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Posts posted by terminoob

  1. 17 hours ago, Lettuce said:

    Got some Netflix recommendations for you?

    Hit me.

    10 hours ago, The Who said:

    favorite NuWho series?

    This is difficult. I think 5. I really loved RTD's stuff the first time I watched through it, but as I got deeper and deeper into Moffat's stuff I started to kind of retroactively dislike RTD's run. When I was watching for the first time I really loved Rose and 10 and I thought Donna was awesome and everything about 1-4 was pretty much perfect for me and wrapping it up in the series 4 finale by bringing everyone back was just so friggin' cool, but I think it's because I typically watch a lot of sitcoms and other shows that typically don't pay much attention to continuity and it was mind-blowing to 16-year old me when characters and plots kept coming back and weren't being forgotten.

    Now, though, I don't look back too fondly on it, and I only ever have a desire to rewatch series 3 because Martha is one of my Top 3 favorite companions.

    Moffat's run with 11 is more or less how I would structure a TV show, so I really appreciated that someone was doing something similar to how I would approach it (much better than I could do, obviously). I like when there's an overarcing story with all these bits woven throughout, but as I mentioned before (I think) I only appreciated series 6 and 7 on a rewatch so I don't really want to count that towards what my favorite series could be. 8, like a series done by RTD, I loved as it was happening, but now I never feel a need to go back and rewatch it because it didn't really stick with me (aside from, like, Time Heist, I guess). 9 was really amazing and the last three or so episodes were really crazy, but Clara coming back and being immortal kinda soured me on it a bit. I don't mind the decision too much, but I was just kinda hoping she'd stay dead, or, like, come back, and then force the Doctor to put her back in the time stream or something.

    So yeah. 5 to me was perfect throughout, Amy wasn't super overbearing like she is in 6, the perfect amount of River Song, Eleventh Hour is such an incredible introduction to 11, and Moffat stuck the landing with the Pandorica.

    8 hours ago, Wendy the Witch said:

    Are you planning to see Captain Underpants?

    I don't know if I'll end up seeing it (because my girlfriend is very against it and she wants to see Wonder Woman instead, so if I do it'll be by myself) but I do want to watch it at some point. There's a handful of movies coming out this summer that pique my interest, but at the same time I'm not super hyped by any of them to the point where I feel like I HAVE to see it, but Captain Underpants is about as close to that kind of movie as anything else coming out. I think that and Baby Driver might be the only two that I have strong feelings for. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/27/2017 at 8:50 AM, The Who said:

    did you read any of DC Rebirth comics? I still haven't gotten those on my country but I've heard they are so good?

    No clue, really. I read a few issues of the beginning of Green Arrow, a couple Supergirl, and a Detective Comics issue, but it got to the point that there was so much coming out at such a frequent rate that I just couldn't keep up and I dropped everything. If nothing else at least the art seems to be top notch across the board.

    Also admittedly not too into superhero comics aside from a passing interest if there's a sale or something.

  3. 12 hours ago, Bryan Errin said:

    Tony proved here he was very much a fluke in Cagayan since he couldn't calm down, don't even get me started on how braindead JT is(Stephen is retroactive winner of Tocantins), Malcolm is average and not quite in legend territory yet, and Sandra's the only one you have a point on but she was the story arc for 1/3 of the season. She got her due.

    Your attempts at sarcasm are adorable, however. You should want to see some new people get to shine instead of a bazillion Boston Rob situations.

    I mean, yeah, I do want to see new people shine, but I also want my old favorites to shine just as bright because they're the reason I'm watching a returnee season. If I wanted new-returning players to make a mark then just give me a newbie season because it's basically the same thing except I don't have to listen to people bash good players for slipping up or getting out-twisted. I hated everyone at the merge aside from Ozzy and Cirie because the editing of this season was godawful and focused primarily on the pre-merge characters and by the time the merge rolled around I didn't get a sense of who anyone was because they were only ever talking about strategy and then they proceeded to not be entertaining on just a basic level.

    Also, yes, I do want "a bazillion Boston Rob situations" because he was the biggest breakout in All-Stars and I would love nothing more than for people to come back and kill it and prove why they're cold-blooded players and amazing characters, but I don't think we got any of that here. Aside from that, if they're casting for a returnee player season, then yes I want to see my favorite returnee players do well - that's the point of returnee seasons, to see 18-20 of you favorites come back and play again. So, I don't know, sorry I fell into that trap of anticipating my favorite players. Next time I'll know for sure to make myself care about those Culpepper-esque characters that got axed too soon (can't wait for Lucy from S33 to come back and win FvF, or for Jimmy T to come back and win Legends).

     The winner deserved to win and they'll for sure be back on a potential All-Winners for sure, but I didn't think they were even slightly memorable as a character. I didn't find anyone compelling (and I'm sure you're going to call me out for saying that while in the same breath I'm saying I'm a fan of Ozzy, but I genuinely enjoy watching him survive and I love that he's not all about strategy talk) or entertaining and I'm getting sick of "voting bloc"-esque strategies where there's no solid alliances because the editors clearly don't know how to tell that kind of story, as evidenced by here and in Cambodia (I thought they did an okay job in MvGX because they were fortunate enough that each post-swap tribe went to tribal so we got to spend time with everyone before the merge), I'm getting sick of BIG MOVES, and I'm getting sick of all the twists and advantages that just screw over genuinely good players because it's their fault for not finding something to protect themselves. The post-merge was full of that.

    Tai and Michaela were good but I was already a fan of them, like I said I enjoy Ozzy but he just has nothing to do in the BIGG MOVEES era of Survivor, Zeke was average, Aubry was... not there (more bearable here than in KR but that's neither here nor there), Cirie was... around sometimes, Andrea (to me) is basically just a new version of Amanda in the sense that I don't have a grasp of her as a personality/character and she's not necessarily undeserving of being brought back but it's just kind of like "sure why not", Sierra/Brad/Sarah were all either super boring or super terrible, Hali had her moments at a few TCs and it would've been nice to see her go further, Debbie was just downright awful, and Troy was... well, you know (legitimately already forgot he was on the season - I was going through the people that made the merge and came up 1 short and couldn't figure out who I was missing). I didn't think anyone achieved Boston Rob-esque breakout character status here. It didn't even have to be Boston Rob level - I would've loved to see Hali or Sierra become a new Wentworth-type but I don't think either of them were even close to achieving that.

    I dunno man. If you liked the season then that's fine and more power to you, but I don't agree with categorizing any pre-merger as a "dud" aside from Caleb and Varner (or Stephen "retroactively winning Tocantins", especially after his game in Cambodia, but I'm not getting into that) and I didn't find anyone post-merge fun to watch because my favorite characters got axed early (favorite characters being the primary reason to watch a returnee season - watching a returnee season in hopes that someone new breaks out is like watching Joey and hoping it'll be just as good as Friends, or like hoping season 9 of Scrubs wouldn't be a mistake). I tried every week to find someone to root for and I just couldn't do it.

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, Bryan Errin said:

    Disagree, loved the boot order. All the duds went out early. Sierra/Tai had a huge impact on the season and Sarah is one of my all time favorite winners.

    Only shame was Hali going out as the merge boot again.

    Oh, duh, I forgot all those dud characters like Tony, Malcolm, JT, and Sandra went pre-merge. Silly me. Guess this was amazing after all.

  5. 2 hours ago, Aya♥ said:


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    Of the F3 Sarah deserved it the most, I guess, but by the time FTC rolled around I was so numb to all three of them that I would've even accepted a Troyzan win at that point. Really, really didn't like the season at all. I spoiled myself and I still couldn't believe that what was happening was actually happening. Hoping S35 is a palette cleanser and I personally hope that we don't have another all-returnee season until S40.


  6. 7 minutes ago, Katniss said:

    Francesca was sweet and charming and she has good chemistry but I do wish she was developed more as a character. I still prefer Rachel tbh?

    That's fair. I feel like the relationship as a whole suffered from a lack of development because this season felt like it was about a lot more than just Dev's relationship and there was a lot more happening to him and everyone around him, so it seemed like Aziz decided to just play around with a bunch of things and then just kinda shoved all of Francesca's development into episode 9 (which is why it's an hour, I'd imagine). I mostly just kinda have a foreign girl bias (my girlfriend's French) and I thought she was just way too cute. I'm hoping she gets more to do next season, whether they explore her as an actual love interest or not.

    Honestly, though, I really loved Sara from the first episode of season 2. I was super bummed when she didn't pop back up (I was so hoping she'd find him on that dating app). I was thinking she'd be the love interest of the season.

  7. 2 hours ago, Dr. WhoBob is out of creative name ideas and he didn't wanna go back to his old name, so there you go said:

    tbh i have to agree. he has had missteps just like RTD that people tend to forget his flaws as a showrunner but for the most part, he hasn't disappointed me with his episodes after he took over. I feel like people are way too harsh on him. Yeah s6-8 could have been better, tho unpopular opnion i think s8 was mostly great but I love me series 5 and 9 and i have been digging s10. I'll miss him for sure.

    Is that unpopular? I felt like on the whole people enjoyed series 8. That was actually my least favorite thus far - I thought there was a lot of weird missteps along the way and I never really get the urge watch anything from it again (even though I enjoyed it the first time through and the overarcing plot is pretty good). 6 and 7 get a lot of flak, but if you binge series 6 it's so good. A lot of the pacing issues go away because you aren't waiting week-to-week for new episodes, and the "filler" episodes don't seem so awful. I think 7 is just all-around good fun - I find myself really enjoying 7a, much more than I remember as it aired. A Town Called Mercy and Power of Three in particular are just really fun. I feel like a big problem with a lot of Moffat is that people speculated on the plots so much and they came to have so many preconceived notions and ideas of what was going to happen (I remember a big theory with 7a was that it was being told backwards from the Doctor's perspective, and the flickering lights that happen throughout that half are indicating a dark turn's about to happen), and then those things didn't happen or they took a long time to be revealed (the Silence blowing up the TARDIS in series 5 wasn't revealed until 11 regenerates). If you rewatch things with a fresh mind and let go of those ridiculous ideas then a lot of Moffat's "eh" episodes become so much better.

    But yeah, people are way too harsh on him. Two of my coworkers watched Doctor Who as well and whenever we talked about it they'd both go on about how much they hate Moffat and how RTD is so much better and it was just odd. Like they didn't even want to give Moffat a chance. One of them would just bash him for using unoriginal ideas and she thought that nothing he did was his own and his best stuff was just lifted everything from other shit. Which, like, no, but whatever.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Dr. WhoBob is out of creative name ideas and he didn't wanna go back to his old name, so there you go said:

    I feel like this is the first Moffat series since series 5 that majority of people loved it. series 9 seems to have it's dislikers.

    well first 4 episodes were pretty solid for me, nothing too ambitious but they were fun. Oxygen and Extremis were, however, brilliant.


    I hope you enjoy the new series too?

    I'm sure I will. I think I'm in the minority of people that prefer Moffat to RTD, so in general I've loved everything about what Moffat's done thus far. I'm sure this season will be no different.

    • Like 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, Dr. WhoBob is out of creative name ideas and he didn't wanna go back to his old name, so there you go said:

    Have you seen series 10 of Doctor Who so far?

    Nope. Still one of the things I need to catch up on. I've been hearing nothing but praise, though.

  10. 22 hours ago, Dr. WhoBob is out of creative name ideas and he didn't wanna go back to his old name, so there you go said:

    why would your teacher say you aren't smart for them? :Laugh:

    That's just the kind of teacher she was.

    15 hours ago, Katniss said:

    How did you feel about Francesca vs Rachel as a love interest for Dev?

    I missed Rachel at the beginning of season 2, but very quickly warmed up to Francesca (probably due to the lack of Rachel - I think if she had been present throughout the season it'd be tough). She's great.

  11. 7 hours ago, Dr. WhoBob is out of creative name ideas and he didn't wanna go back to his old name, so there you go said:

    I have to agree with Rogue One. I don't get the praise. I enjoyed it as a fun action movie but most of the characters didn't do much for me and pacing felt a bit slow in first act.

    "Characters didn't do much" is such an understatement for me. Everything about that movie felt like it was just manufactured in a Star Wars factory.

    7 hours ago, Katniss said:

    Harry Potter? :funny: 

    Very much enjoy the movies. I have to find the time to read all the books because I never did when I was a kid - my third grade teacher said I wasn't smart enough for them.

  12. 8 minutes ago, EXTRA THICC™ said:

    I see. Oh well.

    what else you are not fan of something popular?

    Off the top of my head I can just think of Wes Anderson and Studio Ghibli. Rogue One. Hot Fuzz I thought was a total headache to watch. Hunter X Hunter and My Hero Academia also aren't my cup of tea but I don't know how popular they are. I don't really dislike things that often because, weirdly enough, I really don't like it. I want to like things, so I typically do.

    If you have anything popular in mind, feel free to throw it at me and I'll be more than happy to tell you if I like or dislike.

  13. 44 minutes ago, Katniss said:

    I enjoyed the new Paramore too. It's definitely a different sound but they pull it off well?

    Yeah, Hard Times took a few listens to get used to and I was still a bit weary when the album came out, but I was soon put at ease. Really good stuff - probably my favorite, honestly.

  14. 39 minutes ago, EXTRA THICC™ said:

    Ik you aren't fan of MCU but really Winter Solider and Civil War were best movies to come out of MCU imo. Really thrilling, different and nice character study films. I highly recommend both?

    Ergh. I really don't want to. Whenever I tell someone I'm not a fan of something popular, they try to convince me I just have to give it another chance or that I just haven't exposed myself to the right "thing". I say I'm not a fan of Wes Anderson, and I'm told to watch Life Aquatic. I say I'm not a fan of Studio Ghibli, and I'm told to watch Princess Mononoke. I say I'm not a fan of MCU, and I'm told to watch Winter Soldier or Civil War.

    If I'm not a fan of something, there's a reason for it, and telling me to watch more of something I don't like isn't going to change anything. I know why I'm not a Wes Anderson fan - telling me to watch more Wes Anderson movies isn't going to change that; likewise, I know why I'm not an MCU fan - telling me to watch more MCU won't change that. Maybe if I can't find anything to watch and need to put something on while I work so I have something to listen to then I'll put it on and see what they're like - otherwise it's gonna be a hard pass.

    7 minutes ago, Katniss said:

    Listening to any good music lately?

    Not too too much because I've been listening to podcasts and catching up on TV. Gorillaz new album is super good, Paramore's new album is super good, and I just found out about Unknown Mortal Orchestra and holy hell they're amazing - Multi-Love and II helped me get through the last stretch of college. Can't get enough.

  15. 2 hours ago, EXTRA THICC™ said:

    have you seen any of the captain america movies?

    I saw/own the first one because it came out when I was still interested in superhero movies. It was alright. Haven't seen Winter Soldier or Civil War, don't really have a desire to.

  16. 2 hours ago, EXTRA THICC™ said:

    I thought this was just as good as the first movie tbh. First movie may have better plot structure and pacing but second movie had more character depth and emotion. I can see why some people would feel disappointed by how the first movie was unexpectedly amazing and the second one didn't feel too groundbreaking but still I wasn't expecting this to be better than the first. It did it's job with expanding the characters (Yondu, Gamora, Nebula and Rocket devlopments were the best), it had emounth of emotional depth as I wanted (STOP MAKING ME CRY, I'M TOO SENSETIVE AAAAAAAAAAAAA), action was kick-ass and Peter/Ego father/son relationship was handled so sweetly. Speaking of Ego, he was AMAZING. Not only Kurt Russel gave his best to sell us the character, the way he was written pleased me. He wasn't one-note villain like most of MCU movie villains. He had motivations, sympathy and he was such a personal villain. My main complaint is of course gold people. They were a bit forced during this movie and they only served purpose to Rocket plot. And like Clappy said jokes weren't as strong as the first movie. First movie had full lols, this one had too but some jokes came off as forced for me, especially during the first act. This was still a great movie in my eyes. It has flaws but lots of stuff were improved over the first movie, which is still amazing.

    Grade: A-

    I feel like that's an oversimplification of what the gold people brought to the movie. They were there as initial set-up so the characters would be together doing something and the audience could get re-introduced to them one by one; after that was accomplished and the alien was killed, we got the banter and arguing between the Guardians and the empress and that provided us with an inkling of what was going to soon happen. When the Guardians leave, they get totally boned because Rocket decided to make off with some batteries, which was a very character-driven way to get these guys in a space chase because that led us to Peter and Rocket bickering, leading to them destroying the ship and kind of leaving on a sour note when Peter/Drax/Gamora leave for Ego's planet (not to mention the batteries have payoff later). Then we get the Yondu plot (driven by the gold people), which meshes into Rocket/Groot/Nebula, and then it comes full circle at the end with the gold people coming back and being nothing more than a minor interference.

    Not to mention the third (I think? May have been the second) end credit scene


    Where we get the tease of Adam Warlock, who appears to have been created on the gold planet as a means of destroying the Guardians.

    You can't just have the Guardians not do anything or interact with anyone at the start of the movie. Something needs to be the inciting incident. It'd be much more forced if Ego just stepped in right when the movie opened.

    Also, I get that it's not "ground-breaking", but I don't see how the first one was any more "ground-breaking" (but, I mean, it's no secret that I hate that one, so maybe my bias is showing). Marvel may have taken a lesser-known property and made it semi-relevant, but it's not like it was a huge gamble for them and they didn't do anything new or different that hadn't been done before aside from, I don't know, playing 70s music over action scenes? This one was almost entirely character-driven, which is much more "ground-breaking" than anything Marvel's done since the first Iron Man. There's no real plot because it's not driven by a plot to get a MacGuffin or to stop some random bad guy from being bad like basically every other Marvel movie; it's just the characters interacting with each other and seeing how the movie unfolds naturally.

    Of course, all that said, still didn't like this movie that much. My girlfriend loved it, but I felt very neutral whole way through - like I never got particularly attached to any of these characters so I didn't have much investment in what happened to them or their relationships or whatever. Thought the humor was a touch more bearable than the first one because the first one was so bloated with jokes that it got to the point where it felt like Gunn was using humor as a crutch for lackluster story-telling and character development and that if it was funny enough then no one would notice/care. This one I think he blended everything together pretty nicely and there were no chunky bits left over so it went down smooth. Really enjoyed the bit on Yondu's ship where Yondu and Rocket are trying to tell Groot to get the fin (also really enjoyed the rest of that sequence after he gets the fin).

    At the end of the day, though, I dunno. Ever since the third season of Farscape I've had a thing against when "the team" splits up and we get two plots going at once. I just think it's really awkward story-telling when you have a bunch of characters in different places doing different things and you have to keep cutting back and forth. It felt like two different movies smashed together into one thing and there were points were there was just a lot of nothing, and then there were points where it felt like too much was happening at once and I couldn't get a handle on the characters.

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