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Plot: Kenny McNeal died in 1998. How? He doesn't know. When he is fetched from the Underworld by Wendy and Luke, he realizes that he was in fact murdered. Brought back up from hell, he sees the world as it is in 2492. He is made a human again-temporarily, with Underworld side-affects and ghostly powers. Kenny must overcome his fears, steal highly confidential files, and much more. Along the way, he is accompanied by Luke and Wendy who take the form of Ghosts. Kenny is also the only person who sees Underworld monsters who are sent by the Underworld king to bring Kenny back. This new spin off takes the ocean by storm!

Coming when Past Lies finishes its first season.



(S1E2)-Underworld or Bust

(S1E3)-Good Fish Go Bad

(S1E4)-Mato Man

(S1E5)-File or No File




(S1E9) -TBA


(S1E11) -TBA

(S1E12) -TBA

(S1E13) -TBA

(S1E14) -TBA

(S1E15) -TBA

(S1E16) -TBA


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S1E1: Death

Kenny McNeal could breath again. He sat up and looked around, the cool ocean surrounding him. But...the Underworld was hot. How was he back up in Bikini Bottom? Suddenly, something zoomed above his head. He looked up and saw several "cars" going to different places. What time was it? Kenny got up and walked around. He then realized he was falling towards the ground. Dying again, am I? That's swell. He braced himself for impact and then just like that, he landed on the concrete, not hurt at all. Kenny gazed at his feet, wondering how they took the smash. Suddenly, two people appeared beside him...transparent.

"I'm Luke!" said one transparent teenage-looking boy.

"Hello," said the girl who instantly attracted Kenny. "I'm Wendy. Come with us."

They led Kenny into a car where Wendy and Luke instantly became whole.

"We're ghosts from the Underworld. We brought you back up because the Underworld King plans to destroy the Underworld and take everything down with it. I know this is happening very fast, but we need you to stop him."

"How c-can I stop him?" Kenny asked.

"Powers." Wendy raised her hand as a truck went by and it shot up through the ocean. The truck driver waved his fins around wildly, and yelled. "We just need to pick up two more fish on our team.

"Who're they?"

"Spongebob and Patrick."

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Pretty interesting, but as always, painfully short.


My spin-offs aren't always short. >.> I don't know why the hell you say that. I tried making them short so people would read them. I added a few quotes, and that's it. -.-

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My spin-offs aren't always short. >.> I don't know why the hell you say that. I tried making them short so people would read them. I added a few quotes, and that's it. -.-

Mmkay... 915955.png

And I wasn't being completely serious, but it is true. That was a paragraph then a bit of dialogue. That's not a scene, and definitely not an episode.

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Mmkay... 915955.png

And I wasn't being completely serious, but it is true. That was a paragraph then a bit of dialogue. That's not a scene, and definitely not an episode.

Other spin offs have been a paragraph long. I want mine to be read, therefore they've become short. 428899.gif

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S1E2: Underworld or Bust

The futuristic boatmobile swung around the corner and stopped. Spongebob and Patrick both ran out of a pineapple and a rock, still young and peppy after so many years.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Spongebob said. He sat down and looking at Kenny who was staring at him. "I'm Spongebob."

"I see," Kenny said, nodding. He shook Spongebob's extended hand and then looked out the window. Luke then floored it and they took off.

"So what's our first step?" Patrick asked, excitedly.

"We need to drive to Fishington D.C. where they hold several files on Underworld inhabitants. We need to get the Underworld King's file and read all about him so we can track him down. He...or she, can come up to the surface as a fish. So be careful," Wendy informed them.

"Fishington D.C. is a while away," Luke said. "So prepare for a road trip."

"A sleepover!" Spongebob and Patrick exclaimed, throwing their hands up in the air. They climbed the back of the boatmobile and set up blankets, pillows, DVD Players, and a bunch of candy.

"Oh...," Spongebob then said. "Squidward isn't here."

"Yeah, Squidward couldn't have helped us much," Luke said.

Wendy then sat next to Kenny.

"Why...hello Ms. Hottie," Kenny said, moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Oh jeez," Wendy said.

"But you are-

"Just...be quiet," said Wendy, rolling her eyes.

"So...," Kenny said. "How the hell did I die?"



"You were...umm....killed by a prostitute."

"That bitch!" Kenny said. "Did I know her?"

"No. She was crazy long before she pushed you off the Bikini Bottom Needle."

"How'd I'd get up there?"

"Here's what happened: you and your friend were eating dinner. You got up, she ran forward and shoved you against the window, it shattered and you fell 20 stories. Do you get it?"

"I died as a hero, eh?"

"Not even close," Wendy said.

"You are very stern, missy," Kenny said. "Hey, what's that?" Kenny reached out towards and gun when Wendy pulled his arm back.

"You can't tell that's a gun?"

"Well sorry if I've been in the Underworld a bit to long. Gosh," Kenny said. "Wait."

"Oh what now?"

"Are we all dead here?"

"No. Luke discovered a way to make us living again."

"Oh." Kenny was quiet for a moment. "So how did you die?"

Wendy looked at him and then whispered in his ear, "You don't know this, but never speak of my death."

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Festival Episode S1E3: Good Fish Go Bad

The boatmobile continued to go down the highway as the moon shown done. "What time will we get there?" asked Spongebob. "Probably tomorrow," replied Luke. Midnight came and went and Spongebob and Patrick were still up watching Date Night starring Tina Fey. The eventually fell asleep around one o' clock AM. "I think we're almost there," Luke whispered to Wendy. "Oh, okay," she said back. Kenny woke up around six o' clock and listened to the scallops and clams chirp. Their song was beautiful. "So which building are we robbing today?" Kenny asked. Wendy shot him a glare. "We aren't robbing anything...just borrowing. "Yes, that's and excellent way to put it. Borrowing." Kenny laughed. They drove into Fishington a few moments later and the Fishington D.C. Capitol building came into view. "Wow...," said Patrick. "That's a big building." "And there are agents EVERYWHERE. So we need to be super quiet, super fast, and act like shadows," Luke prepped. "Like spies?" Spongebob asked. "Like spies," Wendy said. "We have weapons and a bunch of gadgets," said Luke. "Their purposes are pretty self explanatory but-Patrick...put the taser gun down." "Sorry." They parked outside the building and dressed into dark suits. "Patrick..why do you have black Raybands on?" "Cause they're cool."

They all four entered the building and saw it was less crowded than they had expected. "Okay, you go up there...you there..you there...and you there," Luke ordered. All went to their positions. "Can I help you?" the intern asked Luke. "Yes you can." Luke shocked the intern and they fell. "HEY!" A few agents started to run towards him. "DOWN ON THE GROUND!" they yelled. "Now, Wendy," Luke whispered. Several arrows exploded from a balcony overlooking the lobby. All agents fell down. "Thanks," Luke said. "Now let's get the files." They raced into the elevator and headed to the top level. They all pulled out guns and scoped the level out. There were no guards. "Easier than I thought." They exploded the door to the vault open and searched for the files. After around two hours, Wendy found it. "Let's go," she whispered. As they walked out, an agent appeared holding a gun to Kenny's head. "Dammit, Kenny," Wendy said. "Gimme the file or he dies," the agent said. "Who're you?" Luke asked. "Wouldn't you like to know," said the agent. "Tell me...your name." "Why are you so persistent about his name, Luke?" Wendy asked. "I think I may know him." "Give...me...the file or Kenny dies!" the agent roared. "Luke..just give him the file." Luke hesitated and then sighed. He tossed the agent the file. "Good boy, Luke." He pushed Kenny out of the way and ran. At the same time, Luke fired three bullets.

"GET HIM!" Everyone raced after. But he had gotten away. "That was swell." Everyone moped at the loss on the way back to the car. "I knew it was too good to be true," Wendy sighed. "But who was that agent guy?" Patrick asked. "I think it was Agent Mato-the worst agent in ever in the FISHBI." "Why does he need a file on The Underworld King?" "I don't know," Luke said. "But we have to find out. And we have to find him." Luke started the car and they took off, on their new journey to find Agent Mato.


First Appearances

.Agent Mato


*This is the first time Wendy and Luke save Kenny's life

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Thanks Clappy. 125508.gif It means a lot.

S1E4: Mato Man

Agent Mato (May-toe) sat behind an enormous oak desk. He scribbled some things down onto a piece of paper when an obese flounder walked in. "Hello, sir," the flounder said nervously. Mato glanced up and put the pen he was using down. "What do you want Fabio?" "I just...er...need you to sign something," he replied. "Sign what?" The founder shuffled his feet and then handed over a piece of paper. Once Mato read it over, he crumpled it over in rage. "YOU THINK YOU CAN FOOL ME?!" he roared. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" The frightened flounder scurried out of the room. He was frustrated. Fabio was Mato's assistant-how could he cooperate with such a jerk of a boss?


The boatmobile slowly went through a neighborhood. They were still in search of Agent Mato but it was beginning to feel hopeless. "We can't continue without that file!" an angry Luke shouted. He parked and hung his head in shame. "It's not your fault, you know," Wendy soothed. "Wendy....please don't try and lie. It WAS my fault. I'm the one that gave him the file." "But Kenny is the one who got caught. I told you to do the right thing, so if anything it is my fault. Just don't think this was your fault." Luke nodded his head and at that moment Wendy gave Luke a kiss. Kenny suddenly felt a sting somewhere in his body as he watched. I don't have feelings for Wendy...., Kenny thought. He shook the thought away. "Let's get going," he said. "We need to get Mato." Everyone nodded and continued the journey, more confident this time.


"Sir," Fabio said, back in Mato's office. "What?" Mato said, annoyed. "They're circling our building." "WHAT?!" Mato got up and looked out the window. "Prepare a limo. Get guards to hold them off. I want to be out of this building in the next five minutes," demanded Mato. "Alright, sir." Fabio left the room as Mato put on a jacket. All of a sudden, the window shattered and Luke swung in. "Give me the file," Luke said. He held a gun at Mato's face. Mato raised his hand, fear jabbing in his gut. "I don't have it," bluffed Mato. "I swear." "You're lying," Luke said. "Give..me..the file!" Luke advanced on him and pressed the gun against his temple. Mato closed his eyes and prayed that he would survive. "PLEASE," Mato pleaded. "I don't have the-" Luke socked him in the jaw and Mato went down. "THE FILE, MATO! NOW!" "In...in the filing cabinet." Luke checked in the filing cabinet and pulled out the file. He checked to make sure it was legit..and it was. "Thank you," Luke said. "FABIO!" Mato yelled at the last minute. Fabio burst in. "AHHH!!" Fabio screeched. "Stay back," Luke said.

"HELP!" Fabio said. Agents then burst in. "GET THE FILE!" Mato yelled. The agents advanced on Luke...but he jumped out the window. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" he screamed as he fell seventeen stories to the concrete. But he hit it...and didn't die. "Thank the lord for them!" Luke said. More agents then swarmed out of the building...and Luke didn't see the rest of the team.

To be continued...


*This is the first time Kenny displays feelings for Wendy

*First time Fabio appears

*Second time Mato escapes the gang

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S1E4: Additions

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the ground. Luke gazed around and saw...Squidward riding towards Luke on a hovercraft type of thing. Isn't that the guy who I thought was useless? Luke thought. Behind him, a crab and a squirrel ran at a remarkable speed. "Who're you?" Luke asked. "Friends of Spongebob and Patrick. We're here to help," Sandy said. She pulled out a funny looking gadget-ball and threw it at the group of agents closing in on Luke. A thick veil of green smoke made the agents faint. "COME ON!!" Wendy said, bring the boatmobile up. Everyone got in and they zoomed away. "Who're you people?" Wendy asked. "We're on your team now," Mr. Krabs said. "We saved ya' butts" "Well....I guess that's true. You have shown you all have a talent," Wendy sighed. "Are you kidding? I would've been captured if they hadn't shown up!" Luke breathed. The boatmobile was silent. "So what're we doing now?" Squidward asked. "We STILL need to track down Mato," Luke replied. "Who's Mato?" Sandy asked. "Our enemy. He stole the file on the Underworld King."

Mr. Krabs became pale. "T-the Underworld?!" "Yes...," Luke said. "But....doesn't the Flying Dutchman sometimes go there?" "Yes," Wendy said. "He's one of the Underworld Kings's Servants." "Why does he need servants if he's so powerful?" Sandy asked. "No one really knows. But once we get the file, we need to find an Underworld Portal," Luke said. "What's that?" Patrick asked. "It gives us a way to enter the Underworld," replied Wendy. "Without dying."

A few minutes later, Kenny shrieked, "THERE HE IS!" Wendy then pinpointed him and nailed the pedal. The boatmobile zoomed up to Mato. Mato swirled around. "AHHH!" he yelled. He then took off at a sprint. "Ha!" Luke laughed. "He's pathetic." Wendy rode steadily beside him before Luke jumped out and tackled him. Suddenly....MORE agents sprung out of nowhere. "This is getting annoying," Luke muttered. "You're telling me," Mato said. "GIMME THE FILE!" Luke then yelled. "I don't have it." The agents the tackled Luke, when the team sprung out. "First battle as a whole team," Wendy said. "Yup," Squidward said. Everyone then sprung into action.

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S1E5: File or No File

Luke elbowed an agent in the nose. Wendy used her Underworld Powers. A blue jet ejected from her hand and took out a load of agents. But it seemed that the agents would just keep popping out of nowhere. "Use your powers!" Wendy shouted. "What powers?!" Kenny yelled back, as he punched an agent in the stomach. "You're dead! You have Underworld Powers!" Wendy screamed. "Explain-" Kenny started. But a wave of yellow shot out of his hands and sent five rows of agents flying miles away. "Woah," Spongebob said. "That was awesome," Patrick agreed. "You guys will receive Underworld Powers when you first enter the Underworld," Luke explained. "Then let's go now!" Sandy said. "I'm sick of using all these here gadgets!" "Eh," Mr. Krabs said. "No," Luke said. "We have to get find a portal. Or get the file from Mato."

"How do we do that?" asked Kenny. "I don't know...," Luke said. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and Mato snuck out of the shadows, holding a laser gun. "You forgot about me! HA!" he snickered. "Now please...give me the file." "What? We don't have the file," Wendy said. "That's why we're chasing you." "Don't be so sure, Wendy, dear," he said. "Luke...check your coat pocket." Luke reached inside his jacket and felt the file. He pulled it out and saw:


Luke felt so relieved. He checked inside the file to make sure it was legit...and it was! "No," he yelled. "RUN!" Everyone turned and ran to the boatmobile while Mato fired lasers crazily at them. They hopped inside and Luke flicked his hand. A purple explosion made Mato collapse. He was flipped over and crashed into a building. "FLOOR IT!" Wendy yelled. The boatmobile zoomed off, and everyone cheered. "Off to the Underworld!"

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S1E6: Portal?

There was a supposed Underworld Portal at New Fish City. As they drove on, Wendy and Luke decided to give the team a full summary of how the Underworld and Beyond worked. "There are three major States: Heavens, Oceanic, and Underworld. Each Sate of the Ocean is ruled by a King. Oceanic is ruled by Neptune. Heavens is ruled by Zeus. The Underworld is ruled by The Underworld King. These worlds used to rule the ocean. But then... a beautiful woman by the name of Shodia arrived and mixed with Zeus. They created over one hundred gods. Shodia mixed with all Kings, many times. When they found out, they waged a war which in the end got Shodia killed. All Kings then resented each other and created Portals, which only allowed people worthy enough to find them to enter their domain. We haven't been completely honest with you either...we need to go to all three domains. As well as find Shodia."

Everyone was shocked. "But you said Shodia was dead," Sandy said. "We're dead," Wendy said. "But yet we're here." "Well...you have you ghosty-thingy-powers," Kenny said. "Who says she doesn't," Luke said. "So which State are we going to first?" Squidward asked. "The order in which it always goes in Oceanic, Heavens, and then the Underworld. They gradually get more dangerous as we go, so be sure to use your powers," Wendy said. "The time we spend in each State seems way longer than it normally would in the regular ocean. If we stay there fifty years in Heavens, we're only gone for about an hour in the regular ocean," Luke said. As they continued to drive, a heavy rain began to pound on the top of the boatmobile. An enormous monster suddenly fell out of the sky and landed in the middle of the road. Bits of tar flew at them. "Let's take care of business," Wendy said.

They got out of the car and ran at the monster. It roared. Sandy created a purple force field around the monster and lifted it up. It squirmed inside of it before Sandy let it go. It hit the ground with a smash. Wendy fired orange orbs at it while Squidward and Luke climbed on the monster's legs. They electrocuted it. It fell back and Spongebob and Patrick used a special power. The monster exploded into yellow dust. "Good job, Spongebob!" Luke said. He then noticed the purple vortex where the yellow dust used to be. "The portal," Wendy breathed. "Let's go," Luke said. They all stepped in.

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S1E7: Blue Jets

They were suddenly sucked into a tube full of water. But this was black water. They could see nothing. They then flopped out of the tube into a miraculous utopia. "Oh my...," Squidward breathed. Hoverboats zoomed by, twice as fast as they did on the surface. Buildings floated, bridges floated, and billboards lit up and shot fireworks. "It's beautiful!" Sandy exclaimed. "You like it?" Wendy said. "Ha! Wait until you meet the Walruses!" Everyone was puzzled by who The Walruses were. But once they rented a Fisharri, a massive squad of prey mantis things appeared. "Those are The Walruses," said Luke. "They don't look like walruses though," Spongebob said.

"They're shape shifters," Wendy explained. "Their native form is a walrus, but now they're prey mantis." "Are they dangerous?" "Well no, duh, Patrick," Squidward said. "Run then over!" Sandy yelled as the advanced on them. Luke floored it, but a yellow goo squirted out of The Walruses, stopping the car. "Everyone get out! Get out!" The team got out of the car. A blast of goo shot at Wendy. She ducked as it caused an electronic billboard to explode.

"Hehhe!" The Walruses rasped.

"Hurry!" Luke said. He used one of his powers to move a small building over the Walruses. He dropped it and they were all smashed.

"Oh good," Mr. Krabs breathed.

"No, not good," Wendy said. "They're are probably more coming as we speak. Come on." A transparent, flat, surface of energy appeared underneath them. It lifted up, above the city.

"Woah!" Sandy said. "Who is doing this?"

"Once you go the Underworld, you get your full powers and you get to create your own," Wendy said. "I created this. I called it "UFO" because it's a circular, disk that floats up." She chuckled.

"Oh," Spongebob said. He peered over the edge. Suddenly, a blue jet slammed into UFO. Everyone was thrown to one side. More jets were fired.

"Move, Wendy!" Luke screeched. The UFO zoomed across the sky, but the mysterious blue jets continued to come.

"What are those!?" Kenny yelled.

"I don't know!" Wendy screamed back. They continued to move along at an alarmingly speed, when an identical disk appeared in front of them.

"Give up, Wendy!" a figure said. "You were always the failure in high school."

"Don't listen, Wendy!" Luke screamed. But Wendy yelled and the UFO disappeared. A clear orb of energy erupted from Wendy and hit the other UFO. The oposing UFO absorbed the blast, and then reflected it! The jet hit a building. The gang was freefalling.

"Holy crap!" screamed Kenny.


Kenny lay face down on the concrete.

"Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" Luke yelled. (lol South Park reference 428899.gif)

"He's alive," Wendy said flatly. "He has UI, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Luke said.

"Where to now?" The gang was curious.

"We continue on."

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