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Season 4

The Lion King

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Hi, XTT fans! I've got an early Christmas present for you all: an exclusive sneak peek at the fourth season premiere of Xat Time Travelers!


NuRGjH4.png Trophy: man 

NuRGjH4.png Trophy: I can't believe I missed an entire NBA season 

uVTKeeo.png JCM: you didn't miss much 

uVTKeeo.png JCM: if you spawned next year you wouldn't have missed much either 

uVTKeeo.png JCM: warriors will probably have a fivepeat before anybody challenges them 

lX9kRfa.png Hayden: You haven't even been back for a day and you're already talking about boring sports shit 

lX9kRfa.png Hayden: You guys should watch something more exciting, like Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 

lX9kRfa.png Hayden: That's easily the best thing you've missed, Trophy 

uVTKeeo.png JCM: no that would be south carolina beating duke 

(ding dong) 

umAfi3p.png hilaryfan80: Have you guys visited SBC lately? 

uVTKeeo.png JCM: whats sbc 

umAfi3p.png hilaryfan80: Stop being a smartass 

umAfi3p.png hilaryfan80: Somebody replaced all of the forum descriptions with the words "Come here Trophy" and a Discord link 

umAfi3p.png hilaryfan80: And I can't get back into the ACP to reverse it 

NuRGjH4.png Trophy: I've only been back for a day and people's already hacking shit for me 

NuRGjH4.png Trophy: I feel so loved 

umAfi3p.png hilaryfan80: Get this sorted out now Trophy 

NuRGjH4.png Trophy: yessir 


A Trophy has spawned in the server. 

Trophy: hello? 

Trophy: what did you guys want me for? 

LizardSquad4ever: hi trophy 

LizardSquadPwns: remember us? 

Trophy: Lizard Squad? 

LizardSqAwesome: indeed 

Trophy: why did you guys hack sbc? 

Trophy: was sending a private message not enough? 

LizardSquardPwns: you know that's not how we do things 

Trophy: if the cia's still breathing down your neck you might want to find another way to do things 

LizardSquadBitches: that's what we brought you in here to talk about 

LizardSquadBitches: the cia is working on legislation with congress that will give them the ability to detain and seize the assets of anybody for any reason or no reason at all 

Trophy: I haven't read anything about that. How did you find out about it? 

LizardSquad4ever: by doing things our way 

Trophy: oh man 

Trophy: with those kinds of rights the cia will be able to go after us without any repercussions 

LizardSqAwesome: yeah, losing to your friend in court really pissed them off 

Trophy: but why do you guys care about it? 

Trophy: aren't all of you on the run? 

LizardSquardPwns: no thanks to you btw 

LizardSquad4ever: come on travis 

LizardSquad4ever: even though we dislike you, trophy, we dislike the cia more 

LizardSquad4ever: and we'd hate for them to get a win this massive 

LizardSquad4ever: so we're letting you know about this ahead of time 

Trophy: what am I supposed to do about it? 

LizardSquadBitches: we have a perfect hiding place for you guys 

LizardSquadBitches: it's where we hid while we waited for our passports to russia 

Trophy: you guys are in russia now? 

LizardSqAwesome: we are 

LizardSqAwesome: but since I doubt we'd get asylum like snowden we still have to lay low 

Trophy: where's this "perfect hiding place"? 

LizardSquardPwns: I just emailed you the address 

LizardSquardPwns: try to get there with your friends as soon as possible 

LizardSquardPwns: the cia doesn’t have all the votes it needs in congress yet but it's close 

Trophy: alright 

Trophy: and thanks 

LizardSquadBitches: don't mention it 

LizardSquadBitches: being the good guys was fun while it lasted 

Trophy: you are good guys 

Trophy: but you'd be even better guys if you gave hilaryfan80 control of sbc back 

LizardSquad4ever: already done 

LizardSquad4ever: hope we see you again troph 

LizardSquad4ever: and if you ever need a server griefed give us a call 

Trophy: uh 

Trophy: sure? 

And that's it! Be sure to catch the full season premiere in the regular XTT thread on Janurary 1. Until then, I'll be posting episodes of season three (with actual working avatars!) in the Spin-Off/Lit Reruns thread.

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