cannot). Certain starfishes may be pleased to get chosen, other squids may not.

    First episode coming tomorrow. What do you guys think, does it sound like it has potential or that it'll be total *dolphin noise*?

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  3. Call me crazy, but I would like just a normal episode. SpongeBob is just a simple cartoon, there is no need for a big epic finale. Sylvester never caught Tweety, the Coyote never caught the roadrunner, Charlie Brown never got with the Little Red-Haired Girl (besides that wierd 70's special that was never mentioned again afterwards). Why change the classic premise of the show, even if it is at the end? Plus we alread got the Movie anyways to show us what happens once the series is over, let's not mess with continuity.

    Let's stick with the Fan Fiction and Spin-offs for the drama, and leave the wholesome laughter to the actual series.

  4. Is this considered bumping? Well I must speak about this episode so I don't care!

    This is an absolutely AWFUL episode. Without a doubt it is my least favorite episode of the entire series, and has been since the very first time I saw it.

    First off, there is not a single, even remotely funny part to this episode. There was not a time I even came close to laughing. The few jokes in this episode that I can even point out just fall completely flat.

    Secondly, the Squidward abuse. Normally I hate when people complain about it, Squidward is simply the unlucky character, lots of shows have that character. But this time it just went beyond the beyond. He had so much bad stuff happen to him, none of it funny, to the point of udder annoyance. Take a good episode like The Camping Episode, there's lots of Squid abuse, but it's hillarious and actually has a bit of a point. This one though? It just felt like the writer hated him and spent every second trying to make him suffer.

    Thirdly, it's just plain wierd. Now for the most part the episode stays tame, until the end. The his house starts going around destroying the city? WTF? SpongeBob usually isn't that wierd of a show, it feels totally out of place.

    Lastly, it's just a very unlikeable episode. Obviously there's what happens to Squidward, he just wants a nice relaxing day that is totally tarnished, and ridiculous thing happen that get him in trouble. Yet in another sense I almost feel bad for SpongeBob and Patrick, they do have good intents and it's sad to see everything they try to do nice get bashed upon. What they do obviously annoys him to death, but they WERE trying to be nice, and it's a little sad what they think is good actually hurts him. Maybe this last part doesn't make sense to some people, but I understand it, and it's just another thing that makes this episode depressing.

    Simply awful in every way possible. 0/10

  5. I honestly am not certain exactly when I started watching it. The only thing I remember is that when I first saw previews for the show, I thought it was wierd and I would hate it. Then I watched an episode, and my expectations were blown out of the water!

    It could have been 1999, but I'm almost certain it was 2000 or 2001.

  6. Tough choice for me personally. While I am saddened how the show's reception will be tarnashed by some awful post movie episodes, if it was not still running I likely would not have continued to be active in the SB community for much longer after learning it ended.

    Also I'd hate to be a fan of one of those "what if" shows, upset that we never got more than we wanted. Now I can at least be satisfied we weren't robbed of a lot of potentially amazing seasons to follow.

    Plus without the post-movie episodes, 3 episodes in my Top 10 and 2 in my Top 5 wouldn't be there.

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