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Season 1 Episode 1: Welcome to Wednesday Town

Mike Thompson: Are you sure we should move to Wednesday Town?

Mrs. Thompson: Yes. My job is moved to Pennsylvania since the divorce.

Mike: Well, I missed A.J. and Luke.

[car drives toward new home and walk out car]

Man: Welcome to Wednesday Town! I'm your new neighbor, Mr. Ripper. I hope you like Elm Street!

Mrs. Thompson: Well, it's nice to meet you...

Mr. Ripper: Jack. Jack Ripper.

Mike: Mom, I've heard that name and I know it's bad news!

Mrs. Thompson: Then, how come you've been getting bad grades? Well, come let's unpack, Mike.

[Mike and his mom go inside]

Jack: It was nice to see you! ...And you're will to live!

[The next day at school]

Lucy: I heard you are new. I'm Lucy Iranda.

Mike: Oh hi. I'm Mike Thompson.

[Lucy's friends come]

Lucy: You should meet my friends. There's Sarah, Frank, and Joe. We live on Elm Street like you.

Frank: Nice to meet ya, Mike.

Mike: I better be going. Bye, you guys!

[That night in Mike's room]

Mike: I hope I'm still famous on Mine World!

[Mike opens his window]

[Mike hear Sarah screams]

Next Episode: Next Friday.

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Episode 2: You're Next

[Mike is running downstairs]

Mike: Mom! Did you hear anybody scream?

Mrs. Thompson: No. Why?

Mike: I gotta go. I'll be back.

[At Lucy's front door]

Mike: Lucy!

[Mike rings Lucy's doorbell and Lucy opens the door]

Lucy: Mike, what is it?

Mike: Sarah!

Lucy: What about her?

Mike: Just C'mon!

[At's Sarah's home]

Mike: See! She's dead!

[Lucy gasped as Sarah's dead body is lying on the floor]

Lucy: I want to know who did this to her?

Mike: I have one suspect.

[At Mr. Ripper's home]

Mr. Ripper: Oh, Michael! I've been asleep for 15 minutes and you think I murdered Sarah?

Mike: Well...

Mr. Ripper: I thinking she fainted. Good night, Michael.

[The next day]

Newscaster: A school bus was attacked on Elm Street earlier today.

Next Episode (Halloween Special): Thursday!

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Episode 3: Halloween

Kids: Trick or Treat!

Mrs. Thompson: Awww, you guys are so cute!

Mike: Mom, are they he- oh. Little babies. Well, I'm going upstairs.

Mrs. Thompson: Don't mind them, kids. Here ya go!

Kids: Thank you!

[Mike is in his room and sees kids go to to Mr. Ripper's home]

Kids: Trick or treat!

[hear screams and Mike runs to Mr. Ripper home]

Mike: Listen you. I know you're up to something!

Mr. Ripper: Michael, Michael. You must be crazy. I'm killing ANYBODY...

Mike: Then, who killed Sarah?

Mr. Ripper: Just go home!

[in Mike's room]

Mike: I'm watching you...

Next episode: Next Friday

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