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in person or online classes?  

14 members have voted

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  • Poll closed on 09/16/2024 at 07:14 PM

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greetings comrades, your boy carotte is back to ask a weekly question 🫡 (yes, that's my job in my own discord server so why not make an sbc cameo?)

some people might notice i stole @El Jacko's question in the server but i decided to repost it here since many of us are going back to school/college/university/whatever in the last few weeks so this is a good question to ask at the time and i also wonder what the rest of sbc thinks. if you don't study rn just answer what you would like better!

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It has been a little while for me, but most of the time I'd say an in person class. My only exception might be an asynchronous online class since it's more self paced, but it depends heavily on the subject. Synchronous online classes, especially for my education classes, was just a bad fit 


I haven't been in school for six years, but I would say mix of both. I haven't ever done an online class/school, but I don't know if it would work for me. My mother said if I ever go back to college (I wont) then I should do it online. But I feel like it would be better for me personally, if I did it in person.. if I WERE to go back


In Person, because I LIKE having someone who is physically AROUND to answer your questions, and physically SHOW you how to do something!


I initially hated online classes in high school, especially during lockdown as it was hard to keep up, but as I grew and started College, i actually quite enjoy them now for the flexibility it gives me on Assignments (as evidenced by the fact i'm doing very good in both classes i'm taking right now, both entirely online lmao)

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