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Satanic Spongecraftia was the first country of SpongeCraft Classic to be built entirely within the Nether. It represents hell and other aspects of it. It is split among two combined Nether fortresses called Upper and Lower Satanic Spongecraftia.


Anti-SBL Farms- The "anti" version of SBL Farms, where agriculture comes to die.

Hall of the Deadly Sins- Home of the personified deadly sins, all except Pride, who is the devil himself.

Hall of Infamy- Where all the evil dictators of the world come to rest, such as Stalin, Mao and the staff.

Hellish Point- An accidentally discovered view that offers a beautiful scene of the Nether.

Hitler's Oddities- Adolf Hitler has been cursed to run a shop for all eternity. Buy something from him.

Kentucky Fried Pain- The "Satanic" version of Kentucky Fried Pizza, run by Squidward's deceased mother.

Satan- The devil himself, enclosed inside a bedrock chamber.

Westboro Baptist Church- The home of the Westboro Baptist Church, a friendly pro-LGBT organization. It's OK2BGay.

A Prada flagship store is currently being planned.