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How this has not been a topic on SBC yet in all its 15 years (unless it has and I haven't looked any further) is a mystery to me but anyways

You ever have the urge to go out to a bar, get really drunk, and stumble your way through random pop-punk songs like I have? I went to a bar back in June as a part of my "Holy Shit I'm 25" Tour and had an absolute blast singing "My Own Worst Enemy" and "Stuck in the Middle with You". Looking forward to doing it again but with a friend.

Anyone else on here do this for fun too?


Karaoke is pretty great, tbh, and has honestly been one of the few social activities I legitimately enjoy lel. It’s probably because it’s a chance to share my taste in music with others in a way that’s more interactive and fun than making a playlist (no shade to Hawk and Steel, your collaborative mixtape series are excellent and fun to take part in as well), as well as having other people in the crowd join in if they know the song.

Tbh, I don’t think being good at singing is even required to enjoy karaoke since it’s more about the social aspect, though it does give me a chance to show off for once :funny:


Also, there may be a video of me singing karaoke making the rounds on Prezcord, but that’s neither here nor there lol



I love karaoke! I always make room in my schedule whenever it comes up. My friends and I usually hit up those places where you reserve a private room for however many hours (usually 3 in our case). Never did do an open mic sesh since my friends wouldn’t be down for that, but it’s something I honestly wouldn’t mind doing one of these days. And I’m always on the fence about entering the karaoke contest that Kawaii Kon holds every year. I’m usually an anxious, nervous wreck at most other social events, but something about karaoke just puts me much more at ease for some reason.

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