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Salmon is a user who originally joined SBC under the name A Sponge Fan on May 24, 2013. He went inactive for five years, having preferred to spend time on SpongeBuddy Mania instead, until returning to SBC on October 5, 2018 under the name SpongeRobert RectangleShorts. He became a Loyal Customer on December 16, 2018 after receiving a generous doubloon donation from Goobz. He was the overall winner of the SBC Christmas Trivia Contest during Snowcember Ball 2018, granting him a bronze-colored username. He left the community for a few months after June 1st, 2020, but returned as an active regular again in February 2021.

User Info
Registration Date May 24, 2013 (original)
October 5, 2018 (current)
Age 21
Status Active
Group Bronze
Loyal Customers
Gender Male