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Posts posted by Aya♥

  1. 57 minutes ago, Cha said:

    kagura b like for those keeping score at home, hes been with a digital girlfriend who kept him on a leash, a sword’s scabbard-


    Having a romantic longing for an incidental smooch caused by a flower.  Very on brand for Ol S

    • Like 1
  2. RQyRaHB.png

    "Alright uh you Lily FOOLS.  Drop what yer doing and put your uh hands up!"  the cast and crew dropped what was in their hands as Mark kicked the door in.

    "Why in uh the hell did I get THIS OST?!"  Mark yelled as he pressed the gun harder against Gintoki's temple.  Gintoki sighed as Guano stood up from his chair.  Shinpachi and Kagura walked in after the clowns filed the room with their guns drawn.

    "Hey Guano-san!"  Shinpachi waved at the director who had his hands up.

    "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!"  Ozu yelled from the installed bar area,

    "Oi Old Man, you finally got that bar installed.  I might have to come over more often."  Gintoki said, using the gun to scratch his chin.  Mark ripped it quickly back from the samurai.

    "Oh yes!  I just had it installed a few weeks ago.  With that whole uprising and Jebediah thing happening, it halted production just a bit.  But I think it turned out quite nice, we have a fine collection of all kinds of adult beverages!"  Ozu said with a shining smile.

    "ALRIGHT WOULD YA STOP UH CHUMMIN IT UP!"  Mark said waving his gun around while his goons fired rounds into the ceiling.  3 detectives peeked into the studio from the door that Mark kicked in,

    "What are we going to do Boss?  The situation really picked up!"  Haji said, biting her nails.  Heiji's face went white as he slunk down,

    "We...we must find a way to stop this.  We owe Yorozuya for saving our butts from that hardboiled jail.  Sunny, do you have any suggestions?"  Heiji looked up at her, but she was looking at the opposite building across the street,

    "Kintoki-san!  What are you doing over there?"  she asked, waving at him.


    "You guys like my jorts?  I just picked them up at the department store next door...oh uh Sunny...oh my this is embarrassing, please look away."  Sunny closed her eyes as a grappling hook shot out of Kintoki's crotch.

    "WHAT THE HELL?!  WHY IS THERE COMING OUT OF THERE??"  Haji yelled.  Sunny giggled as she was still closing her eyes,

    "I've heard Enshou-sama say that exact same phrase before!"  she said.  Kintoki's circuits began to spark,

    "L-look just grab onto my rope and climb to the top of the building,"  he pointed to where the hook landed, on top of Lily Mu studios.  Heiji finished the sentence,

    "To enter the studio from the roof!  Great idea Kintoki, that's hardboiled thinking at its finest.  Come on Haji, get Sunny and start climbing!"  Heiji grabbed on Kintoki's rope and began to climb.

    "What an absolutely horrific image this is..."  Haji said, tight rope walking on Kintoki's rope, holding Sunny's hand as the two walked across Heiji's hands.  Eventually the three made their way to the roof, while Kintoki launched his body and crotch towards where the grappling hook latched to the roof and retracted the rope back into himself.

    "A-a-alright Sunny, you can open your eyes up now."  Sunny opened her eyes and covered her mouth as she pointed at the hook still protruding from Kintoki's jorts.  Kintoki, in embarrassment, fell backwards off the building and shattered into dozens of pieces.  The noise distracted Mark long enough for Gintoki to twist his hand and rip the gun from him.  The samurai grabbed Mark and did the ol role reversal on him.  Outside, Kintoki gave a thumbs up from the ground, er at least his thumb moved as it had been broken off from his hand from the impact.  Heiji lit a cigar and took a puff from it,

    "You did good kid!  Now, let's finish it here.  On the count of three, we jump down and make a heroic entrance.  1, 2...3!"  Heiji, Haji, and Sunny jumped through the glass ceiling and landed directly on top of Yorozuya.  Ozu's face grew dark as Mark (hey that rhymed!) grabbed the gun from Gintoki and held him and Heiji at gunpoint, while his goons held everyone else at gunpoint. 

    "Well that was certainly climatic!  Now then, Ozu.  Nice to-a seeya again!"  Mark said chuckling as the headlocked the two hostages.

    "And you are...?"  Ozu asked as he held his hands up.  Mark fired a round in the air,

    "YOU-A STILL FORGETTABOUT ME?!  AFTER ALL I'VE DONE!  It's me-a...Mark!"  Mark said,

    "I don't remember hiring a man with such vulgar tattoos."  Ozu said, pointing at the cocksucker.  Mark narrowed his eyes as the camera began to drift to the door behind him and zoom in on Kintoki as he laid there in a heap of scrap and spilled oil.

    'Pull yourself together Kintoki...you're a brave detective.  You can be the hero you've always striven to be.'

    "Why exactly did you model me after Gintoki?  Getting sentience like this and seeing that you based me off an already existing human..."  Kintoki's internal memory chip kicked in as a flashback flew across his processors,


    "He's a hero Kintoki.  I just wanted...a boy I could see grow and become someone my son never had the chance to become.  I want you to live on Kintoki.  And I don't mean it like your functions will be kept juiced, I mean for you to live on and be proud of yourself."  Kintoki remembered staring at the back of Gengai's head as he was knee deep in tinkering on his next invention.  He turned his back to his creator and headed to his room, directly across from Gengai's.  He looked around his room, noticing it was a bit bare.  He had only been created but a mere 3 months ago, so he was still trying to find who he was, what it meant to have a personality and be someone.  He took a seat on his racecar bed and stared at the only poster that dawned his wall.  A simple, but cute poster that was made by Tama.

    'Hang in there!' and picture was a small robot hanging to a telephone wire.  He solemnly blinked at the poster as he put his head down on the table next to his bed.  His body being programmed to auto-pilot sleeping for him, as to better adjust to human life.  However, this night felt different as his processors in his memory banks were working overdrive.  A dream, at least unknown to him at the time, was being produced.  The first one he would ever have in his life.  Kintoki was laying in a patch of flowers.  A blue sky was overhead as he was staring at the lazy clouds sluggishly moving their way across the skies.  He looked to his right and saw bright yellow flowers as they danced in the wind.  The grass on his back felt nice, or at least it was producing a sense of warmth and earthliness.  He wasn't sure what was happening, as if he was still awake.  He stood up and looked around his surrounding.  Large mountains encapsulated him in the vibrant valley he was placed in.

    "Where am I?"  Kintoki looked at his hand, but was quickly snapped back to reality.  The morning sun was shining through his blinds as he was snuggled up in his vroom vroom bed.  On his sidetable was a small envelope that read "Open me when you are in need of guidance ".  Kintoki scratched his chin as he examined the note closer.  No indication on who it was from as he scanned it back and front.  He placed the letter in the left pocket of his jean jacket that was hanging from his closet's doorknob.  He stood up and walked to his mirror, examining his blatantly copied features.  Sighing, he grabbed a baseball cap, the same leather jacket, a pair of jeans and a really nice pair of Air Wordan Sneakers.  He assumed Gengai was some sort of sneakerhead, but that word was not in his database.  He grabbed his phone and saw that he had a text from Genos, a close friend of his since creation.  Gengai and Genos's doctor are very close, and introduced the two while Genos was getting repaired from the fight in Okinawa.  The text read, "Me and Yes Man are going to get frozen yogurt.  It would be excellent if you could join us Kintoki."  Kintoki smiled, as he didn't get many chances to hang out with people other than his family.  He gleefully responded with a "You betcha!" a phrase he picked up from Gengai's frequent expression to his customers.  Kintoki opened the door to his bedroom and immediately noticed how quiet it was in the shop.  Usually Gengai was tinkering with gadgets or Tama was home cooking a meal.  But that day, it felt different.  Something was off and he could sense it.  Maybe it had something to do with that letter?  At the time, he couldn't quite discern the handwriting on the envelope.  It seems dignified, as if it had been written with a hand that's seen millions of words.  Yet, it was elegant and graceful.  His processors were interrupted by the sound of a car horn outside his home.  He snapped to attention and peered out the window to see only Genos sitting in a red sports car outside waiting for him.  He waved and smiled at him as he grabbed his keys and wallet on the counter-top in the kitchen.  He took note of the date on the calendar above the fruit bowl.  March 20th, there was a picture of a chameleon blending into the brown bark it was sitting upon representing the month of March.  He opened his door and smiled at Genos as he climbed into the sports car,

    "Kintoki, it's great to have the time to hang out with you.  Although, Yes Man couldn't be with us.  He is participating in a charity event for the awful tragedy that happened last month."  Kintoki took note of Geno's condition.  He was heavily bandaged and looked as if he had been installed with new parts.  Kintoki took shotgun in the fancy car and gave Genos and concerning look,  "Don't worry about me Kintoki, I'm doing fine.  I was able to get to safety after Utsuro defeated me in a valiant fight."  Kintoki looked down at the floor of the car and rubbed the back of his neck,

    "I'm glad that you are alright Genos, though I just wish I had been there to help all of you guys...all I want is to be friends with them but I couldn't even be there to be a hero.  Even if I'm just a cheap copy."  Genos turned his head to Kintoki as he shifted the car into first gear,

    "You shouldn't have to kick yourself like that Kintoki-san.  You may be designed after that samurai, but you are your own being.  And you are proving that every day by just having your own thoughts.  Now, lets get some frozen yogart shall we?"  Kintoki put his shades down and pressed a button to lift the roof of the car.  Kintoki forced a smile as he stared out the passenger side of the car.  The two cybernetic boys were letting the cool spring breeze drift through their blonde hair.  It was an easy pace as Genos kept the car in second gear.  The two were heading to a town pretty far from Edo, a smaller one than Tokyo but larger than Edo.  It was on the southern coast of Japan, one of the nearest city to Okinawa, Kagoshima.  It was a bit of a car ride, but Kintoki anticipated it.  The two had visited the Southern Island, Kyushu before.  Genos made note of it the previous roadtrip that a special Yogurt shop was opening there,  "He's expanding his business.  I'm sure you remember him.  He gave us those once in a life time frozen Yogurt cups last summer.  I just couldn't wait until then, so I had to make it as soon as possible.  Sensei said he didn't need me for today, and said I had the day off!  Plenty of the heroes are patrolling Tokyo fairly well since the Utsuro incident, not a lot of crime has been happening.  Also, I figured you wanted to at least be near Okinawa and not be near it."  Genos nodded to Kintoki who gave him a half smile.

    "I suppose you're right Genos.  I did get this note this morning...I wonder if it has something to do with what happened on that island."  Genos gave him a puzzled look, but waved it off,

    "I don't have business in snooping into your personal life.  I don't want to breach our trust, since I believe building a relationship is very important.  Sensei always told me that, and I want to follow that philosophy to a tee."  Genos gave Kitnoki a genuine smile as he turned the radio on.

    The two were cruising as Denzel was blaring over the speakers.  It felt good to Kintoki, or that's what his processors told him.  The ocean's breeze was familiar but distant.  He touched the envelope in his breast pocket as the car whipped into a transition into a small parking lot.  It was located near the beach, the sun was out and children were running with beach balls followed by their parents as Genos placed sunglasses on and offered a pair to Kintoki.  Kintoki thanked him as he put the glasses on.  Kintoki was beginning to remember this very parking lot, he had been here before.  That tree Genos parked in front of, his scan of it matched his memory bank,

    "Do you remember when we sat under that tree last summer?  The one with the three claw marks just above our heads."  Kintoki pointed to the tree with the unique markings as Genos tipped his sunglasses down,

    "Of course, me and Yes Man both noted that our Sensei's would also enjoy the cool shade of that tree.  Should we sit under there today?"  Genos suggested.  Kintoki smiled and nodded.  The two began to walk along the strip of small shops.  The walkway was lined with dozens of people as the two metallic men made their way to a small, placed away shop just to the right of a bigger ramen shop.  "The Frozen Goods."  a small sign read just outside of the door.  It was a bead door, the two brushed passed them as they were greeted by a man with unreal abs and hugely spikey hair.

    "Welcome to the Frozen Goods, I'm Garou and apparently the author wanted to really write me into the story since I'm his favorite OPM character.  I am also not wearing a shirt for some reason."  I gave into it and placed a black apron on him.  He showed the two the daily special, a small vanilla with extra fruit.


    "That actually looks pretty good.  I think I'll take that one."  Kintoki said.  Genos scratched his chin,

    "I'll have the double dipped chocolate with extra whipped cream."  Genos said very sternly.  Garou sighed and began to get to work on the complex yogurt.  Genos and Kintoki sat down at a booth not far from the kitchen.  Genos was rubbing his shoulder, where bandages were visible from his jacket.

    "Still in pain from Okinawa?"  Kintoki asked as Garou placed the yogurts in front of the two.  Genos tilted his head down as he began to eat his yogurt.

    "Not just physical really.  I'm scared that my Sensei could be beaten."  Genos put his spoon down,  "He couldn't stop Utsuro.  He was outsmarted by that man.  I've never once doubted Sensei and his powers...but I knew eventually he would start to meet his match in someway."  Kintoki reached across the table and patted Genos's shoulder, his healthy one at least.

    "We all can't be the hero we think we are Genos.  If want Gengai-san has taught me in this life, it's that you need to be the best you CAN be.  Not the one you strive to be."  Genos lifted his head back up and smiled at Kintoki.  The yogurt shop was quiet, as they were the only two customers.  As the meal went on, Kintoki's processors reverted back to present day.


    He was still staring up at the sky, it felt to him that hours had passed.  There were no noises coming from inside the Studio.  A few streets down, he heard a "swooshing" noise, but wasn't able to move quick enough to react to it.  He did, however, manage to sit himself up and crawl closer to the studio walls.  There were no paparazzi outside, so he was able to make it to the side lot without being seen.  He leaned against the wall and felt around his jacket, eventually locating what the letter he always kept in that breast pocket.

    "I suppose now is a better time than ever to get some words of wisdom."  he took the letter out, it was a little damaged but he managed to keep it safe for the entire year.  He carefully opened the seal and produced a small lined piece of paper from it.  He turned it around and read the singular sentence printed onto it.

    9LyYkca.png  Kintoki gripped the letter tight as he neatly folded it back into the envelope.  He looked up with a single droplet of oil in his eye, filled to the brim with determination to help his friends.



    "Yeah I'm in the lingerie section right now.  I'm not really sure what he'll like, he's got a few really nice fits already.  It just seems a little corny to get him lingerie again."  Shinsuke said while talking on the phone.  "He already has a pink one....I have a purple one.  That just seems really contradictory."  Shinsuke's eye shifted over down the aisle and saw someone wearing an obvious wig looking through the lingerie also.  "I'll call you back."  Shinsuke ended the call and faced the man who was peering back and forth from the underwear to Shinsuke.  "Are you seriously still following me Nizou?  Or whoever the hell you are."  

    "The blonde wig fits me best."  Nizou said, still looking at the clothes.  Shinsuke sighed,

    "Can I please buy my anniversary present in peace.  First you corner me in an alley and now you're stocking me in a mall.  Do you want to fuck me or something?  The answer is never in any universe."  Nizou flipped his bangs,

    "Look around you Shinsuke.  The people are restless,"  Shinsuke turned his head to the patrons of the mall, milling about and doing some typical shopping.  "A grand war, an upheaval of the Shogunate.  The people will claim this land back."  Shinsuke rolled his eye and began to walk out of the Wictoria Secret.

    "So, do you like, want to get some Wanda Express or something.  There's a food court just down the way."  Shinsuke said, pointing at a sign that had a pink panda on it.

    "No, I'm trying to steer you towards the right of the people!  Fight for what the Kiheitai stood for all those years ago!  Before Katsura and his men joined and softened you up."  Shinsuke wigged Nizou and threw it in the garbage.

    "Don't bring my husband into this.  Whatever stupid uprising game you're playing, I'm not falling for it."  Shinsuke began to walk up to the cashier and stared at the menu.  Nizou crept up behind him,

    "I'll do whatever it takes to get you to see your errors.  Where's the Shinsuke of old!  There's got to be some-"  Nizou stopped as he met eyes with someone across the food court.


    "What the hell is he doing here?"  Nizou pointed at Elizabeth who just whistled.  Shinsuke looked over and rolled his eyes,

    "Great, why the hell are YOU following me now?"  Shinsuke said, pointing at Elizabeth.  He stood up and put a mask over his head before walking over to Shinsuke,

    "Look, I was just...ok I was stalking you dude, but look, I had to make sure you bought Katsura something nice!  You've always cheaped out on gifts for him, so I wanted to make sure you got this one right.  But, now I see why you stopped in the food court, cause some ghosts are following you around."  Elizabeth pulled the mask up and glared at Nizou who simply smirked.

    "I'll be back Shinsuke, just you wait.  I'll haunt you forever if I have to get you to see how the tides are changing in society."  Nizou put his hands in his kimono and walked off into the sea of people,

    "Fuckin Joker headass, society lookin old ass dead man havin-"  Shinsuke carried on his insult train for several minutes as Elizabeth began to fall asleep in the seat across from him.



    "Do you see this picture?"  Enshou sat his wallet down at the table him, Valentino, Yuka, and Roberta were sitting at.  It was in a main hub of Tokyo, bustling citizens getting to work and cars were zipping past them, honking as the traffic was never ending.  The train was rumbling just above them, bright neon lights from the large buildings were beginning to flicker on as it was reaching dusk.

    "Uh, yeah what about it and why is it in your wallet?"  Roberta asked, puzzled.  Enshou rolled his eyes,

    "IT'S WHAT LIFE MEANS!  God you worms will never understand.  HERE!-"  Enshou pointed at Lady Gaga,  "Peak of beauty.  Her dress is flawless, her heels are flawless, her hair is FLAWLESS."  he then shifted his finger to the burger, "VEGGIE BURGER!  Like the Queen she is sticks to her morals.  AND THEN!  The sweet tea.  The furniture.  It all comes together, a true work of art in photography."  he folded the picture up and reached for his wallet, yet nothing was there.  "Great, none of you imbeciles could even LOOK AT THE TABLE.  Now some low-class scum is going to steal my identity.  This is what happens when I am left alone without Sweetcheeks.  I get stuck with a wrigley worm, an icky Italian, and a Goddess.  I cannot fault you Lady TBC."  Yuka threw her tea glass at Enshou's face, causing the hot tea to explode all over his face.  "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"  Enshou fell backwards out of his chair and knocked into the person next to him,

    "Maybe your karma is catching up with you, rich scum."  the customer got up and stormed away.  Enshou's entire foundation was beginning to melt off his face from the hot tea running down his body.

    "Aren't we supposed to be finding that Fake Me?  Why did we make this useless pit stop.  I'm not even hungry."  Yuka said, sighing.

    "Well you knows Yukes, me an da red head were a bit hungry!  I gotta appetite ok?"  Val said, sipping on his tea.

    "That's right.  I heard this place served kosher salad.  I had to see it to believe it."  Enshou said, sitting back in his chair.

    "You're positive she's here in Tokyo?"  Roberta said, staring at her "kosher" salad.  Enshou narrowed his eyes,

    "I've never EVER been more positive in my life.  Well, that's not true.  Nevertheless, that story must be told for another day.  But, I am without DOUBT she is within the city limits."  Enshou yelled.

    "You do realize that Tokyo is deceptively large, don't you?  Why wouldn't she be in Edo?"  Roberta retorted.

    "CAN IT WORM BRAINS.  She is here.  And I'll prove it."  Enshou held out his wrist which had a diamond studded watch on it.  He tapped a button on the side and smirked as a holographic Tokyo appeared from it.  There was a blinking, yellow smile hovering over the city.  "As you can see, FLTBC is ever the optimist.  No one else in recorded history can produce this smile on my tracker.  And trust me, I track a lot of people."  Val and Yukes gave each other nervous looks at that statement.  Roberta's gaze lingered past the three at the table and listened attentively to the table next to them,

    "Yeah of course I heard about that hostage situation at LilyMu!  Well, it's about time that old crook Ozu got his comeuppance.  No, no!  I don't mean to disparage the hostages, but it's really time someone stepped up to those producer tycoons.  I'd be lying if I didn't admire the motives of...The Phantom!"  Roberta looked down as the girl said that, sitting her drink on the table at the same time.  The 3 all looked at Roberta as she coughed.

    "I think we should pay the Lily Mu crew a visit.  She might be there with them."  Enshou scoffed,

    "And mingle with THOSE people.  I can't brush my infinite screentime cape against their dirt poor floor.  No way."  Enshou said, shaking his head.  Roberta sighed as she snapped her fingers, causing the group to appear just outside the studio, after all the paparazzi had died down.  "I really, really hate when you do that."  Enshou said, flipping his cape up.  Enshou stopped dead in his tracks as he turned to his left and was face to face with Kintoki.

    "Oh Jesus, can we just leave already?  Can't I just get a mani-pedi or something?"  Enshou said face-palming.



    "Hold still please."  a camera bulb flashed as Dylan stood there holding his incarceration number and name on a small plate.  "Turn to your side."  Dylan obliged and turned to face the left.  On the other side of Las Vegas County Jail sat Steve and Joe.  They were waiting in an interrogation room, the one with a two-way mirror.  The weather outside began to pick up, as faint sounds of rain were hitting against the old brick walls.  Distant sounds of thunder rumbled as Joe loosened up the tie he was wearing,

    "They booked him on trespassing, made our work a lot more easier."  Steve nodded as he opened the file on the suspect,

    "Dylan Chillin, born January 31st 1998.  Previously booked on minor charges; failure to appear, loitering, several speeding tickets.  Nothing too major on a surface level, but none of that really matters to us."  Steve said, closing the folder.  An officer walked into the room,

    "He's ready for questioning."  Steve and Joe nodded as the officer walked back out of the room and began to escort Dylan into the small room.  He took his seat and stared blankly at the mirror.

    "Did you make sure that Oboro's burner phone was turned on?  I'm not sure how well versed in technology is here in the real world."  Joe asked.  Steve nodded,

    "Yeah, I set everything up.  He should be at Dylan's dorm any time now."  Steve picked up the folder as the two brothers began to switch rooms.  The two opened the door and grabbed a seat for themselves to sit across from Dylan.  Joe produced a picture of the comic book and slid it to Dylan,

    "Let's cut to the chase Dylan.  You know why we're here.  Where is it?  If you tell us right here and now, we'll make sure all your charges are dropped.  You'll leave tonight and head right back to your campus without any incident.  All you have to do is tell us the location."  Joe said, beginning to sound a little stern.  Dylan picked up the photo and examined it,

    "Dylan has no idea what you are talking about."  he sat the photo down and slid it back to Joe.  Joe narrowed his eyes, but Steve put his arm across Joe's chest,

    "Let's not get off on the wrong foot here!  Let's start elsewhere, you were at the library for an excessive amount of time, so much so that you were forced off the lot, but you refused to leave.  Is there any reason why you stayed at the library that long?"  Steve asked, with a lighter tone than Joe.  Dylan shrugged his shoulders,

    "Dylan, needed to study.  There was a big test coming up and he needed to study.  Number 11, The Huge-"  Joe grabbed his mouth and closed it shut.  Steve gave his brother dagger eyes as Joe was obviously playing the "bad cop".

    "Cut to the chase kid, tell us where it is or we'll make your life hell."  Joe said, letting go of his mouth.  Dylan shook his head,

    "Dylan, in good mental state, cannot give up the location of the book and his crystal supplies."  Joe stood up and put his hands on his head.  Steve began to get nervous his brother might take his bad cop role a little too seriously.  Steve turned back to Dylan as Joe was pacing around the room,

    "Well, no one is going to post your bail.  We'll just have to keep prying into you until your court date.  Me and my brother have all the time in the world.  We just want you to come clean and do the right thing."  Steve said.

    "And what?  The comics, are nothing more than just that.  Pictures and words on a page."  Joe threw his hands down from his head and started towards Dylan, lifting him up out of his seat with both of his hands,

    "JOE PLEASE!"  Dylan was struggling, but Joe relented and put the man down,

    "They're not just words and pictures...not to us."  Joe opened the door of the interrogation room and slammed it shut as he walked out.  Dylan was huffing and puffing as Steve sat there with concern plastered on his face.


    Okinawa was at the twilight of the night.  It was pitch black, with nothing but the milky way lighting up the expansive sky.  Stephen was meditating on a large rock just off the coast, on the beach of the hotel all the leaders were staying at.  Poe was flying above him, taking in the cool ocean breeze on his feathers.  Stephen opened his eyes towards the coast and saw someone standing there, waving.


    "You know Mr. Harevestein, the sky is made up of so many crazy colors!  Remember a few weeks ago when the sky was that blinding purple?  It's crazy to think just how much this comic can effect the sky like this."  Stephen smiled as he stepped up,

    "Please Josh, just call me Stephen."  Josh nodded and smiled back,

    "Alright Stephen, I take it you couldn't sleep either?"  Stephen shook his head and sat on the rock as Poe landed next to him.  Josh took a seat on the other side.  The two were watching as the waves were crashing on the beach.  The tides were raising, but ever so slightly.  Wind was soft but not absent.

    "No, my mind is all over the place kid.  This old man just wants to rest, but this place is always in need of heroes."  Josh agreed,  "Did you talk with Eisenia-san at all?"  Josh nodded and handed Stephen his handy-dandy notepad.

    "She had a very interesting story, telling me all about the story of her planet and what she does there.  I think I'm starting to slowly understand this world a little better than when I first came to the comic."  Stephen scrolled through the text, reading about Skolex and how she ran the planet with the rest of the council.  "She also explained to me more about what happened on Okinawa.  This is for sure going to help with the report I'm writing for Steve and Joe."  Stephen handed him back the notepad,

    "And what did she tell you?  I'm pretty curious myself."  Stephen said with enthusiasm.  Josh sat the notepad down and began to explain;


    "I've been living on Earth for over 10 years."  Josh seemed surprised,

    "And did you know about the comic?"

    "I did.  Being associated with the Naraku...whether I enjoyed that or not, I did know about Utsuro and what he was doing.  I played diplomat all over the lands of this planet, but I always ended up back in Edo."  Josh jotted that down,

    "Did you closely observe Utsuro?  I never met the man myself but my cousins were raised by him essentially."  Eisenia nodded,

    "I wish I could someday meet your cousins.  Their powers along with Oboro and Jebediah have always intrigued me.  Anyway, I did observe Utsuro rather closely...but of course from a safe distance.  I was never able to get into the Naraku easily, I mainly stayed on the government side of these lands."  Josh continued typing,

    "So, you said you were watching Okinawa closely, what did you mean by that earlier?"  Josh questioned,

    "As a Skolexian mainly.  We were on high alert, especially from the Tendoushu.  They put pressure on all of us not to interfere."  Josh paused and looked up puzzled,

    "They DIDN'T want you to interfere?  Wouldn't that time be the perfect opportunity to strike while Earth is completely focused on one thing?  Your species and the Tendoushu seem like the quick to conquer type."


    'Do what's in our best interest Skolexian, observe closely but don't interfere.  We need Utsuro to die.  His power manipulating time and space needs to come to an end.'  Eisenia thought to herself during the interview, "No, they told me to stay out of the fighting.  They wanted Utsuro to lose.  They were perhaps afraid he would turn on them and change his mind.  Whatever their reason, fate is still the same I suppose."

    "Would you have saved Utsuro if you had the chance?"  Josh asked.  Eisenia thought to herself briefly,

    "That's a difficult question to answer right now Josh.  If he hadn't died, then Jebediah would not have returned and killed the Tendoushu.  Essentially that man dying friend my people from the slavery of the Tendoushu.  On the other hand, if I had saved Utsuro given the chance he perhaps would have seen the errors of his ways."

    "And what do you mean by that?"  Josh quizzed,

    "Perhaps he wasn't in error...to himself.  To others, he was in the wrong.  Maybe he was too afraid to tell the world just what evil could be lying just out of our site.  The crow, Poe, has told me about what Oboro learned.  It seemed that even Utsuro would hide such important things from the man closest to him.  What his true motives were on that fateful weekend could have perhaps went to the grave with him."  Josh continued writing,

    "Do you recall that weekend well?"

    "Of course I do,"  she smiled to herself,  "It was inspiring to see how everyone banded together to fight Utsuro.  It was a sight to behold, poetic perhaps.  Maybe, that's what he wanted all along.  What he was doing was maybe the first test to his student."  Josh put his hand to his chin.  Eisenia continued to smile as she moved Josh's hand from his face,  "What I'm saying is that Utsuro wanted to make sure Oboro was the right person to succeed him.  He needed to truly test his student, and what better way than to have him kill his teacher."  Josh felt that he finally had that "ah-ha" moment, as he began to type faster.  "As for the rest of the weekend, I stayed quiet in the hotel, silently watching how everyone was living their lives, including your cousins.  I wish I could have shared those memories with them...but I was strapped to my post."  Josh looked up, a bit concerned but he pressed on,

    "Do you recall the following days after that?"  he asked,

    "Of course I do.  I was still on Earth during the peach period that followed Utsuro's death.  In fact, I became more involved with the government here.  That's when Ougai-san mentioned earlier that I infiltrated near the top.  I was working nearly underneath the Shogunate, the people who are behind Shigeshige-sama.  Perhaps you knew of the former Joui rebels?"  Josh nodded,  "I was the reason they ended up on Globberian."  Josh looked up confused,  "Mhh, perhaps you did not know of what happened to those men.  They got drunk at a charity event and ended up on Globberious.  They competed in their annual eating competition, something they pride themselves on very much.  They won tickets to return back to Earth, that I had arranged with the Madam Yuka.  Of course, my abilities to disguise my identity played in my favor back then.  I managed to strike a peace deal for Earth and Globberious.  This, was done in secret against my Skolexian brothers and sisters.  I couldn't for the life of me let them figure out that I was trying to bridge a common ally among the two planets.  I was hoping I could help begin to mend all the fences that were torn down between our two species.  However...it seemed that we were destined to always fight each other.  I just wish we could have resolved this in a diplomatic nature."  Josh was furiously typing and looking back up at Eisenia to get her answer down in his notes.  "Of course after they returned, Edo fell to the remaining Naraku and Kaname."  Josh's face went slightly pale at the thought of the man he defeated in battle.

    "How did the Joui rebels get to Globberious from the charity event?"  Eisenia chuckled to herself,

    "I mustn't answer everything now, let's save some talk for later.  Perhaps you and I can get together with some of the other leaders and discuss further tomorrow?"  Josh agreed and shook her hand,


    Stephen nodded as the waves were inching just slightly closer, but not really to where it was noticeable.

    "It's always nice to her other people's perspectives on life and the struggles each being goes through.  She has her own story that day, I have my own story that day, and hell, even you do.  You could have been sitting in your room all day doing nothing while your cousins were putting their lives on the line to save this beautiful place."  Stephen said with a small tear in his eye.  Josh looked up and embraced Stephen.  The older man felt like a grandfather to him.  Stephen was as close to Josh as family gets even if he has only known him for this short amount of time.  The two's familial hug lingered as the silence of the waves and nature continued on,

    "Do you regret all the things that has led up to this?"  Stephen broke the embrace and looked at Josh after he asked that question.  He simply gave a tearful smile,

    "I wouldn't trade this world for anything.  There's a reason I'm here and...and Maria and the kids aren't.  I have to live on for them, and for that, I have no regrets."  Stephen wiped the tears from his eyes at the thought of his family.  Josh gave a sad look at Stephen as the two sat on the rock, watching the ocean continue to kick up on the shore, soaking in the moment.  A moment they wish they could stay in forever.


    • Sad 1
  3. "What is today's date, Mr. Takasugi?"

    "January 5th.  The first Monday after the New Years and the 2nd year anniversary of my wedding with Kotarou."  Shinsuke leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and looked up at the ceiling.  A small fan was spinning, causing the smoke from his pipe to disperse around the room.  "Adjusting back into society after playing Wurvivor has been easier than I really thought.  Anyway, I have a feeling this isn't the reason you brought me here today is it?"  Shinsuke sat upright and smirked at the person across from him, holding a notebook.

    "It's about Okinawa."  Shinsuke looked down at the floor and snuffed his pipe out.  He placed it on the desk that was in between him and the person who was interviewing him.  The room was small, a bit cluttered, but it seemed organized specifically for them.

    "It always comes back to that day, doesn't it?  Why don't you just ask your cousins?  They were there that day.  Joe dealt a lot with Sensei that day."  Josh rubbed his hand on his chin, and tapped his pencil against his lip.  Shinsuke had looked back up and made eye contact with Josh.

    "You were also there, Shinsuke-san.  In fact, you were fairly close with Utsuro during that week.  I'm just trying to understand all that happened there and what happened with that Jebediah person.  Joe and Steve are counting on me."  Josh said, with determination.  He knew this was the case, the thing that would make him just as good as a detective as his cousins.  He needed to prove himself.

    "Well, like I said Josh, I was busy with Wurvivor so I don't see the point in interviewing me about that Jebediah person.  Why don't you speak with the people that were there like that bald bastard or that caterpillar brained idiot?"  Shinsuke said, beginning to stand up.

    "W-wait Shinsuke-san!"  Josh put his hand on Shinsuke's shoulder, sitting him back down in his seat.  "This has to go back deeper than just the past few weeks.  This is bigger, bigger than you and I may even think."


    "I mean, how can I say no to that face?"  Shinsuke smiled as he sat back down.  "I'll tell you what I know about Utsuro, but you have to do a favor for me and Honey."  Josh reluctantly nodded as Shinsuke began to recall about that Valentine's Day week and the tragedies that unfolded.


    "Cut!  Alright that was a nice job Tachi-san!  We'll keep in touch."  the actor bowed at Guano as he stepped out of the LilyMu Studios.  Ozu was pacing behind Guano, mumbling to himself.  Guano turned back to face the producer,  "He was alright...I just don't really know if he was the right fit Ozu."  Ozu's head began to produce steam, but he pinched his nose and let out a sigh.

    "Guano, you know how stressful this whole ordeal has been for me, for my business.  Yes Man."  Yes Man stood to attention,

    "Please call Yorozuya..."  he said, sitting down in a chair next to Guano.  Yes Man saluted and hit the phones.  The other actors were sitting in chairs and reading the scripts for the re-casting.  Lily sighed as she put hers down.

    "I already miss him Mitsuki.  I know he had do some stupid thing regarding the comic book, but then he leaves us!  No fair, I miss my Obby-Bear."  Lily said frowning.  Mitsuki patted her on the back while Raj scoffed.

    "GOODT RIDDENS!  That camera hog has taken MY spotlight for far too long.  It's time for Supercodplayer1995 to FINALLY TAKE HIS PLACE AS LEAD ROLE!"  Guano shook his head while the girls were grieving.  Guano was flipping through the papers and list of actors and spotted who was next.

    "S?  They just go by one letter?  What kind of pompous..."  but before he could finish his sentence the door to the studio was kicked in, landing next to Ozu who was sitting at the new bar he installed in the studio since he wasn't in a kid's show anymore.


    "Hello LilyMu.  I want to introduce myself...well it seems I already have with that door."  Sougo began to walk on the set when he paused and grabbed my hands, twisting them so that I typed "S" instead.  Owie.

    "So, you're S.  And just what makes you special.  Your resume lists only one stage play...directed by...oh OH NO.  NO NO NO, YOU'RE NOT HIRED, PLEASE LEAVE THE STUDIO!"  Guano hopped out of his chair and began to push S out of the door, but the door was blocked by someone standing in the way.


    "My, my, my.  ICHIRO!  LONG TIME NO SEE!"  Guano sighed,

    "Douman."  Douman pushed S and Guano back into the studio.

    "Douman?  COME ON BABY!  Call me D-Man like you used to in our college days!  God, how long has it been?"  Douman scratched his chin.

    "It's been years Douman.  Anyway I am not calling you D-man and you aren't allowed in the studio.  You've been on the list for years."  Guano said, trying to push back, which caused Douman to push Guano back instead of S.  "ALRIGHT SO IT'S GONNA BE THAT WAY HUH?!"  Guano yelled.




    "OOO HOW DARE YOU ICHIRO, AFTER ALL ME, MY CLAN, AND THE KETSUNO CLAN DID FOR YOU.  AND I'M BANNED FOR WHAT?  WORKING FOR THAT NITWIT PRODUCER'S WIFE?!"  Douman shoved Guano which caused Raj to hold Guano back and S to hold Douman back.  Ozu stood up from the bar and walked over to the two who were spitting at each other, calming them down with the wave of his hands.

    "So, you are the long rumored Shirino Douman.  I figured the time would come when you would walk into my studio.  Kiyoko has long talked about you, and how you've adopted many of her comics into stage plays all across Tokyo and Edo and beyond.  But, of course, I refuse to attend them based on principle.  However, you have respected my wishes for years not to tread on my territory...until today.  What makes this man special enough for you to break that agreement, Shirino?"  Douman calmed down and took his hat off, brushing his shoulders with it.

    "He has IT, Ozu-san.  Trust me on this, there is something in his heart that is burning.  Something that has been eating at him, that he needs to express it.  The eyes tell the story of the soul, and his eyes tell me a story that everyone, even to the highest heavens, must hear."  Ozu nodded as he scratched his chin.

    "This is it Shirino.  Your one opportunity to prove me right and find my new leading man."  Ozu extended his hand, to which Douman firmly gave a handshake to.  S bowed to Ozu as he began to prepare to rehearse the scene with the rest of the cast.  Guano sighed as he handed the script to S, but he denied it.

    "I need no script.  It will come to me naturally."  S said, as Guano just slouched down in his director chair.

    "Alright everyone, places.  And, action."  Guano said in a rather monotone voice.  S stepped onto the set and lifted up a skull made to resemble Oboro, even having the banter face and began to perfectly articulate the script without even giving it but a mere glimpse.  Guano sat there, mouth agape, as the TheSpian began to out act, began to do stunts that were not asked of the other people auditioning, and leaving the co-stars in the dust with his emotion.  As the scene ended, Guano stood up and gave a rousing ovation, as did the production team surrounding the cast.  Ozu walked up to S and extended his hand,

    "Sir, you are hired.  Welcome to LilyMu."



    "Ane-ue, can you lend me some cash?"  Shinpachi was sitting at Otose's Bar with his sister, and Kagura.  Kagura was downing some rice while Tama was sweeping up the bits and pieces that were falling on the floor.

    "Sorry Shin-chan!  I'm using the rest of this money to open our dojo back up.  I have just enough after helping Otose-san rebuild her snack bar."  Otose blew a puff of smoke at the comment.  Shinpachi looked dejected, since he was really looking forward to buying that new Exploding Feminism x Otsuu-chan's ***cking Cool Live Album.  Kagura let out an Earth shattering burp as the sliding door to the bar opened up.  Gintoki and Sadaharu walked in, Gin looking rather tired as he just woke up.  He walked over and sat at one of the booth tables across from the bar,


    "Gintoki-sama, is something the matter?"  Tama walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

    "The Old Man called me.  He's asking us to do a job for him."  Gintoki said, as Tama sat a glass of water in front of him.

    "What's so bad about that Gin-chan?  We always help that Old Geezer, and he pays well."  Kagura said.  Gintoki looked up at her, 

    "Do you know how much less screen time those Lily-Idiots get?  We're doomed to be stuck as side-characters.  He even talked to me about that coconut head getting hired to his show.  The most invisible Shinsengumi character through the entire series is getting a push."  Gintoki pinched the bridge of his nose.  "Why can't that hideous being Emiko call us or something.  Someone who's had ample screen presence."  Shinpachi chimed in,

    "Well Gin-san, we're obligated to help our friends, even if it means sacrificing our time!"  Shinpachi was a fool to think this.  Gintoki moved his gaze to the glasses talking nonsense.

    "I know what I have to do, as much as I don't like it."  Gintoki stood up and sighed.  "Oi, Sadaharu, take us to that maximum security prison.  You too, brats."  Sadaharu arf as Gintoki climbed on top of him.  Shinpachi and Kagura shrugged and hopped on.  "The Old Man can wait, I need to consult with a few people first."  Yorozuya began to head towards the prison that was just outside of Edo Castle.  They were cleared inside, as Kagura flashed a picture of her and the princess doing patty cakes.  The 4 of them walked into the prison, and eventually made it to the very back.  They passed by Nobu-Nobu, who's sentence had been reduced after good behavior and his efforts in the Shinra Attacks.  He was staring at a picture of a giant truck in his cell, not paying attention to the Odd Jobs as they walked past.  Eventually, they reached the final cell, where a harmonica could be heard,


    "Life in the brink isn't one fit for a hard boiled detective like me."  Kintoki could be seen facing the back of the cell.  Gintoki turned to the other cell and saw Haji and Sunny sitting on their bunk beds.

    "Hello!  You must be Pako!  I only really know about you because Enshou works with you from time to time."  Gintoki put his head down into his hand seeing the creation of that squirmy eyed weeny.

    "Uh, yeah.  I, uhh...you're not that Globby Princess are you?"  Gintoki asked.  Sunny shook her head,

    "I'm simply a representation of her brought to life through Jebediah's subconscious and Enshou-sama's extremely powerful will!"  she said, smiling.  Gintoki gave her a dead fish-eyed look as he turned back to Heiji, who threw his harmonica into the concrete, causing it to bounce back and smack him in the face.

    "I'm glad we don't have to worry about that soft-boiled pest anymore.  Yet, us heroes are stuck behind bars as if we are hardboiled criminals.  Quite the opposite, we should be hailed among the greatest."  Heiji said as blood dripped to the floor from his nose.

    "Gin-san, how are these 4 going to help us in any way?  Aren't we supposed to go and help Ozu-san with something?"  Gintoki put his finger on Shinpachi's lips.  Kintoki turned from his wall facing position and showed a grill popping out of his chest with eggs cooking on them.  "OI HOW IS THAT USEFUL?  WHY DID GENGAI-SAN MAKE THAT?!"

    "It's simple Shinpachi-san.  Gengai-san always updates me with the latest techs whenever I visit him.  I try to stop by at least twice a week, now that I'm fully employed or in prison.  He's told me that he is proud of me, proud of the man...robot that I've become.  He even complimented me on my sick abs."  Shinpachi's face grew dark as his abs were not abs at all, but a toaster that had toast popping out of it.

    "Good thinking Kintoki, toast and eggs are the ultimate hard-boiled pairing.  It's right up there with a glass of Camus and a beautiful woman."  Heiji grabbed the toast from Kintoki's body and took a huge bite.  Haji stretched her arm out from her cell to reach for some eggs that fell off Kintoki's chest.  Kagura picked them up and ate them herself.

    "Gin-chan, this is getting us nowhere!  We're just going to get caught up in their hi-jinks like last time!"  Kagura said, spitting the eggs out on Kintoki's face.

    "No, this is exactly what we need Kagura,"  Gintoki took his sword out and slashed the bars of the detectives' jail cells.  "Now, we can get to work."

    "OIII NOW WE'RE JUST BREAKING THE LAW?!"  Shinpachi yelled.

    "It's not like we haven't done it before Patsuan."  Shinpachi shrugged in defeat.  The detectives all scrambled (like eggs!) out of their cell and thanked Gintoki.  "Alright!  Now we can head to the Old Man's place."  Yorozuya and the Hard Boileds began to head for Tokyo. 


    "Oi, Tetsu."  Tetsunosuke was awoken by the sound of his Vice Chief knocking at his door.  He was bandaged from the accident at the terminal.  Him and his brother were released from the hospital a few days ago and returned to their duties as police officers/chiefs.  It was strange though, for Tetsu, as Isaburo had invited him over for dinner just two night prior.  It felt that he was finally getting closer to his brother, and breaking down the barriers that were built so long ago.  Tetsu managed himself up, grabbing at his waist after saluting Toshi at the doorway.

    "Y-yes Vice Chief?"  Tetsu said, a little nervous.  Hijikata took a drag from his cigarette, putting it back in his mouth.


    "Could you please come with me to Kondo-san's quarters."  Tetsu gave him a puzzled look, but followed his superior through the hallways leading to their leader's room.  Tetsu was fiddling with his fingers as Hijikata opened the door and ushered Tetsu into Kondo's room.  Kondo was sitting in front of a table with a paper and quill sitting on top of it.  He gestured for Tetsu to sit down across from him as Hijikata stood in the doorway, smoking his cigarette.

    "Am I being..stripped of my badge?"  Kondo shook his head and extended his hand.  Tetsu noticed he was holding something in it, so he cupped his hands underneath Kondo's.  Kondo dropped a patch into his hands.  Tetsu brought it closer to himself and examined it,  "But...this is Okita-nii-san's Captain Badge..."  Kondo smiled at Tetsu as he looked up from the patch,

    "I could never keep a short leash on that kid.  He never would admit it, but I knew how much this organization and these people meant to him.  However, these past few months I've noticed just how distant and alone he seemed.  As if, he needed to take a new direction.  I sat down with Okita yesterday, thinking he would just go over the daily happenings of the Shinsengumi.  However, he handed me his resignation-"


    'I hope you understand why I'm stepping away Kondo-san.'  the flashback showed Kondo looking down at the papers with a more serious face than usual.  Kondo sat the papers down and brought Sougo in for a hug.  Okita looked surprised, but accepted the embrace,

    'Of course I understand.  I've realized how unhappy you've been, and I'm always here to help you.  If leaving us and starting your life over makes you happy, then I will always support you Sougo.  However, I don't want to see that frown ever again!  So cheer up, and tackle the world.  Be who you desire to be.'  the flashback ended as Tetsu clinched the badge.

    "And I want to assign you as the new Captain of the 1st Division, Tetsunosuke.  After your brave heroics and handling of the Shinra's invasion, Toshi wanted me to promote you from his assistant, to being a Captain.  I always received a text from someone who wished to remain anonymous, backing up your promotion.  And, I too believe you have the heart of the Shinsengumi, and are more than qualified now to lead our main division.  Congratulations!"  Kondo gave Tetsu a hug, who was now visibly crying.  Hijikata smiled through his cigarette smoke.


    "And, that's pretty much it about Utsuro.  Honestly, it was a tough time for me and Kotaro.  Our real first fight happened on that island."  Shinsuke said as Josh was jotting down notes in his handy dandy notepad.  Josh looked up at Shinsuke and extended his hand,

    "Thank you for your time Shinsuke.  I think the only thing I need to do now is visit Okinawa myself.  It's a shame though, that I couldn't get an interview with Oboro."  Shinsuke shook Josh's hand as they both stood up.

    "Everyone's been clambering for that jizz head ever since he left.  Although, he would be the one to try and talk with about Okinawa.  He was by Sensei's side the entire time, and he killed him.  Did you talk with that Captain?  I heard he was there too."  Shinsuke said, remembering what had happened at the Renho's Baby Shower.  Josh nodded,

    "I've already spoken to him about his time with Utsuro."  the scene flashed back to a couple of days prior on Burei,


    "Welcome to Extended Hanukkah, cherry boy."  Enshou was wearing a XXXL sized sweater over his usual robes.  Josh nervously laughed as he spotted the Captain standing by the punch bowl talking to one of the lower ranked Enshou Minions.  Josh walked over to Stephen and greeted him.

    "Hey Josh!  What brings you to the comics?"  Stephen said, giving the kid a hug.  Josh smiled as he began to speak,

    "Well, Joe and Steve tasked me to do a big investigation.  They want to know more about Jebediah.  I figured I would talk with you about it since you were close with Utsuro and you faced Jebediah."  Stephen looked at his arm, which was still in a sling from the last few fights he had, both in the courtroom and the sub-conscious.

    "I think we should take this conversation out of his sight, he'd get pretty pissed off if we started talking about it at his party."  Stephen said, pointing at Enshou who was hammering shots.  Josh and Stephen made their way out of the party and began to discuss Jebediah.  Josh jotted everything down, all the events that happened from Sweetcheek's perspective.  Then, they got to Utsuro,

    "Well, unfortunately I wasn't there at Okinawa.  He ordered me to go to Edo, as I assume he knew I would stop him from resetting the universe again.  Or maybe he sent me there because he I knew I would meet Enshou.  I never really doubted Utsuro's intuition.  But, I'm starting to question his methods about why he kept Jebediah's presence from us.  Did the God's put a gag order on him?  And what about Oboro?  It all doesn't really make sense why Utsuro wanted to keep Oboro's powers a secret from himself.  And now, Oboro is gone.  Gone to meditate and hone his newly found powers."  Josh looked up at Stephen,

    "Was there anyone else there with Utsuro on Okinawa?"  Josh asked.  Stephen put his head down,

    "Well, you killed one of them,"  Josh sported a somber look on his face, remembering the first real test of his powers against Kaname.  "Hitsugi...has also passed."  Stephen looked dejected thinking about his old friend who sacrificed himself but a mere few months ago.  "The only other being there that's still in the comics are Shinsuke and Poe.  If I were you, I would at least talk with Shinsuke first, and then if you can try and communicate with Poe.  I'm not sure how that bird is handling his owner, his best friend being gone.  But he's been with Utsuro and Oboro for centuries.  He's seen everything, but alas is only a crow.  I suppose if you can find what's left of the Naraku, you may get some information from them.  But I've heard they've long since disbanded and scattered across the universe, especially now that the Tendoushu was murdered by Jebediah."  Josh gave a somber, but hopeful look.

    "I'll speak with Shinsuke when I get back to Edo.  I'm not really sure how I can meet with Poe, but I'll try."  Stephen put his hand on Josh's shoulder,

    "I believe in you Josh.  We may not be blood related, but your family is my family.  I'm so proud of you three boys."  Josh embraced Stephen, the old man accepting the hug.  "You'll make your cousins proud."  the two stood there for a minute, soaking in the moment before the flashback faded away.  Shinsuke nodded and began to head out of Josh's office,

    "I'll help you out with that bird.  I think what you're doing is going to be beneficial to us all in the long run."  Josh lit up at Shinsuke offering to help him,

    "I-if you don't mind!  That would be extremely helpful.  I'm just not sure how to...well talk to birds."  Shinsuke gave him a...wink?  Maybe he blinked, I wasn't sure since he only has one eye.

    "Don't forget that favor either Josh.  I'll be counting on you."  Josh nervously smiled as he watched Shinsuke walk out of the office and close the door behind him.  Josh sat there and opened his notepad,

    'I still have to talk to a few people, even if they weren't involved with the fight on Okinawa.'  Josh pulled up his contact list,

    GznUWfB.png  'Doesn't hurt to try I suppose.'  Josh thought to himself as he clicked the call button.


    The scene cut to a different office, one that had a paw print on the glass of the door.  Joe was sitting at his desk, doing some paperwork to pass by the day.  His work was interrupted by a knock on the door.  Joe stood up and opened it, being met with two police officers.

    "Are you Joseph?"  Joe was starting to get worried,

    "Is Steve OK?  He went out for groceries, and now you guys are here..."  the cops shook their heads,

    "There was no accident sir, but your house has been broken into.  Neighbors reported it.  We haven't investigated it thoroughly just yet, we just wanted to come and let you know.  Just to confirm if anything is missing."  Joe's eyes widened as he grabbed his coat and dashed out of there with the officers.  The three of them arrived at the house, Joe noticing Steve's car was parked outside of the house.  Joe ran from his car and met up with his brother who looked distraught,

    "It's...it's gone Joe.  Someone stole the book again."  Joe looked mortified, as he knew Josh was in there.  "Do you..."  Joe nodded,

    "I think I know who.  The only question is, can we find him."  Joe said, rubbing his chin.  The scene shifted to the clouds above and came down on a man wearing a hood, holding the comic book in a bag around his shoulder.  He was sitting at a library of unknown location,


    "Dylan, had secured the comic book once again.  He had begun to hear voices ever since he left the small island in the Triangle.  A voice with a very distinct British accent telling him to get the book.  Perhaps, all those purple crystals that Dylan stole while on the island were coming in handy after all."  a librarian walked up and shushed Dylan as he smiled to himself.  The scene faded to black as it zoomed in on his bag with the comic book inside.

    "Slowly but surely~"


    "Eh Yukes, seems yous been workin ovatime dis week!"  Valentino leaned on Yuka's desk as she was filing some paperwork,


    "There's been a lot of back up since my absence Fratello."  Yuka said, focusing on her work.

    "All dat work is no good for yous and your mental state Yukes.  Let's go out and get dinna together.  Just me and yous.  Skels here has a date tonight with Mutsu, so you knows I got nothin betta to do."  Yuka was still focused on her work.

    "I'm sorry Valentino, but I have all this work."  she stated again.  Valentino gave her a slight smile, and grabbed the paper she was working on.  "Hey!  Come on now Val, I don't have time to mess around."  she said stubbornly.

    "Yous comin to dinner with me and dats final.  You gotta lightin the load on yourself.  Take a break, for my sake."  Valentino said, placing the paper back on the desk.  Yuka sighed as she pushed her self from the chair.

    "Fine, I'm only doing this because you're guilt tripping me.  You have a lot of work to get done when we get back, because I'm not losing work time because of this."  Valentino smiled as he patted Yuka on the head.  He began to walk from her room when he turned back in her doorway,

    "Yukes, I've been thinkin about the past few weeks.  There's been a whole lotta confusion, and a whole lotta people gettin hurt.  Just...appreciate da little things in life sometimes.  I don't want yous to just work forever.  I want you to live life an experience it a little.  I'm sure everyone here will undastand Yukes, they love ya here."  Valentino said, smiling at his godsister before leaving her in her room.  Yuka shifted her eyes back to her desk where there was a picture of herself, Roberta, and Valentino together in a bright park on Globberious.  She smiled as she held the photo up to her face, before placing it back down.

    "Maybe I should take it easy..."  Yuka lingered on that thought as she got ready for her dinner.


    • Hug 1
  4. Rh3eSX4.png

    "..." Ungyou was standing at the opposite end of the man-cave, stirring a pot of his world famous chili™.  Billy's cigarette hung from his mouth as he lay on the couch, staring at a blank television screen. The ash from is hitting the freshly cleaned carpet that Ungyou painstakingly worked on the past two days.  Gedomaru blinked at the God who looked completely burned out, but you couldn't tell because of his sunglasses.

    "This isn't like you at all.  Did that posh asshole really beat you that bad?"  Gedomaru was there to drag Billy through Hell the previous day.  His body was mangled, his energy nearly drained, and he was in constant pain.  Billy raised his hand and took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew a small cloud of smoke from it.

    "I'm stuck down here, utterly defeated.  My brother had his entire Altana force sucked from him.  Suave is all alone. I doubt Pops is gonna do anything, stuck up asshole.  Making US do everything. What the hell can I even complain about, I rebelled against him.  Jazz always told me that I was Pop's favorite, but I never believed him. It's whatever, really."  Billy flicked the cigarette, landing into an ashtray laying on the coffee table in front of him. Gedomaru sighed as she stood up from the skull throne she built for herself.

    "Where is Wormy Mommy?  You haven't told me or Ungyou-sama anything."  Gedo stood over the God as Billy tipped his sunglasses to meet her gaze.

    "I don't think she's going to be joining us much longer Gedo.  She shouldn't have even been in Hell for the first place...but what can you do.  Father decides where the dead rest, and I suppose he put her in my hands. I think she's atoned enough, don't you?"  Billy tipped his sunglasses back down as Gedomaru looked dejectedly down at the (very clean!) carpet. "But, that doesn't mean she can't come to visit us if we need a 4th Go Fisher."  Gedomaru smiled at the God who matched hers.


    "Why is Jackie here?  Although I am grateful!"  Stephen stood up and dusted off his coat while Enshou laid on the mattress, staring up at the Captain.

    "So, you're just going to get up and leave after we're both laying on a mattress?  You've failed me once again Sweetcheeks." Enshou stood up and walked past Stephen down a tunnel that was past the dragon that Jackie was sparing off with.

    "Shouldn't we help him?"  Stephen asked as a breath of fire hit Jackie's shield.  Enshou turned back and shook his head,

    "Simply a distraction.  I know his games all too well.  The dragon is a ploy and pseudo final boss before the actual giant big boss, the dragon's owner, fights us."  Enshou said, clicking FLTBC on like a light bulb to see down the dark tunnel. She giggled as her hair glowed.  Stephen looked back with worry, but decided it was best to press forward.

    "And what of the crystals the dragon was guarding?"  Stephen asked. Enshou turned back and narrowed his eyes at the Captain,

    "I don't need crystals to defeat a loser like BOD.  I'm half God, half machine. Nothing can touch m-" but as Enshou spoke he was knocked to the ground by a loose rock falling from the ceiling, followed by a posh laughter.  Jackie's sword broke as the dragon roared with a mighty voice. The Joui rebel dropped his shield and put his fists up,


    "I guess I'm going to have to take you down the old fashioned way."  the dragon flew into the cave Jackie had emerged from and stared blankly at him.  Jackie started to hit the Jebby Dragon with a floury of punches, each one leaving an indent on the face of the Jebby Dragon.  The dragon roared as Jackie charged up his fist and hit a huge uppercut, sending the dragon through the roof of the cave.  He looked as his glowing fist and jumped up to meet the dragon in mid-air, spending it spiraling down into its own crystal hoard with a massive axe-kick.  Jackie landed with grace and saw as the dragon stirred in the green and purple dust.  He noticed that the crystals had reverted into liquid and seeped into the ground.  He raised an eyebrow as the dragon flew up and knocked Jackie back into the cave with a whip of its tail.  Jackie struggled to his feet as the dragon stumbled into the cave.  Jackie charged up his legs and hit consecutive blows to the dragon's stomach, and eventually, the dragon collapsed after a huge round house kick to the head popped one of its eyes out. Jackie bowed as the dragon laid their, but looked up to see Jebediah with a blonde wig standing in its place.

    "Congratulations!  My, you certainly put up a great fight against Jebby the Dragon!  Well, here I am!  The daughter of the Elderly Man!  Ooo~ Thank you brave traveler!"  Jebediah extended his hand and booped Jackie on the nose.


    In an instant, Jackie had completely been incinerated, nothing but a cloud of red mist fell to the murky cave floor.  Jebediah straightened his cravat humming along to the Overture.  He looked down at the now empty crystal pile as it stocked back up.

    "My oh my, it seems the adventures left the treasure hidden by the great Jebby Dragon behind!  What a shame, they could have really used that. No worries, it's only a side quest. They're heading straight for the main quest."  Jebediah snapped his fingers and vanished from the cave. Enshou had picked himself up at this point, the three continuing adventures not knowing the fate of the Joui fighter.

    "This cave system seems endless!  I just hope the other 3 are okay."  Stephen said, feeling around the walls as they walked.  Enshou shot daggers at his Captain,

    "Oh, and who are these THEY?!"  Enshou said with emphasis.

    "Well, I came in with Umibozu, Heiji, and Oboro, Sir."  Stephen remarked. Enshou reeled back,

    "Yuck, bunch of old weirdos.  Not that you're an old weirdo Captain, but you just can't trust them.  Or, I can't trust you with someone as rich as the bird brain. He might try and sweep you away from my crew with his stack of greenbacks."  Enshou said.

    "Aren't you more rich than him, Sir?"  Stephen asked. Enshou chuckled,

    "BUT OF COURSE!  I do rule an entire planet."  Enshou said.

    "Co-rule!"  FLTBC chimed in.  Enshou pulled her hair and turned her light off.  The three stumbled along until the tunnel opened up to a cliff side view of a large castle with dazzling lights and fireworks going off.  Their concentration was broken by an old man walking towards them.

    "Lord George!  Uhm...well I can explain..."  Stephen said fumbling his words,

    "Greetings again young travelers!  Thank you again for rescuing my daughter!"  Stephen looked confused, but Enshou stepped in,

    "We glitched his game and skipped past the part about saving this old cahoot's daughter.  I've speedrunned this RPG dozens of times." Enshou said, patting the Old Man on the shoulder.  The old man grabbed Enshou's hand and twisted it.

    "GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH SAVE ME SWEETCHEEKS, HIS OLD MAN STRENGTH IS TOO MUCH!"  Stephen separated the two rather easily, Enshou hissing at the old man.

    "That castle right there!  Lord Montagu, the owner of the giant crystal hoarding dragon sits upon the throne of the Castle of Jebedius!  From all of us in poverty in the small village past the caves, we wish of you travelers to topple the Great Montagu!  He! Is the only one who stands in the way of our village flourishing and thriving! Please, won't you help this elderly man again and defeat the Lord?"  Enshou slapped the old man as hard as he could, sending the elderly man tumbling down the cliff.

    "What the hell was that for Sir?!"  Enshou looked at the Captain,

    "He's not real, he's just an NPC inside this big idiot's subconscious.  Come on, let's end this charade." Enshou marched forward towards the castle with Stephen and FLTBC following closely behind him.


    "This...this just isn't enough power Roberta!"  Suave was panting as he played his sax to near exhaustion.  Roberta frowned at the Dream Catcher, it was glowing, but it had not yet grown to the full potential she wanted.  Suave sat down with the angels all patting him on the back, wishing him a job well done for all he could do.  "If Big Brother Jazzy was still here..."  Suave wiped his face with his hand at the thought of his brother, who was sitting on Earth in a fishbowl within Yuka's bedroom.  Their Father had snapped him back to the realm of the living, where he would remain.  Roberta looked down at Suave,

    "Well, why don't you ask Billy to come up here?"  Suave looked up at her and took his sunglasses off,

    "Father would not allow that, not after what he did last time."  Suave countered.  Roberta crossed her arms,

    "Well, then I'll just have to give your Father a little talking of my own."  Roberta began to storm in the direction where the two came from last.

    "Roberta, wait!"  Suave yelled, getting up and running to try and catch up with her.  Roberta demanded two of the angel guards to open up Cthulu's Chamber, where she began to steadfast her way towards the Elder God.


    Cthulu sat there in concentration, barely making notice of Roberta who walked right up to him,

    "Listen, we need your son to come up here to Heaven.  We need to Altana to fuel the rest of this Dream Catcher, no matter the size.  As long as we can get Green Altana then we can fuel it."  Roberta yelled at Cthulu.  Cthulu answered back with a small, yet loud growling sound.  "He's changed since that incident years ago...he's a good man."

    "He's like family to me.  Billy has taken care of me for years, allowing me to atone for what I've done and change how I walked the Earth.  And even when I failed for the 3rd time, he still welcomed me with open arms like a big brother.  He...he even risked his life to save Jazzy and Suave's.  He's a hero.  Even if you do not forgive what he did, he's someone I look up to.  No matter how brash he is, or how loud he can get.  He's someone who too, deserves more than one chance.  Isn't that why you casted him to Hell, instead of erasing him from existence?"  Roberta held up the Dream Catcher, which Cthulu was staring at, though you could not tell through his face tentacles.  "If he can just come here for even a few minutes..."  But Roberta was cut off by the Elder God sitting up from his position.  Suave was peeping in from the doorway, and was shocked to see his Father standing up.  Cthulu made two strides in Roberta's direction and extended his right hand, and eventually his index finger.  His claw was twice as big as Roberta's entire body, but she didn't feel threatened in that moment.  It was different, it was a feeling of understanding.  As if, she passed his challenge.  The Elder God placed his claw on top of the Dream Catcher in her hand.  She felt an enormous amount of energy flow from the claw into the Dream Catcher, the purple and green mixing into a dull grey.  The Dream Catcher was radiating as she looked up at Cthulu.  The God sat back down in his seat and nodded.  Roberta bowed her head and walked out of his room, showing Suave the Dream Catcher on her way out.

    "I've never seen so much raw energy before..."  Suave noted, looking at the Dream Catcher.  Roberta smiled,

    "I think it's time I show Jebby why he should have killed me back on Oukoku.  Suave, let's go into his consciousness."  Suave looked concerned,

    "But...that would mean I would have to undo the seal..."  Roberta smiled and put her hand on Suave's shoulder.

    "It will be fine, I think he's a little pre-occupied at the moment to even notice.  He's stuck in his own head, playing a game he can never win.  It's time I pay him back for what he did to Yuka, and everyone else he's harmed.  It's now or never Suave.  Let's do the right thing."  Suave gulped as he began to play the notes on his saxophone to begin ripping the seal from Jebediah's door, and also building a stairway from Heaven towards Earth.



    "Ketsuno Ana here!  We're on location of the Final 4 immunity challenge as we speak!  We've flown our contestants out of the snowy hellscape and smack dab in the fighting that has erupted in Edo!  Their challenge this week is to reach Edo Castle and reach the throne room!  We have reports that the Shinra have taken control...though the news is still murky!  Be careful down there contestants!"  Ketsuno Ana flew away in a helicopter while the 4 contestants stood at the front of the castle looking up at it, while it was completely engulfed in flames.

    "I'VE NEVER FOUGHT ANYONE IN MY WHOLE LIFE!"  FDL yelled.  The other three contestants smiled and nodded at each other as they rushed towards the castle gates with their swords/staff ready to attack any enemy they came across.

    "I've got to see my Honey.  Immunity is nice, but I know he's somewhere in this castle."  Shinsuke said in a confessional.  The confessional cut to FDL in a different location,

    "Okay, this challenge just isn't fair!  I am not trained in combat like those 3!  I'm just some city girl working a desk job!"  FDL said, crossing her arms.  The scene cut to Pirako and Shinsuke slashing away with their swords at the various Shinra that were attacking them, while Otae made a be-line for the throne room.  However, a ship came crashing into Edo Castle right next to Otae, knocking her off her feet.  The ship popped open and Kyuubei was standing on the ramp.

    "Oh, Kyuu-chan!  Can you help me up to the throne room?"  Kyuubei ran up and squeezed Otae,

    "Otae-san, my Otae-san radar was off the charts.  I just knew you were here.  I thought you were still competing in Wurvivor?"  Kyuubei asked.  Otae struggled from the death grip of her best friend,

    "Well, I still am!  My challenge is to get to the Throne Room, but you know, it's pretty tough with all these bad guys."  Otae said.  Kyuubei nodded and began to shove her on the ship,

    "Get on, hurry before the others see you!"  but as Kyuubei was shoving Otae on the ship, she heard a loud yell coming from within the ship,

    "OOOOOOOHHH NO YOU DON'T!  THE ONLY CONTESTANT ALLOWED ON THIS SHIP IS SHINNY-BOO!  Sorry Boss Lady, but you cannot win today."  Katsura picked up Otae and tossed her off the ship, which caused Kyuubei to draw her sword at Katsura.  Shinsuke caught up to the commotion,

    "Honey, what the heck are you doing?"  Shinsuke looked confused as he saw Katsura and Kyuubei slapping each other in a slap fight.

    "GAAAAAAHHHH SHE'S POWERFUL SHINNY!"  Katsura gasped as he fell with a thud on the soft carpeted interior of the ship.  As the two were cat fighting, Pirako zoomed past the other two contestants, wall jumping up the stairs.  However, as she neared the top level, she was grabbed and pulled around a corner,

    "Hey what gives Bro!  Oh!"  Pirako noticed who grabbed her,


    "Pirako-chan, it is far too dangerous to take on those who lie ahead.  I am amazed the Oukoku'n made it past them...but they are still guarding the exterior of the room."  Jirocho pointed at three men standing next to a pile of Shinra,


    "Looks like we got ourselves a little gun-slingin!"  Bores had spotted the father-daughter duo and shot off a single round that slowly made its way towards them,

    "GET DOWN PIRAKO-CHAN!"  Jirocho shoved her aside and shield her from the on coming bullet which was still a good 5 or 6 meters away from him.  "GET DOWN, IT'S GONNA HIT YOU!"  Jirocho yelled as Pirako shook her head and began to run head on at the Dofus Trio.

    "WHAT THE HECK!  DO YOU SEE HOW FAST SHE- GUUUH!"  Pirako slugged Bores right in the face, knocking him out cold.  Takatin reached out to try and grab her, but missed and fell down the entirety of the staircase, crashing through the floor below.  Pirako stood there and stared at BH with an evil, red eyed look, which caused him to piss his pants.  Pirako gently creeped around the knocked out and slain Shinra, but heard a cry from her father just across the room.  She stopped and her face got dark as she realized that he was struck by the slow bullet.

    "GO AHEAD PIRAKO-CHAN!  IT ONLY HIT MY ARM!"  he yelled.  Pirako rolled her eyes as she flew open the doors to the throne room, and saw Dragonia giving Soutatsu a huge noogie while he was wrapped up in his antenna.

    "Uhh.  I captured the bad guy!  Let's get out of here before we burn up!"  Dragonia began to book it out of the throne room, while Ketsuno yelled from the helicopter that Pirako had won immunity.  Down below, the other contestants waited as Pirako came down with Dragonia.  FDL was sitting with Tesunosuke, after he was rescued by his fellow officers.

    "Yeah, I'm just not that good at fighting, you know?  I'm a member of the Shinsengumi, but I'm not as skilled Hijikata-san or Kondou-san.  I was watching you play Wurvivor, and you're really kicking butt!  After Shimura-niisan got voted off, I'm totally rooting for you!"  FDL gave a shy blush and thanked him.  Pirako finally made it down with Elizabeth holding Soutatsu captive.  Ketsuno swooped down and scooped the contestants up in the helicopter to hold tribal counsel back on the mountain,



    "Alright!  Wow, what an exciting and life threatening challenge!  FDL, you didn't participate at all?  Are you that confident that you're safe?"  Ketsuno asked.

    "It's not that I didn't want to participate, I just couldn't.  I just work behind a desk.  These dudes are all samurai, like what the heck.  Anyway, not participating made me make a new friend today, so that's pretty cool."  FDL said.

    "Shinsuke and Otae, you two got caught up with some loved ones!  Really turned the tide for Pirako to win."  Ketsuno said, Pirako butted in first though,

    "I won because my Pops was there!  He took a bullet for me, he's OK though!"  Pirako said, eagerly waiting to vote.

    "Kyuu-chan was really excited to see me so things got crazy, then Katsura-san was all over Shinsuke-san."  Ketsuno shot daggers at Shinsuke who just gulped.

    "I suppose it's time we get to the votes, FDL, you're up!"  the contestants all went off to vote.  Ketsuno walked back to get the urn and placed it in front of everyone.  "Once the votes are read the decision is final, the person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal counsel area immediately.  I read the votes.  First vote:"






    "Shinsuke"  2 votes Shinsuke, 1 vote FDL.  One vote left."



    "FDL.  We have a tie.  We will re-vote.  If the votes come up as a tie again, FDL and Shinsuke you two will have to duel in a fire making challenge.  So, Otae and Pirako you may recast your votes.  Come and get the urn Pirako."  Pirako stood up and grabbed the urn.  She turned back and winked at Otae who slowly nodded.  The two cast their votes and returned.  "I'll go read the votes.  First vote."


    "FDL.  One vote left.  13th person voted out of Wurvivor Edo-


    "Front Desk Lady, you need to come bring me your torch."  as FDL stood up, Pirako began to roar with laughter,

    "FINALLY GOT RID OF YOU!  MY ARCH-NEMESIS!"  Pirako laughed even more while FDL did a Jim look at the camera.

    "FDL, the tribe has spoken."


    "It's time for you to go."  FDL grabbed her stuff and turned back to the contestants.

    "Good luck to you Otae, Shinsuke.  I'll be rooting for you two."  Pirako spat at FDL as she walked away, her giving Pirako the middle finger as she walked away.  Ketsuno faced the contestants,

    "Final 3, you guys only have a few days left before we can crown one of you guys the title of Sole Survivor and the Million Dollar prize.  Grab your torches and head back to camp, goodnight."  Ketsuno smiled at them as they walked off.  An Earthquake began to happen as they were walking back to their camp, but they didn't think anything of it.



    "Am I dead?"  Umibozu was wondering around a familiar place, at a time more simple.  He looked at his human hands and sighed. "A dream within someone else's mind, what kind of Inception crap is this."  Umibozu kicked around some rocks as he guided himself to some place he didn't know. As if he was being lured somewhere by someone.  As he continued to walk, he noticed his arm was morphing back to the metallic prosthetic he came to get used to, and his luscious locks were falling behind him.  He couldn't stop to pick up his lost hair, that drawing sensation was bringing him closer and closer to a wooded area. Soon, he had reached the shrubs and he completed reverted to his current day self.



    Umibozu fell to his knees and put his head on the ground.  Kouka covered her mouth as she walked closer to her husband.

    "This...this was the purpose I came to fight for.  Nothing...nothing can end the happiness I feel at this moment.  I knew this was more than just a dream...you're real." Umibozu looked up with a tear running down his face as Kouka bent down to hug him.  Umibozu sat up to his knees as Kouka fell to hers. She leaned into her husband and rested her chin on his cold, metal shoulder.

    "Yes...I am very real Kankou.  I've missed my business partner."  Kouka smiled as she closed her eyes.  "I can guarantee that Jebediah will be waiting for you when you wake up.  I'm sorry the only time I get the chance to visit you is at a time like this...but he can't hurt us here."  Umibozu buried his face in Kouka's shoulder, being able to take in her sweet scent for the first time in years.  "I just wanted to pass along my wishes to not push yourself past your limit.  You are not getting any younger Kankou."  Umibozu managed to stand up, helping his wife to her feet as well.

    "I'm afraid I cannot grant that wish, Kouka.  I have to help them destroy Jebediah.  Other people are depending on me, and I have to hold up my reputation as the greatest alien hunter in the universe."  Umibozu began to walk back to where he came, but Kouka grabbed his metal arm.  He stopped,

    "Live, for Kamui and Kagura's sake.  Please.  Jebediah is more powerful than anything you've ever encountered."  Umibozu turned back and gave his wife a simple nod as he vanished from her world, waking up in the cell he was cast off to.  He noticed at the far corner of the cell was Oboro, huddled with his knees against his chest.  Umibozu did not pay him any mind as he pointed his umbrella at the jail cell's door and blew it off its hinges.

    "It seems Jebediah is too busy to look after us, or maybe he wants me to break out.  I've been working on this door for hours before I passed out...you don't looks so good Oboro."  Umibozu remarked as Oboro met his gaze.

    "I have a lot to think about Umibozu-dono.  I just want out of this place, I need time alone."  Umibozu turned and walked out the cell door, leaving Oboro by himself.  Oboro watched as the Yato disappeared into darkness.  The cell Oboro was in began to shimmer as a portal opened.  Jebediah stepped out of the portal and dusted off his boots.

    "You want to quit this little game Oboro?  Come now.  I thought you were sooooo~ ready to kill me, oh!  How saaad.  Nevertheless, if you wish to leave this place then by all means!  Go ahead and walk.  Leave your friends to their fate!  How very...passive for the Keeper of Peace.  Giving up and running away right before I take over the entire comic book.  How sad, really."  Jebediah at on the bed adjacent from Oboro who was still looking downtrodden.  "I won't hurt you...no, I can't do that Oboro.  Dear boy, I have to save my biggest prey for last!  You can go ahead and rejoin the world of the waking.  I hear it's rabbit season."   Jebediah snapped his fingers, causing a door to emerge from the wall behind Oboro.  "Now, I cannot open this door, but you are more than likely free to do so if you like."  Oboro managed to his feet and faced the door.

    "I bid you farewell Jebediah-dono.  What you have shared with me has impacted me unlike anyone has since my Sensei.  I have absolute faith in my friends that they will subdue you.  I have some soul searching to do."  Oboro grabbed the door handle and slowly opened it, causing him to be sucked into the bottom of the ice rink.  Jebediah stared as the door shut in his face.  He gave himself a slight smile as he lifted himself from the bed.

    "Well, that was much easier than I anticipated.  I suppose I should be meeting with that Yato then."  Jebediah hummed the violin chords playing as he began to approach the dark hallway that Umibozu was walking down.  Oboro was seen swimming to the hole in the ice rink and being pulled up by Haji and Kintoki.  Poe flew over to his friend and landed on his shoulder.  Oboro signaled for Poe to get on his fingers and held him in front of his face.

    "Poe.  Everybody.  I know how selfish this may sound to all of you, but I cannot stay here.  I have trust in those still within Jebediah-dono's conscious and the Gods to stop him.  I have to find the real me.  The man that Sensei left in his wake.  It took me until know to truly understand my duty in this world.  Poe, please stay with Ozu-dono.  I must do this alone."  Poe cocked his head as Oboro pet the bird.  Poe flew off Oboro's finger and out the door of the restaurant.  The crowd of people who joined the expedition looked worriedly at Oboro.

    "What about Jebediah?  He's causing mass hysteria right now!  You can't leave us!"  Haji yelled.  Oboro shook his head,

    "They can handle him without me.  I am far too weak to stand toe-to-toe with him alone like my Sensei did.  I must train my newly found knowledge, and take him down if he ever shows his face again.  However, I did not leave without helping those I left behind.  Until then, I must bid you all farewell."  Oboro opened the door to leave but was confronted by Tatsuma who overheard everything from out on the skating rink.

    "So, you're going to leave us Oboro?  Well, I can't stop you.  Me and Lt. Simon have been skating for almost 5 days straight.  But, I'm gonna miss you while you're gone.  Don't take long, you got that?"  Tatsuma said, giving Oboro a hug.  Oboro accepted the embrace, and walked past Tatsuma.  He was still in deep thought, it was hard for him to gather everything that transpired.  Meanwhile, Jebediah had finished whistling, and changed his tune up a bit,

    "Perfect!  You!  Down there with the shiny bald head!"  Jebediah pointed at Umibozu, who was now visible in the small moon lit tunnel.  Umibozu turned around, but in a flash was kicked in the gut and launched into a portal.  He landed with a thud and looked around his surroundings,


    "Enjoy the paintings?  This is one of my MANY!  OH SO MANY BALL ROOMS!"  Jebediah's voice echo'd through the halls of the room as he stepped out of the portal.  Umibozu stood up and aimed his umbrella at Jebediah who only smiled.  "Why not join me for a little twirl, my little bunny?"  Jebediah grabbed the umbrella and snapped it in half.  He snapped his free hand, and caused Umibozu's arm to shoot up and interlock with Jebediah's.  Umibozu was stunned as Jebediah began to slowly waltz with the Yato, bringing each other closer and apart.  "Enjoying yourself?"  Umibozu looked down and saw that Jebediah's hand and his own were fused together.  Umibozu tried to yank at it, but it was his flesh and bones arm rather than his metallic one.  Jebediah smiled as he socked Umibozu in the mouth, causing a tooth to fly.  Umibozu retaliated as he twirled Jebediah and punched him as he came back around to face him.  Jebediah spit out some blood,  "Mighty fine p- oh!"  Jebediah grabbed Umibozu's hand and pried open his balled up robotic hand.  Umibozu yanked Jebediah towards him with their fused hands and headbutted him as hard as he could, splitting open both of their skulls.  Jebediah smirked,  "You really don't want me to see you palm, do you?"  Umibozu nodded, as blood ran down his face.

    "I was given something but a good friend of mind.  Something that will help me defeat you."  Umibozu flashed his palm at Jebediah who's smirky face turned to that of anger.

    "Writings in Latin huh?  Let's see, "Ye who casts Altana, thee who controls it.  Luceo non uro.  Or, I shine, not burn.  Very clever by that bird brained git.  He inscribed your hand with his own blood.  How in bloody hell did I not notice after that punch left a mark on my face."  Jebediah put his hand up to where Umibozu punched him earlier, feeling the very visible burn mark that was left.  Jebediah wrapped his arm around Umibozu and dipped him down with a shift motion, looking down at Umibozu and gave him an evil smile.  He separated their hands and began to waltz by himself.  "I quite love dancing.  I'm not sure about you baldy."  Jebediah tapped his feet together and teleported behind Umibozu.  Umibozu was quicker than Jebediah anticipated and punched him in the gut with his robotic hand and stabbed him in the shoulder with his broken umbrella.  Jebediah was sent flying into one of his statues.  It topped over and broken in hundreds of pieces on top of him.  Jebediah pushed the stone off him and brushed the debris from his coat.  He stood up and continued to tap his feet again and winked at Umibozu, who just narrowed his eyes at him.  Jebediah twirled and snapped his fingers at the same time, disappearing from Umibozu's sight.  The Yato got on guard, holding the handle of his umbrella to defend from any on coming attack, but was not expecting to be grabbed from the bottom of his foot.

    "What in the-"  Jebeidah pulled Umibozu halfway through the floor and stepped out of the portal.

    "My, looks like you're gonna be stuck there."  Jebediah snapped his fingers as the portal closed in around Umibozu, constricting him.  "Oo!  Is that a little too tight for you?"  Jebediah took a few steps back and waved his hand up and down as if he was lining up Umibozu's head.  He began to run towards the trapped Yato but heard the door to his ballroom slam open.

    "Stop right there you big, stupid, idiot brain."  Jebediah stopped in his tracks and met eyes with his "brother".

    "My, Enshou, Steven...and OH!  Looks like you've brought along a little lady friend I am mighty familiar with!"  Jebediah looked at FLTBC and then looked back at Enshou,  "Would you care to dance Brother?  Or is your heart still too weak to tango?"


    "You know I can never turn down a dance."  Stephen was mortified when Enshou extended his hand towards Jebediah, who waltzed over and grabbed it.

    "We haven't done this in quite some time!"  Jebediah said, as him and Enshou were moving in each other's arms.  Stephen began to creep into the ballroom as FLTBC watched from just inside the doorway.  Stephen crouched down to where Umibozu was being trapped and placed his hands down on the portal, causing it to loosen and help Umibozu out of it.  Stephen noticed the engravings on Umibozu's hand,

    "Oboro inscribed them before he left."  Umibozu was then met with a kick in the side of the head, causing him to collapse.  Stephen looked up and saw Jebediah holding Enshou up with 1 hand like a ballerina as he kicked Umibozu as hard as he could.

    "Stephen!  What are you doing not dancing, here!"  Jebediah tossed Enshou in the air,

    "SWEETCHEEKS!  CATCH ME!"  Enshou landed in Stephen's arms as Jebediah twirled towards the entrance and grabbed FLTBC's hands,

    "My dear."

    8TYxvJF.png  And with a single kiss, she had vanished.  Enshou pulled away from Stephen and confronted Jebediah,

    "What did you do to her?  I DEMAND ANSWERS!"  Jebediah grabbed Enshou by the throat and lifted him off the ground,

    "Simple, I just snapped her back into your pea brain.  She's unharmed, just a hindrance."  Stephen picked up the broken half of Umibozu's umbrella and threw it, coating it with his purple Altana, stabbing Jebediah through the arm he was lifting Enshou up with.  He dropped Enshou and ripped the umbrella from his arm.

    "So, you want to dance now do you Captain?  I've had my little fun with my brother...or hmm~"  Jebediah picked Enshou back up,  "You care for this man, don't you Stephen?"  Stephen narrowed his eyes at Jebediah.  "I could snap this man's neck at any moment I choose...or perhaps rip out this mechanical heart pumping blood through his body?"  Jebediah rubbed his hand against Enshou's chest.

    "Now is not the time to do this BOD.  But if you must I am wearing protec-"  Jebediah threw Enshou against a line of chairs as Stephen began to rush towards Jebediah with his fists balled up.  Jebediah caught each fist as the Captain threw them, and noticed just in time to cock his head back and dodge an attack from a now awake Umibozu.  Jebediah flung Stephen in the air and smacked him against Umibozu, sending both of them into the ceiling of the castle.

    "That hand won't be good for long!"  as Umibozu was falling, Jebediah had yelled out.  He grabbed both arms of Umibozu and thrusted his foot into Umibozu's gut, ripping both of the Yato's arms off.  Umibozu flung to the opposite end of the ballroom while Stephen fell flat on his face.  Jebediah stepped on the Captain's back, causing him to yell.  Before he could do anymore, Enshou jumped on his back.  Jebediah was smart enough to grab the Buriean's laser swords before he could, and have them go off into both of his legs.  Enshou fell of Jebediah's back, screaming in pain.  He began to crawl away as blood trailed behind him.  Jebediah bent down and grabbed Stephen by the back of his head with his hair.  "My, you're the keeper of this book?  An old, washed up man?"  Jebediah smashed Stephen's face into the marble floor, causing his nose to break instantly.  "I don't even have to use HALF my powers!"  he smashed his face into the floor again.  "Defeating two of the strongest beings in the know universe?  Tricking one into leaving my conscious because his stupid, git teacher lied to him?  Golly, I sure underestimated just how strong I really am."  he smashed Stephen's face once again, blood spraying in every direction as the Captain began to lose consciousness.  "AND HAVING TO DEAL WITH ANNOYING PESTS LIKE THAT FREAK!"  He pointed at Enshou, the Prince's face looking distraught as his Captain was about to get another smashing.  However, a single gunshot rang out, freezing Jebediah in his place.  He let go of Stephen's hair and looked down at his chest which was bleeding profusely.  Jebediah slowly turned his head around to face who had shot him,


    "I'm afraid it's time for this hard-boiled detective to defeat you once and for all Jebediah.  As I was sitting in that tunnel, a thought occurred to me.  A thought that not one single shot of Camus could ever fix.  A thought of me giving up and leaving my friends.  But...seeing their faces on this pictures, seeing what you've done to them here.  I could never face them again.  Which is why, you will fall at my feet and I'll crack your case wide open."  Jebediah stood up and smiled, snapping his fingers and appearing right in front of Heiji.

    "You have been a thorn in my side ever since you meddled with that Purple Altana.  And yet, you stand before me defiant, escaping my tunnels, and acting as if you are stronger than two men who could kill Gods.  You have the GALL to shoot me.  And think that's all there is to it, don't you, you wanker.  You're nothing but a spec under my boot."  Jebediah stuck his hand into the bullet hole that Heiji made, and ripped out his own, still-beating heart.  He used his other hand to dig into the heart and pull the bullet out with two fingers.  "You are playing with God."  Jebediah kicked Heiji with a forces of a thousand Camus hangovers.  Heiji went flying through the ballroom's window and down to the rocks just outside the castle.  He landed with a huge thud, and coughed up some blood.  It was obvious that kick broke some of his ribs.  Jebediah jumped through the window and landed where he thought Heiji was but he was nowhere to be seen.  Jebediah looked around and spotted Heiji in the distance,


    "How the hell did that git, get there so fast...what?"  Jebediah saw Heiji rev up the motorcycle and speed through a tunnel.  "I don't remember a tunnel being there...but I can't let him escape.  He's breaking the rules of my game."  Jebediah began to sprint at lightning speed towards the tunnel, but he failed to notice that it wasn't a tunnel at all.


    "Great job Haji!"



    Jebediah unstuck himself from the fake tunnel and snapped his fingers, appearing on the ladder opposite of Kintoki,

    "And just how the hell did you two sneak in here without me noticing?"  Jebediah said, smiling at them.  Before either could answer, Heiji came roaring back out of the fake tunnel on his motorcycle and shut it off.

    "It's simple Jebediah.  The world as you know it is crumbling outside here.  As in, your world."  Jebediah looked around as the dark, fantasy setting he made was crumbling, and the sky was falling apart.

    "What did you three DO?!"  Jebediah grabbed both Kintoki and Haji by their faces, but they didn't seemed fazed.  Heiji took a puff of his cigar,

    "It's simple Jebediah.  We're just three hard-boiled, chaotic detectives.  However you may look at chaos, there's duality in everything.  We...us three are that other half.  You are anarchy, while we are controlled chaos.  A system of scrambled checks and balances that are there to control one another.  You've spouted endlessly about peace and chaos, but in the end Jebediah, you were defeated by the one thing you claimed as your own.  Chaos.  Our Comedy will forever triumph your Tragedy."  the scene flashed back to Heiji sitting on the floor of the tunnel he was left at when he was separated from Oboro and Stephen.  He felt his kimono begin to vibrate, and realized it was a text message from Haji:

    'Boss!  Oboro just left the door!  You need to get out of there before something bad happens!'  Heiji took out a cigar from his other pocket and began to light it.  He pressed the Call button on his phone,

    "Haji, I need you two to get down here.  You and Kintoki."  Heiji said,

    "But Boss...who's going to let us out?  We'd be trapped down there!"  Haji yelled into her phone.

    "Something is happening to Jebediah.  Something else is trying to get in here another way."  Haji was confused,

    "What do you mean Boss?"  Heiji took a deep drag from his cigar.

    "I've already seen three people who shouldn't be here get in, and I can feel this cave shaking again.  Jebediah is focusing all his energy here, and I need you two to back up your boss.  Have Kintoki bring that cartoon saw, you better not be late."  Heiji clicked his phone off and snuffed his cigar out as a giant portal opened up next to him;  the scene flashed forward to Jebediah still holding the two detectives when he felt something burst through his stomach.  He let go of their faces and looked down to see FLTBC holding Umibozu's metallic arm, the same arm that was inscribed the anti-Altana spell.

    "I....I got rid of you..."  Jebediah ripped the rest of the arm out of his body and fell backwards off the ladder.  FLTBC put her hand over her mouth in shock at what she managed to do,

    "Lord Enshou...granted me back.  He used the rest of his energy to will be back out of his mind and into yours Jebediah-san.  You underestimated those who you claim as ants beneath your feet, but we are much stronger than you could ever believe."  Jebediah began to crawl towards his castle, the 4 of them following him slowly as he inched towards the steps to his large castle, which itself was beginning to crumble and discolor.

    "What is happening to my world?"  Jebediah pushed the doors to his castle open and saw a woman standing in his way, holding but a single dream catcher in her hand.  He only gave her a slight smile before she began to speak.

    "It is time for you to eternally atone for you sins, Jebediah.  You were so pre-occupied to even notice that we broke your seal."  Roberta flashed the Dream Catcher in front of Jebediah.  He saw behind her Suave using his saxophone to heal the wounded.  Jebediah began to struggle to his feet, blood pouring from the wound in his stomach.  Jebediah smiled even bigger at the thought that he could have escaped with his full powers at anytime, but was completely unaware.  His body was beginning to revert to its original form, the dead Tendoushu member defusing from himself.

    "I've atoned for everything I have ever done.  I am left to suffer in this Hell, a Hell where I am never given a second chance.  A Hell without the past I've thrown away.  Whatever you plan to do with that, it means nothing.  Capture my soul, trap me yet again.  But, know this.  Everyone, know this."  Jebediah moved his hand around to point at everyone in his general area.  "My work is not finished.  I will come back, and I will rule this world.  I was naive, but there might just be someone out there who understands.  When that time comes, I will kill everyone who stands in my way.  The Gods will parish, and I will regain everything that I've lost."  Jebediah stood in the doorway of his castle as his arm fell to his side.  He was surrounded by everything he disregarded, everyone he let escape alive.  The past was finally here to punish him.


    • Like 1

    …..."THOSE BASTARDS RUINED MY HAT AND....and they broke my Good Egg pin..."  Kintoki put his head down as he sat in his barstool.

    "Are you crying oil?  Whatever, that's besides the point.  Why are we cooped up in this Oukoku'n Bar?"  Stephen asked.


    "It's simple, Sensei always had a safe house on each planet.  Of course, I've never been to every planet, but the ones that are relevant to us, I've got down in my handy map."  Oboro said, showing the map to the 4 sitting in front of him.



    "How the hell are you supposed to read this?"  Haji asked, grabbing the map.

    "Well, it's certainly a nice, fine, and hardboiled looking piece of art."  Heiji said, inspecting it before accidentally burning it to a crisp with his cigar.

    "What are you guys even blabbering about?!  Did you see what the hell happened in there?"  Hijikata yelled from the opposite end of the bar.  He was sitting at the farside of the bar with Kondo, Shige, Valentino/Skele and Umibozu.

    "Yes, shouldn't we be chasing down Jebediah?  He's on the loose, and that's beyond dangerous."  Umibozu said, leaning at the bar.

    "That's the problem, we have absolutely no idea where he vanished to.  He hopped in a portal, and practically vanished. Who knows where he'll end up."  Stephen said, pondering.

    "Are you guys going to just ignore me and Poe's awesome bandages?  I mean, I knew these would come in handy one day. We're healing pretty fast, but it still makes us pretty cool looking."  Poe caw'd in agreeance. As Kintoki opened his mouth to spew out Gods knows what, Heiji was deep in thought.

    "Boss, it seems like you're really constipated."  Haji remarked. Heiji turned to his apprentice and grabbed her shoulders.

    "Haji, I just hatched the most hardboiled idea...we'll kill Jebediah."


    "ARE YOU INSANE BOSS?!  YOU SAW WHAT THAT MAN DID!  WE DON'T STAND A CHANCE!" Haji yelled.  Heiji calmed her down,

    "Trust me on this one, my notepad is full.  I may look weak, and a bumbling idiot, but I am a hardboiled detective.  At my core, I do what I know is right for anyone who's willing to put their case in my hands."  Heiji stood up from the barstool and snubbed his cigar out in the ashtray next to Kintoki. "If there's one thing I know, it's how to defeat Jebediah.  Come on Haji, Kintoki. We're going back to Edo. You all are willing to join us if you like, but it will be rather dangerous. What I have planned could very well end...in death.  But sometimes, a hardboiled detective is willing to put it all on the line to catch the scoop." Heiji began to walk out the door as Haji and Kintoki looked nervously at each other after hearing their Boss's more serious tone come out.

    "What makes you think you can defeat a man that was willing to ragdoll two of the most powerful beings in the entire universe."  Umibozu said with a deadpan seriousness. Stepehn put his head down and Oboro put his hand on his stomach wound. The bar was silent as Heiji turned to face the Yato.

    "Umibozu.  Unaware to you, I had Haji steal that notebook from you.  I read the finished ending you gave it, the first hand account of Jebeidah,"  Heiji showed the bar the notebook. "He calls himself the embodiment of chaos.  And, who gives him the right to hold such a title? Nobody. That's because it's a fake title, a self-given label that he believes to be true.  Yet, how can such a title be given to someone that doesn't exist in this universe?" Heiji turned his back. Haji and Kintoki stood up from their barstool to join their boss.  Before the trio walked out of the door, Stephen spoke up.

    "I believe you Heiji."  Heiji stopped in the doorway as Haji and Kintoki slipped past him out of the bar.  Heiji took a cigar from his pocket and held it between his fingers. "The comment Haji made in the hotel room about entering in Jebediah's world made me realize just how much you truly know about this man.  Hell, I'd say you're a better detective than myself. And when you mentioned how Jebediah is the embodiment of chaos, I think I know what you meant. There is duality in chaos." Heiji made a small chuckle as he walked out the door of the bar.  He quickly noticed the rest of the bar followed him out to the street.

    "Need a light, detective?"


    Hijikata and Heiji both took a puff from their tobacco, letting the smoke fill the night sky.

    "If Kintoki-dono believes in you, then I have no choice but to back him up."  Oboro said, Poe nodded, taking one of Hijikata's cigarettes.

    "Toshi, I'm assuming you're going to head back to Earth with these guys.  I'll take the Shogun over to the hospital to meet with Prince Barkas." Kondo said, giving Hijikata a high five.  Shige bowed in Heiji direction.

    "If you three manage to save Majesty Yuka, and help stop Jebediah; I'll be sure to reward you handsomely on behalf of the country of Edo."  Shige raised his head and began to head towards the large hospital a few blocks down the road with Kondo. 

    “If it means gettin Sorella back, then count me in.”  Valentino said, patting Heiji on the back. Umibozu was the last person out of the bar,

    "I admire your tenacity, detective.  I'm simply following you because I wish to enter this world Jebediah resides in.  I...know it's selfish of me, but I just have to be there." Umibozu said, putting his umbrella up.  Shige had called for a space limo to pick them up and drive them back to Edo where they could begin preparations.  As the limo pulled up to the camera, it shifted to a different car driving. This one decked in white, with blue and red flashing lights.

    "Uhg, who the hell decided to play Last Address?  Nobume-san, turn the radio on." Isaburo leaned his head on the steering wheel as the Eliteomobile came to a halt at a red light.

    "Isaburo-san, I know you aren't stressed out about losing those three goons who attempted to assassinate the Shogun.  What's troubling your boomer mind? Politics?" Nobume asked, filing her nails. Isaburo sighed through the steering wheel.

    "It's my brother, Nobume-san."  Nobume stopped filing her nails and looked at Isaburo with a shocked expression.

    "Not often you actually mention that sad sack.  Where did you leave him this time?" Nobume asked as Isaburo began to drive again.

    "He's at our house.  I just told him to make us dinner when we get off our shift.  I don't know Nobume-san, you know how hard it is for my to express my emotions.  I just feel like I never got the chance to really bond with Tetsunosuke. I always viewed him as a failure and a disgrace to our family name.  I just...I don't know. Maybe I've been too hard on him." Isaburo began to furiously text on his phone, so Nobume had to grab the steering wheel and help him drive.  Eventually Isaburo pulled up to his and Nobume's house and he rested his head on the steering wheel again. "I don't want to face him Nobume-san. Not tonight." Nobume just chopped him on the top of his head,

    "Why is tonight different than any other night?  Is it because we just put up our Westside 4 Life Christmas lights?"  Nobume said, looking at the giant effigy of Eazy E standing in their yard, draped in tinsel.

    "It's December 22nd, Tetsunosuke's Birthday."  Isaburo's head slid down and hit the horn on his car.  The horn blared out through the silent streets before Isaburo picked his head back up.  He looked through his windshield and saw a person standing in the road,


    “What the heck?!  Those two weren’t supposed to be here for another hour!”  Isaburo cocked his head slightly as he saw Bores run into his house.  The Elites jumped out of the Eliteomobile and rushed towards the house, kicking down their front door.  Isaburo pointed his pistol at a group of figures and Nobume drew her sword. As their visions adjusted, the figures began to form.



    “Shinra?”  Isaburo met eyes with Soutatsu as the man hoisted up the sack.

    “Sasaki Isaburo.  We easily captured your brother and placed him within this potato sack,”  Soutatsu was cut off by Nobume,

    “Are you sure?  That kind of just looks like him.”  She said with a deadpan delivery. Soutatsu breathed a deep sigh and shook the bag, causing Tetsu to squirm and call out “Sasaki!”  Isaburo narrowed his eyes at the Shinra.

    “And just what do you want from me?  You won’t be able to bribe me so easily.”  Isaburo said sternly. Before Soutatsu could answer, a loud burp could be heard coming from the Elite Kitchen Area.




    “Holy crap!  Takatin is a freaking beast.”  Bores exclaimed loudly. The three were causing a ruckus that could be heard through the whole house.

    “Should I go in there and silence them forever, Isaburo-san?”  Nobume said, but Isaburo shook his head.

    “Why did you bring those three with us again?  I thought you were done with them.” one of the Shinra whispered to Soutatsu.  Soutatsu clenched his fist angrily.

    “They’re my insurance policy.  You. Take us to the Shogun’s castle.  We know he is away, and security is low.  We also demand the release of Nobu Nobu, or else we’ll dispose of your brother and the entire Mimawaragumi.”  Isaburo lowered his gun and lowered Nobume’s katana.

    “Why are you backing down so easily Isaburo-san?  We’ve taken on much stronger opponents than these doofuses.”  Nobume said, slickly sheathing her katana. Isaburo turned to her and whispered,

    “They’re mere fools who believe Edo will collapse.  They don’t realize just how powerful our bonds are with our allies, and even our prisoners.”  Isaburo led the Shinra and the Doofus Trio towards the Shogun’s castle, passing by a man with his face hidden with a straw hat.  The man turned to face the back of the group and continued on his way. He entered into a small hideout just outside of the Kabuki-cho and sat down across from 5 other people.


    “There’s no mistaking it.  Three of the toughest warriors I’ve ever locked up with are heading for the Shogun’s castle.  It seems they have bested the Mimawarigumi’s top 2…” Jirocho said, looking concerned. The other 5 across from him looked among themselves.  Otose, Saigou, Gintoki, Yamazaki, and Gonard.

    “To have the Mimawarigumi to be thwarted so easily is worrying…”  Yamazaki said. Gintoki was focused on Jirocho,

    “And just who are those 3 powerful people?  Honestly, they can’t be THAT tough.” Gintoki said.

    “A man going by the two letters, B and H.  The heavy, I couldn’t quite catch his name, but he resembled a monsterous wrestler...and their leader simply known as The Boar.  He bested some of the toughest people I know. If I were you guys, I’d be careful to not tail Soutatsu so closely. Especially you, Shinsengumi.  You guys are missing some of your most powerful men. And by the looks of it, you two were left in charge.” Jirocho looked over at Yamazaki and Gonard.

    “Well, Coconut Head said he was busy so he sent us here!  He’s the one actually in charge right now!” Gonard said happily.  The scene shifted to Sougo taking acting lessons.

    “You got it baby, you’re beautiful!  Just work on those last few lines and the play is ready to open for sure!  You’ll be a star!”




    “Phew, I think I’m starting to get a hang of this acting thing Douman-danna.  Just the practice I need.” Sougo said, looking proud of himself. The scene shifted back to Gintoki who had a deadpan look on his face,

    “And what was that pointless cutaway about anyway?”  Gintoki asked, but the author knew and he wasn’t going to share.

    “What do you suggest we do then, Old Man?”  Otose asked Jirocho. Jirocho gestured at Saigo,

    “One of your girls has been doing a lot of digging on not only Soutatsu, but an even greater threat.  I’m sure word has been spreading around Edo about a mysterious man named Jebediah appearing on Oukoku.  Tako has been hot on the trail.” Saigo nodded.

    “She’s made Ma proud, I’ll say that.  All my girls make me proud, even you Pako,”  Gintoki simply blinked, “I have faith that whatever Tako has planned, she’ll see through to it til the very end.”  Saigou finished. Jirocho turned to Otose,

    “As for us two old farts, what best we can do but hold the fort down in Kabuki-cho?  It’s something we’ve done plenty of times before.” Otose smiled,

    “As long as by the end of this, my bar gets fixed so that perm head can start paying rent again.”  Gintoki rolled his eyes and stood up.

    “Oi, you two blackcoats get your men ready, and I’ll get some friends ready at the castle.  We’re snubbing this fire-starter out before his blaze can get out of control.” Gintoki said, opening the door and leaving.  He closed the door into a scene change as another door opened and Roberta and Kouka walked through it.

    “Are they seriously still playing in that waterfall?”  Roberta said, putting her hand on her hip. Suave was spraying water from his sax at Billy’s face as he splashed at Jazzy’s direction, who was just standing there giving his usual stoic look.

    “Join the fun ladies!  We’re just kickin back here.  Why the hell does Rabbit Face get a much better place than me?  I can’t even turn the thermostat up down there.” Billy said jumping out of the water.

    “Because you killed our brother, Billy.  Anyway, we should head out. We have what we need in this dreamcatcher.  Thank you Kouka-dono.” Jazzy said, bowing to Kouka. Kouka simply nodded her head.  Billy rolled his eyes as Suave climbed out of the water behind him.

    “That fucking posh idiot was the one who planted those seeds in my head anyway.”  Billy said.

    “If our brother was here today, things would be much easier.”  Jazzy said, opening a portal that directed back to Heaven. Billy just shook his head as Jazzy and Suave began to leave.  However, Roberta spoke up,

    “Jazzy, may I please have that Dreamcatcher.”  Roberta said with a stern tone. Jazzy turned around with a bit of a surprised look on his face,

    “Being straightforward are we Roberta-dono?  Very well, I shall lend the Dream Catcher with you and Billy.  However, I must warn you Roberta-dono. Without both Altana, that Dream Catch is worthless against Jebediah-dono.  Do not let him get ahold of it either. With powers like that, Jebediah-dono will be unstoppable.” Jazzy warned her, as he tossed the Dream Catcher.  She caught it and looked down at it.

    “Will the green Altana be enough to free Yuka?”  she asked, looking back up at Jazzy. Jazzy glanced down in thought, and met eyes with Roberta,

    “I do not know the answer to that question Roberta-dono.  If you wish to free Yuka-dono from her own subconscious, then take extra caution.  Bring Billy with you if you must. Who knows how dangerous he is right now.” Jazzy and Suave turned and walked back up to Heaven while Billy furrowed his brows.

    “Of course they get to do the easy part, leaving us with the dirty work.”  Billy snapped his fingers and the ground opened up. Kouka was looking on from a distance.  She turned her back to Roberta and Billy and walked back into her workshop. Roberta was thinking deeply about what Kouka shared to her earlier, while Billy tugged on her arm,

    “Well?  You gotta head back to Hell while I go up to the surface.  Shits going down up there and someone’s gotta do the hard shit.  Go on back there and wait til I engage this idiot physically. Then, you can try and wake Yuka from her own mind.  That would help weaken Jebby pretty significantly. Fish Breath doesn’t usually leave a big task like this to people...pft, it’s whatever you know.”  Billy leaned on the portal he opened up and smiled to himself. “I don’t know how I’m going to hold him off alone. But stupid old me told Suave to stay with Jazz.”


    “If you haven’t guessed it years and years ago, I just really knew something was special about you Roberta.  I’m putting a lot of trust in you today. More than I ever have before.” Roberta looked down at the green-glowing Dream Catcher while Billy was speaking,  “If I die here today, then nothing would have been worth it. I killed my own brother because I let someone else’s words alter my thoughts. Even in countless universes where this man didn’t exist, his words echoed in my mind.  We’re like two peas in a pod y’know? We kill someone we love and yet we’re still forgiven. And, here we are both again. Risking everything to self-satisfy. While you and Rabbit Face we’re talking, I convinced my brothers that I should weaken Jebediah myself.  I was hoping you would wish for the Dream Catcher. Hmph, knowing those two dorks they’ll just come down and save my ass if I’m getting the shit kicked out of me.” Roberta looked back up at Billy,

    “You’re going to fight him alone?  You three seemed so anxious to fight him before…”  Roberta said, clutching the Dream Catcher.

    “Of course I am.  I’ve died before so why should I fear death?  What I’m afraid of is losing who I really am in my soul.”  Billy gave her a little salute and walked through his portal back to Earth, leaving Roberta with the Dream Catcher and the stairway back to Hell.  Billy’s portal opened up in the ruins of the Oukoku High Court. Fire and ash was raining down in the street, debris from the courthouse was falling and smacking the pavement.

    “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU BASTARD?!”  Billy yelled out. More debris was falling, and eventually a large screen TV fell next to Billy.  He glanced at it, seeing what was on.


    “WE ARE RIGHT IN THE THICK OF THIS CHALLENGE!  The first person to completely replicate the Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon with only snow!  The competitors have been going at it for a good chunk of the past hour now!” the scene cut to Shinsuke in confessional.

    “If there’s one thing I know, it’s a Justaway.  I’ve seen one in person.” the scene went to Matako scratching her head at the mound of snow.  She looked at Otae who just shrugged her shoulder, and then at Saitou who was fast asleep.

    “How the hell do you make this?!  I never paid attention in history class.”  Matako said, crossing her arms.

    “That’s too bad Matthew, I’m way in the lead.”  Shinsuke said, rolling up a large snowball. He looked at it pleased and admired it before putting it in as one of his final pieces.  “Now THIS is how you make a Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet-” but he was cut off,

    “Done!”  Shinsuke snapped his head around to see Pirako posing in front of the canon she built.

    “WHAT?!”  Shinsuke yelled.  Ketsuno Ana ran up to the canon,

    “Pirako wins immunity!  She’s safe at tonight’s tribal.”  Pirako smiled and clapped for herself before confessional cut to her,

    “I studied history like crazy when I was young.”  Pirako said smiling. The contestants all headed back to camp and began discussing strategy.

    “So look, I’m out of my number 1 ally.  I figured you and I could at least work something together.”  Shinsuke was sitting across from Otae.

    “It seems like a long shot though Shinsuke-san.  I know Pirako-chan really wants to take you out. I just don’t know if I can help you right now.”  Shinsuke nodded and stood up. As he was standing up, FDL brushed past him,

    “I got something you might like,”  the confessional cuts to FDL, “If I give Shinsuke the idol I found a few weeks ago, I could assure he stays in this game and we chip away at Pirako.  She’s without a doubt the biggest threat to win this game. She’s safe tonight however, so I think it’s best we attack her number 2.” the scene cuts to Pirako and Matako discussing with each other.

    “I don’t really know how I feel about voting out Shinsuke-sama…”  Matako said worryingly. Pirako gave her a lit tap on the face.

    “Don’t think about it voting him out, you’re simply writing a name on parchment.”  Pirako said with a smile. Matako thought about it as Pirako walked away. She passed by and whispered to Saitou.  A confessional cut to Pirako,

    “It’s pretty simple tonight.  If everything goes smoothly, Shinsuke is going home.  We pretty much got 4 votes to his name.” Pirako smiled as the camera faded to tribal council.




    “Alright!  So Pirako! I’m surprised you knew so much about military weaponry!”  Ketsuno remarked. Pirako nodded,

    “Pops taught me a lot when we re-connected.”  Pirako smiled.

    “Shinsuke, you seemed to be singled out after your biggest ally got voted out!  How are you feeling tonight?” Ketsuno asked.

    “Well, I’m pretty scared.  However, I think I’m ready to take anything that comes my way.”  Shinsuke said.

    “Sounds good!  I think it’s time we get to the vote, FDL you’re up!”  FDL walked to vote, as everyone else followed suit. Ketsuno stood up to grab the urn and bring it back.

    “If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and you’d like to play it, now would be the time to do so.”  She looked around a few moments before FDL stood up,

    “Miss Ana.  I would like to play my idol...for Shinsuke.”  Shinsuke looked at her with a shocked expression.  Ketsuno took the idol,

    “The rules of Wurvivor state that if anyone plays a hidden immunity idol, all votes cast for them will not count and the next highest number of votes goes home.  This IS a hidden immunity idol. All votes cast against Shinsuke will not count. I’ll read the votes.” the whole cast was shocked. Pirako was shooting daggers at FDL.

    “First vote:”


    “Shinsuke, does not count.”


    “Shinsuke, does not count.”


    “Shinsuke, does not count.”


    “Front Desk Lady, that’s 1 vote FDL.”


    “Matako, that’s 1 vote FDL, 1 vote Matako, one vote left.  11th person voted out of Wurvivor Edo:”


    “Matako.  That’s 2, and tonight that’s enough.  You need to come bring me your torch.”  Matako nodded and picked up her torch. Pirako was still giving FDL a deathstare.  “Matako, the tribe has spoken.”


    “It’s time for you to go.”  Matako walked away and waved to her competitors.  Ketsuno stepped in front of the tribe,

    “Well, things are still heating up and there’s only 5 of you left.  Grab your torches and head back to camp. Goodnight!” Ketsuno waved to all of them.  As the credits were rolling, Billy felt a sharp blow to his head, sending him flying into the building opposite of the courthouse.


    “Oh heavens, did I interrupt your TV show?  Bawaha! Silly me.”

    “Fitting song, just in time for the holiday season.”  Jebediah stepped out of his time portal and snapped his fingers, causing it to close up behind him.  He surveyed the season before him, the destruction he caused just before he took a trip down memory lane.  He watched as Billy struggled out of the rubble he was placed underneath by the mighty punch Jebediah hit him with.  Jebediah stretched his arm out and grabbed Billy by the throat, bringing him face to face. “And what brings you here Mad Titan?  Where are your brothers?” Billy just smiled and spit in his face. Jebediah snapped his fingers and opened another time portal. He chucked Billy through it, running as fast as possible behind the God.  Billy was flying through all kinds of different eras in the universe, smashing into monuments, and even moments within the comic book, before eventually landing back in the present day. Jeb sped through the portal and caught Billy before he crashed into anything.  Billy was dizzy, and nauseated after being chucked through time (really wears on you!) “I’ll ask again William, what brings you here alone?” Billy was hanging from his feet, looking up at Jebediah,

    “I want to prove something to my brothers.”  Billy threw a right fist that was caught by Jebediah’s muscle hand.  He bent Billy’s wrist backwards, snapping his bones. Jebediah dropped the God on the ground and began to circle around him.

    “Oh?  You want to prove something do you?  Remember when I single-handedly defeated both Utsuro and Jazzy?  Do you? Well, I don’t blame you for wanting to prove something. I think I did that myself by giving Utsuro a little visit.  Now, don’t worry. I didn’t alter the past in any way, I just gave him a friendly reminder about who the most powerful being is.  Yeah, I’m guessing you figured out that I have a mighty big help in this crystal.” Jebediah produced the purple crystal from within his chest.  “Yuka’s body is perfect to store things in, oh don’t worry Mademoiselle, I didn’t mean it that way.” Yuka was curled in a ball, completely helpless in her cage.  She was alone, as Jebediah had managed to breach the physical world. Jeb looked down as he saw Billy was about to speak,

    “So, the Majesty is all alone inside her own head?”  Billy asked. Jebediah nodded,

    “And don’t think about trying to hop inside her head either, I’ve got my eyes locked onto you until you’re nothing but DUST UNDER MY BOOTS.”  Jebediah stepped on Billy’s broken wrist, fracturing his forearm in the process. Billy seemed unphased as he grabbed Jebediah’s booth with his free hand.  Billy morphed into his Titan form and lobbed Jebediah across the entire capital city. His body zoomed past the hospital windows where Enshou and Barkas was resting,



    “Who the hell put this make up on me while I was asleep.”  Enshou sat up from his hospital bed and looked around the room.  It was empty besides Barkas, who was still asleep and recovering from his surgery.  Enshou looked down at his chest and saw the large bandages covering both his pecs. He looked out the window to the right and saw the giant Titan racing down the street.  He paid no mind because he was tired, and just now waking from surgery. He noticed a small card on the table next to him. He picked it up and began to read it,


    I’m leaving you a note just in case I’m not here to see you wake up.  What you did for Prince Barkas was the most selfless thing you’ve done or ever could do.  You always make me want to strive to be a better person, even if other people do not see the real you like I, or Barkas do.  I’m going to deal with the trial of Majesty Yuka. If I’m not here when you wake up, then possibly something bad has happened.  I’ll get in contact with you as soon as possible.



    Enshou stared at the note longer than he read it.  He was beginning to feel the new heartbeats of his synthetic heart as loud crashes and bangs were happening just outside.  Billy grabbed Jeb from the wreckage of the building he crashed into, but when he opened his hand Jeb was gone.

    “Looking for me old chap?”  Billy turned his head and was met with a giant liquid fist that completely knocked him out of his Titan body.  Billy went crashing into the earth of Oukoku, leaving a giant crater. Billy’s face was seared like a hot pan had hit him.  He turned his head and looked at his broken hand.

    “I can’t give up now…”  Billy was struggling to move from the impact zone, and as he was Jebediah stomped down onto Billy’s stomach, causing him to cough out blood in a sort of anime like way.

    Jebediah stepped off of Billy’s abdomen and examined the beaten, and battered God laying before him.

    “I am not the man you faced countless Universes ago, Billy.  I am far more than just that. Do you remember when I said Utsuro was afraid of me?  Ever after countless numbers of universes, that man is still afraid of me. He knows that peace cannot exist without my chaos.  Quite simple right? I just figured I’d give his past self a nice little reminder. Toy with him a little because he knows he cannot touch me.  I have ascended past him.” Jebediah was walking around the wounded God, Billy was reaching at his ribs knowing them to be broken from both impact and the stomp.  “What does that make me then? I’m nothing. You’ve already ripped away what makes me human. You and your damned brothers.” Jebediah reached down and picked Billy up by his neck.  Billy’s feet weren't able to touch the ground and he began to start choking. Jebediah’s focus was completely fixated on Billy that within the subconscious he was controlling, he did not notice the small portal open from the back of the parlor he set up.  Roberta crawled out of the portal and looked around the throne room that Jebediah had set up. She was in awe at the detail, the brightlights, and marble decor. Then, she spotted her. Curled up in a ball within a metallic cage was Yuka. Roberta closed her eyes tight and re-opened them, her hand was clutching the Dream Catcher with an immense force.  Roberta was scared to alert Yuka, she didn’t want to alert Jebediah. Though seeing Yuka made her want to talk, share a cup of coffee...anything again. She stealthily turned into her worm form and slunk up to the cage, behind Yuka’s back. She held the Dream Catcher up to the cage and it began to glow a bright, blinding green. The light was so intense that it woke Yuka up.  She turned to face Roberta and the two locked eyes, Yuka’s growing as wide as billiards balls. However, this light also caught the attention of Jebediah. He dropped Billy and his physical body returned to that of the dead Tendoshu and Yuka hybrid. Billy fell to the earth, breathing heavily. Jebediah rushed into the subconscious and grabbed Roberta by her tail.

    “Well!  Looks like we have quite the unwanted guest!”  Jebediah threw her across the room, sending her crashing into several marble statues.  “Oh?” Jebediah saw the Dream Catcher in between him and Roberta. Roberta began to quickly slither towards the Dream Catcher but Jebediah snapped his finger to appear right in front of her.  “Oh, good day maam. W-were you going somewhere? Oh, pardon me then.” Jebediah grabbed her face and squeezed it with all his might. Roberta let out a loud scream as she transformed back to her normal body.  Jebediah’s hand was clasped over it entirely at this point. Yuka’s muffled screams could be heard from the cage as Jebediah looked up and smiled at her. “A rat infiltrating my dream world. There seems to be plenty of these scurrying around as of late.”  Jebediah dropped Roberta and turned to see another portal open and Jazzy stepped out from.

    “Jebediah-dono.  You have gone on for far long enough.  It is time I put an end to you once and for all.  You’ve pushed my brother to his limit, and I must intervene.”  Jazzy raised his hand and produced a purple Altana crystal. Jebediah smiled at the God,

    “I’m sorry Jazzy, my good, very good old chap; but I’m afraid you cannot even touch a being as powerful as me.”  Jebediah snapped his finger and took back control of Yuka and the Tendoushu’s physical body. Jazzy narrowed his eyes and left the purple crystal next to Roberta’s body, as she was trying to regain her strength.  He kneeled down next to her,

    “Roberta-dono.  Combine this purple crystal to the Dream Catcher and leave.  I will leave the gates of Heaven open for you, a place Jebediah cannot, and will not ever enter.  Suave-dono will be waiting for you there...I asked him specifically to stay behind. Do not worry about Yuka-dono.  Her physical body will not feel the pain endured by Jebediah-dono. You are safe here,” Jazzy turned his attention to Yuka.  “Your will is strong to endure this much. I admire you for that.” Jazzy walked over to Roberta and placed one of his fins on her head,


    “Billy-dono is not the only one who views you as special, Roberta-dono.  You may not realize it at this moment, but there were reasons you’ve been given multiple lives.  My brothers and I need someone like you. Please, protect Suave-dono if I cannot make it back.” Jazzy stood up and opened a portal to the physical world, stepping into the large crater to face Jebediah.  Jazzy placed his hands on his fishbowl and removed it from his head. Jazzy sat the bowl down next to his brother who was looking at his own reflection in the crystal clear water.


    “Mmmm~?  Taking off your fishbowl?  I remember when I shattered that eons ago and left you helpless!”  Jebediah exclaimed. Jazzy closed his eyes and began to focus.


    “I have matured greatly since that day Jebediah-dono.  You are not facing the same God you did in Universe 2. You’ll regret underestimating me.”  Jazzy slowly placed his hands together as Jebediah observed from a few feet away.



    “Bring me everything you’ve got Jebediah-dono.”  Jebediah smiled at that.

    “So, then I shall.”


    Jazzy was frozen, his mind connected the dots.  The similarities between those two were completely uncanny.


    “You truly are the Keeper of Chaos.”  Jazzy simply said as Jebediah’s fist met his face.  Jebediah unleashed a barrage of punches, causing his limbs to morph into giant fists, giant mallets, and even giant swords to slash away at the God.  Jazzy was attempting to block each oncoming blow, but Jebediah’s relentlessness was overwhelming him. Billy could only watch helplessly as his brother was being subjected to a beatdown.  He reached his hand out, but he was in no way of shape to fight with his brother. Jazzy stanced as he planted his foot down to stop being pushed back farther from the blows. Jazzy was beginning to catch Jebediah’s punches, bleeding from his forearms, his chest, and through the fists he had clinched on Jeb’s.  Jebediah simply opened his eyes from his warm smile and locked them in with the God’s glazed over look.

    “So, where and how are you more mature than you were back then?  You seem quite the push-over really.” Jebediah said, but he was too busy commenting to notice Jazzy had swept his leg which caused him to get caught in a chokehold.  Jazzy clinched his elbow around Jebediah’s neck, swiftly getting behind him. Jebediah was too powerful for the God, or so he thought. Jebediah flipped his head forward, causing Jazzy to roll off Jebediah’s back and let go of his neck.  In the smooth process, Jazzy grabbed Jebediah from his waist and suplexed him to the ground, putting his elbow into the back of Jebediah’s head. “Impressive Fish! But you’ve got to do more than martial arts to defeat me!” Jebediah snapped his finger, which caused the ground beneath him to open up.  He slipped through the crack as Jazzy let go of him. He snapped his finger and the ground closed up around him. Jazzy had a concerned look on his face, concentrating all of his Altana to locate where Jebediah was in the ground. But, he soon realized what Jebediah’s plan was.

    “BILLY!”  Jazzy rushed toward his brother and managed to shove him out of the spot he was laying in.  However, Jazzy was not able to move out of the way in time and felt the full force of Jebediah’s fist punching straight through his abdomen.  Jebediah rose from the ground, Jazzy’s body sliding down his arm as he stood on ground level. He flung his arm straight down, causing the God to smack against the Earth.  Jebediah turned his attention to Billy, but realized Billy had disappeared. He looked around for the other God.

    “I believe...I stalled you for long enough Jebediah-dono.”  Jebediah snapped his attention to Jazzy, who was laying in a pool of blood.  Jebediah walked over to him and peered down at him. Jebediah’s gaze soon widened as he realized that he forgot about Roberta in Yuka’s consciousness.  He quickly reached into his pocket to retrieve the Purple Altana Crystal and used his other hand to punch through the hole in Jazzy’s abdomen. He closed his eyes and began to recite a phrase in Latin.  He had to concentrate on the spell, as he knew this was the only source of Green Altana other than his own that he could harvest. Jazzy’s skin began to grow pale as Jebediah’s entire left side began to glow green.  He ripped his hand from Jazzy’s chest and broke the Purple Crystal in half, smashing the other part. Yuka’s body expelled from the Tendoushu’s body, which now began to show life again. Bones began to fill the empty sections of the body as Jebediah sighed through the now breathing lips of the former Tendoushu.

    “How I miss Mademoiselle's body, but I suppose this will have to do.”  Jebediah snapped his fingers and a portal opened up. “You put up a pathetic effort...until the end.  I suppose you did indeed mature Jazzy, but I think in the end, I’ve ripped away everything that made you so snobbish.”  Jebediah walked through the portal and it closed up behind him. Jazzy laid in silence as it felt all the Altana in his body had completely drained.  Within Yuka’s subconscious, Roberta successfully combined the Purple Altana Jazzy gave her and the Dream Catcher while Jebediah was fighting. Jazzy created enough time for her to get it completed.  With the completed Catcher, she was able to obliterate the cage Yuka was captured in and unzip her mouth. Yuka fell with a thud to the marble floor as Roberta ran up beside her. Yuka stared up at the woman whom she’s shared countless, happy memories with.  Yet, countless haunting ones as well. Yuka looked away from Roberta as the Skolexian reached her hand down to help her to her feet. Roberta retracted her hand and turned away from her former lover,

    “Yukes...I can’t begin to apologize for what I’ve done to you.  I just want to say that I’m glad...I’m glad I was able to at least save you this one time.  You may not believe me, but in my heart, I will always be your guardian angel.” Yuka didn’t remove her gaze from the now crumbling marble ground as a staircase to Heaven opened up.  Roberta looked back at Yuka one last time before heading up, while Suave rushed out to the waking world to get next to his brother.

    “Jazzy!”  Suave kneeled down to his brother’s side.

    “My sweet brother...I made sure to use what little Altana I had left to send Billy back home.  I...I don’t think I’ll be joining you back in Heaven, Suave-dono. Jebediah-dono expelled all the Altana I had, plus fighting without my fishbowl weakened me significantly.  I appreciate you healing my wound...but now I must walk the Earth like our Brother once did. It’s been a long time coming for me...as Jebediah-dono said, perhaps this will humble me.”  Jazzy’s body morphed back into the small, jade tiger fish he once was. Suave, through tears, picked his brother up and placed him in the fishbowl that remained in tact at the center of the large crater.  Yuka began to stir, as she was finally waking from her coma like state. She looked around at the disaster before her and wiped a single tear from her cheek. She walked a few feet and picked up the fishbowl that Jazzy was swimming around in and put him close to her chest.

    “I like to believe I have more than one guardian angel...but she’ll be the one that looks over me forever.”  Yuka looked up to the sky as the clouds were quickly moving. The camera panned up to the clouds, as a ray of sunshine came down to focus on a different location.  Sun-dono’s rays reflected from the Long Wohn Silver’s sign out in front of the skating rink. The Detectives, Stephen, Hijikata, Oboro, Poe, Umibozu, and Skele/Valentino were sitting in a booth just next to the hole that was still present behind the counter.  Kamui (reluctantly) let the Detectives back into his restaurant after causing a scene just a few days ago.

    “Can I have a new hat please?”  Kintoki asked, but was met with a fish slapped into his face.

    “Absolutely NOT!”  Kamui said, skating away. 


    “What is taking Boss so long?  He said he was going to discuss our game plan when we got here, yet he’s been in the bathroom for 20 minutes!”  Haji exclaimed, as she did, the door to the restroom violently smacked open, squishing 4th between the door and the wall as he was taking a tray of food to another customer.



    “I am ready to defeat Jebediah.”  Heiji said, flapping his feet as he walked over to the table.  Everyone’s face grew dark as he took the breathing tube from his mouth.

    “I think you’re ready to look at coral or something!”  Hijikata yelled. Heiji simply shook his head,

    “It’s hard to breath down there, I gotta be prepared.  Now, I figured that you two will stay back while we go into his consciousness.”  Heiji gestured at Kintoki and Haji.

    “But Boss!”  Heiji cut her off,

    “I don’t want to hear it Haji.  You two are the only two hardboiled enough to open that door back up in case of an emergency.  I’m putting my faith into the two most important people to me. I trust you will be there when I need you guys the most.”  Heiji smiled at his two apprentices, who smiled back at him.

    “I’ll be joining you, as I stated previously back on Oukoku.”  Umibozu said, staying firm and shooting daggers at his son who was spinning on the ice.  Oboro looked at Poe on his shoulder,

    “You should also rest here Poe, and watch out for these people.  I’ve completely healed, while you still have a Booboo-dono on your head.”  Poe nuzzled Oboro’s hair in agreeance.

    “I suppose I should go too, considering I contain Purple Altana, plus I think I’m more than capable of holding my own.”  Stephen said, still needing to pick a bone with Jebediah after what happened on Oukoku. Hijikata and Skele/Valentino shook their heads,

    “I have to meet back with Yamazaki and Gonard.  I hear they’re hot on the heels of the serial arsonist.”  Heiji winked at his comrades after that comment.

    “I’s gotta stay here and make sure my sorella is safe.”  Valentino said. Heiji clapped his hands,

    “Then it’s settled.  Us 4 will enter through the door and defeat Jebediah.  We have to believe in this idea, the idea of duality in chaos.  I’ve thought about this philosophy while we traveled back to Earth.  He is like a finely crafted Camus. It is chaotic in flavor, but orderly.  While I am a hardboiled man who pours every soda from the soda fountain into a single drink.  I am anarchic chaos. When these two collide, who knows what could happen. What I do know is that this is a case that needs closed, and I’m willing to do just that.”  the small group cheered as Heiji put his snorkel back on. He dived into the hole, as he did the camera cut from him jumping into the water, to Shigeshige taking a wash cloth from out of a bucket of water and placing it on Barkas’s head.

    “I hope he wakes up soon, Prince Enshou.  He’s going to be surprised, yet happy to hear just what you did for him.  I know that I am.” the Shogun smiled up at Enshou who was listening to Lady Gaga from his WPhone.

    “I don’t need your mesley input.  I did what I had to do. I couldn’t allow Shijaku to die just yet.”  Enshou narrowed his eyes at Kondo, who was staring at the picture of Eren, Fumiko, and the children that was hanging on a small cork board next to Enshou’s bed.  Lay your gorilla eyes off of the Dark Lord’s up and coming replacement. The All Powerful Child, Cherry is a minion of Enshou and a spy within the Renho.” Kondo pointed at Fumiko and blushed,

    “She kind of reminds me of Fake Otae!  Can I meet here?” Kondo asked Enshou, but Kondo was completely oblivious to the fact that Eren was also sitting in the room,

    “That’s my WIFE!”  Eren said in a stern tone.

    “Could you guys please stop yelling?”


    “B-Barkas!  You’re awake!”  Shige yelled. “I-I’ll go get your brothers!”  Shige ran out of the room excitedly yelling that Barkas had finally woken up.  Barkas was examining his surroundings, he doesn’t remember anything after that loud gunshot that rang out during that meeting a week or so ago.  His eyes locked on the hospital bed next to him, and the bubble gum pop music coming from it. His eyes widened as he saw the unmistakable red hair and black makeup of the man looking back at him.

    “So, now that you’re awake are you going to suck my dick?”  Barkas sighed at this comment and looked out the window where the large crater was still sitting from a few hours ago.  The camera zoomed to where Jebediah had entered that portal and followed behind the man as he was walking in an empty field.  It was day time, in the springtime. The wind was subtle, as it rustled the weeds at his knees. He saw a lone man sitting in the clearing, his legs crossed at a sword across his lap.  The man looked up and met eyes with Jebediah who simply gave him a smile in return.


    "So...it appears that I have been killed.  What brings you to me Jebediah?  What have you done with my brothers?...what has happened to Utsuro?"  Jebediah just gave a small chuckle to the God as he sat in his meditative position.

    "I simply came here to tell you that I have bested your brothers.  I may not have killed them...but I needn't kill you, no.  Your own brother did that for me.  I just feel it is important to let those who have long since passed know of what I am making this world come to.  I do not want to end this universe, no.  Far from it in fact.  Once I finish off the pests that just keep getting away from me, and some very pesky brothers of yours that just won't stay dead.  I figured you were the one that kept the seal on my door."  Jebediah broke his smile,  "The day I regained my conscious mind was the same day you were murdered.  Ever since then, I waited for my opportunity, and it came but a mere month ago when this universe almost collapsed on itself."  RALRO sat there with his head down, taking in everything.

    "I may not know what the future holds for me, nor for you.  What brings you to me in the first place Jebediah?  I am in no shape to kill you, so you know there is no risk.  Why are you speaking with me?"  RALRO asked.  Jebediah snapped his fingers and opened a portal back up.

    "I just needed to vent to somebody, somebody who is as dead as me."  Jebediah stepped into the portal and it quickly closed, leaving a gust of wind ruffling into RALRO's hair.


  6. Umibouzu_2017.png

    Umibozu stood solemnly outside the Oukoku Maximum Prison as the rainfall was steadily beating on his umbrella.  News of Enshou's sudden departure from Wurvivor and subsequent heart transplant were becoming publicized in the news.  Talks were murmuring through the streets of the capital city where the prison was located.  Passersby talking among themselves of the bravery of the Burei's Co-Leader and the long history of the two planets being long standing allies.  Umibozu closed his umbrella, letting the rain patter down on his cap.  He wasn't much concerned of the rain making his clothes wet, nor how he could get sick from the colder weather.  His mind was set on one thing, Majesty Yuka.  Her trial wasn't set to begin for another 2 days, so he needed to question her before then.  As he began to walk up the prison's steps, he was passed by Soutatsu who was keeping his head down,

    "If you know what's good for you Kankou, you'd be wise to side against Earth.  You and your son could easily take down the planet just the two of you."  Soutatsu kept walking, not making eye contact with the Yato as he disappeared in the bustle of the city.  Umibozu steadied his eyes forward, not giving a second thought on the words the Shinra warrior gave him.  He was cleared into the prison, and let into the visitor's room.  Given he would be a witness to the trial, it gave him the excuse to sit with the accused.

    "30 minutes and that's all you get."  the Oukokuan guard told the Yato.  Umibozu simply nodded as he sat in a chair opposite of another, separated by a large plexiglass and a small speaker box.  He heard the buzzer of the door sound, as two guards walked in, guiding Yuka who was double handcuffed to the chair in front of Umibozu.

    She sat down and gave a kind of smirk with her goo face.  Umibozu simply narrowed his eyes.

    "You are not Majesty Yuka.  I know for a fact."  Umibozu put bluntly.  Yuka gave a small chuckle,

    "Whatever do you mean Umibozu?  I'm the Yuka you've come to know!  Lover of Roberta, the Skolexian who attempted to unravel the universe, the woman who cares immensely about her people!"  Yuka said, putting her gooey hands in the air as the shackles jangled.  Umibozu breathed a deep sigh,

    "You take me as a fool, much as I've acted for the past 2 arcs, but I am more than just that.  There's someone controlling you Yuka, someone who's pulling the strings.  Who that is, I don't know...or perhaps I do know."  this peaked Jebediah's interest.

    "Oh?  Making up excuses on my behalf?  Funny, but I won't accept it Umibozu.  Whoever you think I am, that isn't correct.  I am, and have always been Yuka."  Yuka said, Jeb putting on a more serious tone to try and emulate her speech pattern.  Umibouzu reached into his coat pocket and produced a small journal.


    Yuka's eyes widen, as Jebediah thought to himself.  Finally, he spoke through Yuka using his actual voice,

    "You do know about me then, I should have figured Utsuro kept record of everything he's done.  Such an odd fellow, always clinging to the past...oh dear me I beg of pardon."  Umibozu threw the journal down on the counter in front of him.

    "What happened that day."  Umibozu simply said, sternly looking at Yuka.  Jebediah chuckled,

    "He didn't write of our encounter huh?  Quite a shame.  It was rather exciting."  Jebedaih remembered.

    "What happened that day Jebediah."  Umibozu said, once again with a stern tone.

    "You know I'm quite surprised you were able to deduce who I was so quickly Umibozu!  Quite magnificent."  Jebediah said.

    "I've studied everything that man wrote down.  The second universe's journal always stuck out to me the most.  The only journal he never finished...besides this one.  Why wasn't it ever finished?  Wish I knew, but he's long dead.  I figured it had something to do with a one named Jebediah.  He outlined in this journal about you, your powers, and what happened earlier in the universe.  He stopped his journal after he fled to Edo after breaking free from the Tendoushu.  In Journal 3, he mentions you briefly, but never once mentions you past this.  How I deduced that you could possibly be the one behind this shooting?  He wrote here in Journal 3 your fi-"  Umibozu stopped speaking when he heard the sound of the plexiglass being hit by Yuka.

    "You want to know what happened so damn bad?  I'll tell you right.  I'll tell you what happened that day.  What I want to know is why it concerns you.  This is between me, Utsuro, and those Gods."  Jebediah asked.  Umibozu grabbed the journal and put it back in his coat,

    "My wife was born of Altana.  Utsuro is born of Altana, those Gods are born of Altana.  What does that make you?  Why are you still alive...and where could Kouka's spirit be?  It's something that has been on my mind for almost a year now.  Is her spirit still out there?  Sometimes, I feel she is watching over me, Kamui, and Kagura...not using her gift for malicious purposes like yourself."  Umibozu said.  Jebediah gave a small chuckle again.

    "Fair and valid point my good chap.  Where do I begin now...I suppose it went a little like this:"



    "What a wonderful day here on Earth.  In fact, a perfect day I would even say."  Jebediah said to himself.  He looked down at his hand and quickly snapped his finger, causing the clouds to begin to quickly move, and cover the sun up.  The overcast was enough to turn attention of the crowds of people in the busy streets of Edo to the clouds as they were rapidly moving.  "Hmph, those damn Tendoshu underlings said I wasn't ready to take over this world.  Damned if I'll show them."  Jebediah snapped his other finger and the clouds began to rain lighting strikes down to the ground.  Hundreds of buildings, and people were struck instantly.  Fires, power outages, and deaths were piling up in seconds.  Jebediah stood center of it, no lighting bolts hitting him.  The clouds were stretching what seemed to be forever in the sky, all around the Earth.  It was turning darker and darker as smoke, fire, and destruction continued on.  Jebediah walked down the street, lightning hitting all around him.  "This Altana blood is really nice, taking to my body quite nicely if I do say so."  as he said that, a sword flew past his head and stuck in the ground behind him.  "Oh?"  Jebediah looked up,


    "Long time no see Jebediah.  It's been a few years has it not?  What brings you to Earth so suddenly?  Did the Tendoshu piss you off so you're throwing a tantrum?"  Jebediah narrowed his eyes,

    "You know as well as I do that they answer to me Utsuro.  I don't need them accomplishing my task of taking over this universe."  Jebediah said.  Utsuro simply smiled as he jumped behind Jebediah and grabbed his sword from the ground.  Jebediah did not move from his spot, simply striking the ground at his feet, causing the pavement to crack and cause a crater to form from underneath him and Utsuro.  The asphalt split, Jebediah keeping on foot on each side of the ground, as Utsuro was caught off guard and began to fall into the crevice.  He caught himself by stabbing his sword into the dirt and hanging onto it.  Jebediah looked down as Utsuro flipped himself up, took the sword out of the ground and attempted to slice Jeb in half vertically.  Jeb stepped out of the way in the nick of time, snapping his finger in the process causing the lightning to cease.

    "So, you're manipulating weather.  You made the right choice to cease it since it wasn't ever going to affect me."  Utsuro said, smiling and landing on the opposite, protruding ground.  "I'm also glad you decided to do this alone Jebediah.  I assuming you knew it would draw me out of hiding.  It also goes without reason that you channeled all that Altana energy to form a massive cloud just to get my attention.  So hungry for it, aren't you?"  Utsuro said smiling at Jebediah as he seethed his sword.  Jebediah groaned at the comment.  He flipped his cape from his hip to reveal his lightbeam weapons.

    "I really don't need to use my Altana powers to fight you Utsuro.  I'm superior at hand to hand combat.  If you recall, it was indeed me who shackled you up like that."  Utsuro continued to smile,

    "Yes, you wrestled me in a completely weakened state and stole my blood.  Now, if you want to use those laserbeams on me, then go ahead.  They're nothing compared to my swordsmanship."  Utsuro said, keeping one hand on the grip of his sword.  Jebediah popped the lasersword from his belt and kicked it towards Utsuro, who caught it with his free hand.  Jebediah smirked as Utsuro realized too late that it was a trap.  The sword exploded in a spectacle of lights and laser noises.

    vB2NNTF.png  Utsuro looked at the stub of an arm he had now and smiled at Jebediah.  "Dirty little trick you played, but I suppose a rat like you must rely on trickery to survive."  Jebediah pulled another lasersword from the opposite side of his belt and dashed at Utsuro, who caught his swing with his sword.  The two stared at each other in deadlock as they pushed off each others' strikes.  Jebediah used his lasersword to cast balls of energy at Utsuro, who deflected each one with his sword.  They flew in various directions and struck buildings at random causing them to explode and topple down.  Through the dust of the buildings collapsing, Utsuro disappeared from Jebediah's sight.  Jebediah cleared the smoke with his sword, but did not see Utsuro anywhere.

    "I can feel your life force Utsuro.  We share blood, so there is no use in hiding."  Jebediah said with confidence in his voice.

    "Oh, I wasn't hiding."  Jebediah was caught off guard as Utsuro's hand and sword popped from the ground and stabbed Jebediah in the ankle, causing him to fall over.  "Simply just dug my way from within the cracked earth over there."  Utsuro pulled himself from the ground and stood over Jebediah as the man attempted to crawl away.  "Look at you, you're pathetic."  Utsuro said, looking down on Jebediah.  Utsuro turned his back to the wounded Buriean,  "I pity you really, starting a fight with me.  What do you really gain from me resetting the universe again?  I could use some practice since that first reset was rather difficult.  Well, you got your wish if that is what you de-"  but before Utsuro could finish, he felt a sharp pain in his chest,

    jvFe9OY.png  "You could have...at least let me finish my sentence..."  Utsuro fell over, face first as the bled slid out from his back and landed to his side.  Jebediah had sliced his foot off with his laserbeam and let the blood of Utsuro heal him.  He lofted the sword into Utsuro's chest mid-speech.  He limped over to Utsuro as his foot was beginning to grow back, slowly.

    "How the hell do you do this so easily wanker?"  Jebediah grabbed Utsuro's sword and chopped Utsuro's head off.  He hobbled next to the decapitated head and was about to stab it in place when he felt a hand grab him from behind.

    TW57L8r.png"I'm afraid I'm going to have to intervene, Jebediah-dono."  Jebediah turned around and gave Jazzy a confused look,

    "And just what does an Amanto such as yourself think you're doing?  You should stay out of this."  Jebediah said, ripping his shoulder away from Jazzy.  Jazzy grabbed Jebediah again and disarmed him of Utsuro's sword.  Jebediah was shocked at the immense strength of Jazzy.  "Wh-who the hell are you?"  Jazzy let go of Jebediah's arm,

    "I am Jazzy, one of the four Gods who watches over this comic book."  Jazzt said, confusing Jebediah even more.

    "Comic book?  What the hell are you talking about?"  Jazzy shook his head,

    "I cannot explain it anymore than I have...but we need that man to live."  Jazzy pointed at Utsuro's limp body.

    "You keep saying "we" but I don't see anyone else here."  Jazzy stared straight at him,

    "I don't suppose I need my brothers to assist me, but if you persist, it might just come to that."  Jazzy said.  Jebediah hesitated, but attempted to swiftly use his lasersword to stab Utsuro's head.  Jazzy flashed and kicked the Buriean half way across the city, causing him to crash through an office building.  He landed in a heap of papers, flying every which direction.  Jazzy appeared standing over him and lifted Jeb up by his cravat.  "I told you to not be persistent."  Jazzy threw him up through the ceiling, causing Jeb to crash through the break room of the building.  A vending machine toppled over and landed on his body.  He was struggling as Jazzy simply nodded and began to teleport away, but Jebediah was a lot more quick witted than Jazzy thought.  As the vending machine was falling, Jeb had his lasersword ready underneath it.  He launched one of the laser balls through the vending machine and struck Jazzy in the lower back, sending it flying through his stomach.  Jazzy knelt down, grabbing at his stomach.  "I should have known you would have been trouble, Jebediah-dono."  Jebediah split the vending machine in half, grabbing a Ginger Ale from it in the process.  He cracked the soda can open and took a sip as he walked behind the hunched over God.

    "Utsuro's blood sure is a magical thing isn't it?  I assume you are just like him, an Altana monster."  Jebediah said, pouring the drink on the God.  "Why the hell is someone who calls themselves a God trying to help Utsuro?  Why can't you just reset the universe, or just let it go?  What's the harm in that?"  Jazzy looked up at him, still clinching his stomach,

    "We are not born of both types of Altana, we cannot reset the universe."  Jebediah's eyes lit up,

    "There are two types of Altana you say?  Mmmm~, you sure are a right well of information."  Jebediah grabbed Jazzy by his throat and shoved him threw a wall, causing his fishbowl to shatter.  Jebediah slammed Jazzy threw the rest of the building, eventually hitting the foundation of the building, where Jebediah began to throw a barrage of punches.  The punches were all connecting with the God's face, causing it it welt up and bloody his nose.  However, Jazzy caught one of his punches and completely turned Jeb's hand the opposite way, breaking his wrist.  Jebediah jumped back up to ground level and examined his broken hand.  As he was looking at his hand, he saw a sort of heavenly light come from the hole in the ground.  Jebediah peered down and saw a redhaired man with a saxophone standing next to Jazzy.

    "Suave-dono, get out of here...this man is too dangerous."  Jazzy said, but it was too late as Jebediah jumped down and planted a fist right in Suave's jaw, breaking it instantly.  Jebediah was highly alert, as he also caught Jazzy with his free hand, as it healed itself already.  Jazzy attempted to kick him, but Jeb had grabbed his leg, while he also picked up Suave by the scruff of his shirt.

    "You claim to be Gods, but you're nothing but gits under my boots.  My blood is far superior than yours."  Jeb threw Jazzy against Suave, causing the two to fall in a heap.  Jebediah snapped both of his fingers at once and jumped out of the hole in the ground.  A massive bolt of lightning struck the office building with enough force; causing it to collapse and imploded.  The wreckage toppled over, and mostly fell in the hole where Jazzy and Suave were incapacitated.  Jebediah seemed pleased with himself, but turned around and saw two people opposite of him in the street,


    "Uh yeah, I think that's the dickhead right there Random Ass."  Billy pointed at Jebediah who simply gave him an Utsuro like smile.  "Son of a bitch actually bested Fish-head and Little Suave.  I'll be fuckin damned if I'll let him get away with that."  Billy grew into his Titan form and roared down at Jebediah who, at this point, really couldn't be surprised.

    Billy grabbed Jebediah and lifted him up to face him, while Random Ass unseethed his sword and slashed the rubble into small pieces to get his brothers from the wreckage.

    "What the hell are you looking at you ugly wanker,"  Jebediah said, angering Billy further.

    "William, please keep your emotions in check.  We have him where we want him."  Random Ass said, moving the rubble out of the way.  "We don't want Father to get involved."

    "Father you say?  So there's an even higher being than you 4?  I'm frankly shocked.  All I wanted to do was dethrone Utsuro, rid him of this world completely and little did I know that higher beings are trying to protect him.  And for what?  To keep the peace because you are afraid of him?  He's already blimey dead, rotting away some kilometer away."  Jebediah said, pointing in the direction of Utsuro's body.  Billy took that as a sign and pitched Jebediah like a baseball, sending him hurling through the sky at hundreds of miles per hour, where he eventually crashed into a piece of ground that was sticking out because of the punch to the ground he did earlier against Utsuro.  His whole body was mangled and bloodied upon the impact.  His shared blood was certainly working overtime, as it was taking longer for him to heal.  He managed to get feeling back into his legs as he fell from the wall of dirt and hit the pavement below.  He landed next to a puddle of blood, but no body.

    "So nice of you to return and finish our fight Jebediah!"


    "Just ignore these dead bodies around me!  They were here when I woke up."  Utsuro said, adjusting his neck.  "You should know to go for my heart Jebediah, not my brain.  I may be intelligent, but I don't depend on it."  Jebediah finally managed to get to his feet to face Utsuro again.  Utsuro looked back Jebediah and saw Billy in his Titan form.  "Aww, they really do care for me don't they?  Though, I feel it won't be for long so I should saver it a bit."  Utsuro smiled in Billy's direction, but was cut off by Jebediah slashing at him with his lasersword.  Utsuro caught the sword through his hand, and grabbed the hilt of it through the laser.  He grabbed Jebediah's hand and hit Jeb with his own hand and the hilt of the lasersword.  Jebediah dropped the sword and stumbled back as Utsuro slashed at his chest, causing blood to spray from the wound.  Utsuro then stabbed his sword through Jebediah's chest, pinning him against a wall.


    "You're weak Jebediah.  You should have just known your place in this universe.  Live peacefully, and let me do what I have to do to find peace.  You are nothing but a fly buzzing around my food at a picnic.  A nuisance.  Even allowing you to decapitate me..perhaps I was lazy.  But, it wasn't because of your strength.  You are full of weaknesses."  Jebediah looked up at Utsuro, as blood was dripping from the sword.

    "You're wrong Utsuro.  I am not weak.  You're just afraid of me.  Afraid of what I am capable of becoming.  You can't accurately put into words what you feel about me, because you've never felt fear before.  Look at your hands."  Jebediah pointed at Utsuro's hand, the one that was not blown off.  It was trembling ever so slightly as Utsuro grabbed it to calm himself.  "You're weak Utsuro, you just shift your insecurities on me.  Needing help from actual Gods is pathetic.  I came here alone and I'm still standing."  Jebediah ripped the sword out of his chest and flung the blood off it.  "Why not call in the Bafaku while we're at it?  I never even saw the brat that always follows you around.  Or, were you too afraid that I would end up killing the one thing you can't let go of."


    Jebediah looked down at the sword and dropped it at Utsuro's feet.  "Go ahead and pick that sword up."  Utsuro looked down at the sword with a somber, intense glare.  It felt as if the two of them were alone in complete emptiness.  The world falling away and all that was left was two men standing, with scars covering their bodies and a single sword laying in between them.  It was maybe the stillness, the empty silence.  The city completely evacuated and destroyed, yet those two stood there.  Utsuro slowly bent his knees, grabbing his sword.  Jebediah silently watched Utsuro as he was examining his sword.  Utsuro looked back up at Jebediah.

    "You are right Jebediah.  I am afraid of you,"


    "You are smart, looking past my words of discouragement.  Fear is...an emotion.  Something I was born without.  I was, however, born with natural instincts.  You are threatening on a natural level, with my blood, you are unnaturally threatening.  But, it is in my nature to fight against things that threaten my goals.  You see Jebediah, the two Altana in my blood is stronger than your tainted blood.  I maybe be...scared of you, but I am far more powerful than you can ever imagine."

    Utsuro thrusted the blade once again, this time piercing Jebediah in the heart.  The blade stuck in the wall again, leaving Jebediah to hang there as he began to cough up blood.  Utsuro dropped to his knees and began to pant heavily.  He was completely exhausted from re-attaching his head and growing a new arm.  The fight with Jebediah had taken a toll on him.  He looked up at Jebediah who was staring back at him, blood coming from his mouth.  Utsuro stepped back as Jebediah began to yell, a green aura from the Altana in his blood began to radiate around him,


    "YOU'LL PAY UTSURO, YOU GODS!"  Jebediah managed to fling his arm up and point behind Utsuro as Billy, RALRO, Jazzy, and Suave all walked into view.  "REMEMBER MY NAME, JEBEDIAH.  REMEMBER MY NAME FOR I WILL BE THE CURSE THAT CANNOT BE KILLED!"  Jazzy looked at his brothers and subtly nodded at RALRO.  His brother gave him a look of worry, but he knew he had to use his powers.

    "Jebediah from the Planet of Burei; Leader of the Tendoshu.  Through the powers invested to me by the greater Lord outside the bounds of these pages, I shall condemn you to an eternal resting place untouched by the bounds of Altana power."  Billy transformed back into his Titan form and walked a few steps away from everyone.  He lifted his fist and punched a massive crater in the ground, carving out the Earth in a perfect half sphere.  Jazzy walked over and tipped his newly formed fishbowl over, causing a rush of water to fall from inside of it.  It was completely filled to the brim of the crater in a matter of seconds.  Suave was the next one to come over, and he began to play a piece from his saxophone, causing the water to sparkle and glow and immensely bright color.  Jebediah stared at Utsuro, both men meeting each other's gaze the entire time the Gods were doing what they needed to do for the ritual.  "Beneath this newly formed Lake, touched by the magically hands of Gods; you shall forever be trapped in the physical world, your mind and soul endless wandering the vast emptiness of consciousness.  For you, Jebediah, are too powerful for Utsuro, the keeper of peace,"  Utsuro finally broke his gaze at that comment by RALRO, looking towards the ground.  "However, I cannot grant your wish of remembering your name.  From here until the day I draw my last breath, your name shall never be spoken of again.  You and your name will be forever erased from history.  Do you wish to say anything else before I complete the ritual?"  RALRO said.  Utsuro ripped his sword from Jebediah's heart, causing him to fall to his knees on the ground.  He coughed up more blood, but looked up at the God standing before him.

    "You called Utsuro the guardian of peace.  A man who is born of two Altana and feels no emotion.  What does that make me then, I say it right makes me the keeper of chaos.  Utsuro is not someone you 4 can use as a pawn, for sometime in these countless lifetimes, he will rebel.  It's just a matter of who strikes first.  What Utsuro fears is not me, but the perception of me.  The one thing that was capable of taking away his past.  I think had you brought that wank Oboro with you, he'd be dead within seconds.  Removing all you had connections to the previous life.  It's something he didn't want to lose a hold of, he was afraid of losing control.  Control you 4 apparently let him have.  You 4 Gods will suffer my curse far more than Utsuro.  You intervened and thwarted my destiny.  You cannot change fate, fate is determined by a power far more greater than you.  Remember what I said about the pawns...maybe even some of you guys are pawns as well.  From the looks of things, they very much are pawns in a fishy game of chess,"  Jazzy was not phased by the comment, but Billy stared down at the ground scrunching his eyebrows.  "I will wait an eternity to enact my revenge, maybe even longer.  But always be looking over your shoulders, because I will be there.  Whenever you look in a mirror, I will be there.  Whenever you sleep, I will be there.  Not even Gods will tamper with my vision of a world under my command.  My vision is already complete, for I have already mentally beaten every single one of you.  Right then, I am finished."  Jebediah managed to stand up on his own, accepting his defeat as he knew he was completely outnumbered.

    "Utsuro, if you would please."  RALRO extended his hand towards Utsuro, who pulled out 2 purple Altana crystals.  One for the Gods and one for himself.  RALRO smashed the crystal with both of his hands and inhaled the dust from it.  RALRO grabbed Jebediah's shoulder and the two teleported to the bottom of the lake.  Jebediah simply winked at RALRO as he was shoved into the ground, a door forming around him.  The door shut and as Suave played his last note, the door was locked for all eternity.  RALRO made his way back up with his brothers, the three of them watching Utsuro as he was completing the ritual to reset the universe.

    "Do you think what Jebediah said was true?"  Billy asked, looking at Utsuro with worry in his face.

    "Forget about what that man said Billy-dono.  We must trust Utsuro, for it benefits all of us.  If we cannot trust each other, then Jebediah-dono will win."  Jazzy turned away and began to walk up the stairs to heaven.  Suave followed closely behind him while Billy and RALRO remained on Earth.

    "I hope you don't take what Jebediah said to heart William.  He's completely wrong and only trying to manipulate us."  Billy shook his head and snapped his fingers as a staircase opened up to Hell.

    "I don't really know what to believe anymore brother...nor who to believe."  Billy's staircase closed up behind him, only leaving Utsuro and RALRO.  The God turned his back to Utsuro and began to walk away as the man was nearing his final phrases.

    'I'm afraid it will perhaps only get worse from here on out...I only wish for there to be peace among us brothers as the universe constantly changes.'  RALRO thought to himself as the ritual completed, changing the entire landscape around him as he walked into the distance.



    "Alright!  Everybody it's time to finally drop your buffs!  We are merging."  the contestants cheered as the all were now apart of the Danketsu Tribe.  "Enshou left the game completely last night, not being apart of the jury.  He had immediate heart transplant to help the dying leader of Oukoku."  Stephen's face was completely mortified.

    "Uhm, Miss Ana."  Stephen spoke up.  Ketsuno smiled in his direction,  "I...I would like to quit this game."  some of the contestants gasped, as Stephen had been playing so well.  "I just...I just can't stay in this game any longer knowing the pain he's going through.  I know he would hate me for this...and I would be letting Steve and Joe down by ending my journey this way, but I can't stay another minute out here."  Otae walked up and gave Stephen a hug.  Eren patted him on the back as everyone was giving him a warm goodbye.

    "So, you're officially leaving the game Stephen?  No jury, just going straight to be with Enshou?"  Ketsuno Ana asked.  Stephen nodded, teary eyed.  "Alright then, go ahead and head out.  There'll be a ship waiting to take you to Enshou."  Stephen began to walk away and waved to the rest of the cast before hurrying to the ship.  The scene cuts to Pirako in confessional,

    "Well, that was easy.  Another one gone.  Although, losing bro kind of sucked but I think me and Matako-chan will make it out."  the scene cut back to Ketsuno Ana.

    "Alright, as we were doing, the 8 of you will be vying for individual immunity.  For today's challenge you guys will go ice fishing!  Pretty simple, but it could take a long time!  All 8 of you must catch a fish within 2 hours.  If you do not catch a fish in that time, you're disqualified.  Whoever catches the biggest fish wins immunity!"  the contestants shrugged and got in place around the frozen pound.  "Wurvivors ready...GO!"  all 8 of them tossed their lines in the ice holes they were fishing from.  They were all sitting in a row, watching their fishing poles.  It was quite boring, as fishing can be.  Many of them were talking among themselves.  Ketsuno whistled and got everyone's attention,  "If anyone decides to step out of the challenge right now, you'll be served a nice, juicy, huge burger, a large milkshake, and some fries.  You'll lose the challenge but get some food for stepping out.  Any takers?"  she looked around, showing off the huge burger.  Many looked very tempted.  FDL and Saitou put their hands up.  Monika shrugged since she was vegetarian.  "We got Veggieburgers too!"  Monika shot her hand up,

    "I'm not passing up a veggieburger."  Monika said in confessional.  The three got up from the fishing seats and grabbed some grub to eat.

    "Seems 3 of the 8 feel very safe tonight.  The other 5 are fighting for immunity."  Ketsuno said.


    "Lets get some big ones Shinny.  I'm a master at Wega Big Bass Fishing."  Eren said.

    "Love my new hat?  We're like hat buddies now."  Shinsuke said, playfully hitting Eren on the shoulder.  The scene cuts to Eren in confessional.

    "You know, with Katsura gone, Shinsuke and I have gotten pretty acquainted with each other!  Dare I say, we're becoming friends.  To think someone like him, who was afraid of us Renho, is now willing to play this game with me is awesome."  the scene cuts back to Otae pulling out a decently large sized fish, followed by Matako pulling out a puny, weak fish.  She looked annoyed, but saw Eren pull and even smaller one out which made her giggle.  Pirako was next and she pulled out a pretty good sized fish.  This only left Shinsuke, who hadn't gotten a bite on his line.

    "You still got and hour and thirty minutes left Shinsuke, no pressure!"  Ketsuno Ana said.

    "1 hour and 27 minutes later."  a narrator voice said.

    "Shinsuke still hasn't gotten a fish!"  Ketsuno said.

    "Patience is a virtue."  Shinsuke said as he grabbed his fishing pole.  He yanked on, giving his entire strength into the pull.  He stepped about 10 feet away from his seat and finally pulled out a monster sized fish.

    "Uhh...SHINSUKE WINS IMMUNITY!"  Ketsuno said, clapping.

    "WOOHOO!  LOOK AT THAT BABY!"  Shinsuke said, cheering.

    "Shinsuke, come on over!"


    "Shinsuke, you are safe tonight at tribal counsel, you'll have a 1 and 7 shot at winning this game!  As for the rest of you, I've got nothing.  Head on back to came, I'll see you at tribal counsel."  the contestants all headed back to camp, Shinsuke flaunting his necklace.

    "Man, Honey really loves jewelry, but this might be a keeper for me!"  Shinsuke said, laying down in the shelter.

    "Good job Shinsuke-sama!"  Matako cheered.  The scene cuts to confessional,

    "Well, it could be worse, we can work with Shinsuke for now."  Pirako said.  Pirako and Matako were hanging out away from camp to discuss strategy.

    "So Shinsuke and Eren are working really tight together.  I say we work with those 4.  That's half the votes right there...we just need a 5th."  Matako said.

    "I think we might be able to get Otae-donna, but she doesn't really like us after voting off her entire alliance."  Pirako said, scratching her chin.  "For the vote, I think Monika is the safest bet."  Matako nodded in agreement.  On the flipside, Monika was talking with FDL.

    "You know they're writing your name down, right Monika."  FDL said.  Monika looked a little worried.  "Don't worry, I won't be voting with them.  I say we gun for the obvious leader, Pirako."  FDL said.  Monika shook her head.

    "I think it's too early to go for her.  I say we try and go for the easier one, Matako-san."  FDL didn't really care regardless.  A confessional cut to her,

    "Either one of those two going home is fine by me.  My main objective is finding that idol.  New camp means new idol."  FDL could be shown frantically searching around every inch of the camp, until she spotted something underneath their shelter.  She made sure no one was looking and crawled under it to get the idol that was hidden there.

    "And just like that, I'm much safer in this game."  FDL said to the camera, hiding the idol in her bra.  The scene cuts to Matako talking with Otae and Pirako angerly talking with Saitou until it eventually cuts to the cast sitting at tribal.



    "Alright!  Y'all took forever to fish to we are going straight to the votes!  Oh and everyone welcome the first member of the jury, Tama-san!"  Tama waved at everyone as Ketsuno stood up.  "Shinsuke, you're up!"  Shinsuke stood up and everyone followed suit to go and vote.


    "Have fun with your friend on the jury."

    Everyone finished voting and Ketsuno went to go collect the urn.

    "If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and you'd like to play it, now would be the time to do so."  No one spoke up.  "Once the votes are read the decision is final, person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal counsel area immediately.  I'll read the votes.  First vote,"




    "Matako, that's 1 vote Monika, 1 vote Matako."


    "Matako, 2 votes Matako."


    "Matako, that's 3 votes Matako."


    "Monika, that's 2 votes Monika."


    "Monika, we are tied.  3 votes Monika, 3 votes Matako."


    "Monika, that's 4 votes Monika, 3 votes Matako, 1 vote left."



    "Matako.  We have a tie.  Here's what's going to happen, we're going to re-vote.  Monika and Matako, you will not vote.  The rest of you can only vote for Monika or Matako.  Shinsuke, if you could come grab the urn."  Shinsuke grabbed the urn and took it to the voting both so everyone could recast their votes.

    "I'll read the votes.  First vote,"




    "Matako, 2 votes Matako."




    "We are tied again, 2 votes Monika, 2 votes Matako."


    "Monika, that's 3 votes Monika, 2 votes Matako, 1 vote left."


    "9th person voted out of Wurvivor Edo and the 2nd member of our jury,"


    "Monika, you need to come bring me your torch."  Otae, FDL, and Monika looked shocked.

    "Who flipped?"  FDL asked.  Saitou simply let out a small "Z".


    "Monika, the tribe has spoken.  It's time for you to go."  Monika walked away and waved bye to everyone.

    "Well, it appears we are certainly in the thick of this deadly mind game.  Grab your torches and head back to camp, goodnight."



    The four finally came down from the sky, crashing into a castle smackdab in the middle of Edo.  The 4 landed in a heap and looked up at the throne they landed in front of:


    "Oh?  Jirochou?  Why, it's so nice to have you NOT.  YOU 4 ARE NOT INVITED IN HERE."  Hime Kada said as she fanned her face.

    "Boss!  It's the Peacock Lady!"  Haji said, flipping through her notes.

    "Precisely Haji, this is...exactly what I planned when we were launched like hardboiled eggs in a pot."  Heiji said, lighting a cigar.  Jirocho stood up and brushed the wood and dust off of him,

    "We can explain Hime Kada.  You are being framed for several arsons through Edo.  We have proof, your alibis check out com-" but before he could finish, she tossed her fan and sliced Kintoki in half.

    "OH MY GOD, THEY KILLED KINTOKI!"  Heiji yelled.

    "THOSE BASTARDS!"  Haji chimed in.  Jirochou and Kada's faces darkened as Kintoki manually closed his eyelids.  They were about to start talking when a vision appeared above Kintoki,


    Be Forever in Our Hearts.  Hiraga Kintoki (2012-2019)

    "OH WOULD YOU JUST PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER ALREADY!" Jirochu placed Kintoki's lower half on his bottom half and glued him in place.

    "That was like RIGHT above my abs.  You better like, not do that again."  Kintoki picked up his pirate hat and adjusted his shredded kimono.

    "So you're saying I'm being framed...very interesting."  Kada scratched her chin.

    "That's right Madam!  We have all the notes right here to blow open so many cases!"  Haji showed Kada who was impressed.

    "I hope you 4 can clear my name, you have my backing.  I'm glad reliable detectives are on my side."  but as Kada said that, the doors to her throne room busted open.  3 people stepped inside and posed,


    "Looks like we're gonna do ourselves a little egg poachin." Bores said as he adjusted his cuffs.

    "Who the hell are you three."  Kada asked.

    "We're here to kick some ass and kill these bitches."  Bores said pointing at the detectives.

    "It all started a few days ago, remember Bores!"  Bores nodded to BH as a flashback began to form,


    "What the hell?  YOU HIJACKED MY FRIGGIN FLASHBACK!?"  Bores yelled.  Takatin stepped forward and grabbed Jirocho by his neck and lifted him up,

    "Time is money, and time is now."  Takatin threw Jirocho like a dart, sticking his head in the wall.

    "ALRIGHT!  Even numbers, now we're talkin!"  Bores said, getting in some sort of karate stance.  Heiji stepped in front of Haji and took a huge puff from his cigar.

    "I'll take this one Haji.  A hardboiled man like me needs to take on an eggface like him."  Heiji said,

    "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?"  Bores jumped with a slow-mo jump kick, heading right for Heiji, who was unable to move out of the way during the 10 second long kick.

    "You have what we need!"  BH pointed at Haji, who's pocket was glowing pink.

    "No way, you aren't getting this crystal!  This is our incriminating evidence that YOU SOLD US!"  Haji yelled at BH.

    "Alright, take this RAAAH!"  BH swung his sword at Haji, who used her sai to block the incoming attack, which took about 5 seconds for the sword to come down on the sai that she was blocking with.  The magnificent impact from the block caused BH to fly backwards.  Takatin came running at Kintoki with full force.

    "WOAH HEY NOW!  WATCH THE ABS DUDE!"  Takatin went for a tackle, but Kintoki split himself in half, causing Takatin to spear through the empty space.  He landed limp as his head crashed directly into Kada's throne.  "Damn I'm good."  Kintoki said, accidentally putting himself back together backwards.  Haji turned around to see Heiji laying on the ground after the devastating flying kick Bores hit on him,


    P12j0oA.png Haji flipped him over and saw that he had in fact landed on a stray tomato.

    "WHY THE HELL IS THERE A TOMATO ON YOUR FLOOR?!"  Haji yelled at Kada.  Kada shrugged,

    "I like tomatoes, sue me."  she said, fanning herself.  Bores stood above Haji and lifted her up by the back of her shirt.

    "Put me down!" she was kicking and squirming by Bores laughed.  "Why are you guys even attacking us, AND HOW DID YOU FIND US HERE?!"  she yelled.

    "Well why the hell WOULDN'T we kick your guys' asses?!  YOU FRIGGIN RUINED OUR VIDEO AND BEAT UP TAKATIN!"  Bores said.

    "That's right!  It was going perfect until you two showed up!  As for who sent us, Bores specifically told me not to tell you!"  BH said, getting up from the extra powerful blow Haji dealt to him.  But as he was getting up, Kintoki spun himself around the right way and punched BH as hard as he could in the face.  "ALRIGHT!  IT WAS THE GUY WITH BLUE HAIR!  SOUTATER!"  BH yelled as Kintoki dropped him on the ground.

    "YOU FRIGGIN MORON, I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL THEM!  YOU'RE THE WORST GOON I COULD BE TEAMED UP WITH!"  Bores yelled, as Haji kicked him straight in the jaw, sending a tooth flying.  Kada finally realized what BH meant by "Soutater"

    "Soutatsu?...but why would he send goons here?  Unless..."  when she was figuring it out, Jirocho managed to free himself from the wall,

    "That's right, Soutatsu is responsible for the arsons in Edo.  Someone of your own species is out to frame you, and I suppose silence you and us.  However, it appears his choice in goons was ill advised."  Jirocho looked at the trio who were completely knocked out.  "It appears a lot of Amanto are furious at what happened during that meeting, and they've already started sending assassins.  I suppose Soutatsu has a lot more up his sleeve than just petty arson."  Jirocho helped Heiji up as the 4 detectives made their way out the door.  "We'll get to the bottom of this, don't worry Kada.  Us Devas have to watch each other's backs."  Jirocho said, but as he said this, a blade attempted to pierce his back; but it comically crumpled up like paper when it hit him.

    "Bores...I'm scared.  I'm really really scared."

    Kintoki simply slapped him again and the four headed out of the castle.  As they were walking out the doors, Heiji looked over at Jirocho.

    "So, where do we go from here?"  he asked the yakuza.

    "I think it's time to pay an old friend a visit.  Though, we should have you answer the door first."  the 4 were on the sidewalks of Edo when Jirocho picked up Kintoki.

    "YO HUH!  PUT ME DOWN OLD MAAAAAAAAAAN!"  Jirocho tossed Kintoki high in the air where he eventually crashed through a dojo and landed feet first.  The wait of his android body caused him to sink into the ground and come face to face with two people on their knees.


    "WHAT THE?!  ARE YOU TWO PRAYING TOWARDS WECCA?  You know, I didn't know you guys were Muslim, and that is totally cool.  I'm glad we live in a comic book where we are free to practice any religion we please."  Kintoki said, as he was struggling to get out of the ground.

    "OI, WHAT?!  WHY ARE ME AND KAGURA-CHAN ON THE GROUND LIKE THIS?!"  Shinpachi yelled.  "AND WHERE THE HELL DID YOU EVEN COME FROM?!  GENGAI HAS BEEN WORRIED SICK!"  Kintoki looked shocked that Gengai was actually worried about him.

    "Oi oi oi, what are you two kids getting rowdy about now?"


    "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING?!"  Kintoki yelled.

    "Who let the piss hair idiot in?  Didn't I say you two weren't allowed to harbor criminals past curfew."  Gintoki said as he buckleshoes clicked on the floor.

    "Aw come on Gin-chan, we can always find a better criminal and just throw this one out!"  Kagura whined.

    "No buts Kagura!  We're stuck with this one, and you are going to have to feed it.  Why are you two bowing anyway?"  Gintoki asked.  Kagura and Shinpachi shook their heads in confusion.

    "Must be some sort of...alien forces at work."  Gintoki said,

    Just then, Heiji and Haji jumped through the paper walls of the dojo and rolled into an action pose.


    "You mean, main plot Pachi-boy."  Heiji took a puff from his cigar and put it out on Kintoki's head.  Jirocho climed through the hole that the two detectives left and met eyes with Gintoki.  The two nodded and went in for a mighty handshake.

    "You son of a bitch."



    "Jeez, are you sure this was a good idea?  I'm already sick of this straight man.  I kinda tried to kick that label awhile ago."  Haji said.

    "Alright, these 4 idiots are going to crash with us.  As much as I hate the piss head, he does deserves a warm place to sleep."  Gintoki placed a blanket over his head and walked away with Jirocho to get some sake.

    "Let's go put on a bunch of make up and laugh at all the TBC boys!"  Kagura yelled as she pulled Haji to her room in Shinpachi's house.  As Haji was being pulled away, she mouthed "Help me" to Heiji.  Heiji looked down at Shinpachi and simply walked way.



    "THANK YOU, AND GOODNIGHT TOKYO!"  the fans all cheered as Bansai, Takechi, and Kyuubei all exited off stage.  The three sat all their instruments in the back and sat in their rooms.

    "KyuuKyuu, this three man group is not going to cut it.  With Makoto out doing Wurvivor and Dragonia...well leaving the bad all together; it's only going to get harder from here."  Bansai said, styling his mustache.

    "Who the hell said you could grow that thing?"  Kyuubei asked Bansai.

    "David said it fits me well, and as I see it, he's the acting manager of the band while you're filling in.  Speaking of, you ain't half bad on those tin-cans KyuuKyuu.  Though, I'm sure you're looking for a replacement drummer correct?"  Bansai asked, still brushing his mustache.

    "Well, I kind of...kind of want to BE the replacement drummer.  I know it's big flippers to fill, but I'm not half bad!"  Kyuubei said, clutching her drumsticks.

    "I think it's the right idea Kyuubei-dono.  With Elizabeth away, you can fill the role perfectly.  As for a shorter replacement for Matako-chan, we should at least hold some casting auditions."  Takechi suggested.

    "Good idea Old Man, I think holding auditions will do us well.  Don't think Matako is leaving that game anytime soon anyway."  Bansai said, finally satisfied with his mustache.  The three were on their way in the morning to begin the casting calls for a new bandmember.  Snake welcomed them into the audition room, as several people lined up outside the door.

    "Ok, you three will have the final stay on who's in and who's not.  So let's make this quick cause we have practice at 1."  Snake said, letting the first person in.


    "Hmm...too scary."  Bansai said.


    "Sorry Hime-sama, but I think you're too young!"  Kyuubei said.

    "Are you sure?"  Takechi asked.

    "YES, WE ARE SURE!"  Bansai and Kyuubei both yelled.

    "Darn, I really wanted to play music with my wittle Bansai..."  Soyo said dejected.  Bansai gave a Jim look at the camera.


    "Ouji-o, Ouji-o, where for art thou Baka Ouji-o"  Sougo said.

    "Uhm...this isn't a play audition."  Bansai said.  Sougo suddenly realized his mistake and slowly slunk out of the recording studio.


    "I heard you guys were looking for a keyboardist..hmph, lucky for you the single most wanted host in all of Kabuki-chou is a savant on the pipe organ.  I also made this sick ass Wego car."  Kyoushirou held the car up for Bansai to examine.

    "I really like this guy KyuuKyuu, I think this is a goldmine waiting to happen."  Bansai said.  Snake chimed in,

    "Since Bansai has insisted he is the frontman, he gets and extra vote over you two, and I am forced by legal binding contracts to also vote in favor of Bansai, causing a 3 votes to whatever you two vote."  Kyuubei and Takechi's faces darkened as Bansai put his arm around Kyoushirou's shoulder.

    "If you grow a wicked as shit mustache like me, we'll rule the damn world."


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