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since the tyrannical staff of tvtropes denied us a page, here's the next best thing: we'll make own tvtropes page in this thread. Take turns describing something from SBC history with a trope, whether joking or serious. You can do one or a handful per post, but don't do a crazy amount so everyone has a chance to contribute.

I'll start:

As Himself: The Danny DeVito on SBC is definitely played by the real one.

  • God Himself 1

Charlie Day as: Zaid, or "ZaidCatDog" as he was known in the 2013 - 2018 Seasons, a weird side character that has odd, fluctuating interests.


What Happened to the Mouse?: Happens to many SBC users that come and go over the years, with notable examples being older members like Sabre, Storytime and Pakasa.


Only Sane Man: Downplayed with 4EverGreen, but only because by STRICT definition; he hasn't/isn't always the ONLY Sane Man on Spongebob Community. The reason he is this, is because he never uses any SWEAR words or derogatory language while writing as himself, and even when writing stories, limits any usages of those types of words to a minimum.

  • Confused 2
  • Wow 1
10 hours ago, 4EverGreen said:

Only Sane Man: Downplayed with 4EverGreen, but only because by STRICT definition; he hasn't/ motherfucking isn't always the ONLY Sane Man on Spongebob Community. The reason he is fucking this, is because he never uses any SWEAR words or derogatory language while writing as himself, and fucking even when writing stories, limits any usages of those types of words to a minimum.

  • God Himself 7
On 1/12/2025 at 11:21 PM, 4EverGreen said:

Only Sane Man: Downplayed with 4EverGreen, but only because by STRICT definition; he hasn't/isn't always the ONLY Sane Man on Spongebob Community. The reason he is this, is because he never uses any SWEAR words or derogatory language while writing as himself, and even when writing stories, limits any usages of those types of words to a minimum.

new thread rule: no ego stroking like this

Kudzu Plot: Good luck explaining 15 years of SBC lore, and that's not even getting into Tv.com.

  • Thanks 1
On 1/13/2025 at 7:21 AM, 4EverGreen said:

Only Sane Man: Downplayed with 4EverGreen, but only because by STRICT definition; he hasn't/isn't always the ONLY Sane Man on Spongebob Community. The reason he is this, is because he never uses any SWEAR words or derogatory language while writing as himself, and even when writing stories, limits any usages of those types of words to a minimum.



Role-Ending Misdemeanor: How some users (not naming names) got themselves banned from "Spongebob Community".

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