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Popeye Q. Krabs

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Posts posted by Popeye Q. Krabs

  1. 29 minutes ago, Katniss said:

    I'm just gonna quote jjs:



    Thanks. JJs is awesome.

    I am so exhausted, I've been up since very early in the morning. How about you?

  2. My week is okay but did bleh on this first quiz. Thankfully the Prof drops the lowest one so I'm ok if I study more.

    Will you miss Obama after he's done being president? 

  3. Kat, like Cha said. Don't give up. I was in that same place back in the Spring where I just wanted to quit and give it all up, but I kept going and here I am now, nearly done and excited about finishing. It's taken me three years of nonstop schooling to get to this point and I never took a single break from it, so I understand how much of a burden it can be on your morale. 

    Does anyone in your family sound like Barry White?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Katniss said:

    I'm tired all the time, partially because of school and partially because of personal reasons. 

    Yeah I feel ya. My workload is pretty light. Only two classes since I needed to get half-time for financial aid purposes. There's one class that I didn't need, but I'm taking it anyway to improve my resume and I have a quiz tomorrow in there that I started studying for earlier today. It's all review from last summer, and some of it I went over for a certification I signed up for in December. I got through a whole study book for another certification I have scheduled for in early October and that's been going really well and read and took notes on that in about a week. Lots of work I had to do, especially for that study book and the end-chapter quizzes, but I'm in the process of watching review videos this week and so on. I'm also assigned to a capstone project and I've been working with my team on that too. 

    I was having butterflies in my stomach partially cause of that quiz and some stupid drama that happened, but I feel better now. 

    Are you a fan of Jeremy Jahns's YouTube channel?



  5. Ah nice. The last one I saw in a theater was that X-Men movie. It was alright. There are some other superhero movies I've been meaning to get to.

    How's your semester coming along?

  6. Yeah you're right. I'm just wrapping up my final semester and looking for entry level jobs I can try getting for next year. 

    I am on other sites but I feel like taking a break from those and hanging out here again, so hopefully I'll be around more.

    I'm trying to think about what I should change my avatar to, but I have no idea which one to pick. Any suggestions?

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