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The 2011 American Jobs Act: 1 Year


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One year ago today, on September 8, 2011, President Obama addressed a joint-session of congress, urging them to pass what would collectively be called the American Jobs Act. Had it been passed, it would've boosted the GDP (gross domestic product) by 1.5% by the end of this year, added over 2.6 million new jobs, protected 1.6 million existing jobs, and simultaneously updated our schools, infrastructure, et cetera. The cherry on top was that it was already entirely paid for, meaning that it would require no tax increases or deductions from other departments.

So why wasn't it passed?

Because it would've drastically lowered unemployment rates, and all the Republicans care about is getting Obama out. Had this bill been passed a year ago, Obama would have a lock on another term. It received the Democratic majority in the senate, but Republicans held it back because they require 60 votes when Democrats are in control of the senate. Rather than help the American people, they saw it as a chance to stop the sitting president from making progress.

Thoughts on this and/or the American Jobs Act?

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