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Cartoon All-Stars

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Cartoon All-Stars is a literature created by Michaelmn. CNF and Michaelmn were co-writers on the show, but CNF has now taken full production and rights to the series due to Michaelmn disappearing from SBC. Michaelmn returned to SBC on June 22nd, 2013, and was supposed to return to the series starting with Episode 7. However, on March 8th, 2015, CNF1 announced the cancellation of the series.


Episode 1 - (Beginning and End Written by Michaelmn and The Challenge Written by CNF) (Airdate: SBC: January 13th, 2013; Michael's Blog: January 13th, 2013)

Episode 2 - (Beginning And Challenge Written by CNF and End Written by Michaelmn) (Airdate: SBC: January 29th, 2013; Michael's Blog: June 24th 2013)

Episode 3 - (Beginning and End Written by CNF and Challenge Written by Michaelmn) (Airdate: SBC: March 3rd, 2013; Michael's Blog: June 24th 2013)

Episode 4 - The Domino Alliance (Airdate: April 14th, 2013; Michael's Blog: July 26th, 2013)

Episode 5 - Live or Die (Airdate: April 21st, 2013; Michael's Blog: July 26th, 2013)

Episode 6 - Cooking Challenge (Airdate: April 28th, 2013; Michael's Blog: July 26th, 2013)

Episode 7 - Scrapped (Airdate: Scrapped)


  • Episode 2 was originally going to have a February 1st release, but due to Episode 1 being released early, He and CNF decided to have it air on 1/29/13.
  • Episode 2 was also originally going to have courses made by Michaelmn, but Michaelmn forget the courses, so he had CNF write his own courses for the episode.
  • Episode 2 was originally to have over 6-10 Courses, but CNF said that it was too many. He decided to have 3-5 Courses instead.
  • Episode 4 was the first episode written entirely by CNF due to Michaelmn falling off the face of the planet. It was also the first episode to contain an episode title. Episodes airings on Michael's Blog halted during this time, only to come back when Michaelmn returned to the series. The airings on Michael's Blog have since halted.
  • 3 episodes were written by CNF before Michaelmn came back to SBC and re-joined the series. Episodes then continued to air on Michael's Blog, but have since halted again.
  • The first 3 episodes were titled on July 26th, 2013 for Michael's Blog.
  • Episode 7 was originally meant to air back in late 2013, but has since been scrapped.