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Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting


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My grandma picked me up from school today. The first thing she told me was there was a shooting.


Okay, this is just wrong. I can't believe there are people who do these things. Especially when Aurora's shooting was pretty recent. Even worse, this guy shot ELEMENTARY SCHOOLERS! This is wrong. Just wrong. 27 people died. 20 of them innocent kids. The killer (who's dead) should rot in hell, because this shit is unbelievable. I'm so mad. Just, why. Why? Nothing like this should happen. It never should. I don't want Columbine II. I don't want Virginia Tech II. I just want this violence to end. People these days. They are just becoming more violent. The 26 victims that the killer killed don't deserve this. 5 to 10 years olds dead... I can't picture this. I'm watching the news now, and even Obama is sad! He's crying! He listed all the many shootings that have happened JUST THIS YEAR. This is a dark day for a dark year. I want to keep going on, but I have nothing else to say. My heart goes out to all the kids who died, all the adults who died, and to all the families and friends of the deceased.


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What did these innocent kids and teachers do?! Why would you kill a kid, what if they became the one to save your life? Shooter not thinking. Why kill a teacher when teachers are the reason that person to save your life is mature? Shooter not thinking.

What the hell is wrong with some people? What the hell did their parents teach them when they were children?! WHY ARE THEY SHOOTING INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOTHING?! Did you have a bad childhood? Go talk it out with a psychiatrist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with these dumbass criminals who don't THINK?!

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This man is just sick. Pure sick. I am absolutely appaled what is going on with society. Why in the name of Tolkien do people think of doing this? This personally reminds me a lot of the Colombus incident.

Subject enters school, kills adults and kids, kills-self. I'm still appalled. My best wishes go to the families of the dead, and I hope the dead rest in peace. :(

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Wasn't one of the teachers that were killed the gunman's mother or something?

But yes, horrific tragedy that saw a a lot of young, innocent and harmless kids being killed for absolutely no reason in a place that they're supposed to feel safe. I can't begin to imagine how the loved one's of those who lost their lives are feeling, especially during the holidays, a time where we as human beings are supposed to show good will towards our fellow man. I hope all those innocents who were prematurely taken away from this life can find peace in a better place. I also pray for all those who are effected by this and that they can find some way to overcome the great grief of their losses at this time.

If there weren't being strict on gun control now, they might just light a fire under their asses now. Especially with this one coming just days after another shooting, and that young kids' lives were lost.

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What? Again?

This, so very fucking much. I swear tragedies like this have happened quite a bit in the past few months, and we've been doing jackshit about it. It's like we're letting this happen. It's sickening.

As for the tragedy itself...wow. It's pretty horrible how someone is capable of this. My hearts go out to all who were killed.

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I just read an article about a teacher who locked her kids into a bathroom to keep them safe. She said all you could hear were gun shots and the kids saying, "I just want Christmas! I don't want this to happen! I just want Christmas!" My heart just broke.

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Words cannot describe how depressing this was. I mean, this was so shocking when I heard this news by the minute I got home. God damn it, that guy is just brutal, sick, and irritable. and I thought Colorado's public firearms incidents were tragic enough. It's...Columbine II, but targeted with ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN! And the teachers! When there's some asshole who reportedly shot a bunch of grade school students, then it's come down to the fact that society is getting more fucked up. This is just still sad. Worse than I thought.

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What? Again?

I know, it is absolutely shameful the government will not get off their asses and try to control these murders.

I imagined what it would be like to be a parent to go to the fire station to pick up your child, and see your child isn't there.

I just teared up. My condolences and luck go to those parents. :(

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I just read an article about a teacher who locked her kids into a bathroom to keep them safe. She said all you could hear were gun shots and the kids saying, "I just want Christmas! I don't want this to happen! I just want Christmas!" My heart just broke.

That broke my heart as well. ;(

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Okay, this is the first I'm hearing of this, and obviously, I'm horrified. We're getting a new mass shooting every week now, but the fact that this man seemingly just walked into an elementary school and shot the place up just confounds me. Why do people like this exist? And why are we seeing so many of them nowadays? These are questions we as a society need to ask ourselves before we end up losing more innocent lives to heartless maniacs.

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I just read an article about a teacher who locked her kids into a bathroom to keep them safe. She said all you could hear were gun shots and the kids saying, "I just want Christmas! I don't want this to happen! I just want Christmas!" My heart just broke.

In every story, there's heroism to be admired.

Sometimes when I'm at school, I think, "What if another Virginia Tech or Columbine were to happen here?" I shook it off; shootings at schools mostly occur at high schools or colleges, so I had nothing to worry about. Then, now with this... just, wow, it should make us all wake up, because I doubt any of those poor little kids knew they weren't going to live to see the sunset tonight. My heart goes out to all their families, and I truly mean that, I feel personally moved by this. I was just a little irritated today at something, and now I'm irritated at myself for being so selfish and petty.

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That fucking horrible person, going into a school full of innocent kids...THAT WERE ONLY LIKE 5 YEARS OLD

My heart goes out to all who have died and their families

I just read an article about a teacher who locked her kids into a bathroom to keep them safe. She said all you could hear were gun shots and the kids saying, "I just want Christmas! I don't want this to happen! I just want Christmas!" My heart just broke.

*heart cracks* :'(

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