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The Simpsons

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Posts posted by The Simpsons

  1. wow so i completely forgot that i had a best list to do here, what happened


    I guess it's really hard to analyze my top 10 masterpieces for the year since listening to them really speaks for itself. But let's get to the real reason I came back to this topic: to address the Teen Titans Go hate.


    Now believe it or not, I used to be on the TTG hatetrain myself back in 2013. Back then, I thought the show was annoying and loathesome even before it was hated by most people everywhere. That hate eventually stopped by the end of July 2014 when I discovered Nick Reboot and decided to make that site my cable television instead. I still kinda hated that show, but at the same time, it was a lesser hate and I could accept the show for what it was: A kinda annoying but harmless Teen Titans spin-off. So I moved on like what the others should've done.


    Now, I just hate the show but for a completely different reason. Not because it made the Titans into unlikable superheroes. Not because the writers gave more a crap about baiting the haters over writing normal storylines (though that may be a factor). Not because a critic I liked hates it. No, the real reason why I hate it now is that Cartoon Network plays it too damn much throughout the entire week and the more CN started streaking its ego, the more cocky the show became overtime. As an example of what a normal CN schedule looks like now, here's the week of February 3rd:



    That's over 100 segments of Teen Titans Go and Gumball aired that week. And the rest of the schedule are shows that either: A) are not even important or B) have potential but are unfortunately shadowed by those two shows.

    And it's not like this is the first time I've had problems with over-saturated shows before. I never liked Johnny Test marathons back in the early 2000s. And SpongeBob, while I never hated it, shouldn't really have aired too much. The only difference with those two examples is that those networks at least had some breathing room for their other shows instead of dedicating the whole week to just one. Like, here's how I would run the schedules.



    • 9am to 2pm: Air some of the more unimportant stuff since these are around the times most kids are in school. You know, smaller versions of existing franchises, followed by a movie, then reruns of old Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes shorts.
    • 2pm to 7pm: Make this fair ground for some of the more important shows on the network and restrict a certain show to just two half-hours.
    • 7pm to 9pm: A specific block for new episodes should be aired around this time. My most preferred suggestion is airing the comedy block on either Monday or Thursday and airing an action block on Friday nights.


    • 6am to 8am: Reruns of the shows you've missed on the comedy block.
    • 8am to 10am: Reruns of shows you've missed on the action block.
    • 10am to 12pm: A movie to fill up some time.
    • 3pm to 7pm: Besides specific holidays, weekends should be the only time to air marathons of a certain show. Though it would definitely be important to make the marathons more varied. Like, for example, Teen Titans Go could have a marathon on Saturday and then have another show marathon the next day.
    • 7pm to 9pm: Conclude the day off with a movie. Families will probably want a movie to watch together at this point of the day.


    Really, the main summary of my argument here is that I need more variety in the schedules. Air reruns of older shows if you have to. I want the top airing show to be a surprise. There's more variety in Adult Swim's schedule, for Pete's sake. Whether or not I hate Teen Titans Go, it needs to start airing less now.


    Though I will say this about Teen Titans Go. At least it's not the Powerpuff Girls reboot.



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