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036a. Graveyard Shift


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I loved this episode and you're right it did feel original, but I don't understand what you mean by "season 3 feel" because I don't see how it makes sense to say that an episode belongs in a certain season. One of the best Spongebob episodes. The story was interesting and exciting and the writers managed to pull it off once again in another superb, classic episode of the talking sponge. This episode was so awesome. My favorite part was like you said, when Spongebob pulled off his arms and said YOU MEAN LIKE THIS? OR THIS? OR THIS? BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS, OR THIS, OR THIS? Except he wasn't a Sponge. Spongebob: SO? So it didn't grow back. OH NO! LOL! Oh, the look on Squidward's face when Spongebob pulled off his arm. HYSTERICAL. And so hilarious how many arms Spongebob pulled off and had in front of his body. It looked so creepy. And when he was eating his hands too like popcorn at the movies. LOL AGAIN!

THE HASH SLINGING SLASHER! The slash ringing hasher? no, the hash slinger slasher. the bash pinging, mash ringing, trash singing, slash linging, lash slinging? Yes. The hash slinging slasher. LOL THIRD TIME! So many funny moments in this episode. I absolutely loved how they thought he was real but the guy on the bus and the phone only turned out to be a guy wanting a job application. And the lights, NOSFARATU. LOL FOURTH TIME. What kind of name is that, even for a vampire? Or whoever he was.

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It just occured to me, why would the rookie frycook came to the Krusty Krab asking for a job at 4 in the morning?



I don't know. Why WOULD someone come looking for a job at 4 in the morning?

Does anyone remember when NegiSpongie totally trolled us all?

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This episode was the closest that SpongeBob ever got to gothic horror. As you can tell from the title, it's dark, and it doesn't try to hide the fact that it's dark. However, unlike Nasty Patty, it doesn't get so dark that it reaches the point of family unfriendliness. It's dark enough to retain the second season's trademark clever, low-key humor, instead of the in-your-face comedy that's more suitable for a Season 3 ep like Nasty Patty.

Also, this episode debuted Nosferatu, who inspired my SBM identity. That alone gets this episode mad props, making it a shoo-in for my top five.

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