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Jjs' Riffing Theater 3000

Jjs Goodman

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SpongeBoy! Get a Clue

12. The Joy Of Imagination


Ep.12 "The Joy Of Imagination"

[Renegade: Is this gonna be a Disney-themed episode? If it is, then hopefully it'll actually be good.]

[Fred: An episode that doesn't feature the word "mystery"? Blasphemy! Heresy! Though considering some of the past episodes, I'm not even sure "mystery" deserves to be in any of these titles. In fact, I'm pretty sure that past!teenj dropped the mystery plots in the middle of the series and just started writing random bullshit.]

[Hayden: I'd like to imagine I was anywhere else right now. ......Oh no, imagination's gone and failed my 20 year old self. :(

It was recess time at the kid's school. "SANDY! A giant candy cane!" SpongeBoy said pointing at the sky. "Where?" Sandy asked.

"In iiimmaaagggiiinnnaaatttiioonn!" SpongeBoy said.

[Trophy: Oh lord almighty, this is the one where he acts like a mental defect doesn't he?]

[Renegade: ...Looks like I spoke too soon...anyone got any Jack Daniels? I'm gonna need it.]

[Fred: Oh yeah, I get it. It's a quote from SpongeBob. How funny. Let me get out my "imagination" counter.

Imagination Count: 1]

[Hayden: Don't make me break out that GIF.]

"Yea, whatever." Sandy said.


At Patrick's house, SpongeBoy was playing with a seahorse. 

[Hayden: spongebob-gif-flawless.gif ]

"Why are you pretending to ride a seahorse?" Patrick asked. "I'm not pretending." SpongeBoy said.

[Fred: Considering it's a seahorse in a "mystery" themed spin-off, would the seahorse's name be "Mystery"?]

[Hayden: The mystery of why he didn't just reference "Mystery".]

"YES YOU ARE!" Patrick battled. "Why my dear Pat, its right her under me. Don't you have iimmaaggiinnaattiioonn?" SpongeBoy said.

[Imagination Count: 2]


[Trophy: He could just be imagining something different than you!]

[Renegade: ...He's a child. Riding a female seahorse...and she's under him. ...You know what, forget the Jack Daniels. Pass the fucking Clorox.] 


"Oooh Gary!" SpongeBoy said. "Meow.." Gary said. "I got you a snail girlfriend." SpongeBoy said.

"MEOW!MEOW!MEOW!" Gary said excited. He's been wanting some female loving for a really, really long time.

[Hayden: pRJYF9V.jpg?1  ]

[Renegade: ...Past!teenj, can we stop with the innuendos? I'm really against the idea of bleaching my brain with Clorox...]

"Here she is!" SpongeBoy said, but nothing was there. "Meow?" Gary asked. "Why Gary, don't you have iiimmmaagggiiinnnaaatttiiiooonn?" SpongeBoy asked.

[Imagination Count: 3]

[Hayden: Well shit, SpongeBoy. Cruel trick to make Gary think he was about to get the 12 hours of snail coitus he can only have once in his lifetime. #PotentiallyBogusSnailInternetTrivia]

[Trophy: Oh, so it's just like those weirdos who can't get enough social interaction, so all they do is fantasize all day about cartoon characters or celebrity crushes and that stuff, haha...I'm so lonely, send me help. :( ]

[Renegade: ...Stop. Please. The "IMAGINATION" gag was funny in Idiot Box because it was timed right and added a punchline to the joke of Squidward not having imagination. Beating us to death with a punchline doesn't make it funny.]


SpongeBoy and Chuck were trading cards. "You have a card of MermaidMan's old friend Freeze right?" Chuck asked. "Why yes I do!" SpongeBoy said. "Great, I'll take Freeze and I'll give you my Team Shapeshifter card.

They traded cards. "Where is it SpongeBoy?" Chuck asked. "Why, its in your hands, my dear Chuck-y. Don't you know iiimmmaaaagggiiinnnaaatttiiiooonnn?" SpongeBoy asked. Chuck was angry and punched SpongeBoy..really hard.

[Imagination Count: OH GOD SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP ALREADY *explodes*]

[Fred: Great job. You made my Imagination Count explode.

Kudos to Chuck for doing what we all would've done to SpongeBoy in this episode.]

[Trophy: Now SpongeBoy knows the art of being a con master to his own life savings with the medical bills he's going to be racking up.]

[Renegade: THANK. YOU. CHUCK. You're now best character, next to Cop Man Jim.]

[Hayden: SpongeBob is immune to punches. Let's hope that isn't the case for SpongeBoy.]


Sandy, Patrick, Gary, and Chuck disscussed the issue at hand.

"SpongeBoy is ridiculous with this iimmmaaggiinnaattiiooonn stuff!" Chuck said. 

"Your right." Sandy said

[Hayden: vztc6Bw.gif?noredirect ]

"We gotta end this...now." Pat said.

[Hayden: tumblr_niodwgKp1u1tq4of6o1_500.gif ]

"MEOWWW!" Gary said agreeing.

[Renegade: I'm honestly glad Chuck's the one taking initiative.]

[Trophy: I'm glad, treating real possessions as important as imaginary ones is seriously delusional. At least I look less weird kissing my Chase Utley poster than the air! I ain't crazy, ya see! It's real and you're the jealous ones!]


The next day, Patrick was reported kidnapped and his friends were very worried. They began looking for him.

[Fred: Oh, so NOW it decides to turn into a mystery? Guess I was wrong at the beginning. Aw well.]

[Hayden: How does this segue from them devising a plan to deal with SpongeBoy?]

"The rainbow in the sky! It can lead us to Patrick!" SpongeBoy said

"No, it can't.." Sandy said.

"Sandy..its all about.." SpongeBoy started, "I KNOW, I KNOW...IIMMAAGGIINNAATTIIOONN."

Sandy said. "Go away SpongeBoy.." Sandy said walking away with Gary and Chiuck.

[Hayden: Consequences for SpongeBoy's actions? Is this my imagination at play or am I actually reading this?]


SpongeBoy followed the imaginary rainbow. It lead him to an warehouse where Patrick was tied up. SpongeBoy called officer Jim and within ten minutes, Officer Jim and the whole force showed up and saved Patrick from Ms.Applebottom.

[Trophy: ...WHAT THE FUCK IS COP MAN JIM DOING LISTENING TO THIS STO- Oh wait, Officer Jim, of course that prick would believe a story such as that. Also, how did Ms. Applebottom even get Patrick, we had the buildup of the last scene, meaning it should've been a set trap that utterly failed when a real villain coincidentally came along. I know it might not be unoriginal teenj, but you just might wanna visit a TVTropes page the next time you set an outline for your episode.]

[Hayden: What in the blazing hell, that's where I initially thought it was headed too. Why the fuck did Applebottom suddenly come back, and why did teenj let SpongeBoy's imagination save the day? I guess I really was just imagining consequences for SpongeBoy being a shitty friend....]

[Renegade: ...Once again, how is a SEVEN YEAR OLD on such good terms with the police force?]

"Why Ms.A?" SpongeBoy asked. "You kids got me arrested, so I wnated revenge.." She said. The cops took her away.

[Fred: Well, by kidnapping one of your students, that's a crime that deserves arresting.]

[Hayden: She got her revenge by putting herself in a position where she'd get arrested a second time. The cycle of misdirected blame continues.

[Renegade: But was kidnapping one of your students the best course of action? If that's the case, then you need to be put on the Sex Offender Registry, lady.]

"Sorry we bashed you for having iimmmaaaggiiinnnaaattiiioonn SpongeBoy.." Sandy said.

[Fred: Say it right, dammit! Say it right! "Imagination!" It's that fucking simple!]

[Hayden: Teenj likes to draw the word out, much like this series.]

[Trophy: What you should do, is get him a snug white jacket as a present and leave him alone to enjoy it for a very long time.]

"Yea dude, sorry." Chuck said

[Renegade: ...Why the fuck is CHUCK of all people apologizing? Shouldn't he still be pissed at SpongeBoy for lying to him?]

[Chuck: "You were a prick, but since you saved Patrick with an imaginary rainbow ass pull, we're cool now and you don't have to apologize for anything."]

"Sorry SpongeBoy." Patrick said.

"Meow, Meow." Gary said.

"Its alright guys. Lets all try using iiimmmaaagggiiinnnaaatttiiiooon!!!" SpongeBoy said, ending the episode.


[Hayden: WHaOpKC.jpg ]

[Trophy: It isn't even mentioned how the magic rainbow suddenly decided to work, or if they could even see the same stuff with their imagination or not. I call major red flags on that.]

[Fred: Let's all sing a song I wrote about imagination!



Villains: Ms.Applebottom.

[Fred: Well, if we did learn one thing from this episode, it's that SpongeBoy, or past!teenj for that matter, sure loves "imagination", never stops talking about it, and definitely belongs in an insane asylum. I'm gonna go now, using the power of....

...getting the fuck out of here. Fuck imagination.]

[Hayden: 6ca.gif ]


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My favorite part of that episode was the moral. When lying to your friends fails, lie to yourself!

Trophy also covered the awkward resolution to the conflict well. Though the kidnapping being real was certainly less predictable, it still makes no sense. It creates a plothole because it makes that entire scene where Spongeboy's friends were talking about how "IT WAS TIME TO STOP" Spongeboy's antics entirely pointless.

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SpongeBoy! Get a Clue

13. The Field Trip (Part 1)


Ep.13 "The Field Trip" (Special) pt.1

[Dracula Phineas: Greetings, as we're getting closer to Halloween, I, SOF, decided to turn into Dracula Phineas to fit this "spooky" two-parter.]

[Fred: PLEASE tell me this is gonna be a normal field trip.]

[JCM: With the Frizz? No way!]

[Jjs: Oh wonderful, a two-parter. Because the episodes themselves have so much to work with, I really hope this has enough content to warrant a two-parter.]

It was field trip time for Mrs.Puff's class. "I can't wait till we get to the farm!" Sandy said. "Yea, I want to jelly, the jellyfish!" SpongeBoy said.

[Dracula Phineas: You want to jelly the jellyfish? ...wat?]

[Fred: SpongeBoy, whatever you do with the jellyfish is none of my concern.]

[Renegade: Right off the bat, we start off with some unintentional innuendo. This is gonna be painful...]

"OK class, the bus is outside. Please make a straight line." Mrs.Puff said. The kids boarded the bus in much excitement.

[Jjs: If they boarded it with "much excitement", I have a feeling the line isn't straight.]

"I want to be stung by the jellyfish!" Flex said. "Why?" Sandy asked.

[Jjs: Maybe Flex has a fetish for jellyfish stings, that weirdo.]

"Cause I'm tough and I can take it!" Flex said with a cocky attitude. "Why did I even ask?" Sandy rolled her eyes.

[JCM: It takes a real man to try and get himself stung like that. A real stupid man, that is.]

[Renegade: Really...? More innuendo, this time of a more kinky variation? Hand me the Jack, will ya?]

[Dracula Phineas: Are you tough enough to enter the Salty Spittoon though?]

"We're almost there." the bus driver said.

[Dracula Phineas: Already almost there? But you just got on the bus 10 seconds ago... o_O ] 

[Jjs: Either this farm is literally right next to the school or past!teenj didn't know what a transition is. I'll go for the latter. Wow, not even going to pad this two-parter out by taking a long ass time to the farm. I really wonder how this even forms a two-parter at this point.]

"I'm going to create a light show for the jellyfish." Harold said.

[Renegade: Harold, why would you waste your talents on something so redundant and idiotic? The jellyfish ARE the light show.]

"I'm going to feed the clams!" Chuck said, "I'm gonna kill em." Flex muttered.

[Fred: I see you want to share a cell with Ms. Applebottom.]

[Renegade: So, not only is Flex into masochism, he's also mentally disturbed. Someone get this kid some professional help...oh, wait, psychologists don't exist in this universe, do they?]

[JCM: They do, but they seem to only exist to make Gene piss his pants.]

[Jjs: And now animal cruelty... Haha? Looks like Flex can join Tord from Eddsworld Meets SpongeBob in the "Killing Animals For No Real Reason" club.]


They were finally there.

[Jjs: Lol at the way this line is worded. This line acts like the trip was supposed to be long, when it was reality about 15 seconds in this spin-off's time.]

The kids looked around in amazement. "Kids, this is farm man Jekins!" the Principle announced. "Now I'm gonna assign each of ya, a cabin. " Jekins said.

[JCM: You, have to learn man.]

[Renegade: Farm Man Jenkins? Is he related to Cop Man Jim?]

[Fred: No, man, it's "Farm Man Jekins". Say it right or pay the price.

That being said, please get rid of these unnecessary commas that don't belong where they belong. I was being too nice to correct you the first time but you have to learn, man.]

[Dracula Phineas: First Cop Man Jim and now Farm Man Jenkins? Are they related, or is past!teenj lazy?]

[Jjs: Farm Man Jenkins and his trusty tractor.]

SpongeBoy and Patrick were put in a cabin with Chuck.

[Dracula Phineas: More random Chuck focus again? Why is past!teenj obsessed with this kid?]

"Aw man." SpongeBoy said.



"Whats so bad about being paired with Chuck?" Patrick asked.

[JCM: Chuck fucked a duck.]

[Jjs: I assume Chuck might still not be happy about how you dickishly accused him of stealing bikes without apology. So yeah, I can understand why they don't want to be paired with him.]

"You didn't go to his sleepover last month. He burps. A LOT." SpongeBoy informed Pat.

[Jjs: ...or we go with an out of nowhere character trait. That works too?]

[Dracula Phineas: ...Really? Then ask to get another cabin or something, you baby.]

[Renegade: ...Honestly, I thought it was because Chuck punched him last time.]

[Fred: He sure takes after his idol, Rick from Rick and Morty.]


[Dracula Phineas: What's up with all these line transitions? I'm not sure if there's a point in constantly cutting the scenes up when they are so short as it is.]

There were TV's in the cabins. SpongeBoy turned to the News.

[Fred: With Huey Lewis?

Kay, I'm beating this joke to the ground now.]

[JCM: Obviously, it's the News With Huey, Dewey, and Lewis.]

[Jjs: Is the channel literally named "News"? Wow, they are coming up with crazy names for news channels nowadays!]

ANNOUNCER: The dangerous mystery vigilante has been tracked down by police, who say he's close by a local farm.

[Dracula Phineas: Oh yeah, he still exists.]

[Fred: You mean the mystery "murderer"?]

[Jjs: Oh, so we're finally following up to this spin-off's only attempt an "arc". Kind of awkward to randomly remember him again since he was ignored for 4 straight episodes, but sure, I guess this two-parter needs something in it.]

SpongeBoy turned the TV off and ran to Sandy and Patrick outside. "Guys, the Mystery Vigilante is in the area. I heard from the news.

[Fred: Really? Was it Fox News?]

"We have to catch him." Sandy said.

[Dracula Phineas: Oh God, I don't think this will end well.]

[JCM: Because it's not like law enforcement will do their job anytime soon.]

[Renegade: ...Good God, I HATE the "coincidental broadcast" trope. It's so overused. And besides, how do we know that they meant THIS farm specifically?]

[Jjs: ...Renegade is right, the news didn't even say what farm the Mystery Vigilante was headed to. Farms have names. Is the name of this farm literally "Local Farm"?]

[Fred: That or Bikini Bottom has only one farm. Stupid people with their microwaves and technology.]

SpongeBoy felt something licking him.

[Dracula Phineas: Uh...]

It was Gary!

[Dracula Phineas: YAY!]

[Jjs: Now they have an actual chance at solving this mystery!]

Crawling out of SpongeBoy's backpack. "Gary!" SpongeBoy said hugging his snail. "Meow, meow, meow, meow." Gary said.

[JCM: Gary's just given the least frustrating line of dialogue I've read in this episode so far.]

"Yes, I know you wanted to come!" SpongeBoy said.

[Butthead: Uh huh huh huh. Hey, Beavis. He said "cum".]

[Renegade: Aren't pets, by law, not allowed to go to any sort of school function unless specified?]

[Jjs: Well Renegade, Gary has been seen in their school for no given reason before, so I guess it's okay. Plus, Gary is the one who seems to solve most of their mysteries, so might as well bring him to figure out who the Mystery Vigilante is. Unless... Gary is the Mystery Vigilante. :o Would certainly give his character more than "Meow", but I'm just bullshitting at this point, since spoilers, the vigilante's true identity will be a letdown.]

The kids saw Flex crying. "What's wrong bud?" Patrick asked.

[Jjs: He realized this is unfortunately a two-parter and wants to get out of it.]

"The jellyfish really hurt me! Does this mean I'm not tough?" Flex asked, insecure.

[Fred: Yes.]

[Dracula Phineas: No, it means you ain't tough enough to enter the Salty Spittoon.]

[Renegade: ...50 Shades of Flex.]

"No. It means your not as tough as you think you are." Sandy mocked.

[Renegade: ...Burn.]

[JCM: Hey, it's our job to mock people!]


"I got a plan." Sandy said. "What is it?" SpongeBoy asked. "Well, we lead the vigilante to the barn by having him follow a special effects made ghost!" Sandy said.


[Renegade: ...Worst plan ever. Oh, wait...]

[Jjs: ...I suppose that's a better plan than ATTWL 3 Steel and SOF's "cart-like catapult". I think you should add Gary to the plan for full-proof results though.]

The kids left their cabins at night. They found the vigilante by a lake.

[JCM: Policemen once again let a bunch of children do their jobs for them! Good to know our taxpayer money is being put to good use.]

[Dracula Phineas: Wow, that was fast. Either these kids have super speed or this vigilante sucks at hiding.]

"Okay, now Harold." Sandy said. 

Harold projected an image of a ghost.

[Jjs: I'm still honestly shocked Harold agrees to help them. They still haven't apologized for accusing him of making the ghost in episode four.]

The Mystery Vigilant followed the ghost. The kids ran.

[Fred: Now he's "The Mystery Viligant"?! I don't even know what a "viligant" is!

Okay, calm down, Fred. Calm down. It's just a simple spelling mistake. Move on.]

[Renegade: "Renegade read the story. It was bad. He riffed." I can write beige prose too, you know.]

[JCM: Don't be so hard on him. That last sentence had three entire words in it!]

The Vigilante started shooting.

[Renegade: At...?]

[Jjs: ...Is he shooting at the ghost or the kids? Because when a "Vigilante" starts shooting at innocent children (and I guess an innocent ghost too, since it's not doing any actual harm) for no reason, I am pretty sure they automatically lose their title as a vigilante.]

[Dracula Phineas: Also, if he is shooting at the ghost and his bullets go through it, wouldn't he maybe suspect something is odd...?]

"Ahhh." The kids screamed.

[JCM: Man, I can feel the excitement!]

[Renegade: Who wrote this, Ben Stein?]

[Fred: It would be more believable that a Pixie wrote this rather than teenj.]

[Jjs: Wow. You can feel the terror in the kids' screams. In no way is it as if they are saying "Ahhh" for a doctor check-up.]

One of the bullets hit Harold's special effects machine, completely destroying it.

[Renegade: It wouldn't surprise me if that projector was ACME brand.]

"Now I can't make a light show for the jellyfish!" Harold cried.

[Dracula Phineas: Too bad.]

[JCM: So I guess it's not all bad.]

[Renegade: ...Again, what a redundant and wasteful task.]

[Jjs: So once again, why is Harold still associating with these kids?]

The kids made it safely to their cabins. Their plan failed.

[Dracula Phineas: No shit, sherlock. What a weird way to end this episode...onto part 2. *sigh*]

[Fred: To be continued........unfortunately.]


Oh, and if it isn't clear by now, these kids really, and I mean really, suck at this mystery solving thing. Goodness gracious, you can't even set a good Scooby-Doo styled trap. Welp, onto part 2, but I don't expect it to be anymore "thrilling" than this.]




Edited by Gunter
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SpongeBoy! Get a Clue

14. The Field Trip (Part 2)


Ep.14 "The Field Trip" (Special) pt.2

"Well, our plan didn't go to well." Sandy moaned.

[Fred: I'm not surprised.]

[Trophy: Maybe because you have the brain of a lollipop.]

[Jjs: Thanks for the reminder. It's not like the line stating "Their plan failed" at the end of the previous episode already told us.]

[Renegade: Oh, goody. Sandy is so bummed out that she's already having a date with Rosie Palms and her five sisters...four sisters?]

"There's always next time." SpongeBoy said

[JCM: SpongeBoy must be a Cubs fan.]

[SpongeBoy: Yeah, we'll always find another murderer! Don't give up hope!]

[Dracula Phineas: Or the next day, or the next day, or the next day...]

[Trophy: Didn't you just watch a horror movie 4 episodes ago? There usually ISN'T a next time with murderers, at least if you face them again.]

[Renegade: There won't be a next time...]

"That was a rare chance." Patrick said.

[JCM: Hey, there was a rare chance this spin-off would reach 14 episodes, and it did that!]

"Meow." Gary said agreeing.

[Fred: Really? You could have just said "Gary agreed", but w'ever. No point in correcting the rest of this spin-off's grammar.]

[Dracula Phineas: Seriously, if I had a nickel for every time Gary agreed with someone in this spin-off, I'd be rich.]

[Jjs: Even Gary agrees their plan has a slim chance of working unless he is involved.]

"Okay, new plan. Lets take the direct approach. Patrick will be a scarecrow, but he will appear to be a walking and talking scarecrow.

[Jjs: Hopefully he is wearing a bulletproof vest or something, since, y'know, the "vigilante" has a gun and all.]

The vigilante will chase after Pat, Pat will lead him into the barn house, me and SpongeBoy will build a trap and catch him!" Sandy stated.

[Patrick: Wait, why am I always the vigilante bait?]

[JCM: Because you're great at bait. You're a master baiter. Wow, that didn't sound as good as I thought out loud.]

[Trophy: Or, the vigilante shoots Patrick. OR, he follows Patrick, and shoots all 3 of you!]

[Renegade: ...Isn't the direct approach, I dunno, THE MORE DANGEROUS ONE?!]

[Jjs: Hopefully the trap they build is better than ATTWL 3 Steel and SOF's cart-like catapult. Considering they are only 2nd graders though, I'm not expecting much, unless they have the minds of Phineas & Ferb.]


Sandy came in the Patrick and SpongeBoy's cabin at night. "Guys, lets go!" Sandy whispered.

[JCM: Can't we do the threesome later?]

[Jjs: The Patrick and SpongeBoy's Cabin? They are giving these hangout spots weird names nowadays.]

"Oh no. If you three think your sneaking out again, your all sadly mistaken. I'll snitch." Chuck said.

[Trophy: Why? Do you suddenly like them? Let them die, they don't do anything for you in reality.]

[Renegade: Again, Chuck is easily the only sane man in this spin-off, it seems.]

[Dracula Phineas: Now he's suddenly a snitch? Why does he keep acting chummy with them in certain episodes then? Seriously, it seems like past!teenj couldn't decide what to do with Chuck.]

Sandy, Pat, and SpongeBoy had no other choice. They duck taped Chuck's mouth, arms, and legs.

[Renegade: Past!teenj, what is your newfound obsession with BDSM?]

[Fred: Yeah! Duct tape the only good character in this episode!]

[Trophy: Or to just...act like normal civilians and call the police? I'm assuming they have phones there, it never stated if Farmer Man Jekins is in Amish country or not.]

[JCM: Well, they have televisions, so I doubt it.]

[Jjs: If Chuck still hangs out with them after this, then it's pretty much confirmed he has Stockholm Syndrome.]

Sandy and SpongeBoy set the trap in the barn house. "OK, SpongeBoy when Pat and the vigilante come in here this stick pin will fall. it could possibly fall on Pat, but I'm hoping that isn't the case." Sandy said.

[Trophy: If you're so smart, why can't you come up with a surefire way of guaranteeing it would work?]

[Renegade: If there's a likely chance it'll fall on him...fuck it, I am no longer questioning logic or safety in this thing.]

Everything was set into motion. Pat came in the barn house, but sadly, the stick pin fell on him. He took off the scarecrow mask.

[Fred: Maybe come up with a much better plan that doesn't involve using Patrick as vigilante bait.]

[JCM: Apparently, there's costume shops around a cabin in the middle of nowhere.]

"SANDY!" He said. The vigilante came in and pointed the gun at the kids.


[Renegade: ...This looks like a job for COP MAN JIM!]

[Jjs: Okay, BULLSHIT POLICE! I'm calling major bullshit here. No way can you seriously still refer to him as a "vigilante" when he points a gun at a bunch of kids without knowing their motives.]

[Dracula Phineas: Speaking of guns, this "vigilante" is awfully reminding me of ATTWL 3 70s and CDCB, with the constant shooting and pointing. I wonder if I had accidentally got inspiration from this, wouldn't surprise me...]


Jimmy Wells sneaked out of his cabin.

[JCM: Oh, hell. It's Jimmy Wells.]

[Dracula Phineas: Oh hey, you still exist. See what I mean about the side characters appearing out of nowhere?]

[Trophy: Welcome back from Juvie. Wait, where are the mentions of time skips!??! It's at least 2 months since Sandy's mom is back from jail, so how long was Jimmy in for? Ms. Applebottom reappeared, so did she bust out or did she escape? These are legitimate questions which we should generally know!]

He heard commotion in SpongeBoy, Patrick, and Chuck's cabin. He walked in to see Chuck covered in duck tape. He took the duck tape off.

[Fred: Duck tape. Made from the finest ducks on Farm Man Jekins' farms.]

[Renegade: As a BDSM fan myself, I can safely say that duck/duct tape is not a very good restraint. Try leather or nylon next time.]

[Dracula Phineas: So, they duck-taped a kid and just left him in the cabin? Not even duck-taping him to a chair, locking him in a closet...nothing. Wow. Even when these kids have a hostage, they suck at trapping them.]

"What happened man?" Jimmy asked.

[Renegade: You really have to ask.]

"SpongeBoy and his stupid friends..I'm gonna find them." Chuck said pissed.

[JCM: I am offended.]

[Renegade: Ooh, "pissed". Breaking out the big boy words, are we, past!teenj?]

[Jjs: Whoa there, cool it with the p-word past!teenj, I thought this was for kids!]


Chuck ran into the barn and saw the Vigilante pointing a gun at the kids. Chuck quietly picked up a pipe.

[Renegade: Oh, boy...he's really gonna do it?]

[JCM: Good thing there was a pipe randomly sitting there beside him.]

[Jjs: Every time past!teenj writes "Vigilante pointing a gun at the kids", I think I die a little inside.]

"Look SpongeBoy, its Chuck." Sandy quietly whispered to SpongeBoy.

[Dracula Phineas: Of course it is.]

Chuck hit the Vigilante with the pipe, knocking him out. "YEAH!!!" Sandy and SpongeBoy cheered as they got Patrick out of the stick pin trap.

[Jjs: What? Chuck solves the mystery instead of Gary? That's actually a legitimate surprise. Once again, these kids suck at making Scooby-Doo traps.]

[Dracula Phines: Of course Chuck is the one who knocks him out. Might as well call this "Chuck! Get a Clue" while we're on a roll, since SpongeBoy sure isn't saving the day today.]

[Trophy: Yes, a 2nd grader could knock out a grown adult with a freakin' pipe because? Does this guy not hear anything around him?]

[Renegade: Thank you, Chuck the Only Sane Man.]


The Vigilante woke up and Chuck hit him again.

[Dracula Phineas: The "Vigilante" recovers from getting knocked out by a pipe pretty easily.]

[Jjs: What the hell was that for? You already knocked him out once, jackass. Do you want to be a "vigilante" (in keeping with this spin-off's definition) too?]

The kids ran out the barn house as the police showed up.

[Renegade: ...And did Chuck keep hitting him?]

[Dracula Phineas: There you are, you lazy bums. Where were you when he was shooting them before? Seriously, did NOBODY at the farm bother calling them?]


The Mystery Vigilante turned out to be Principle Howard. "I was inspired by you kids to solve mysteries, but in a more destructive, fun way...killing people!" Principle Howard said.

[Dracula Phineas: Why are the adults in this town so goddamn insane?]

[Renegade: Why are all of the adults either mentally ill or useless? ...God, it reminds me of South Park.]

[Jjs: Are you...fucking...kidding me? Stop, stop, nope, stop. Time to revive an old gag...


Two major problems with this:

1.) The "shocking" "twist" that "Principle" Howard is the "vigilante". Yeah, it's still pretty goddamn stupid. There was literally no build-up to this whatsoever. I don't know, maybe past!teenj did always intend for the "vigilante" to be the "principle", but it wasn't foreshadowed well at all if so. However, the next part bugs me more...

2.) This line right here shows everything wrong with the spin-off, ironically. Terrible motivation is obvious, but it also shows how this spin-off sucks at being "dark and edgy". Any attempt at trying to take this reveal seriously is thrown out the window with "But in a more, destructive, fun way...killing people!" How the flying fuck am I supposed to take any of this seriously now? If it is supposed to be "funny" (something this spin-off also struggled with), it's not funny, it's downright creepy. A grown "principle" happily saying killing people is fun just has me concerned for how psychotic these weirdo adults are, not smiling or wowing in excitement. If you are going to go all "dark and edgy" in a "lighthearted" spin-off, you really need to know what you are going for, because this just conflicts with the tone of everything else in this episode to make a lame reveal. If you want to have your spin-off dark from the get go, fine, that's one thing. But when you go from mostly lighthearted to "what the fuck" dark moments out of the blue, and just have them be things that are there? Then it just creates major tonal problems, and shows the spin-off has a confused identity. Honestly, look to this line for a simple summary on all the problems of this spin-off in a nutshell, because I can't describe it any better.]

[Trophy: ................That's not fun. That's psychotic! Beating a video game, even if you had to make a tough emotional choice as to whether or not expose a guilty lovable prosecutor of murder due to his own flaws and for the sake of the story is fun! Metal please Riffing can sometimes be fun depending on the work, clearly not this one! Hell, laughing at the weird stares as I cross dress as freakin' Hatsune Miku while it's not even Halloween or a costume party would be fun! Well, maybe not, but it'd still be an interesting idea. There's a difference between safe fun which even if only you enjoy, doesn't hurt anyone else except maybe their thoughts of you as a normal person, and being a cold-blooded psychotic murderer, who disguises it as fun just like the Joker! Except he doesn't even seem to take this seriously as he even pointed his gun at them for a second! You should never consider that except for intimidation, but this guy chases after his own students, ones with parents who would sue him and even the school for putting the children in danger. Well, if it's all for the sake of fun, how about I hack into Russia's government, and start World War III before ISIS even gets a chance to be involved? I hear no rebuttals, I'm in! See ya guys when I have to return the loan on the Miku costume.]

[Fred: Ummmmmmmmmmmuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I, be, I WHAT?!

Soooooo Ms. Applebottom kidnaps one of her students and now, Principal Howard turns out to be the murderer in one of the worst twists I have ever seen ever?


source.jpg ]

The cops took him away. "Wow. Surprising.." Sandy said.

[Renegade: Not really.]

[JCM: M. Night Shyamalan couldn't write a twist that good.]

[Trophy: I think it would've been more surprising if it was Grandma as he wouldn't have had the balls to do so. Un(haha, not really)fortunately, we never got a resolution to that one and just had this thrown at us when we all know teenj wouldn't have been able to even add a new character successfully.]

"I know, I hate this. Now we have no principle." SpongeBoy moaned.

[Fred: Don't worry. The school will hire a new, psychotic principal soon enough!]

[Renegade: Maybe you should read some books on philosophy. I hear Socrates has some good advice for ya.]

"At least the school is closed, till we find a new one!" Patrick said happily.

[Jjs: At least Patrick is happy and not traumatized in the slightest despite their "principle" being a psychotic murderer. Once again, this spin-off sucks at trying to be "dark and edgy".]

[JCM: Too bad the school can't just promote the vice principal or name an interim principal or do anything else actual schools do when principals become unavailable.]

[Dracula Phineas: And we never even get to see the new principal-I mean, "principle". How tragic. Anyways, this two-parter was pretty bad, along with the spin-off overall. Dracula Phineas says have a Happy Halloween! *laughs and vanishes*]

[Trophy: And that most insulting ass-pull ends SpongeB- oh fuck THERE'S TWO MORE! Best part is they completely drop the mystery aspect altogether, so at least we won't have to worry about that. Right guys? It can't be as insulting now! *Sees what the final episode is* Holy fuck, is that bad for a finale to a show, even a cancelled one. Ahahahahahahahahaha.]

[Renegade: Ambiguous English syntax, we meet again...]

[Fred: Well, that's it. That's the end of this special. That's the end of this godforsaken special. I'm not sure if there was even a field trip on The Magic School Bus that was as messed up as this one was. Don't even get me started on that so-called "twist" at the end. Somebody should seriously consider closing down the school that all of these corrupt adults work at. Just.......I can't even talk anymore. This episode drained me.]

[Jjs: Fun Fact: Originally, this was going to be the series finale before teenj revived it for two episodes. I would say it should have ended it here, but this two-parter overall was such a terrible waste of time that I don't mind two more episodes for a chance to redeem itself...somewhat. The spin-off's only attempt at an arc ended with a whimper of lame. Honestly, whenever I think this spin-off hits the bottom low, it keeps somehow going lower to levels not possible. Apparently, the last two episodes drop the mystery element entirely, and that might be for the best if this was past!teenj's best attempt at a "mystery".]


Edited by MLG Vanilluxe
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SpongeBoy! Get a Clue

15. Haunted Halloween


[Teenj: Alright, so following the 'Field Trip' two parter, I (not surprisingly :P) cancelled the show. A few months later, I revived it and changed the genre of the show from 'mystery' to 'adventure', hoping for better results. That was a bust, because the following two episodes are only slightly less terrible than the original run xD.] 

[Fred: So now, it's an Adventure Time parody?]

[Hayden: Teenj straight-up rebranded.

zGm5Baj.jpg?1 ]

Ep.15 "Haunted Halloween"

[Hayden: That's right! Riff-venture timing is impeccable tonight!]

(Halloween in Bikini Bottom was always a day to look forward to. This year, SpongeBoy was a zombie, Patrick a clam, Sandy a mad scientist as usual, and Gary a


[Metal Snake: (Writing important exposition and details in parentheses is always a mistake to try and avoid.)]

[Teenj: Meh, right off the bat, there isn't much of an improvement from Season 1.]

[Hayden: Reminds me of my weird writing style habits with parentheses. Anyways, nifty costume choices, but why does Sandy go as the same thing every year?]

SpongeBoy: RRR-RARR

[Hayden: OUn92Mu.jpg?1 ]

Sandy: Your zombie act isn't scary. MUAHAHA, MUAHAHA!!!! 

[Metal Snake: “You’re not a professional actor at the age of seven! MUAHAHA, MUAHAHA!!!”]

[Fred: And your "mad scientist" act isn't convincing either. Face.]

Patrick: Neither is your mad scientist.

[Fred: Aw man, now Patrick is stepping on my lines. :(

Gary: MEOW. (Gary agrees)

[Metal Snake: Fucking hell, show me one line of “dialogue” from Gary that does not involve him meowing in agreement. I’d like to see him “Woof.” in disagreement just for shits and giggles.]

[Hayden: Gary just agrees with all this shit to get the pain over with quicker.]

(After five houses the gang met up with Chuck, who was a lobster for halogen.)

[Metal Snake: What does an element from the Periodic Table want with seafood? Iodine?]

[Hayden: This is no time for chemistry projects, this is a night for stuffing weird candy chemicals in your body.]

[Teenj: I'm laughing at how basic all of their costumes have been so far. It's like past!me just randomly thought of a few simple costume concepts, and went "well okay, not like this spin-off required much thought before..." ] 

Sandy: Chuck! How much candy did you steal?

[Chuck: I got a rock.]

Patrick: ???

SpongeBoy: You see, Chuck always steals candy instead of getting it. 

[Metal Snake: “You see, we always condone this behavior instead of calling him out for it because we’re awful kids!”] 

[Hayden: Stealing candy on Halloween is like stealing balloons on free balloon day.]

[Teenj: Assuming Patrick's known Chuck as long as the others, I wonder how he wouldn't of known that himself.]

Chuck: Guys, ever heard of the Widow Woman Ghost of The Bikini Bottom warehouse?

Sandy: Didn't that place shut down?

Chuck: Yea. You see, Margo Coco's

[Metal Snake: Aaaannnnnddddd we get another awesomely lulzy name, Margo Coco. She sounds like she’d get along well with Marco Polo.] 

[Hayden: gtEshsa.gif ]

[Teenj: 'Widow Woman Ghost'', 'Margo Coco',..these names really are horrible.]

husband died of old age inside the warehouse. He owned it, so Margo decided to live the rest of her life there and that she did. They say her spirit still haunts the house.

(SpongeBoy walks off.)

[Metal Snake: Without even saying goodbye? How rude!]

[Teenj: Funny that this isn't a 'mystery' show anymore, yet this episode has more of a 'mystery' than half the ones from Season 1.]

[Hayden: Wow, old age? Kind of a weak backstory for why Margo Coco would feel the need to stay behind and not be at peace.]

Sandy: Where are you going?

SpongeBoy: To the warehouse.

Patrick Why?

Spongebob: I'm seeing if this is true!

Chuck: Your CRAZY! (Chuck runs away) 

[Metal Snake: You’re going to see if I’m bullshitting or not instead of blindly trusting me? You’re mad, MAD!]

[Hayden: YOUR crazy is MY crazy.]

[Teenj: So the point of Chuck existing in this episode was to be a plot device. Nice to know this spin-off still treats it's side characters so grand.]


(Spongeboy,Sandy, and Patrick approach the warehouse.)

Patrick: Can I call my mom and tell her I love her first?

SpongeBoy/Sandy: What?

Patrick: Nothing!

[Metal Snake: “I’m embarrassed of the fact that I care about my family!”]

[Hayden: "I'm embarrassed that this is the first time I've ever mentioned my mother exists in this spinoff!"]

(SpongeBoy opens his bright blue bookbag and takes out and takes out a paper clip. He proceeds to pick the lock.)

(They enter. The door shuts loudly)

Patrick: AHHHH! 

[Metal Snake: Still feeble, but at least Past!teenj learned to put exclamation points at the end of the characters’ yells.]

[Hayden: That bright blue bookbag was spooky in how more descriptive it was than this warehouse.]

[Teenj: Ughhh, could this be any less suspenseful?] 

Spongeboy: Oh Pat.

(They walk around.)

Spongeboy: No ghost in here, ha ha ha!

[Metal Snake: “We came to this conclusion from our thorough pacing around of the entrance room, ha ha ha!”

Worst. Investigators. Ever.]

[Teenj: Yeah, it's nice to know that these kids still can't 'investigate' to save their life.]

[Hayden: Teenj, I think I miss Season 1.]

[Fred: Who you gonna call?

Well, anyone but these guys.]

(Suddenly a green light appeared and was forming.)

[Metal Snake: The Green Lantern?]

[Teenj: The Flying Dutchman??]

[Fred: I'm not saying it's aliens, but it is aliens.]

SpongeBoy: Take out your weapons guys!

[Hayden: Green means go, not take out your weapons, dumbass.]

(SpongeBoy grabbed his ice popsicles from his book bag, Sandy pulled out her ray glasses, and Patrick took out his stones.) 

[SpongeBoy: Don't make me lick these popsicles! I'm gonna lick these popsicles!]

[Hayden: "Ice popsicle sticks and stones may break my bones but....oh wait, I'm a fucking green light, nothing hurts me."]

[Metal Snake: Yeah, fight the immaterial with material!]

[Teenj: SpongeBoy took out Popsicles. Done.]  

Margo Camping: GET OUT!

(Margo controls the air around her, to hover the kids round and round.) 

[Metal Snake: Woah, controlling the air? She’s an Airbender?]

[Fred: Avatar Margo has a nice ring to it. Wait, no it doesn't.]

[Hayden: I didn't know Margo went camping. Why is she still at her house then?]

SpongeBoy: (Shouting) We know about your husban, but its time to move ONN.

[Hayden: latest?cb=20131126191031 ]

[Fred: http://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=husban I got this when I searched "husban". How the hell do you know about some random family, SpongeBoy?]

Margo: (Releases them) Well, there's this nice ghost man haunting Shell City that really likes me.

[Metal Snake: Wow, I didn’t know ghosts, especially ones attached to buildings they spent their entire lives in, were so easy to persuade. Who would’ve thought she’d be her own best salesman?] 

[Teenj: Seriously? She was in the episode for four seconds, and already the conflict is resolved?]

[Hayden: SpongeBoy being an insensitive asshole saves the day....again!]

Sandy: There you go!

Margo: Maybe it is time for me to cross...over- (she fades away in a white bright light.) 

[Hayden: Which show were you looking to crossover with? I'm sure there's a nice Spin-off/Lit located in Shell City.]

[Metal Snake: Ironically, this is more dark than heartwarming considering that she wanted to meet someone in Shell City and now she’s been forced to go to the afterlife against her will.]

[Teenj: Yeah, it's pretty much like I forgot what I what just wrote a line or two before.]

[Fred: Say hi to Mr. Puff for me.]

(The kids leave.)

Chuck: You guys saw the ghost?

Patrick: Yea, we set her free.

Chuck: Yea RIGHT. You guys are the hugest liars ever. (Chuck runs off)

[Hayden: Hear that Hillary and Trump? You're off the hook!]

[Metal Snake: Remind me why you’re here again.]

[Teenj: I think this is actually Chuck's last appearance. At least he was slightly more tolerable than the other kids, because he was a realist.]

SpongeBoy: Well, there's still more Halloween left, so lets get too it!

(The episode ends.)

[Metal Snake: Though I wouldn’t call this episode ‘good’, at least it was a step-up from everything else so far. Despite some obvious writing issues, I’ll at least give it credit for effort and being far less riffworthy than the entirety of Season 1. What else can I say, I’m glad to end my riffing for this show on a somewhat positive note.]

[Teenj: Yeah, instead of being outright horrible, this episode was just...bad. Plain and simple. At least the dark vibe from the last half of Season 1 didn't bleed through too much.]

[Hayden: This was a pretty cliche kid show Halloween plot. I kind of miss the random episode villain shenanigans. Hopefully Patrick's candy withdrawal can provide a more lulzy conclusion than this hauntingly boring holiday chapter. Now to drown my own Halloween sorrows in some sweets. *checks bag and finds it all missing*]

[Fred: So, uh, Happy Halloween, guys! See you for the finale! *runs off stealing every riffer's candy*]


Edited by Mr. Hankey
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SpongeBoy! Get a Clue

16. It's My Body and I'll Eat Choco If I Want To


[Fred: Well, it's been a fun October riffing this spin-off. Let's finish this rollercoaster...........of lulz.]

Ep.16 "Its My Body and I'll Eat Choco If I Want To"

[Fred: These are my riffs and I'll cry over this finale title if I want to. I'm sure past!teenj didn't write this as a series finale, but it still sounds ridiculous anyways. Let's go now before I start bitching over a title.]

[Hayden: I could eat Choco if Fred hadn't stolen all of it. Now I'm gonna starve.]

[Trophy: Well apparently, I was disturbing the peace by cosplaying as a Female Japanese Voice Synthesizer, so I'm here on Halloweekend instead!]

[Renegade: ...Why do I get major "Rigby's Body" vibes from this?]

[Teenj: I think this title is the oddest of the whole series. How fitting for the end.]

[Jjs: Strange title to end a strange spin-off overall? Seems fitting. This wasn't intended to be the final episode, but I think we've had enough episodes to still give an overall opinion on this. I'll give my obligatory paragraph at the end. But first, let's milk it for a few more cheap laughs!]

(Patrick runs over to Sandy's treedom

[Fred: They can take our rights, but they'll never take our treedom!]

[Trophy: Even after a 10 month hiatus, teenj still didn't learn how to spell this.]

[Hayden: Perfect series finale callback. <3]

where SpongeBoy and Sandy are Cartwheeling)

[Fred: .....why though? Seems a little weird to start with cartwheeling.]

[Hayden: Didn't Patrick do enough cartwheels in the Spongebob Movie video game?

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[Patrick: "The Mollusks are coming! They'll destroy your liberty and treedom!"]

Patrick: Stop your fancy dancing! I have a crises!

[Fred: It seems you have a crises when it comes to grammar, Patrick. It's "crisis". "Crises" is the plural word for "crisis".]

[Trophy: You mean a crisis? Man, if you had multiple existential ones at once, maybe this would go somewhere.]

[Renegade: Huh...Crises on Infinite Earths?]

[Hayden: His crisis is that he's lost the ability to dance fancy.]

~silence~ (Crickets chirp)

[Teenj: Pretty much my response to any attempt at humor in this show.]

[Jjs: Wow, this may be one of the best moments in the entire spin-off.]

SpongeBoy: Well..what?

[Trophy: These fools, playin' all about that Wii. They be hyped up with a controller, I ain't playin with no dildo. Nah, ya see, I'm talkin' bout dat PS Triple. Oh lord, I wish he could even fuck up something like that.]

[Renegade: Two words. Hugh Mungus.


Patrick: My doctor says I'm too overweight, so my mom restricted me from chocolate!

[Fred: So you'd rather eat tons of chocolate and become diabetic rather than eat healthy?]

[Hayden: Just find something else to eat excessively, then she'll be begging you to eat chocolate again!]


[Fred: Oh, ha ha. I get it. It's another fucking SpongeBob quote/meme, kill me now.]

[Hayden: Teenj and his reference machine didn't get quite the audience he expected.]

[Trophy:...Seriously man? I recall an earlier riff stated there could've been an easy opportunity, but this is just forced. How can this voice hear through the treedome, and how is it near a glass house without being seen?]

[Jjs: Also, why are they called "???"? Did teenj even know their name was Tom, or did Tom get a name change after the events of Chocolate With Nuts? Then again, this entire spin-off still seems confused on where it wants to take place in the SpongeBob timeline (especially since we still have no effin' idea who SpongeBoy exactly is).]

Sandy: That's horrible! (Hugs Pat)

[Renegade: No. It. Isn't.]

[Hayden: It wouldn't be this show without one character encouraging a bad habit of another!]

[Trophy: Realest ship I've seen on riffing duty yet.]

[Teenj: Well, Patrick did refer to her as 'cheeks' one time. SandyxPatrick2k16]


SpongeBoy: Yea. Chocolate is every kid's safe heaven!(Also hugs Pat)

[Trophy: This line is especially insulting to me as I've never even liked chocolate.]

[Hayden: Haven or heaven? Also, has Patrick tried the internet?]

[Renegade: ...Well, at least he has his friends to support him through this tragic, tragic, time. And frankly so am I. *chugs that Jack Daniels like it's water*]

[Teenj: Nvm. SpongeBoyxPatrick2k16]

[Fred: I wonder what every kid's dangerous heaven is then. Vegetables?]

(Patrick takes out ten chocolate bars and gobbles them all)

[Trophy: Wut.]

[Jjs: From where? His ass? That'd make a lot of sense, actually, since that's where a lot of the spin-off's plots seem to come from.]

[Hayden: 200.gif ]

[Teenj: So he had ten chocolate bars in his pockets? I wonder how he squeezed all that in.]

[Fred: I think he stores them all in his pants. See: Chocolate with Nuts]

Sandy: Um..You just said..

Patrick: I'm not going to stop eating it.

[Hayden: KiBQh.gif ]

[Trophy: ylW7Vrn.jpg?1  ]

[jjsecai: "You know, if you keep eating like that, your body's gonna quit on you."]


SpongeBoy: But your doctor...

Patrick: (spitting chocolate) I don't care wit no one says, Not my doc or my mommar

[Hayden: Ah! He's getting spit all over me!]

[Trophy: You don't care enough to talk like a gangster? Alright, see you when your NWA application fails.]

[Teenj: 'Mommar' just became my new favorite word.]

[Fred: Mommaaaaaar, just killed a mamr]

Sandy: Ok then..

(Patrick runs out)

[Jjs: Run Forrest Patrick, run!]

[Teenj: To restock on chocolate, I'm assuming.]

[Hayden: To get exercise so he can keep eating chocolate in moderation. No wait, that's too smart for a Patrick plan.]


(The next day at school, Patrick had nothing but chocolate bars for lunch.)

[Fred: Okay, suddenly this turned into "Super Size Me".]

[Hayden: Where'd they come from? The vending machine? How much money does an elementary school student have on them?]

[Teenj: It's funny how we never witness this 'chocolate-obsession' of Patrick's before. Plot contrivance at it's finest.]

[Jjs: Also, were no aids in the cafeteria there to notice? No wonder why we have so many health problems.]

SpongeBoy: Okay you need help!

[Jjs: About time you came to that conclusion, but I think this line could've applied to a lot of characters in the spin-off.]

[Hayden: It's no more endangering to his life than your addiction with mysteries and chasing after murderers.]

[Renegade: Huh. So SpongeBoy has finally let go of the idiot ball.]

[Fred: Almost everyone in this spin-off needs help.]

Patrick: (Slinging chocolate around) Shut up! Don't want to hear it!

[Trophy: Patrick was the last one to not be a douchebag in any episode, so this is really fitting teenj.]

[Hayden: Slinging? Is he drunk on sugar? Is that what teenj is trying to portray?]

[Fred: I can quit whenever I want! I just don't want to!]

[Jjs: Also, what is he slinging chocolate at? The students? This really makes me wonder where the aids are, is this school's budget that bad since the "Principle" Howard left?]

Sandy: (Whispering to SpongeBoy) Patrick real does need help.

[Renegade: Sandy too?! HALLELUJAH!]

[Jjs Who's Patrick Real?]

SpongeBoy: I know.

[SpongeBoy: "I just said it 10 seconds ago!"]

[Teenj: You'll have to forgive Sandy. She's only a second grade girl. Or are they in third grade now?]

[Jjs: That's a good question teenj, it hasn't been stated if they went up a grade in Season 2. Though I doubt it would've mattered much anyways, since even a grade change couldn't change their lack of personalities at this point. But hey, at least SpongeBoy finally "knows" something for the final episode.]

[Hayden: latest?cb=20140307001843 ]


(At Patrick's house)

Patti(Patrick's mom): You've gotten awfully out of control. What'd the doctor tell you?

[Dr. Renegade: "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"]

[Jjs: Patti Mayonnaise???]

[Hayden: I wouldn't have guessed a person named Patti was Patrick's mom. Thanks for the parentheses.]

Patrick: NO, I LOVE CHOCO (Runs in his room and locks the door.)

[Fred: Choco is the worst character in this episode.]

[Trophy: Let him starve to near death at this point, I don't care what the CPA says it's the only way he'll listen.]

Patti: You come out of there right now! Young man, do you hear me?

[Teenj: I know I didn't riff for it, but this is reminding me a lot of that one episode of Squidward's Childhood, lol.]

[Jjs: All we need now is Patrick to set a fart on fire and hide in a bathroom for a ridiculous amount of time.]

(Patti hears sounds of Patrick gobbling countless bars of chocolate.)

[Hayden: WqxFoBy.gif?1 ]


[Fred: His pants.]

(Patti calls SpongeBoy.)

[Renegade: ...Why don't you call the fucking doctor?!]

[Teenj: So glad to see that adults in this show are still fucking stupid. She calls an elementary school aged child, instead of a doctor, therapist, police officer, fireman, exorcist, literally anyone else.] 

SpongeBoy: Me and Sandy will be right over!

[Fred: Is that how you answer the phone all the time?]

[Teenj: Sure, drag Sandy into this mess.]

[Hayden: I guess Sandy is at SpongeBoy's house a lot since SpongeBoy is instantly able to tell Patti that Sandy will be over too.]


(SpongeBoy and Sandy arrive.)

SpongeBoy: Pat open up.........................he's won't.

[Patrick: I'm not won't! You're won't!]

[Jjs: Damn, that's a long ass ellipses.]

(SpongeBoy takes a Red, White, and Blue Firework ice pop out of his bookbag and throws it at the door.)

[Fred: God fucking bless America.]

[Hayden: Are ice pops SpongeBoy's go-to method for solving everything?]

[Jjs: Is SpongeBoy's book-bag a magic freezer? That's the only explanation I have on how he has these popsicles in it that never seem to melt.]

(The door opens. Patrick lies knocked out on the floor)

[Jjs: Guess the hangover finally kicked in.]

[Hayden: tumblr_m4nswh5j4e1qmepgro1_500.gif ]

[Trophy: So the throw was strong enough to knock the door off of its' hinges? Strong arm there SpongeBoy, obviously Patrick didn't open it as he was getting ready to snort coke with a bunch of hookers.]

SpongeBoy: Today, we're gonna help Patrick!

Patti and Sandy: How?

[Jjs: Good question. I think you should get Gary to help, just so the series comes full circle.]

[Renegade: Go on A&E's "Intervention", of course! :D ]  

[Hayden: By getting him addicted to ice pops instead, of course.]

SpongeBoy: On my way here,I saw a flyer of the Bikini Bottom Overweight Underground Committe.

[Renegade: ...Or just send him to an illegal organization run by fat people. That works too.]

[Trophy: ...Why would that have to be underground? Why would an underground committee post flyers out in broad daylight? Why am I questioning teenj when I personally riffed the mindfuck of the imagination episode?]

[Teenj: Yeah, an underground committee sounds like a great place for a second/third grader.] 

[Hayden: Everyone knows an overweight committee doesn't meet in broad daylight.]

[Jjs: This group is so underground and out of touch that they forgot an "e" at the end of "Committe". Already their group's name is misspelled, good start.]


(After a tough visit to Dr.Feel,

[Trophy: I much prefer Dr. Bendova.]

[Fred: I see you didn't want Motley Crue to sue you so you removed one half of "Feelgood".]

[Hayden: Does he inappropriately feel his patients?]

[Jjs: Dr. Feel(s) upset that this was his only line in the entire spin-off. :( ]

Patrick started going to the Bikini Bottom Overweight Underground Committe. As inferring will tell, its underground.)

[Jjs: 83721784.jpg ]

[Fred: No fucking shit.]

[Teenj: Nooo, the name of it wasn't clue enough.]

[Hayden: Inferring is to deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. Somehow I think the committee name is more of an explicit statement.]

[Trophy: Wait, the doctor ENCOURAGES this? What ties does he have?]

Brother Beleat: Patrick why don't you tell the group why your here.

[Jjs: I don't think Beleat is even a real name. First Dr. Feel and Beleat...yeah, this is one shady ass group, I'd be concerned if I was Patrick.]

[Fred: Hi, I'm Fred Rechid and I'm addicted to memberberries.]

[Patrick: "My name is Patrick, and I'm a chocoholic!"]

[Chocoholics Anonymous: "Hi, Patrick."]

(The group consists of a large blown up little boy named George, two overweight girls, and Patrick. There were a bunch of men in purple and dark grey robes. They called themselves brothers. Patrick, however liked Brother Beleat the most. He was real easy to talk to.)

[Trophy: So a bunch of grown men are going out of their way to become a secret brotherhood to protect fat children? Ok.....I honestly haven't seen that one before.]

[Hayden: Is this a fucking cult?]

[Jjs: So basically the underwater Illuminati. What an...interesting way to end the series?]

Patrick: Well I'm chubby and I eat too much chocolate. (Patrick said fastly and then shut up)

[Fred: "Fastly". Past!teenj has a weird dictionary.]

[Patrick: "...Chubby?"

tumblr_mgpqs4hBEU1qj8u1do3_500.png  ]

George: I'm actually not fat, I just filled myself up with a water pump.

[Fred: Ummmm, why?]

[Trophy: B-b-auwughhhhhhhhhhh.]

[Cartmangade: "I'M NOT FAT, I'M JUST BIG BONED!"]

Brother ChumChum: Guards, take him out..

[Fred: Where is Brother Fanboy? Is this where you went after Nickelodeon cancelled you guys?]

[Jjs: Oh, that's just the icing on top. A reference to that Nicktoon is just what we needed in an episode about Patrick having a health crisis and visiting the Illuminati.]

All the kids: TO DINNER?


(All of them run out the door.)

[Jjs: Cue the Yakety Sax-oh, this isn't a mystery spin-off anymore...]

Patrick: Look at them fat kids go!

[Fred: Seeeeeeeee how they ruuuuuuuun!]


[Teenj: So, we wrap up the series with a little bit of fat-shaming? Good riddance to this show, lol.]

(Patrick fist bumps with Brother Beleat.)

[Trophy: Wait, the brotherhood takes these fat kids out to dinner????? Jesus Who I Don't Believe In, this is the absolute worst finale I've seen on here, not for the hatred I feel for it, but the utter stupidity and lack of common sense to the point where I can't get mad as my fuse just fissures out as I don't want to go all nuclear. Ow, my head. I'd much prefer getting yelled at for the cosplay.]

[Renegade: Well that was anticlimactic. Anyone else up for watching Willy Wonka?]

[Teenj: Well, that's it. I have to say, despite how horrible this spin-off was as a whole, it's absolutely funny to re-read. The lulziness just knows no bounds with this. Even the revival episodes weren't much better. While I think my worst work was definitely 'Life Of Larry The Krab', this series needed major fine tuning as well. I almost want to redo it to make up for the terribleness. SpongeBoy! 2016 anyone? Lol, yeah no.]

[Fred: Well, that's SpongeBoy: Get a Clue, everyone. What a beautiful mess it is. I feel like every episode was gonna make me laugh, cry, feel angry, feel empty inside, or all of the above. A lot of the characterizations were pretty bad and SpongeBoy is just not made to be a detective. All he does is make accusations about people doing some sort of crime without some legit evidence except "Why the fuck not?". The twists are so out-of-nowhere and don't make any sense. But then again, what does? This is just a mediocre Scooby-Doo parody. For the spin-off it's trying to emulate, it sure does poorly in that aspect. All I can say is that it has more substance than the actual show this is parodying, but even then, I can't give it any brownie points for that. I just think it deserves a "You tried" sticker. Happy October and I'll see y'all for the next riffing project.]

[Hayden: That was just plain freaky. That entire final scene. They probably ate Patrick for dessert later. I'll just assume that as the canon ending. Jolly bad show, Teenj. Jolly bad show....]

[Jjs: What a weird ass episode to end a weird ass spin-off, I guess it did come full circle. Overall, SpongeBoy! Get a Clue is...a strange, but fun to riff mess. Sometimes it made me laugh at the sheer stupidity, other times I wanted to drop my jaw at the completely WTF writing. Basically it feels like a different spin-off every few episodes. First it starts off as a mediocre lighthearted Scooby-Doo take, then goes all dark and edgy on us out of nowhere, and then just drops the mystery element entirely in these last two revival episodes. It really feels like past!teenj just couldn't decide what vision he wanted for this story, which is unfortunate. Teenj has improved as a writer since this, but there's no denying this had a lot of writing issues, from the confused tone, poor grammar, pretty bland characterizations, and honestly just kind of flat out stupid writing at times with the mysteries, mostly in the culprit's motivations. I will say though I did enjoy this more than Life of Larry the Krab, teenj's other personal shame, since this was amusing to riff. Honestly, despite all of this spin-off's many many many problems, I think this is one of the most unintentionally funny things we have riffed. I think this can be enjoyed in a Prince Neptune/Runaway Sponge/ATTWL 3 type way. Still, I do think teenj meant well with this, and there were some good ideas in it that were muddled around from the confusing writing. If he had put more effort into this, I do think it had potential. Coming from someone who did try a Scooby-Doo-esque spin-off before, I guess maybe I appreciate this a little more in that regard. Although, it is ironic since I recall people accusing this of being an USMI rip-off back in late 2010, and nowadays that's probably my least concern with this lol. Still, I enjoyed riffing SpongeBoy, and there's a lot of lulziness in it that prevents me from calling it flat out awful. But if you are going to do a mystery spin-off in the future, please don't have SpongeBob's grandmother be a murderer, or have half the town adults be psychotic weirdos, or call a murderer a "vigilante". Now, let's have a final word from the true star of this spin-off...]



Edited by Gunter
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Nice conclusion,everyone. I had a great time riffing this, and it was fun to take one last crack at one of my most lulzy works :P . The sad thing is, Jjs was right,..there's a decent spin-off buried somewhere in this mess, and under better writing back then, it could of been good.

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Not gonna lie, riffing this spin-off was a blast. All those lulzy grammar errors, bad characterizations, the bad dialogue, basically every riffer including me getting a chance to shine in this spin-off.


Don't wanna single out any people, but I think pretty much everyone did a great job with their riffs. Kudos.

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So basically, this show was wrapped up with a ghost story...and a story about why you shouldn't kill yourself with chocolate. It's actually a very fitting finale when you consider that the ghost story episode took place on Halloween and the fact that the show had wanted to end itself for quite some time, as shown by its identity crisis.

Overall, this was a very good series of riffs that reminded me of our time riffing ATTWL 3. Good job, everyone.

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Here's our next mini riff, which is Fa's personal shame (yes, he considers this even worse than Diary of a Serial Killer).

The Misunderstood Life of DoodleBob

1. Beginnings / Right Before Beginnings


Episode 1A: Beginnings

[Fa: Should've been "The Beginning". 15 year old Fa was kind of sloppy with his grammar in retrospect.]

[Metal Snake: There are multiple ways for this episode to start?]

[Renegade: Maybe it's a "choose-your-own-adventure" story?]

[Hayden: You have to have 20 years behind you before you can use that word.

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Doodlebob was waking up at about 7:20 AM. He was excited for his first day of Doodle school.

[Fa: Doodle School. That's Person-esque right there. Really.]

[Hayden: I respect Doodlebob's decision to go to art school and make something more of himself. Aren't we all just drawings trying to create?]

[Trophy: Awww man, I wanted another go at the Doodle Strip Club! Unless this is really ballsy, we won't get to see that. :( ]

[Metal Snake: He’s going to school to learn how to doodle?]

He was 8 years old at the time. He was so excited to finally get away from his mother's harsh homeschooling. He remembers how she treated him during that time.

[Renegade: ...Is this taking place in the past? And who the hell's his mother, Margaret White?!]

[SOF: I member...actually I don't because Doodlebob shouldn't have a mom in the first place.]


[Fa: 4SZ5ZzI.gif&key=547c97b45cb5c3dcb0277059 ]

Doodle mom- Now, whats X= in 3X+7

[Trophy: Uh...I'm only in Algebra 2, but I think there's not enough info for that, at least for an 8 year old?]

[Hayden: If it's a flashback that means he's even younger than 8.]

[Metal Snake: ...Doodle mom? Wow. I’m sorry Fa, that makes Principal Fish look creative by comparison.]

[Renegade: I know! IT'S OVER 9000!]

[Fa: Doodle Mom? Did Person ghost write this in my place?]

Doodlebob- Umm, 3.45?

Doodle mom- Wrong!


[Hayden: Yeah, you doodle prick, the answer was there is no solution.]

Then proceeds to whip him repeatedly.

[SOF: Um...WTF? Is this a Doodlebob origin story (which doesn't make much sense in the first place) or Fa's weird BDSM story?]

[Fa: Well, my spin off math standards were rather high considering my rl mediocrity.]

[Trophy: Jesus fucking christ, you don't give him enough information, and then whip him for it. I wish finals were this lenient.]

[Metal Snake: Man, “Then” sounds like one horrible, abusive parent.]

[Hayden: Tough love, Doodle mom is preparing Doodlebob for the trick question that is life.]

By the time she's finished, his sides are somewhat bleeding, and his face is covered in tears.

[Fa: 2 minutes in and I hate my own story. Yay.]

[Trophy: Doodles can bleed and cry?]

[Metal Snake: His sides are somewhat bleeding? His...SIDES...are SOMEWHAT BLEEDING?! He’s a drawing, a two-dimensional creature! He doesn’t have sides, or even blood for that matter! Again, sorry Fa, but I was able to take “her hand began to bleed” more seriously than this.] 

[Hayden: Let's not forget the other fluid covering his face, unless Doodlebob drinks water.] 

[Renegade: And furthermore, doesn't CHILD SERVICES EXIST?!]

[SOF: Y'know folks, it's kind of sad when this makes the Bikini Top parents look somewhat better in comparison. That's really sad...]

Doodle mom- Now whats the answer?

[SOF: 24!

fd4f30ff56eda7e6257e9c8f6d078d04.jpg ]

Doodlebob- 2.45!?

Doodle mom- Good, you can sleep in your bed tonight.

[Hayden: image.jpg ]

[Trophy: ....What? I want to just laugh at this, but I feel like a dick for doing so, and I've done so before with fictions like this, but for some reason I just can't.]

[Metal Snake: And the cherry on top, that wasn’t even the correct answer. The correct answer is “-3.5”. To add to the lulziness, the problem has no solution if you look at it as just “3X + 7”, which is how the poor description can lead you to see it, and worse yet, DOODLEBOB’S FIRST ANSWER WAS MUCH CLOSER AND EVEN ARGUABLY CORRECT. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ROUND IT UP.]

(Flashback ends)

Doodle mom- Have a good day, honey.

[Fa: Well he's not with abusive mom, so it's already on the upswing.]

[Hayden: That's an uncharacteristic sentiment coming from you ma'am.]

[Metal Snake: And of course, we get no explanation on why this abusive parent who physically beat her son in the name of education is now okay with her son going to public school to be “dumbed down”.]

Doodlebob- EEEK!!!!

[Trophy: Is he that scared of his mom that he hyperventilates at a simple goodbye? Yeesh, in public that's not going to look good at all.]

[Hayden: For all we know Doodle mom was threatening to him to have a good day or else.]

Doodle then gets to school, and is happy to learn that they have the same class together, he's kind of happy.

[SOF: Um...who?]

[Fa: Who the fuck is they? The Ghostbusters? Patrick??? WHO??? Seriously 15 year old Fa, step up your game.]

[Metal Snake: He’s happy to learn that he’s going to be in the same class that his abusive mother is in?! WHAT THE FUCK?!]

[Trophy: Metal, he's obviously a Sadist, and wants revenge on the rest of the world for being so luck- oh wait, we're not in SpongeBoy's Shit Excuse For Moral Villains School. I got nothing.]

[Hayden: It only said he's KIND OF happy. See? Fa totally remembers that whole whipping incident he described mere lines above. Doodlebob would be full blown happy otherwise.]

[Renegade: This is starting to get very...Freudian. And not in a good way.]

Then he gets to class.

Doodle mom- Hello students I am your new teacher. You will address me as mother.

[SOF: So is she adopting an entire class?]

[Fa: The whole class addresses her as mother? I'm surprised the next episode wasn't about some other mother complaining about this indecency.]

[Trophy: So she really will whip everyone?]

[Metal Snake: “You kids whom I’ve never met will address me as your mother.”

Who is this woman, a fascist dictator?]

[Renegade: I spoke too soon.]

Doodlebob- NOOOOOO!



[Trophy: They won't even know she's your mom man...]

[Metal Snake: And this surprises you, why? Did you think your mom was going to be a student?]

[Hayden: So he switched from being homeschooled to having his mom as his public school teacher? Fucking control freak.]

End of A.

Episode 1B: Right before "Beginnings"

[Hayden: Is that the official title of 1B?]

[Fa: So those flashbacks were totally worthless...]

Your probablly wondering how the hell doodlebob ended up in any school at all, or how he even exists after "Frankendoodle."

[Fa: I'm wondering how you spelled probably wrong in the era of spell check.]

[Hayden: I'm wondering why childhood trauma was the subject of the first half of this episode.]

[SOF: Very good questions, it's almost like Fa realized half an episode in this doesn't make any sense and tried to wing explanations... Well nope, whatever he does isn't gonna work. According to Fa, this was originally meant to be a prequel to Frankendoodle, so answering how he exists after Frankendoodle already shows you're abandoning the original idea half an episode in, which isn't a good start to your story...]

[Metal Snake: Uh...actually, I’m wondering how the hell everything I just read happened at all.]

[Renegade: I'm wondering how DoodleBob is "8 years old". And why there's a "doodle school". And why there's an "everything".]

Well now that's what this episode is for.

[Fa: 61223-James-Franco-thanks-man-gif-kaxG.g ]

[SOF: Oh good, now maybe some things will make sense. Or not. Probably not, since this seems like an afterthought.]

[Trophy: I get that writers sometimes do flashbacks instead of this at the beginning to keep the readers guessing during breaks to keep interest active, but when you post it literally right after as a second episode in the pairing...just fucking reverse them man.]

Doodlebob- Ouch, my goddam... I mean goshdang leg! It's broken!

[Fa: Yep, the swear is the bigger deal here not the broken leg.]

[Metal Snake: The “n” is silent in “damn”, so yeah, too late buddy. You swore. You owe money to the swear jar. Deal with it, goddammit.]

[Hayden: When did Doodlebob magically start using the English language?]

[SOF: Goddammit DoodleDale.]

Doodlebob had just been erased from Bikini Bottom, and was sent to the world of Forgotten Ideas, where all ideas that have been erased from existance are sent to live in.

[Metal Snake: So this is Chalkzone all of a sudden?]

[Renegade: Rudy's got the chalk, then?]

[Hayden: How does he get a mom? Fa didn't seem to imply he'd answer that.]

Doodle then limped over to a house on the closest street... turned out it was a dog pound for angry dogs, and the dogs started running after him.


[Trophy: Dogs are written out of existence? Don't tell Omair man.]

[Metal Snake: Wha-are you serious? How did the dogs break free?! There’s a reason it’s called a dog pound...for angry dogs. Because they IMPOUND angry dogs there, they lock them up so that they can’t hurt people!]

[Renegade: Must be one inefficient pound then.]

Doodle ran as fast as he could, but the dogs eventually caught up with him and were about to chew him up to death when suddenly...

[Hayden: Why do dogs even want to chew up a drawing? Doodlebob isn't made of meat.]

???- Back away bitches! Back away!


[Hayden: Oh, of course they just assume all the dogs are female. Anyways, I can already tell who this is going to turn out to be.]

[SOF: We got a badass over here.]

The dogs immediately backed away.

[Fa: Those are some surprisingly obedient feral dogs.]

[Metal Snake: God, I am just loving the realism here. Large packs of dogs are known to instantly relent just because someone commands them to. I’m sure that was the reason the dogs were in the pound too. For being too obedient.]

[Renegade: ...Maybe it was an obedience school as well? Look, I can't make any sense of this, but I'm trying, OK?]

Doodlebob backed out of his corner and went up to lady that basiclly saved his life.

[Metal Snake: “Basically” is the key word here, as it shows the lack of pruning that went into writing this scene. It was “basically” just shat out.]

[Renegade: ...Her name is "lady"?]

[SOF: Not just any lady, a lady that "basiclly saved his life".]

Doodlebob- Who, who are you?

Doodlemom- I'm just an ordinary doodle like you, but you can call me mom.

[Trophy: How was she alive and erased? Were there more magic pencils?]

[Metal Snake: “I’m just a crazy lady who thinks rescuing someone makes me their parent, but you can call me mom.”]

[Hayden: I don't even want to know whose imagination conceived her.]

Doodlebob- Ok, mom.

[Fa: Oh boy, you might as well have just stayed with the obedient feral dogs. It doesn't get any better.]

[Hayden: He could've become a doodle dog and joined their pack.]


And for the first time in his young drawn life, Doodlebob had someone who actually cared for him. If only he knew of the trials that awaited him.

[Hayden: The trials of the "person who actually cares for him" making his life hell. Right.]


End of B

[SOF: B is for Bad, just like this story so far. At least this story will help me learn the A B C's, since Doodlebob sure isn't learning anything so far.]

[Fa: I went into this knowing it was probably the worst thing I ever wrote... It's even worse. Thank God it's a short fic, hopefully me riffing myself makes it a little more tolerable to some of you all xP.]

[Metal Snake: I don’t know why this episode was presented to us as the episode that was supposed to explain everything because it barely explained anything and only made the “A” episode even more confusing. Sure it was explained how he’s still around after Frankendoodle, but not only was nothing about him being a kid and going to school elaborated on, nothing about why he has to be a kid going to school was elaborated on. More important than the “how” is the “why”.]

[Renegade: Furthermore, I myself would like to comment on the Oedipal/Freudian undertones between DoodleBob and his "mother". First of all, the fact that they aren't related makes it seem like it is less of an abusive parent/child relationship, and more of an abusive relationship where DoodleMom, as the dominant "mother" figure, has sadistic BDSM sessions with her submissive "son" DoodleBob. The sessions are so extreme, that there is no distinction from roleplay and reality; BDSM from abuse. The fact that DoodleMom presumably set her submissive up to go to a school where she is a teacher for what I can assume to be a class of submissives in various "parent/child" BDSM relationships makes it seem like she is intending to continue and expand her harem.

...Then again, who am I, YMS? This story fucking sucks, and I intend to keep my explanation in mind for further riffing. I advise you guys do the same. It makes FAR more sense.]

[Hayden: I can't exactly argue with Renegade's take on this, Fa spent a ridiculous amount of time on Doodlemom in an episode supposed to establish Doodlebob. It dominated every part of the chapter and didn't fully make her out to be a villain either? Anything you want to tell us, Fa? o.o


Edited by Mr. Hankey
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Okay, I didn't riff in this but I think I should point out some notable points.


- How generic do you have to be to name your episode "Beginnings"? You could've also named it "Pilot" too. Make it even more generic.

- Why is everything in this spin-off named "Doodle ___"? Was this in a parallel universe created by the people in ChalkZone?

- "Then proceeds to whip him repeatedly." Why is DoodleBob's mother whipping him like he's her slave? And this was because he got a fucking math problem wrong. Hey kids! You better say the correct answer! Or else Doodle Mom will whip your asses! She should honestly be reported to child services for what she did.

- The fact that DoodleBob was bloody after being whipped. I have no ideas how papers can bleed after being whipped. Don't they crumble or something>

- 'Kay, forget "Beginnings". "Right Before 'Beginnings'" is the worst title.

- Kudos to SOF for being philosophic like that. Never really seen this side of him before.

- "Ouch, my goddam... I mean goshdang leg! It's broken!" DoodleBob reminds me of me except with more profanity. Hehe, "goshdang".

- Who actually erased DoodleBob from existence? I don't think that was ever clarified.

- So was DoodleBob an orphan or something? It sounds like the lady is adopting him as his son. Either that or DoodleBob has amnesia.

Great riffs, everyone! I just wish that I was warned or something since I don't really read the Spin-Off/Lits Announcements thread.

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Oh God, that title. "Right before Beginnings". Why did I not take that apart, that is probably the lulziest title I've seen for an episode since ATTWL 3. Imagine submitting a pilot episode for a TV show, just calling it "Pilot", and after it gets picked up, you announce that you want to call the second episode "Right before Pilot". Your crew and your network would be like, "What the fuck?!".

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6 minutes ago, Metal Snake said:


Oh God, that title. "Right before Beginnings". Why did I not take that apart, that is probably the lulziest title I've seen for an episode since ATTWL 3. Imagine submitting a pilot episode for a TV show, just calling it "Pilot", and after it gets picked up, you announce that you want to call the second episode "Right before Pilot". Your crew and your network would be like, "What the fuck?!".


That'd be like if I called "Day of the Diabolic" (the first episode of Power Rangers: Multiverse Force) "The Beginning of the End", then called the second episode "The Beginning of the Beginning of the End".

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