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Mr. Eugene Krabs

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Posts posted by Mr. Eugene Krabs

  1. Ahoy me lads! Boy, I sure wonder who stole Patrick's doughnuts, eh!? I can assure you it wasn't me because I was busy selling state of the art merchandise during the party, and I didn't keep either of me two eyestalks on that kitchen whatsoever! I think it was probably Puff, after all, she stole me krabby patties last year! 

  2. Just now, OWM said:

    Who is Pearl's mother? Is she your Little Buddy by any chance?

    Pearl be the unbiological-to-me whale I found in a tragedy when her real mother had died from a harpoon incident, come here little girl. I raised her just like a little calculator! 

  3. 11 hours ago, Cha♡ said:

    how do YOU feel like Glitter?

    Being with you, Ms. Cha. -audience aww-



    10 hours ago, Master WhoBruh said:

    How is your sex life?

    How’s YERs going with Chris Evans? Yeah this ol’ crustacean didn’t think so. -witty sassy snapping gif insert here that all the young people are doing-


    58 minutes ago, Jackie Chan said:

    Hey, Mr. Krabs. I'm going to kick your butt?

    Jackie, an old friend of mine. I can’t believe ye kicked yer daughter out of the house with her girlfriend! I cannot imagine kicking Pearl out just because she fell in love with some crazy boyband like Bass Trout Boys or BTS... but it would reduce me bills, no wait! That would be cruel to me Pearl!

    -actually reads your question aftee ranting for 52 minutes- 

    You ain’t the first one to want to mess with ol’ Iron Abs poopdeck! Ararar! Get in line with me lady friends over there.



    It’s been tough for this crusty old man lately...

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  4. 1 hour ago, Wintermelon43 said:

    Mr Krabs, what is your least favorite episode?

    The one where me boy SpongeBob tops me! I be the only one with sacred poopdeck in this Anchor household.

    1 hour ago, The last carotte said:

    Mr Krabs, can I have a raise?

    GET OUT!!

    55 minutes ago, Robin said:

    Are you gonna see Teen Titans GO! to the Movies next 27th?

    Ar ar ar! Call me when you can pay for me 13.99 ticket plus tax and snacks Mr. Robin Sir.

    49 minutes ago, President Squidward said:

    our god has returned

    Get back to work Mr. Squidward.

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