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Lunch Pail

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Posts posted by Lunch Pail

  1. So now there's this Arizona executive that got fired from his job after publicly stating his opinion on the whole matter:



    ROFL! So he went to a local Chick-Fil-A, not the CEO (You know, the one who actually made the comment?), and yelled at some dude working there? He deserved to get fired. If he can't even direct his anger towards the person who incited it then the consequences that result from that are entirely his fault.

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  2. George Carlin was right. When you are born into the world, you get access to the Freak Show. When you born in America, you get front row seats. Only in 'Murrika would this be controversial.

    But enough of my angst. This is completely idiotic. A lot of CEO's of companies everyone goes to do/believe several things that are 'controversial', the only reason why this is getting any attention is because the CEO publicly stated it instead of keeping it behind closed doors. Who gives a shit what the CEO thinks. It's a fucking company founded on Christian principals anyway. Of course the CEO supports biblical marriage! As long the CEO isn't letting his ideology get into the way of Ethical business practices/standards, who gives a shit!?

    YES, I MAD!

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  3. The reason guns aren't limited to policemen is because policemen aren't legally obliged to help citizens. If a maniac breaks into your home and tries to hurt you or your family, it would be silly to think that calling the cops will put you out of harm's way just like that. Police forces are getting smaller in this economy, and if they're swamped with cases, it could take hours for them to get to you. By then, you and your family would be dead and the criminal would be long gone.

    Don't think that making guns illegal will magically put them out of the hands of criminals. The black market would still thrive, and if you wanted a gun, you could buy one no problem. They might be a bit more expensive, but I doubt that it would stop a psychopath like Holmes. The fact of the matter is: Making guns illegal would detrimental to nobody but law abiding citizens like us. It would make us even more vulnerable in crises where we're dealing with a man who has no respect for human life whatsoever. People should be allowed to own guns because people should be allowed to defend themselves when there's nobody else to do it for them.

    I understand that there's people out there who abuse the right to bear arms. There have always been people like that. But the fact that there's people who abuse a right should never be a reason to take that right away. Guns are dangerous, and everybody knows this. Most of us are responsible and use guns for the purposes they were intended for. The good majority should not be punished for the actions of a bad minority. This Aurora shooting was tragic, and there's no disputing that, but I doubt that it will change much in regards to gun laws. The shooter had no license. He bought his guns online. Gun stores are required to make background checks before selling to anyone, and that's good enough for me.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Bravo, JCM, for such a well educated statement.

    • Like 1
  4. Of course there are. There always is and always will be, but our main focus is with al-Qaeda, which as I said before, whose presence is instilled in the Middle East. If another terrorist organization comes up with a similar purpose (and there already have) USA may or may not take action.

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  5. Not only are they hell-bent on staying, they're hell-bent on seeing not only the United States, but the entire globe fall under their control. It's impossible for the latter to happen, but it's a little more likely for the prior. They hate us, and that's the issue we need to be focusing on: al-Qaeda.

    One of the reasons why they hate us is because of our presence in Arab Nations. Hence, why we need to evaluate our foreign policy.

    • Like 1
  6. I wish they would go away, but they are hell-bent on staying. After we eradicate al-Qaeda, we need to get the hell out of the Middle East. We can still provide support, but ONLY IF THEY WANT IT. After that solider went AWOL and killed 16(?) Afghan Civilians that told me that we need to re-evaluate our foreign policy, but this is another issue all together.

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  7. Ah, the Arab Spring. Will it lead to a World War 3 conflict? I doubt it, but it will change the global atmosphere as know it. I'm not going to go in depth about how a possibility of WW3 could happen seeing as everyone in this thread has already mentioned so, but what I will offer is my two cents on America's involvement if this war breaks out,

    America, despite it's history of imperialism and sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong, will only get involved if it's abosutely necessary. We just pulled out of Iraq and our current situation in Afghanistan is anything, but peachy. Not to forget our ailing economy. (8.2% unemployment, anyone? Even though it was 10% a couple of months ago) Americans all over are adopting the idea of 'pseudo-isolationism', a word I just made up that basically means that we mind our own business and do not get involved in world affairs besides Foreign Aid, unless it's in our best interest or we have no other choice.

    So yeah, my two cents.

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  8. I was about four when it happened, so of course I didn't find out about until there was the inevitable pop culture reference to a recent worldwide event.

    Pretty sad that it happened, but life must go on.

  9. My basement is prone to flooding if there is a huge thunderstorm that knocks out the power. It's a pain in the ass to drain it, dry it, repaint, and basically just clean up the mess.

    There is also the possibility of losing valued possessions too.

    If possible, you should add an option for Ice Storms. Those suck as well.

  10. Daft Punk is legit. I believe Discovery is their best album with Alive 2007 in a close second.

    Justice is pretty good too. They are a French Electronic Duo like Daft Punk. Look them up if you get the chance.

    The Third Twin isn't too bad either.

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