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Posts posted by PatBack

  1. I have no idea why people get so up and arms about this particular show. I mean, I can see fans of the 2003 Teen Titans getting butthurt initially, but for that butthurt to last more than two goddamned years? We don't give stuff like Breadwinners the light of day, why is it so difficult for us to ignore this? No, CN spamming it through its schedule isn't a valid excuse, especially when all your favorite shows are literally at the tip of your fingers nowadays. And anyone who treats the "your new favorite show"  slogan as more than an innocuous rhyme (because it rhymes with "Teen Titans Go"...) is being absolutely ridiculous.

    Regardless of the actual quality of the show (or lack thereof), I ought to think the hundreds- no, thousand whiners have better things to do than bitch about a children's cartoon. Not even a fan of the show myself, but people like this almost make me want to like it, just to avoid being associated with the basement-dwellers. This has less to do with you guys, and more to do with this "hatedom" in general.

    • Like 1
  2. the expression "What's eating you?" is just a kinda strange one that means, basically, "What's your problem, man?". It's just phrased weirdly. Just a weird phrase in general, but in line with things like "The grass is always greener" and things like that. It's not that out there, even for this show.

    Thanks for clearing the air on that one (mainly since I've never heard of the expression before).

  3. I love both, but I think Midnight's has some bad color aesthetics (the "Theme/Privacy Policy/Contact Us" at the bottom of the page is the biggest offender, to the point where it's damn near invisible if you don't have your monitor within 10 cm to your face). Until that's fixed the Starfish skin gets my vote.


    Edit: okay, I'm not sure whether that's even changeable...

  4. After a number of passable but spotty episodes, this is the first one I thought was amazing. It was very fun, with a lot of great moments ("MY PERSONALITY!"). If the show continues going in this direction, maybe we'll finally have that SpongeBob Renaissance we're always praying for.

    • Like 2
  5. I doubt Viacom as a whole will go down: in spite of our romanticized vision on how companies work, they do not simply collapse like Jenga blocks. Viacom still has other channels are, regardless of their quality, still get sufficient ratings to keep it afloat for, let's say the next ten years or so. Nickelodeon, on the other hand, I can see getting reformed.


    But let's talk realistically: Nick may get poor ratings compared to their heyday, but when you consider viewership inflation it's relatively sound. Truth is, all channels are getting significantly less ratings than they did in the past, and it's because of the internet. I wouldn't be surprised if television in general goes the way of the radio. So people are being far too hasty about Nickelodeon.

    • Like 3
  6. You know what I have a problem with? You saying 'a mold that is probably temporary'. If you believe that homosexuality is moving towards 'just becoming part of the scenery' , than why would you be writing it off as just a "trend"? that will presumably fade in media?

    By "mold that is probably temporary" I was referring to "hyping up characters to be gay" because while homosexuality, in my opinion, is becoming normalised, it's still unusual enough for television to exploit. That's what's "just a trend". And honestly there's no way to make a main character gay without looking like this, because their personalities are so cemented (not to mention the show is also episodic. You can get away with this in a more serialised setting since characters continously develop).


    And really you could even say Squidward's already is gay (see: Squlliam Returns). But to make it a serious plot point? No.


    Mark my words, there will be a day where there are multiple homosexual characters in one show and no one will care. But America has a long way to go.

  7. so having gay characters in a show is a "trend" now? lol ok

    Not really. Overglorfying their existence sure is, though.


    Right now we're in the transition point between two worlds: a world where homosexuality is seen as "strange" or even outright "wrong", and a world where it's just a part of the scenery. Since America has legalised gay marriage we're beginning to lean towards the latter, but nevertheless a lot of media still portrays it as a gimmick. And that's what gets me. It'll look gimmicky. Now, I could understand with newer shows, but SpongeBob already has an established cast. Suddenly saying "welp Squidward's gay" this late into the series, would look overly flashy and would definitely be a "jumping the shark" moment. If a writer genuinely wanted to add a gay secondary or tetriary character for his or her own purposes, that's fine on my book; but please, don't try to re-create entire personalities to fit into a mold that is probably temporary.


    I'll stop right here because I'm treading dangerous waters, and I'm really not in the mood for another flame war.

    • Like 1
  8. Here's mine:


    25. Arrgh!
    24. Prehibernation Week
    23. Just One Bite
    22. Skill Crane
    21. Culture Shock
    20. Friend or Foe?
    19. Snowball Effect
    18. Sailor Mouth
    17. Chocolate with Nuts
    16. Krusty Towers
    15. The Two Faces of Squidward
    14. Ripped Pants
    13. Artist Unknown
    12. Can You Spare a Dime?
    11. Wet Painters
    10. Nasty Patty
    9. Imitation Krabs
    8. Have You Seen This Snail?
    7. Krusty Krab Training Video
    6. Pizza Delivery
    5. Graveyard Shift

    ----Episodes past this point are pretty much interchangeable in quality----
    4. Band Geeks
    3. Dying for Pie
    2. Shanghaied
    1. Texas


    As you can see, I don't think CwN is the masterpiece everyone keeps raving about. It's a fantastic episode, but #1? Really? Band Geeks would have been a better candidate for that position.

    • Like 1
  9. Okay, now that the arguable biggest "Modern" (if you can even call 10 years ago modern anymore :P) episode has been revealed, expecting more beyond, like, one super popular one at the absolute most, post-movie's done with it's run on the list :(.

    I think this is it for post-movie. You don't get more popular than Krusty Towers there.

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