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Posts posted by terminoob

  1. 1 hour ago, Clappy said:

    Tell me about it.  I know it's very early but outside of Tony vs Sandra in the first episode and that tribal, I'm not feeling everything else just yet.  I think part of the problem is WAY TOO MANY undeserving second, third, and fourth time contestants.  Let's take a look at Cirie for example.  Did anybody ask to see her play again?  I sure as hell didn't because if you pull back the aura of convincing Erik to part with his idol from S16, she really hasn't done anything of notability in her three previous go arounds.  I don't define her as game changing, more so as half of this cast.

    I hope this season doesn't rely this heavily on shocking twists and turns for gimmick purposes of this season title.  Because if so, I'm going to be bored very quickly.

    I believe the season will, in fact, rely heavily on shocking twists and turns for gimmick purposes, if I'm remembering Jeff's pre-season interview about this correctly. I think he said he was gonna be throwing a bunch of twists at the cast to see how the handle it, and that idols could be anywhere (he teased one being at tribal). I'm not looking forward to the rest of it. They need to just let these players play and make good TV by just being who they are, instead of trying to force good TV through twists and crap. If the season keeps going at this breakneck pace it's just all gonna be exhausting and boring to look at.

    As far as the cast goes... I'm mostly fine with them. I'm really not a fan of any of the Koah Rong people they chose (seriously, Tai/Caleb over Scot/Jason?), Ciera, or Sandra, but the rest I'm either neutral on or really like. Cirie I think is deserving of a spot but I'm not too excited to see her hear, because I know if she makes it far then all of her fans are gonna yell from the rooftops that she's finally getting her due even though she got massively outplayed in HvV and can only do well strategically if she's in a season where no one else knows what they're doing (Panama, Micronesia). I'll contest that she hasn't done anything of nobility, though - she wiggled her way out of being the first boot of Panama, was Aras' righthand as being instrumental in holding the Casaya alliance together, orchestrated the 3-2-1 Courtney boot, and "got off the couch" (if I'm remembering correctly she was the first contestant that was being "advertised" as that archetype, which is huge). I don't remember her Micronesia game as well, aside from her being kind of entitled at the start and the Erik thing, but I think her Panama game more than makes her qualified as a game changer.

    My main problem though is that so many of these players just flat out sucked their first/second/third times and now they're coming back and it's just a really low-level cast in terms of strategy and entertainment. Zeke got duped by David and cut Chris too soon, Troyzan may have realized Kim was running the game but he still let her do what she wanted with him for a bit, Sarah blew up her own game by being too cocky, I don't remember anything Hali or Sierra did, and Varner just isn't good at the game. Brad's basically the top strategist of the season.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ϯꂅꂅภϳ12 said:

    Not sure how unpopular or popular this one is, but I didn't like Doctor Strange. The movie just didn't do anything new or original imo, and seemed to get off more on it's (admittedly impressive) special effects. A disappointment, really, since I thought it was gonna end up being one of my favorite Marvel movies. Plus, I'm a ho for anything involving time travel. 

    Oooo, ooo. Let me go three further.

    - I hated Guardians of the Galaxy. I hated it so much that I stopped caring about the MCU. Doctor Strange was the first MCU movie I saw since GotG because my girlfriend wanted to see it, and it reaffirmed my hatred of the MCU and their lazy writing and characterization, and I thought the special effects hindered it more than helped it. I'm excited for Thor: Ragnarok because of the director, but aside from that I just can't bring myself to care about anything about Marvel movies.

    - I thought Deadpool was extremely average. Teaser for the sequel didn't make me feel any kind of hyped and I didn't think it was any kind of funny. Ryan Reynolds is pretty perfect for the role, but I thought the humor of the first one missed the mark a majority of the time. The plot structure was my favorite part about it, but I never seen anyone talking about how awesome that was. I just see people think it's, like, the greatest superhero movie of all time and they use it to argue that every superhero movie going forward should be rated R, and it's just... I don't know. Not that great.

    - I did not like Rogue One even a little. Everyone on reddit keeps gushing about it and I just don't understand it. I thought they messed up totally basic scriptwriting techniques and I don't know what I was supposed to like about it. As far as I'm concerned, Gareth Edwards just doesn't know how to get a good performance out of any actor that isn't already a good actor (ie: Bryan Cranston).

  3. 2 minutes ago, 4EverGreen said:

    Agreed. For instance, Nancy Cartwright and Yeardley Smith are both adults, and they have been voicing Bart and Lisa Simpson respectively since 1987!

    Yeah, that's not comparable at all. Remember a few years ago when Chris Rock was at the Oscars and he was like "YEAH VOICE ACTING IS SO EASY I JUST GO IN AND SAY AFRO CIRCUS AND I GET PAID! I DONT EVEN HAVE TO CHANGE OUTTA MY SWEATPANTS!"? Celebrity voice actors do not equal professional voice actors. There are very few celebrities that actually try to sound different, because they're getting paid to be themselves. Kevin Hart is in this movie because he's Kevin Hart, not because he sounds like a schoolboy; him doing stand-up in a recording studio is not the same as Nancy Cartwright manipulating her voice to be a 10 year old boy.

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, Bada Bing Nuggets said:

    The voices for George and Harold really don't seem like they really fit the characters at all. Kevin Hart in particular isn't how I imagined George to sound lmao

    Yeah, Ed Helms doesn't do it for me either. I feel like his voice is too naturally arrogant for Captain Underpants.

  5. 9 hours ago, Steel Sponge said:

    Milo Murphy's Law is one of my favorite animated programs airing at the moment. It's in the middle of a new episode premieres binge, just not too long after Star Vs. Forces of Evil filled up most of February with wrapping up Season 2. The show has managed to make me laugh more than in the last couple seasons of P&F. It's also got a bit of an interesting concept with a character bringing misfortunes anywhere he goes, for when anything that can go wrong, will do just as so. So yeah, by far, I can say it's definitely worth anyone's time?

    I'll have to check it out soon, then.

  6. 11 hours ago, Katniss said:

    Oh, how is Riverdale? I've been thinking about checking it out especially since I used to be big into the Archie comics but I'm wondering how much of it is typical trashy CW teen drama.

    It's in "so bad it's good" territory. My girlfriend and I love it. I think the first season is only gonna be 12 or 13 episodes though, so you could just binge it when it's over in a couple months and not lose too much of your time. I highly recommend it. Everyone that I talk to about it thinks it's hot garbage but they can't stop watching.

  7. 3 hours ago, Samurai Jack said:

    I'd totally recommend you to tune in for Legends of Tomorro again tbh. Season 2 has been a massive improvement over season 1. They got rid of Hawks and Savage and replaced them with really good characters, Nate and Amaya (Vixen) and Legion of Doom. It has been such a blast for me?

    I'll have to catch that on Netflix too. I've fallen off of the CWverse train - I only keep up with Riverdale (and iZombie when it comes back in a couple weeks).

  8. 5 hours ago, Samurai Jack said:

    aside from some episodes not about the main plot and Invasion crossover episode, I really dislike third season of The Flash man. I'm just so tired of mopiness, same themes and Barry's characterization. It really stinks that the show had a strong start and fall apart this early. How do you really feel?

    I haven't been keeping up with it, honestly. I got super into Critical Role over my winter break and that was the only thing I watched for, like, two and a half months, so I missed out on a decent chunk of episodes and they don't have them all up on CW. I'll catch it when it comes to Netflix. From what I remember of it I liked it just fine, but the whole new universe thing just skeeves me out. I really don't like it and I'm not a fan of the writers trying to just make it seem like everything's okay. I really hope things go back to normal at the end of the season.

    2 hours ago, Homie♥ said:



  9. 14 minutes ago, Samurai Jack said:

    hmm that's actually a good point. I just thought it looked familiar to that movie because of the guitar and land of the dead. but yeah premises are really different.

    Yeah, I mean, that's definitely fair, and I'm gonna assume a lot of people are on your line of thinking. It happens a lot with movies, especially animated ones from different studios, where things just look very similar on the surface because of how time consuming animation is and how it's kind of hard to think up a wholly original idea. People will go on and on about how original Inside Out is, but a student film from Ringling had the same exact concept and was completed in... I think 2013? Maybe 2012? It just depends on how the studio and the writer(s) and director(s) want to go about telling that story, because while the student film had the same concept it was done totally differently (being about a guy on a date and overthinking things, rather than a little girl struggling with change and growing up and whatnot). Like I said, it's possible Pixar could just rip off The Book of Life beat-for-beat because so far this teaser hasn't told us much at all, so if they do then the comparisons are obviously going to be apt, I just don't think at the moment Pixar is copying anything.

    I do think it's kind of weird and ironic that they're moving forward with this when it's basically the same situation as Newt/Rio (similar starting concept but two completely different stories, though if I'm remembering right I think I made a post a while back in some thread talking about how the plot structure of Newt was probably going to mirror Rio because there was nowhere for that specific idea to really go) as Gullah pointed out a few posts above, so Pixar must be confident that this is either a totally different idea or that they're going to do the exact same thing as The Book of Life but better (which I don't think is possible because The Book of Life was just too good).

    • Like 1
  10. Right. Long post incoming.

    As a huge huge fan of The Book of Life, this... uh... well, it doesn't remind me of that at all.



    So, in The Book of Life, we've got this love story triangle between Manolo, Joaquin, and Maria, and they're all adults for the majority of the movie, and Manolo is straight-up killed and sent to the Land of the Remembered, because this is all actually a huge game to La Muerta and Xibalba. Manolo is also an aspiring musician and there's an internal struggle there between the expectation of becoming this strong hero-type and wanting to be a more sensitive loving-type, and Joaquin is there as a foil for that. It also flip flops between present day and the... let's call it "storybook-style" story that's being relayed to the kids at the museum.

    And, in Coco, we have a kid, who appears to be an aspiring musician, for as-of-yet unknown reasons, and who is, as-of-yet, not being told to do anything else with his life. It looks like he finds an old family photo, possibly of his grandparents or great-grandparents, and decides to look for the guitar in the picture. He finds the guitar, strums, and is sent to the... Land of the Remembered? Land of the Dead? Hard to say. No mention of a love triangle, any internal struggle, any opposition to achieve his goals, no deceit, no La Meurta or Xibalba, no flip-flopping of storytelling styles, no death. Just a kid and his dog.

    Yeah, there's a musician, and there's the Land of the Remembered/Dead, but, like, you can draw parallels between basically any movie and call it a ripoff. This isn't something like Toy Story/Secret Life of Pets, where the entire plot structure for Toy Story was basically repackaged as a pet movie (as in, Max is a pet happy with his home and his current position as his owner's best friend [like Woody], and then Duke comes along and starts hogging the spotlight [like Buzz] so then Max [Woody] tries to nix Duke [Buzz] while inadvertently getting both of them lost and stranded and struggling to find their way home - and also the pets [toys] have secret lives while their owners are away and can talk and do things [like how the toys come to life when humans aren't looking at them]).

    Two different animation studios can independently decide on a Day of the Dead-themed movie, and if they do that, then, what - do you expect them to not show the Land of the Remembered/Dead, or any kind of spirit world? Do you expect that kind of movie to not feature music? There are certain beats that need to be hit in order for a story to be successful, and one of those beats is a "Belly of the Whale" moment when the main character gets "swallowed" and is placed in some kind of weird unfamiliar setting where the actual conflict of the story and character development happens - and if you're gonna do an animated Day of the Dead film, why would you decide to opt out of showcasing some kind of beautifully fantastic and other-worldly setting (as well as the characters that will inhabit that setting) by having your main character not go to a spirit world? Live-action is a whole different thing, and if this was live-action then maybe they'd opt out of that and instead try to focus on a different sort of thing, but it's animation and in animation you can do anything you want so you want to actually showcase that ability.

    Now, sure, if there's a love triangle, and a rival punk kid vying for the affection of the girl, and this is really just a game between two Gods that want to have fun, then yeah, sure, it's a copy of The Book of Life. But right now... not so much.



    • Like 1
  11. On 3/14/2017 at 0:36 PM, Clappy said:

    It definitely is man.  Not just visually, but in terms of gameplay too.  Like I am hard pressed to find this much beauty and depth from a Nintendo game in quite some time.  Honestly reinvigorated my love for console gaming since I've been more of a mobile gamer the past few years?

    Yeah, I've kind of fallen out of console gaming too. I really don't seem to have the time for it anymore. Maybe after school ends and I can get a bit of cash together I'll try to pick it up - the preview looked amazing and I've been hyped since it was first announced, so I'm glad it's at least living up to your expectations (and our tastes in things tend to line up so if you love it I'd probably love it).

    On 3/14/2017 at 0:45 PM, Steel Sponge said:

    On topic of the olden days of SBC, I found it amusing, looking back on how like 85% of SBC used to incredibly despise Phineas & Ferb as if it were a false prophet of a cartoon or such. Even if I made a cheeky nod towards the show, someone was willing to scold me. It's surreal to see how most people, and not only you, have changed their minds about the show within a couple years or so. Those were the days, I'd say.

    And while I'm still on topic with P&F, have you gotten the chance to see Milo Murphy's Law yet?

    Yeah, Phineas and Ferb was weird. I went back and forth on it a lot. I still tend to not really know whether I like it or if I think it's really annoying, but I think on the whole it's hard for me to discredit the writing and the impact it had, but it's not really binge-watchable, which I kind of have an issue with because I like to let Netflix run while I work and if I ever let Phineas and Ferb run for too long I just want to throw my computer out the window. However, I do think I was unfairly critical of it way back when, and I think I mostly just said I hated it because that seemed to be the cool thing to do - so good on you for sticking to your guns and defending your interests.

    Haven't had a chance to check out Milo Murphy yet. I keep meaning to, but without a TV in my dorm it's hard to pick up new shows if they aren't on Netflix or if they aren't on a network that I already watch something on. Is it any good? I don't think I've heard anything about it.

  12. 23 hours ago, Clappy said:

    Now that.  That was a good trailer.  I was going to see the third movie either way, but I was waiting for a more clear direction from the trailers and this one gave us just that.

    I wonder how Balthazar Bratt is going to get interconnected with Gru/Dru's story.  Can't wait to find out.

    Totally opposite opinion of you. Really really loved the first trailer and was ready to see it based on just that, was really let down by this second one and kinda don't want to see it. I'm not into the idea of Dru at all.

  13. 1 minute ago, Clappy said:

    Have you gotten a chance to check out the new Zelda game yet?

    I haven't. I had to sell my Wii U a couple months back because I was desperate for cash, and I'm not so sure if I'll get a Switch. Is it absolutely breath-taking? 

  14. 9 minutes ago, Katniss said:

    I'm halfway done with the season. It started off kinda weak but I really liked the episode where Gus and Mickey go on that day-long date. Bertie is great as usual but Randy is annoying and he's definitely got some issues. 

    Currently just starting episode 10, basically the same sentiments. I'm not entirely sure what the hell they're trying to do with Randy's character. He seemed to be doing a lot in the beginning, and then just kinda disappeared after the episode where he goes to the mall with Mickey. I could say the same for Bertie, too, because she hasn't really done anything since she was told she's a pushover?

  15. 5 minutes ago, Metal Snake said:

    God damn it. I can last least show you what you originally posted though...

    "And I use the word "amigos" extremely loosely.


    As I am no longer needed here [aside from the apparent "Good Cop, Bad Cop" that doesn't even work since everyone I do that to already hates me...], I believe I shall take my leave. Tvguy becoming an admin [even only temporary] was the final straw.


    Yes, I gave 70s supreme power last year, but that was because I was going through a shitty time in my life, and I figured it was implied that I'd gain control back. Apparently I didn't. Ever since, I have contributed nothing to the site, I have been more out of the loop than inactive members, and honestly, I hate the site. No, not the people [well... Some of them...], but just what it's becoming. I'm a fucking broken record. THIS WAS A PLACE FOR BANNED OR SUSPENDED Tv.com members, but apparently 70s didn't like that idea so he and tvguy invited everyone from the frickin' Internet to join this site. I don't care if you hate it. I don't care if you hate me. That's what I wanted, but no one is fucking listening to me.


    I don't want an overcomplicated site, and what do we get? An overcomplicated site. This was supposed to be BASIC. But no. Apparently that wasn't good enough.


    Tvguy acted like an admin from Day 1, and now that he is one, I assume he'll try even harder to become one permanently once it's taken from him. He obviously has nothing better to do with his life aside from trying to "make this site better" with his "improvements" [i use quotes because this site is not better, nor are they improvements.]


    Tvguy can do what 70s did, and 70s can do what I was supposed to do [what the fuck did I end up doing again? Oh right. Nothing.]


    If you need me, just PM me. I've moved my Spin-Offs to the Shipyard and will deleting all ties to this site from my computer. If you're going to post here that I'm acting like a crybaby, skip it. I'm still an admin and I can still IP ban you. I may be back if 70s and tvguy stop making this site what it doesn't need to be, but since I don't ever see that happening, I guess I'm gone for good.


    Of course, I could always delete this site without even telling anyone, but I'm not that much of a prick."

    And my favorite replies...


    I don't know what to say. I just can't believe you right now. You're one of my best Internet friends right now, and I can't believe you'd leave over something as stupid as this. Do whatever the hell you want, but I just think that's the wrong thing to do. I've offered a solution to everything you did. I even tried to convince you, wasting 55 minutes of my Sunday I could be spending with my fiancee and children. But whatever. See you when you realize what you're doing is wrong, or just change your mind. I think I'm done talking to a brick wall now.


    ETA: 733299.png

    Wumbo: ...So now that he's gone, can I stop using the sarcasm tags?







    I mean, uh, see ya 'round town.


    P.S. BH Surfers are still number one.

    SG: You have a point there. It's kind of ludicrous he's bailing just because he believed this site was approaching the erroneous direction. This might have been precluded if a summit to determine fate was called among the moderators and administrators. Then again, I suppose y'all did conduct something similar. In the mean time, I bid terminoob fair ado.

    Hayden: (facepalm) Dude, if your life truly sucks so much, then why are you leaving the site with the only people willing to listen to your problems? And that's why you've been hanging around Dramatic Static more than usual I'm guessing. And it has almost 500 members

    Dragiiin: He left the site because it was getting better.

    Nitpick that, prick.

    Goosebumpsfan: He left because I'm still here...for now

    Ah, those were the days.

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

    What inspired you to create SBC?

    I had joined TV.com about... I think 9 years ago - Freshman in high school. For whatever reason, I gravitated more towards people online than people in real life. I felt more of a connection with them, I didn't feel like I was competing for attention, my voice never got drowned out, I wasn't afraid to speak up and talk. It was really easy for me (and others too, I suspect). I spent a lot of time on the Spongebob boards there. I migrated over from the Total Drama boards - Spongebob was more active and had more of a community feel to it, and that was a big draw for me. Not only could you discuss Spongebob, but there was an Off-Topic Lounge, and the Spin-Off section, and those things really set it apart from every other board on the site (I visited boards for practically every show I watched, and none of them were as tight-knit and communal as Spongebob). I remember my first post there was about the episode Shanghaied! because when I was in 2nd grade I distinctly remembered there being multiple endings to that episode (ones that always ended with The Flying Dutchman eating Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward), and I thought I was going crazy because every time that episode re-aired on TV it was always the ending that they have now (I think they get turned into fruit). After that, I kept coming back to the board, because the Off-Topic Lounge and the Spin-Offs really intrigued me, and, if I remember correctly, I started posting a Spin-Off before posting in the Off-Topic Lounge. It was this spin-off called The Ops, and it was about this rift opening up in Bikini Bottom and alternate dimension versions of Spongebob characters plopped through. Back then, the Spin-Off Review thread was also really active, and some members actually reviewed my spin-off! And it was great! I got noticed! I felt like I belonged!

    We all had a great time. I think it was for about a year. Maybe a year and a half. We even started a Xat so all the regulars could chat off TV.com, and it felt like I had more of a connection to some of those members than I had with my real friends.

    Before long, though, people started getting strikes against them. I'm a bit fuzzy on those memories - I remember I posted a super nasty review of jjs' spin-off at the time, Mermaid Man: The Brave and the Bold (I think that's what it was called), and while I don't remember getting a strike for that particular post (though maybe I did), I remember that being the start of people getting suspended and banned. It was happening to practically everyone (someone else might remember all this better than me, but I think Clappy and Jelly were the only two who didn't get hit with anything). It was getting a little bit out of hand, and I couldn't bare losing touch with all of these people, because I thought I had such a deeper connection with them than any of my friends in real life - and so I decided to do something about it. At the time, I was also doing ORPGs of Total Drama Island, and I had been doing them for about a year, and every time we finished one someone would make a new site and then we'd all migrate there. So, I used the site maker we used for those - forumotion - and made a dinky little site and called it The Spongebob Community, and I made all of the old threads we had at TV.com (Spongebob discussions, Spin-Off threads, Off-Topic Lounge), and it was intended to be a place for all the users that were on the Spongebob boards at TV.com to migrate to, and we could all go there and do whatever the hell we wanted and say whatever the hell we wanted because it was our site and we wouldn't have to deal with corrupt moderators cracking down on everyone and forcing people to not have fun.

    And then I became one of those corrupt moderators that cracked down on everyone and forced people to not have fun, but hey! That's a story for another time. I think my goodbye thread where I make an ass of myself and then rightfully get shredded to pieces by everyone is still floating around somewhere on here too. We all made it to this point regardless of all that, and that's what matters.

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  17. 5 hours ago, Katniss said:

    You gonna check out the second season of Love? It drops next week.

    Might as well. I put the effort into watching (and heavily critiquing, if I remember correctly) the first season and I'll be on spring break with nothing to do.

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