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So Sejima

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Status Updates posted by So Sejima

  1. too bad EA's poor quality and PR won't stop the mass influx of people who absolutely can't live without some weak DLC that costs $20 >_>

  2. Today is the glorious 5 year anniversary of the Butt Fumble!

  3. Hey, it's December...and you know what that means?!?? 

    the combo is broken :(

  4. youtube rewind had a shockingly low amount of spiderman and elsa

  5. "The Thing in the Crater" is my favorite Yugioh monster card

  6. Kizer flat out gifted that to Coleman after escaping pressure....perfect Browns, fire Hue please for the love of parity

  7. They fired Capers D:

  8. Given Blake's injury history and massive contract...are Tobias and Bradley that bad of a fit for Detroit? I know Bradley's a free agent soon but there's gotta be another immediate move for both teams here :/

  9. ok I know the Cavs have sucked lately but this is a new low

  10. Drug Kingpin Esteban Loazia is not something I expected to see on a random February morning

  11. If Professor Calamitous has trouble with finishing things then how in the everloving christ did he get a marriage and have a kid

  12. Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created?"-Spy Kids 2.

  13. If the almighty son of a shepherd isn't in smash why even have a smash game

  14. Can't wait for yet another season of "for the love of god please play the game instead" https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-03-15/ace-attorney-anime-gets-2nd-season-this-fall/.129044

  15. Not entirely ready to jump on the Megalo Box hype train but it definitely had one of the most promising first episodes in recent memory

  16. Gonna be 80 degrees literally 1 week after snowing, Climate change is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Someone should put you in a box floatin' down the river grandma!

  18. This is no time to start speaking Australian Jim!

  19. Alongside jjs we must also appreciate OWM as a great mod, the best mod, and thank him for his actions today

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