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So, was the original better than the sequel? I think it was, and it introduced me to Leif Ericson Day, so that's cool, too. 10/10


There was a sequel? I really need to watch the sequel ASAP since the original is one of my favorites from Season 2!

The original - 10/10


One of my favorite episodes! (Hence the name BubbleBud...) Yes, I have watched the sequel in hopes for a short return to the old Spongebob format (I know, I know...) But, that opinion is for another thread, another day. I love the joke ''Opps... I must of got the Diet Shampoo''. I love how simple, but really fun, and funny the story is. I thought it was original also, in terms of story, paced with the characters. It was overall a very good episode! 9/10!

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I loved Bubble Buddy and Bubble Buddy Returns was off the chain hilarious.

Favourite Character for Episode:Bubble Buddy

Favourite quote:"POP THE BUBBLE POP THE BUBBLE! (Bubble buddy takes squished hand) I'll see ya later Spongebob things are getting a little weird around here." (Takes a taxi) Everyone's jaws drop.



10/10 Hands down, one of my favorite episodes and one of my personal favorites to parody in Skodwarde. Still need to see the sequel.

I've grown a lot since then and this episode needed more Leif Ericcson.


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It was SO WEIRD when that Scooter guy went floating/ flying up to Heaven or The Great Beyomd- Come to think of it, he was probably going to the place that Squidward went to when they thought he was dead in Squidward The Unfriendly Ghost.



I really like this episode and SpongeBob's activities with Bubble Buddy ("My friend's in there." "Congratulations.") That's one of my favorite quotes in the series. Don't know which is better: this or the sequel. There both really good.


Personally, I thought Pearl over-reacted when Bubble Buddy CLEANED her hand. Who wants to walk through life with a hand as DIRTY as THAT?! :rolleyes: Other than that, a really good episode! :D I'd give it a 9.9 out of 10.

1 hour ago, 4EverGreen said:

Personally, I thought Pearl over-reacted when Bubble Buddy CLEANED her hand. Who wants to walk through life with a hand as DIRTY as THAT?! :rolleyes: Other than that, a really good episode! :D I'd give it a 9.9 out of 10.

When your hand's been touched by a celebrity, you'd wanna keep it that way as long as you can ?


Bubble Buddy being animate actually makes you realize he pretty much killed Scooter and wasted hours of people's lives in the bathroom while being fully aware. That, however, doesn't quite ruin what I do think is a pretty good episode. Many of the jokes made me laugh ("He made me provide excellent service!"), and I like the plot. 9/10

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