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Posts posted by Deli

  1. I find it quite funny that he thinks that Pre-Movie writers will save the movie when we have four Pre Movie writers on the show right now (Paul Tibbitt and Aaron Springer, Mr. Lawrence, Vincent Waller) and that they've all written their fair share of bad episodes. What'll make the movie good is effort. Pre-Movie writers are not a saving grace that make everything great.

    Anyway, I hope that since they have two years to work on the movie (the same timeframe for the first one) that it'll be even better than the first, or at least on par with it. I'm really excited for the movie. We've had episodes with animation that rivals the movie's animation (Truth Or Square, Mooncation) so I'm banking on some really awesome animation.

    These next two years of waiting are gonna be excruciating.

    I really don't think old writers doing the script is going to change anything. And even if all the old writers came back, I think they'd have a hard time writing for the characters as they've changed a bit since those writers left (i.e. SpongeBob is just nonstop happy and sad, Squidward is more sultry and depressed than ever before, Mr. Krabs is a cold-hearted-money-grubbing tyrant). However, I think this is a chance to give the characters we've known for so long so much more depth and emotion. We may see a side of SpongeBob we've never seen before in this movie, or maybe of Patrick or Squidward or even Sandy, as she is sadly underused. The movie could be a great opportunity for a series revival, or just another money making scheme fueled by Nickelodeon feeding off of the minds of SpongeBob's target demographic; kids. It's really up to us, the fans, when you think about it. We can either make this a great movie or jump to conclusions before we're even sure this is really going to happen. It's our choice.

  2. The first one scared the butt out of me when I was five. But I soon watched it, and liked it. Second was alright. Third one was lackluster. This one... eh. I have a friend who really likes these movies, so I'll grit my teeth and bear it for her.

  3. Despite not even doubting that Alvin and the Chipmunks 3 would get the award, they could've AT LEAST given The Muppets another chance in another category (besides Amy Adams in favorite actress). I think they, and Harry Potter, got treated pretty lousy this year. Kids don't give a fack about classy entertainment anymore.

  4. -After previously reporting that Jason Segel will have no part in the screenplay for the next Muppet movie, it is now official that Jason Segel won't be returning to the sequel to act either. He said that he has left The Muppets in good hands for a sequel.

    -Angelina Jolie does not want a sequel to 2010's Salt and will not have any involvement if the sequel follows through. I don't even know if I wanted to see a sequel, let alone the original.

    -For all you Human Centipede fans, the third and final part of this trilogy (Final Sequence) will star Dieter Laser (Dr. Heiter, the antagonist from the first one), Laurence Harvey (Martin, the antagonist from the second one), and Tom Six (the director of the franchise). Well there are the actors who will be the parts of the next centipede.

    -Chinese softcore film "3D Sex and Zen" which was somehow released as a motion picture, will now have a sequel coming to theaters which will be in 4D. I could talk about the things that we could smell and experience, but I would possibly be breaking SBC rules in the process, so I will reword it in one sentence with the intention of being misconstrued. I guess we all could experience super happy fun time.

    -Emmy award winning writer Danny Strong (Recount) will be writing the script for The Lost Symbol (aka the follow-up to The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons). Also expected are Ron Howard to return as director and Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon. As a fan of Dan Brown's Robert Langdon trilogy, I've hated the movies. They are ridiculously dull and just lazily made. I have wasted my money in hopes that the movies would at least be decent, but nope. Both have been mediocre. I have no hope that The Lost Symbol, which is the worst of the books, will be the best movie of the franchise.

    -Owen Wilson and Tina Fey will star together...in a drama? Currently named "Admission" this will be directed by Paul Weitz (Little Fockers...ugh). I think they are "serious" about this not being a comedy.

    -In a recent interview, Will Ferrell confirmed that Step Brothers 2 is ready to start shooting as soon as this fall with a possible release date sometime in 2013.

    -In the same interview, Will Ferrell confirms that Anchorman 2 is dead.

    -With Cartoon Network's Dragons (obviously based off the movie How To Train Your Dragon) coming this year, Jay Baruchel has confirmed that he will be returning to voice Hiccup for the series. After two of the three movies he starred in bombed in 2010. His leading man career was obviously short lived, so I guess a return to television had to come at some point.

    -Comic-Con 2012 is sold out. This sucks since I was seriously considering trying to find a way to go this year.

    -One of the best conceptual artists in cinema Ralph McQuarrie has passed away. While he has done many films over his lifetime, most notable was that his pre-production paintings helped define many of the characters for the Star Wars franchise. He was 82 years old.

    Oh yes, he's doing the noble thing. One, he doesn't want to be typecast. And two, Segel says he would really rather not become a ''face of the Muppets.'' It's what any loyal Muppet fan would do. Now that he's made them famous again, Mr. Segel is going to let them regrow on their own. Very good, very good.

  5. I'm a fan of Amy Mebberson and Rodger Langridge, who are both comic book artists (and have done Muppet variants and comics, of course). I'm a fan of a lot of internet artists. Like Elixirmy, Peter Savieri, 14-bis, John Joseco, and even our own artists like Jelly and Spongygirl92, of course. c:

  6. This is going to be long winded, but I don't care.

    This movie. THIS MOVIE. This was everything I wanted and more. It was a work of art. An inspiring selection of music. An emotional and vulnerable creature. A true Muppet movie.

    What can I say about how the characters were portrayed? Let me start with Kermit, my all time favorite Muppet. In this movie, we get to see a darker and sadder side of Kermit. He shows all of his emotions in this and really sticks his neck out for everyone. I believed every second I was in the theater that his pain was real. Kermit is no mere puppet. He is an actor, and a great one.

    Miss Piggy was beautifully rebuilt from her last puppet. She was determined and loyal and... and... well, more Piggy than she's ever been since 1990. She didn't act like a self centered brat, or an angry boar, or the butt of numerous fat jokes. Not saying Eric Jacobson hasn't done a good job since Frank Oz, but I think this is where he found the true essence of Miss Piggy.

    Fozzie was very insecure and nervous, but loyal and true, and full of hope. He got the best lines and wasn't treated like a background character (as seen in previous productions).

    Gonzo was truly Gonzo, and not a sad little alien. He was outlandish, artistic, and a real friend.

    And Walter, the new Muppet. Oh man, Walter. Walter is the heart and soul of the whole movie. He had Scooter's eagerness, Robin's sweet voice and nature, and Bean Bunny's naivety and optimism. He is truly a character with a lot of potential. He's a real trooper and the kind of person who sees good in everyone. Peter Linz portrayed him beautifully and really made him rival Kermit for the position of My Favorite Muppet Ever.

    The music was great, too. From Life's A Happy Song, to Rainbow Connection, to Mahna Mahna. Everything about the music is flawless.

    But the movie did have its downs. Kermit seemed to have thrown in the towel too quickly. He spends most of the movie moping. Not to mention characters like Rizzo and Pepe were almost nowhere to be found. Which is sad, because they truly are great characters, despite not exactly being members of the original cast (Rizzo came along in the 80s, and Pepe in the 90s). There was also a small amount of cross promotion for Cars 2, which distracted and annoyed me a little (see the movie, you'll know what I mean).

    Flaws and all, this movie gave me hope. Jim Henson would be proud. So would Jerry Juhl. And Richard Hunt. And everyone who ever had no hope in the Muppets after the death of Jim, too. Now get off the internet and go see this movie. NOW!

  7. Studio DC: Almost Live? You mean the two episodes of the short-lived Disney show where they thought mentioning Zac Efron, High School Musical, the Jonas Brothers, and Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana all the time were equivalent to laughs? That was a huge waste of the Muppets potential.

    Oh, it wasn't that bad. The Suite Life parody was pretty funny, and I thought Kermit and Ashley Tisdale doing Bop to the Top together was pretty adorable. Not to mention Kermit waddling around in snowshoes gave me diabetes (it was THAT cute). If they had just let the Muppets be the Muppets instead of conforming to Disney Channel standards.

  8. The ToughPigs aren't too pleased, either. And they're even more hardcore Muppet fans than me. I tried to be positive. I really did. But this just sounds so bad to me. The Muppets I've heard from people who've seen early screenings is amazing, and it would make Jim happy to know that one franchise got revived. But I don't think the Fraggles need this, if it's done up like the greedy film companies want it, not how any of the Muppet veterans want it. Let's just be positive and hope they use puppets and the original performers... minus Jerry Nelson (Gobo) and Jim Henson (Cantus, Convincing John, etc.).

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