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Here's the season finale, ugaiz.

S2E23 (43) - Speeding Cars: Previously on Bikini Top... It was Charlea's birthday party, and everyone was invited. Well, everyone but Brenda, Tristan, and Hersht. Brenda and Tristan were celebrating their birthday party when Tristan put a silver necklace around his wife's neck. She started screaming in pain, which Hersht heard. He ran over immediately. Him and Tristan had a bit of a fight that resulted in Tristan dying, hanging from the wall by a stake. Also, Anna and Molly are still broken up, and Molly isn't taking it well. Anna is diving into all the work she can to get over Molly, and starts to notice her mother Helen is having difficulty remembering things. Naomi introduces her new friend Miranda to the group at the party. Seth gets a call from a man he thinks may be his father, and Morgan gets someone on her doorstep claiming to be her birth father. Jackie and Molly do some convincing to Principal Fishkins... and Jackie will be graduating with all her friends, and attending Bikini Top University in the fall. Jake and Morgan are still broken up. Mikayla screams when she comes home to see Hersht burning her step-father in the backyard and her mother crying as she scrubs blood off the floor. Charlea is sick and everyone expresses concern, but Jake pays it no attention. What happens in this episode of Bikini Top? Graduation, of course!

("Everybody But Me" by Lykke Li [

plays throughout the scene)

Anna was lying in her bed the morning of graduation when she heard someone tumbling down the stairs. She immediately sprang up to find her mother on the ground.

She ran down the stairs and helped her up.

"Mom, are you okay?" she asked.

"Oh, of course I am!" Helen said. "Get off me!"

Helen limped as she walked away, to the kitchen.

(Theme plays)

("I'm Not Calling You a Liar" by Florence + the Machine [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4iseF_FBn8] plays throughout the scene)

Jackie was awake, holding Charlea as she coughed loudly.

Sarah asked, "Dear, I think something might be wrong."

"No, nothing is wrong!" Jackie shouted. Sarah and Tori had both been telling their children for a week that Charlea was sick, but neither would hear it.

"Jackie, I really think she needs to go to the hospital."

"I don't give a damn what you think, Mom!" Jackie screamed. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"You don't mean that," said Sarah. "Honey, you might think you do right now. But you don't. Now, trust me. I've had a baby before, remember? This is more than just a little cough, and you know that. Left untreated, Charlea could die from whatever this is."

At the thought Jackie started to softly cry.

"Don't cry," said Sarah, doing her best to console her daughter. "Crying isn't what you need to do. What you need to do is get in the boatmobile with me, and we will take Charlea to the hospital so we can get help from a doctor with this."

Jackie only nodded her head as she fought to keep back tears.


("Hear You Me" by Jimmy Eat World [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pQo9OQlIB8] plays throughout the scene)

Bryan was sitting in his room, looking at himself in the mirror. Today was graduation, and he was painfully depressed about it.

His parents should be alive to witness him graduate. But both of them were dead. Killed. Killed because of vampire politics, at that. And that made him extremely sad. But more than sad, it made him angry. Angry and determined to kill vampires.

Jake knocked on his door.

"Hey," Bryan said.

"I just wanted to let you know they're taking Charlea to the hospital," said Jake.

"Oh," said Bryan. "Well that's good, then."

"No, it's not fucking good," said Jake. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? That it's GOOD?"

"That I think it's good your daughter is getting some help, that's all," Bryan said. "You know she's sick, Jake. You've heard her cough, and she seems like she's having trouble breathing. You yelling at me for saying it's not good is bad. I know you don't want her to be sick, but you just have to deal with the possibility that she is."

"But what if it's just a cold?" Jake said slowly.

"I... I think if it was just a cold it would have gone away by now," said Bryan. "You know that, Jake. I know you do."

A tear ran down Jake's face, but he quickly wiped it away.

"I saw that," Bryan said. "Don't cry."

"I'm not crying."

"Jake, I saw."

"Fine..." Jake said. "I just... don't like people seeing me like that."

"No one does," Bryan said. "But it's okay."

"It's not okay," Jake said. "It's the day of graduation and I'm getting all emotional and depressed about stupid fucking shit."

"Don't say that," Bryan said. "I was getting emotional a second before you came in, thinking about my mom and dad... them not being able to watch me graduate." He started to cry. "And you see, I'm crying now, and..." he sniffled "... I'm not afraid to do that."

Jake frowned. "I'm sorry. I -- I didn't realize."

"Of course you didn't," said Bryan. "You were too busy thinking about yourself."

"Hey!" Jake said. "I was not! My daughter is sick!"

"Get out," Bryan said. "I just need to be alone right now. I don't want to fight with you."

Jake left, went back to his room, and unsuccessfully fought back tears.


Veera shook Naomi awake. Naomi groaned.

"Nay, it's graduation day!" Veera said cheerfully. "It's here! Today's the day!"

"Yeah, it is," Naomi said. "Can I go back to sleep?"

"No, silly," Veera said. "We have to get ready. You have to go get a manicure, a pedicure, we have to go get you a dress --"

"-- a dress?" Naomi asked. "Mom, this isn't prom, it's graduation."

"I've always hated that that school didn't have prom," Veera grumbled. "And I... just wanted to buy you something nice. We have some money coming in now."

"Wait, what?" Naomi asked, looking suspiciously at her mother. "Where are we getting money from? Did you get promoted or something?"

" No. I'm seeing someone... a movie producer."

Naomi slitted her eyes. "And are you seeing this someone because you love them, or because they're a rich movie producer that can provide for you and thise totally insane spending habits that you have?"

"The first one, I swear."

"What if I said I didn't believe you?"

"You should believe me, because I'm telling the truth," said Veera. "Really Naomi, I'm telling you the truth. I love this man. He is amazing, and he treats me right."

Naomi sat up in her bed. "You'd better not be lying to me, Mom. I can't handle that."

"Let's stop talking about this," said Veera. "Just get ready and let's go out. I want you to look beautiful today... not that you don't look beautiful every day!"


("Separator" by Radiohead [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3oRhwOcQ3w&feature=related] plays throughout the scene)

Morgan was sitting in her living room when Heather came downstairs.

"Have you talked to Richard again?" Heather asked.

"No," Morgan said. "I don't want to."

Morgan hadn't talked to him at all since he came by last week. He was her birth father, and he wanted to be a part of her life, but she wasn't ready for that. Not by a long shot. She had too many other things going on right now.

"I think you should talk to him again," Heather told her. "I know you don't want to, but I think you should. It would be good for you to do. He's your father."

"No," Morgan said. "He's not. Mark is my father. You and him raised me, not him. He had me for three years, and in those three years he royally fucked up."


"It's true. He fucked up," said Morgan. "Maybe he's different now, but he made my life a living hell when I was little. I know I can hardly remember, but I still have the scars. The physical ones, and the mental ones. Why do you think I got so upset about Liam, about Jake? Because of him. I can't accept him being a part of my life. Not now, and maybe not ever."


Tori was in her bedroom staring at herself in the mirror. This year had been hell on her. Her husband, dead. And she had issues with having an empty nest. She hated to admit it, but she did. The thought of being in her large home alone next year gave her an empty feeling in her stomach and she hated it. She didn't know what she would do with herself once Jake and Bryan left... it pained her greatly to even think about it. She cried loudly, hoping the boys wouldn't hear her. She cried for a while, then eventually stopped, grabbing a tissue and dabbing away each and every tear daintily. She got up and decided she needed to get ready. Today was the day they would graduate... the day they'd leave her.

She walked to the master bedroom that was inside of her bedroom. It was silent in there... she hated it. She turned on some music ("Miles Away" by Madonna [

to be exact) with the press of a remote and turned on the bathwater. While the tub filled she decided she would brush her teeth. She walked over to the bathroom counter and grabbed her toothbrush, soaking it in water, spreading toothpaste across it, then applying it in circular motions on her teeth. She brushed her teeth for about a minute, then rinsed off the toothbrush.

After she was finished brushing her teeth, she eyed the sleeping pills on the counter curiously.


Seth ran to Bryan's bedroom. "I heard yelling," he said. "Why did I hear yelling?"

"Me and Jake were fighting," said Bryan.

"What about?" Seth asked.

"Well... maybe fighting is the wrong word to use," Bryan said. "Jake is worried about Charlea. Jackie and Sarah just took her to the hospital."

"Oh, I see," said Seth. "So... you ready to graduate?"

"I think so..." said Bryan.

"Right," said Seth. "Let's get our graduation on."


Mikayla was in her room, staring at the ceiling above her. Her mother was a vampire. Vampires existed. Her mother cheated on her father-in-law, who was dead now, killed by her mother's vampire lover. It was insanity. Absolute insanity. She just decided to let it all out, and started to scream.


"How is it, Dr. Gosselin?" Sarah asked the doctor.

"It's... not good," said the doctor. "Charlea has pneumonia, and I think the case may be severe. But to confirm that I'll have to run an x-ray. Do I have your consent?"

"Of course," said Jackie, seeming like she wasn't really there, and was somewhere else entirely... lost in thought, as tears welled in her eyes.

"Excellent," said the doctor, and Sarah picked Charlea up, ready to take her to the x-ray.

"Jackie," she said, "maybe you should call Jake and tell him to come?"

Jackie only nodded as she fought back the tears, a battle she was so far winning. She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and called Jake.


Bryan was driving to gradutation with Jake, Seth, and Tori in the boatmobile with him. Seth and Bryan are talking when Seth's phone rings.

He answers, "Hello?"

"Hello," said the voice on the other line. "It's Dad."

"Dad?" Seth asked.

"Yes," said Seth's father. "I wanted to let you know I'm in town... and I'm coming to your graduation. I know we haven't seen each other in a while but I really want to see yo. I'm going to be there, I'm on my way now."

His father then hung up and Seth's jaw dropped. "I... hope you guys are ready to meet my dad."


Brenda was sitting at the kitchen table sobbing. She was sitting there fine... and then she just started to cry. Hersht came to her to comfort her; he had been staying there since Tristan died.

"It's okay," he told her, trying his best to comfort her. He hated to see her cry like she was, especially knowing he was to blame.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Brenda lashed out at him. "This is all your fault! You're a killer! Get out of my house!"

Without so much as another word, Hersht followed her wishes and left.

Brenda cried more.


Kara and Rainn were at their house when there was a knock on their door.

"Rainn, open it up," said Kara. Rainn stood there clueless and Kara yelled, "RAINN!"

Rainn jumped and opened the door. Arianna was standing there.

"Hi," Arianna said. "So... I know you guys are pretty powerful. And I, well, I'd like to help you out, if that's okay."


Anna was finishing getting dressed for graduation when she checked the time, realizing they were about to be late. She ran to her mother's room to find her laying on the bed, a massive pile of clothes all around her room.

"Mom, are you okay?" she asked. "We have to go. I'm the valedictorian... I need to be a little early."

"Right..." said Helen. "Sorry. Sorry."

Anna blinked. "Mom, are you okay?"

"Of course I am," said Helen. "Why wouldn't I be okay, Annie?"


Miranda was finally ready for graduation, and her mother and father were as well. They all got in the boatmobile as her father Jospeh drove to the high school.

"So... full moon tonight," her mother Sophie said.

"That's not what's important to me right now," sid Miranda. "I'm graduating -- that's what matters."

"Whatever you say, babe..." said Sophie.


("Everybody Hurts" by Avril Lavigne [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktaqH4M-S9Q] plays throughout the scene)

In the boatmobile, Jake's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Jake..." said Jackie on the other line, weeping.

"Jackie?" Jake said. "Are you okay?"

"That's Jackie?" Bryan asked immediately. "What's she want?"

Jake held up his fin to silence Bryan.

"No," said Jackie. "I... don't think I am okay, Jake. They think Charlea has pneumonia... and they think it's bad. They're doing an x-ray to find out how bad, and I want you here. You'll probably have to miss graduation. Actually, you definitely will -- if that's okay."

"Of course it's okay!" said Jake. "It's my daughter! I'm on my way!" He hung up the phone. "Bryan, turn around! Now! We have to get to the hospital."

"What?" Tori asked. "Is Charlea okay?"

"I don't know," Jake said. "Let's go!"

"Take the boatmobile, you two," said Bryan. "We're close to the school. Me and Seth can walk, right Seth?"

"For sure," Seth said. "I hope Charlea's okay."

"Me too..." said Jake.

Bryan pulled over and he and Seth got out of the boatmobile. Jake took the wheel and drove to the hospital as fast as he possibly could, as Bryan and Seth walked towards the high school for graduation.

With his mother sitting next to him in the front seat, Jake broke down crying.


Dora was in the woods, hunting with Jordin.

"I'm sick of this shit," Dora said.


"I'm sick of being fucking useless," said Dora. "It's so ridiculous. I have no purpose. Why should I even stay here?"

"Kara has risen to power," said Jordin. "She's a goddess... we need to stop her."

"Just like we needed to stop Astenias," said Dora. "But remember? Someone else did while we were still HERE, in the woods, on the sidelines. We're good for nothing right now."

"Well maybe that's our own fault," Jordin said. "If we want to be a part of things we have to do it ourselves."

"Believe me," Dora said, "I will."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see."


Everyone but Jake and Jackie were there for graduation, standing in their respective spots. Principal Fishkins walked up to the microphone.

"Hello parents and community members," he said. "It's here. It's finally here. Graduation. These children are no longer children. They're adults, ready to tackle the world and all the challenges it comes with. They can be on their own now, and make their own money, maybe even start their own families."

Everyone claps.

"I now welcome this year's valedictorian, Anna Barber, who has prepared something very special for you all."

"They say there's no one older than a high school senior, and no one younger than a college freshman," Anna said with a glowing smile. "And many of us will be putting that to the test, finding out exactly how true that is very soon." She took a gulp. "I am not one of those people. I'm going to be going to Coralwood and following my dreams. I've dreamed of being a singer since I was a little girl, and while I am smart I want those dreams to come true... and they won't be following true in Bikini Top. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, college isn't for everyone and people should follow their dreams. I know I will. Now, I've prepared a couple of songs and I hope all of you like them."

Everyone clapped, and she started to sing "Hometown Glory" by Adele (


"I've been walking in the same way as I did

Missing out the cracks in the pavement

And tutting my heel and strutting my feet

"Is there anything I can do for you dear? Is there anyone I could call?"

"No and thank you, please Madam. I ain't lost, just wandering"

Round my hometown

Memories are fresh

Round my hometown

Ooh the people I've met

Are the wonders of my world

Are the wonders of my world

Are the wonders of this world

Are the wonders of my world

I like it in the city when the air is so thick and opaque

I love to see everybody in short skirts, shorts and shades

I like it in the city when two worlds collide

You get the people and the government

Everybody taking different sides

Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit

Shows that we are united

Shows that we ain't gonna take it

Shows that we ain't gonna stand shit

Shows that we are united

Round my hometown

Memories are fresh

Round my hometown

Ooh the people I've met

Are the wonders of my world

Are the wonders of my world

Are the wonders of this world

Are the wonders of my world."

The crowd exploded with applause as Anna grinned. "I have one more song for you guys," she said into the microphone. "I think you'll all like it."

She started to sing "Devil Town" by Bright Eyes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3PoP85fxUk).

"I was living in a devil town

I didn't know it was a devil town

Oh lord it really brings me down about the devil town

All my friends were vampires

I didn't know they were vampires

It turns out I was a vampire myself in the devil town

I was living in a devil town

I didn't know it was a devil town

Oh lord it really brings me down about the devil town

All my friends were vampires

I didn't know they were vampires

It turns out I was a vampire myself in the devil town

I was living in a devil town

I didn't know it was a devil town

Oh lord it really brings me down about the devil town

About the devil town

I was living in a devil town

I didn't know it was a devil town

Oh lord it really brings me down about the devil town."

Now she was given a standing ovation.

"Thank you all so much. You don't know how great this makes me feel about the decision I've made. You're all fantastic."

Everyone cheered.

("Speeding Cars" by Imogen Heap [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3R0RHNHaU4] starts to play)

Principal Fishkins came back up as Anna walked back to her spot.

"Well, wasn't she lovely?" he said exuberantly. "Now... it's time to give out some diplomas! First up... Miranda Allen!"

Miranda took her diploma, shook hands with the principal, and walked back to her spot in line.

"Jensen Arken!"

"Anna Barber!"

"Ian Buble!"

"Jake Butler!"

Jake did not come up to receive his diploma. Again, Principal Fishkins said his name, then moved on.

Eventually the name came to, "Jackie Filmore!" but again no one came up. Her name was repeated as well, but she did not come.

Later, Principal Fiskins said, "I now present to you: The Bikini Top High School class of 2011!"

The audience roared with applause as the graduated hugged each other tightly, some laughing, some crying, everyone excited and nervous all at the same time. They were ready to face the world.

["Speeding Cars" ends]


"Let's say we accept your services," Kara said to Arianna. "Would you be loyal to us?"

"Of course," said Arianna.

"And could you be useful?"

"Yes," Arianna told her. "You don't have any vampires working for you."

"And why do I have to?"

"I guess that's a bad point to make, since you're a goddess," Arianna said. "What I meant to say was that there's strength in numbers. And I'm practically still a newborn, I'm still pretty strong, but I've been a vampire long enough to control myself."

"Intereseting," said Kara. "Well... you can stay here with us. Welcome aboard."


The gang was talking to each other when Richard approached them.

"Dad?" Seth asked.

Morgan screamed.

"What is it?" Seth asked.

"He's... your dad?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah," Seth said.

"He's my birth father!"

"Holy shit," said Seth.

"We're brother and sister," said Morgan. "Oh god I had a crush on you when we met. GROSS GROSS GROSS!"

"Bleah!" Seth said. "I had a crush on you!"

"Well this is awkward..." Naomi said.

"Yeah, we're just gonna... go over there," said Miranda, and everyone that was not Morgan, Seth, and Richard left.


Brenda and Mikayla were talking.

"Honey, I'm sorry for all this..." said Brenda. "I know it's a lot to take in."

"You've got that right," said Mikayla.

"But it's just... the way things are," Brenda told her.

"Mom, do you love Hersht?"


"He hasn't come back yet... I know you want him to. If you love him, go and find him."

Brenda jumped up and ran out the door.


("Full Moon" by The Black Ghosts [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw6AO7R2b7o] plays throughout the scene)

Miranda was with her friends at graduation when she noticed it was starting to get dark.

"I have to go," she said.

"What?" Anna asked. "Why so soon?"

"I just remembered... my parents want me home by now. See you guys later!"

She immediately ran home as fast as she could.

"About time!" her father, Joseph said. He held up chains and jerked his head towards the cellar door.

Miranda nodded and started to walk down the stairs. She undressed and lay on the ground as her father chained her up, then he walked upstairs.

Miranda started to scream as she changed into a wolf.


Everyone was still talking back outside the high school.

"Anyways Naomi..." Morgan said, "I heard you decided to go to college here."

"Yeah," said Naomi. "I did. I'm going to join Omega Epsilon Beta next year, and it'll be great."

Morgan and Naomi hugged.

"But we'll miss you next year, Anna!" Morgan cried. She hugged Anna, then Naomi hugged Anna in agreeance.

"I'll miss you guys too," said Anna.

"I'll miss you," said Molly quietly.

Anna ignored her.


("Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ul-cZyuYq4] plays throughout the scene)

Seth left in his boatmobile... he was ready to talk to Heather. Finally. He knocked on her door, and she answered.

"Seth!" she said and hugged him.

"Hey, Heather..." Seth said. "So, I came to talk."

"Talk, then," said Heather. "I'm all ears." The two of them sat on the couch together.

"Do you still want to be with me?" Seth asked.

"Yes," said Heather. "Do you still want to be with me?"

"I... don't know," Seth said. "I wish I could tell you yes, or tell you no, but the truth is: I dont' know, Heather. What you did to me. It hurt."

"And I regret it, Seth," Heather said. "You have to know that. I regret what I did every day."

"I don't know if I believe that," said Seth. "I have a lot going on right now... I just found out that your adoptive daughter is my half-sister."


"Yeah," said Seth. "So... I'm gonna go." He started to open the door.

"No, don't leave!" Heather cried.

"Why not?"

"I'm pregnant."


As things continued to get more and more bleak at the hospital, Tori decided she had to go.

"I'll be back later," she told Jake, Jackie and Sarah.

"See you soon then, Mom," said a sobbing Jake.

Tori got in the boatmobile and drove home. She went up to her bedroom and grabbed those sleeping pills she had been eyeing earlier in the day, and consumed the entire bottle.

Not even a minute later, she fell to the ground.


Brenda was running through the woods when she spotted Hersht, and intentionally crashed into him.

"Ow!" Hersht said.

Brenda kissed him passionately. "I love you," she said.

"You do?"

"I do," she said. "And I know you killed Tristan, and it still makes me hurt right now. But I love you, and for now that's all I want to think about. How much I love you."

"I love you too."

Brenda started to cry again. "Please make me stop hurting, then."


("Angel" by Sarah McLachlan [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx4RsCfL_fA] plays throughout the scene)

Dr. Gosselin comes out of the operating room, where he had been operating on Charlea, trying to stabilize her terrible condition.

"Is she okay, doctor?" Sarah asked. She was the only one who was not crying at that point.

The doctor said nothing.

Sarah repeated, "Dr. Gosselin, is Charlea okay? Did it work?"

Dr. Gosselin remained quiet, as if he was trying to think of something to say.

Jake and Jackie both cried harder.

"I'm afraid we lost her..." the doctor said.

"What do you mean, lost her?" Jake shouted. "Where the fuck did she go?!"

"How did you lose our baby?" Jackie yelled.

"Jackie... Jake..." said Sarah, who was now crying as well. "He means... he means Charlea passed away."

Jackie now completely broke down and fell onto herself,, landing on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. Jake only stood there in shock.

"She's gone..." he said.


"Everyone But Me" by Lykke Li

"I'm Not Calling You a Liar" by Florence + the Machine

"Hear You Me" by Jimmy Eat World

"Separator" by Radiohead

"Miles Away" by Madonna

"Everybody Hurts" by Avril Lavigne

"Hometown Glory" by Adele [sung by Anna]

"Devil Town" by Bright Eyes [sung by Anna]

"Speeding Cars" by Imogen Heap

"Full Moon" by The Black Ghosts

"Go Your Own Way" by Fleetwood Mac

"Angel" by Sarah McLachlan


So... excuse me while I cry.

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Surprise! Posting this a little early. Enjoy.

S3E1 (44) - Heartbeats: Last season on Bikini Top... I'm still crying after that tearjerker of a season finale. No way can I recap right now. Just... read it.

("Such Small Hands" by La Dispute [

] plays throughout the scene)

Jake was at the graveyard, staring at two tombstones.

Charlea Butler


Tori Butler


He set flowers on both of their graves as he slowly walked back to his boatmobile.

"You okay, man?" Bryan asked.

"Not really..." said Jake. "Actually Bryan, not at all."

(Theme plays)

("Prettiest Thing" by Oh Darling [

] plays throughout the scene)

"Let's go!" Seth said. "We're gonna be late, Heather."

"Shut up Seth," Heather said. "I'll take as long as I damn well please. I didn't even want you to come..."

"Well it's my baby," Seth said. "Of course I'm coming! I have to see if it's a boy or a girl."

"It's a boy," Heather said. "I just know it's a boy."

"No," said Seth. "It's definitely a little baby girl. You're crazy."

"You're crazy!" she said.

"Let's not start that," said Seth. "Let's just go and get this over with so we can get away from each other."

"Fine by me," Heather said.

"Sure it is."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing..." Seth said. "Nothing at all, Heather."

"Whatever you say," Heather said. "Now let's go."

The two of them got in the boatmobile and Seth started driving.


Jackie was laying in her bed staring at the popcorn ceiling above her, counting the individual dots. 50, 51, 52... it's my fault ... 53, 54, 55... I'm the reason she's dead ... 56, 57, 58 ... I might as well have murdered her ... 59, 60 ... what's the point anyways? Living a lie ... 61, 62 ... this is ridiculous ... 63, 64 ... I hate my life ... 65 ...

"GOD DAMN IT!" she yelled. She started breathing heavily, and she grabbed her make-up off the counter and chucked it at the wall. She tore open her pillow and threw it at her door, stuffing flying everywhere.

Her phone rang and she started to cry. She picked it up.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Jackie?" said Bryan. "Are you okay?"

"Fuck no," Jackie said. "Why would I be, dipshit?"

She hung up the phone and threw it directly at her mirror, creating a hole in the mirror, glass shattering around the room.


Naomi, Veera, and Veera's boyfriend Chris were sitting at the dinner table. This was Naomi's first time meeting the man.

"So Naomi, are you ready to start college?" Chris asked.

"Definitely. Excited for it," said Naomi. She messed with the peas on her plate with a fork. "Have you and my mom fucked yet?"

Veera choked on her mashed potatoes then sipped some of her water in an attempt to wash them down.

Chris laughed heartily.

"That's not really an answer," said Naomi.

"You're a joy," said Chris.

"Haha, yeah..." said Naomi and sighed, continuing to shift her peas around on the plate.


Anna was waking up at her hotel in Coralwood. She had been there for two days, and today she was going to go and sing at a bar she had gotten a gig at. As she got up and got dressed, she thought about Molly. She hated that she was thinking about her, but she couldn't stop. She left her hotel and got into her boatmobile, driving to the bar.

Fish were there, waiting for her to perform. It was quite a feeling. They were all staring right at the stage as she walked on with her microphone. Sure, she had performed before... but this time it felt different. This time it mattered. This time she wanted to be discovered.

She put the microphone near her lips and said, "Hi. I'm Anna Barber. I'm going to sing 'Taking Chances' by Celine Dion. I adjusted the lyrics a very little bit to fit a person situation of mine a little more... I hope that's okay. This is a great song, I hope you all like it." (

) Molly was, painfully, in her thoughts the entire time.

"Don't know much about your life

Don't know much about your world but

Don't wanna be alone tonight

On this planet they call Earth

I don't know about your past and

I don't have a future figured out

And maybe this is goin' too fast

And maybe it's not meant to last

But what do you say to takin' chances?

What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?

Never knowin' if there's solid ground below

Or a hand to hold or hell to pay

What do you say? What do you say?

I just wanna start again

And maybe you could show me how to try

Maybe you could take me in

Somewhere underneath your skin

What do you say to takin' chances?

What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?

Never knowin' if there's solid ground below

Or a hand to hold or hell to pay

What do you say? What do you say?

Hey now, hey, my heart is beatin' down

But I'm always comin' back for more, yeah

There's nothin' like love to pull you up

When you're lyin' down on the floor, babe

So talk to me, talk to me like lovers do

Yeah, walk with me, walk with me like lovers do

Like lovers do

What to you say to takin' chances?

What do you say to jumpin' off the edge?

Never knowin' if there's solid ground below

Or a hand to hold or hell to pay

What do you say? What do you say?

Don't know much about your life

And I don't know much about your world."

She smiled as the audience clapped. A woman that looked vaguely familiar walked up to her as she walked off the stage.

"Hi," said the woman.

"Oh, hi," said Anna, and she smiled brightly.

"I'm Gina Morianno," said the woman. "I'm a talent agent for Dazzle Records, and well, quite frankly, you're spectacular. I think they'd love you. Would you be interested in seeing some executives?"

"Of course I would!" Anna said, practically squealing with glee. "Wait, Gina Morianno? You offered my friends -- Morgan Graham and Naomi Duncan -- jobs almost two years ago. They never contacted you again, but... I remember you! They've talked about you, and how they almost had a shot at fame, and...”

“Yes, I remember them,” said Gina with a smile. “How are they?”

Anna slightly frowned. “Well, no one’s doing great right now. Our friends, well... their baby died.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that,” said Gina.

“Yeah, it’s been tough,” Anna said. “Her funeral was... intense. But everyone’s starting to get over it. Everyone besides the parents, of course. And on top of that, the father -- his mom killed herself that same day.”

“You’re kidding!” Gina gasped.

“I wish,” said Anna. “Oh, I feel so bad for him. He’s usually this big, larger-than-life guy. But now he’s... vacant.”

“I could only imagine what it would feel like to go through that kind of loss,” said Gina.

“Me too,” said Anna. “So... yeah. I need to go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

“Here, have my card,” said Gina. She handed Anna a bright red business card containing her information and said, “Hope to see you soon,” before leaving the bar.


("Distant Sures" by The Cave Singers [

] plays throughout the scene)

Jackie was on her bed crying when her door opened.

"You okay?" Bryan asked immediately.

"Bryan!" she yelled. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You... sounded really upset," said Bryan. "No, you were really upset. And you still are. Jackie, talk to me. I know you don't like talking to people about what happened, but please, you have to talk to me. I want to help you. I hate seeing you like this."

"Stop coming onto me!" Jackie shouted. "You had your chance!"

"I'm not trying to come onto you," said Bryan calmly. "Jackie, I just want to help. Seeing you like this... it kills me, okay?"

"And why does it?"

"Because I care about you, Jackie!" he said. "It doesn't have to mean anything more than that. We're friends, and I care about you, which is why I care when you start doing things like that." He points to the hole in her mirror, the glass all around her room, the cracked phone on the dresser.

"Stop caring about me..." said Jackie.


"I'm worthless," said Jackie. "Without her I'm worthless. And it's my fault."

"How is it your fault, Jackie? That doesn't even make sense."

"How in the fuck does it not make sense, Bryan? I knew she was sick, I knew she was really sick. But I was too busy being upset about it to get her the help that she needed. So guess what happened? She died! My daughter died, Bryan! And it was my fault! Don't even try and pretend that it wasn't, because we both know that it was!" She started sobbing heavily.

"Jackie, you're so wrong," said Bryan. "The doctor told you: There's nothing you could've done. It was meant to be, Jackie."

"It was my fault..."

"No, it wasn't," Bryan said. "You were a great mother. You did all that you could have been expected to. This self-loathing thing... you just can't do it. We start college in a week. It's time to start new. I'm not saying you have to get over this... you never will, and I know that. But I think you just have to carry on with your life to the best of your ability."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Let your friends in," said Bryan. "Let us help you. We love you, Jackie. I love you."


Naomi was in her room after dinner, posting on Fishbook when Veera walked in.

"What the hell was that?" Veera asked.


"You asked him if we had sex yet! And you were completely inappropriate for the entire dinner."

"He's a bore, Mom," Naomi said. "And you know what that means? You're a gold-digger, as always! That's the only reason you're dating him. He's ugly, he's boring, he has no redeemable qualities besides the fact that he's rich."

"Maybe that's more of an issue with you than with him," said Veera. "Because you know what, Naomi? He is a nice man, and he cares about me. And I care about him."

"Bullshit," said Naomi. "Maybe he is a nice guy. But I know you, and you're totally shallow. You only date guys because they're hot, or because they're rich. And he's definitely not hot, Mom!"

"Get out," Veera said quietly, in almost a whisper, just loud enough for Naomi to hear.


"You heard me, Naomi. Get out. You're just causing trouble right now, and I don't want you here. Go stay with a friend. You can come back in the morning. Enjoy your sleepover."


Morgan and Richard were sitting in a booth at Red Lobster (it's different underwater), having a good time over dinner.

"It's nice, being able to laugh like this," said Morgan.

"Why haven't you been laughing?" Richard asked.

"Well... everyone's been pretty depressed ever since Charlea and Tori died," said Morgan. "And then you left for the summer. So I've been stuck with misery for a couple of months now, and it's been bringing me down."

"Don't let that happen," said Richard. "What you should do is cheer your friends up."

"I gave up on doing that a long time ago, Richard," Morgan said.

"Call me Dad."

Morgan was silent. She wasn't comfortable with that. Not yet, anyways.

"How do you think I should try to cheer them up?" she asked.

"I think that's your call," Richard told her. "They're your friends. You know them better than I do. How's Seth doing?"

"Seth's good," said Morgan. The two of them had gotten much closer over the summer, since they found out they were half-siblings. "Right now he's at the hospital with Heather, finding out the sex of the baby."

"Are they back together, then?"

"Oh, no..."


"For the love of God, is that doctor ever going to come back?" Seth asked.

"Calm down, it'll be okay," Heather said.

"But what if it's not okay?" Seth asked. He was frantic. "What if our baby dies, just like Charlea? Just like Naomi's baby? What will happen then, Heather? Huh? What the fuck is going to happen then?"

Heather put her fin on his shoulder and smiled. "Seth," she said. "It's going to be okay. Trust me. He's just making sure our baby is healthy. He'll be back in a second to tell us he is."

"It's a girl," Seth said. "It's a girl and you know it."

Heather laughed. "You wish."


Kara was sitting on the couch, watching Glee.

"I love that this show has finally made it underwater," she said. "Musicals are amazing."

"Glee is gay," said Arianna.

"Sit down, let's watch it," said Kara.


"DON'T STOP BELIEVIN'! HOLD ONTO THAT FEELIN'!" they both sang together.

"That show is amazing," said Arianna.

"I know," said Kara.

"I wish people actually broke into song in real life," said Arianna. "It was cool when that happened for a few days a while ago, but I wish it was a regular thing."

"Who says it can't be?" Kara asked deviously.

"I don't know," Arianna shrugged. "Poseidon or something? King Neptune?"

"Fuck them," said Kara. "Rainn, get over here!"

"Why?" Rainn asked.

"Don't question me!" she said. "We're gonna make everyone sing more!"

"Why?" Rainn asked again.

"Because it will be fun!" she yelled. "Now get your spineless ass over here and join fins with me! Come on, now!"

Rainn sighed and joined hands with his sister. They both began speaking Latin, and the room around them shook.

"Did it work?" Arianna asked.

"Oh, definitely," said Kara. "Now those trolls Molly hangs around with will start singing once a week or so, depending on who needs to do it most."

"Will there be solos?" Arianna asked.

"Yep," said Kara.



"Group numbers?"

"You bet your ass."

"Sweet..." Arianna said. "This is going to be a fun year, isn't it?"

"You bet your ass," Kara repeated. "Now everyone shut the hell up, I want to start Season 2."


Jake was sitting in his room, thinking. He had no one.

His mother was dead.

His father was dead.

His grandfather was dead.

His grandmother had been dead for a long time.

His father's parents had been dead for as long as he could remember.

His daughter was dead.

Everyone in his family. Dead.

As he was sitting there, his phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hello, may I speak to Jake Butler?"


"Tori Butler's last will and testament is being read today," said the fish on the other line. "It's been requested you and Bryan Errin are there, as you two are the only living heirs."

"Oh..." Jake said, letting the word hang in the air for a while before he said anything else. He breathed as steadily as he could. "Okay, we'll be there. Thank you."

The fish on the other line gave him an address and a time, for which Jake thanked him, then hung up. Jake then resumed his thinking, thinking that his father's death, his grandfather's death, his mother's death, hell, maybe even his daughter's death... they were all because of vampires.

Vampires were worthless piles of undead shit that had to die.


Brenda and Hersht were hunting when they ran into Dora and Jordin.

"Oh hey you two," said Jordin. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Nice to see you, Jordin," said Hersht.

"Nice to see you too," Jordin said and smiled. "Hi Brenda."

"Hi Jordin," said Brenda. "Hi Dora."

"Hi Brenda," Dora said with a scowl.

"Is something wrong?" Hersht asked Dora.

"As a matter of fact, yeah," said Dora. "I don't think it's very fair that just because you and her are joined at the genitals, you get to stay in a nice cozy house while we have the privilege of sleeping in the woods, when I know for a fact she has at least two extra rooms: her dead daughter's room and the guest room."

Brenda slightly winced at the mention of her 'dead daughter' -- although since she became a vampire, things like that hurt her less.

"Maybe you guys don't have to stay here," said Hersht. "But Brenda's daughter only just found out about our world a couple of months ago. We could ask her how she feels about the possibility of you two moving in... but no promises."

"We really don't need to, Hersht," said Jordin.

"Yes we do, sis!" said Dora. "We're filthy! And I keep waking up with sticks in my hair. I may be a vampire, but that doesn't mean I enjoy the outdoors."

"Well, we need to get hunting," said Brenda. "See you two soon."

Brenda and Hersht left.


("Afraid of Everyone" by The National [

] plays throughout the scene)

Naomi knocked on Miranda's door, and her mother Sophie is at the door.

"Oh, Naomi..." she said.

"Hi Mrs. Allen," said Naomi. "Can I speak with Miranda?"

Reluctantly, Sophie said, "Sure... come on in."

Naomi walked upstairs and knocked on Miranda's bedroom door.

"Oh, Naomi..." said Miranda.

"Hey," said Naomi. "I was just wondering if I could stay here for the night."

"Ah," Miranda said. "Well, um... I don't think so... I don't think you can."

"Why not?"

"It's... getting dark."

"Yeah Miranda, that's why I asked to stay the night," said Naomi. "I kind of knew it was getting dark. I just had dinner with my mom's new boyfriend and I wanted to talk with you about it because everyone else is busy."

"My parents don't want anyone staying here tonight," said Miranda. "I'm sorry."

"That doesn't make sense," said Naomi. "Why tonight?"

"Don't ask me," said Miranda. "I... I don't make the rules, Nay. I wish you could stay and we could talk, but you've got to get out of here before the moon rises."

"Before the moon rises?" Naomi asked. "Come on Miranda, what the fuck is with that?"

"Please just go..." pleaded Miranda. "Listen, please. We can talk in the morning, but for now I don't feel like dealing with my parents, okay?"

"Your parents... I just don't understand why I have to go," Naomi said.

"They don't want anyone staying here."

"My mom kicked me out for the night though," said Naomi. "Where else am I supposed to go? All the guys are busy."

"Stay with Mikayla," said Miranda. "You guys are friends."

"We haven't talked in a while, though," said Naomi. "She's been kind of distant all summer."

"Well, time to end that, then," said Miranda. "Go see her. Talk. Be friendly. Have a sleepover with her. It'll be fun. The two of us can talk in the morning and I'll - I'll tell you all about why you couldn't stay here tonight."

"Really, you will?"

"Honestly, probably not," said Miranda. "But it's possible."


("Baby Fratelli" by The Fratellis [

] plays throughout the scene)

Anna was walking the streets of Coralwood, contemplating Gina's offer. Suddenly, she got a text message from her mother that read: "911".

She stared at the text curiously, then decided to call her house. No answer. She called Helen's cell phone. It rang for quite a while, but eventually was picked up.

"This is Helen Barber's phone, Dr. Gosselin speaking."

"Dr. Gosselin?" Anna said. "Why is a doctor answering my mother's phone? Is she alright?"

"Oh, you must be Anna," said Dr. Gosselin. "I'm from Bikini Top Hospital -- I was actually about to call you. Your mother is here, she fell down the stairs and broke her leg. Her leg is fine, but we need to talk to you about the state her mind is in."

"Her mind?" Anna asked.

"She seems to have a mental disability," said Dr. Gosselin. "We've hypothesized that it's Alzheimer's, but we won't be sure until we run some tests."

"Alzheimer's?" Anna asked. "But she's too young to have that!"

"It's uncommon," said Dr. Gosselin, "but not unheard of."

"Well I'm in Coralwood right now," Anna said. "I'll drive there in just a little bit. It should take me about an hour and a half. Can it wait until then?"

"By then we should have a proper diagnosis," said Dr. Gosselin.

"Perfect," said Anna. "See you then, doc."


("This Is Not the Answer" by Jon Black [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6h96ZfV_r8 ] plays throughout the scene)

Bryan got home and took off his shoes. Jake was waiting for him in the living room.

"We have to go and hear Mom's will tomorrow," said Jake.


"We. You were her son, too."

"You think?"

"I know," Jake said somberly.

"Does that depress you or something?" Bryan asked.

"No..." said Jake. "Everything depresses me right now, but I'm fine with you being like a son to her. It was obvious. We were both her sons."

"Yeah," said Bryan. "What time do we have to go?"

"7 AM," said Jake.

"Damn, that's early," said Bryan. "At least it's not as early as Glinda makes me get up to train sometimes. Well, guess we'll have to get to bed early tonight. We have a busy morning tomorrow. Have you eaten dinner?"




"How about breakfast?" Bryan asked.


"Jake, you have to eat. A few crackers every day isn't enough. I know you're sad, but starving yourself isn't the way to get over this," Bryan sighed. "And neither is staying in the house, not talking to anyone, only leaving to go to the cemetery."

"Let me grieve however the hell I want to grieve."

"Jake, this isn't healthy."

"Maybe I don't need to be healthy right now, Bryan," said Jake. "Last June I lost two of the most important people in my life, it's going to take more than a couple of months to get over that."

"But you're never going to get over it if you don't try to, Jake," said Bryan. "Now come on, let's go to Lexington's or something, I'm starving."

"Go by yourself," Jake said. "I don't want to go out."

"Of course you don't," Bryan shrugged. "I'm just going to make some soup. And you're eating it, got it?"

"Whatever you say, Dad."


("Tea For Two" by Yael Meyer [

] plays throughout the scene)

The doctor re-entered the room.

"So, what's up doc?" Seth said in what was supposed to be a Bugs Bunny impression, but failed because of how nervous he was.

"Is everything okay, Dr. Heisen?"

"You two have nothing to worry about," said Dr. Heisen. She smiled. "You have a healthy baby boy coming in just about four months. That's certainly nothing to worry about, is it?"

"That's amazing!" Heather said.

Seth grinned, and breathed heavily. "Oh thank god."

"I'll let you two go now," said Dr. Heisen. "See you in a month or so for your next check-up. But first..." She handed Seth a picture of the ultrasound.

"Wow..." said Seth. He handed it to Heather.

"Yeah," Heather said. "Wow."


Naomi knocked on the door of Mikayla's house. Mikayla answered.

"Oh, Naomi..." Mikayla said. "Hi."

"Hi," said Naomi. "It's been a while."

"It definitely has," said Mikayla. "Come on in."


Anna arrived at the hospital.

"Where's Helen Barber?" she asked the woman at the front of the hospital. "I'm her daughter, Anna. I need to see her now."

"Room 229," said the woman.

Anna ran to the elevator and got upstairs, making her way to room 229. She opened the door up right away, to see Helen sleeping.

"Shh," said Dr. Gosselin, who was now standing at the door.

"Dr. Gosselin," said Anna. "Do you have the results?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," he said.

"And?" Anna asked.

The doctor sighed. "Your mother has Alzheimer's disease."

"Oh..." said Anna. "Well that's not good."

"No," said the doctor. "It's not."


"Well, here we are," Richard said. "You're home."

"Thanks for dinner," said Morgan. "I think I'm going to go and see Jake. He deserves to feel better, even if we're not together right now I can't stand to see him so broken."

"That's a great idea, Morgan," said Richard. "See you soon."

"How soon?" Morgan asked.

"We'll see."


("Street Spirit" by Radiohead [

] plays throughout the scene)

"So, what do you think?" Hersht asked Brenda.

"What do I think?" Brenda asked.

"About Dora and Jordin moving into the house."

"Jordin I'm fine with," Brenda said. "She's great, and pleasant to be around. Dora, however, is... well..."

"A pain in the ass?"

"There you go."

"Well, honey, they're kind of a package deal," said Hersht. "We can't help Jordin out but not Dora. It would be wrong."

"Plenty of the things Dora did were pretty wrong," Brenda said. "Everyone conveniently forgets that she used to work for Astenias, you know -- the vampire who was trying to kill all of us, who took control of your life."

"I worked for him too," Hersht reminded her.

"Yes, but you didn't enjoy it like you said she did," Brenda countered. "I don't know if I want that kind of energy around Alex. Or Mikayla, for that matter."

"I think it will be fine," said Hersht.

"Of course you do."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," said Brenda.

"That doesn't mean nothing," said Hersht.

"Yes, it does," Brenda said defensively. "It doesn't mean anything at all, Hersht. All I'm saying is that I'd rather not have two vampires living in my home."

"Well I hate to break it to you Brenda, but you already do."


Miranda is chained down in her cellar, she starts howling and turns into a werewolf.


Seth dropped Heather off at her house.

"Heather, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting all day... and since before that," Seth said. "It's not doing either of us any good and it's childish."

"No, I'm sorry," said Heather. "I've been acting no better."

"Okay, so we're both sorry," said Seth.

"I suppose we are, aren't we?"

"Yeah..." said Seth.

There was silence for a while, until eventually Seth kissed Heather. She blushed, then ran inside.


"I can't take care of her," Anna said. "Obviously I have to stay here now... good thing BTU accepted me and I can fall back on them... but that means I'll have classes to take, and I'd still like to have something resembling a social life."

"Maybe you could hire a caretaker," said Dr. Gosselin. "Someone who can look after your mother. It's not good for her to be alone, even this early on in the disease."

"Our insurance wouldn't cover that," said Anna. "And we don't have the money."

"I'm sure you can figure something out," said Dr. Gosselin.

"I sure hope so," Anna said. "When can she get out of here?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'd say," said Dr. Gosselin. "Her leg should heal up fine in about a month. It's only a minor break."

"Alright then," Anna said. "I'm just going to go home and unpack my things, then I'll be right back here to spend the night."

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

"Positive," said Anna. "See you in a few hours."


The next morning, Molly was sitting at home when she got a text from Anna: "hey, we should talk"

Molly didn't know how she felt about it. She was slowly beginning to get over Anna... but if Anna wanted to talk, maybe they should.


Bryan and Jake exited the lawyer's office. Jake had acquired the house, and half of his mother's money. Bryan got the other half of the money, and her possessions.

In the boatmobile, Bryan said, "So, Morgan wants to see you."

"Does she?" Jake asked quietly.

"She does," Bryan said. "She's waiting at the house, actually."

"Great," said Jake. "And I wonder what she wants to talk about..."

"You know," said Bryan.

"Yes, I know she's going to be the hundredth friend of mine to tell me it's time to get over my mother and my daughter dying and the fact I have no family left.

"Jake," said Bryan, "we're family."


("You Are A Tourist" by Death Cab for Cutie [

] plays throughout the scene)

Naomi and Mikayla were making themselves breakfast while Hersht and Brenda were still in bed.

"So... you've been quiet all summer because you found out your mom is a vampire, and she's dating one?" Naomi reviewed the information from the previous night.

"You bet," said Mikayla. "And Bryan basically has to kill vampires, Anna is a witch, and Molly is a goddess?"

"That's the gist of it."

"That's crazy," said Mikayla.

"You don't even know the half of it," Naomi laughed. "Anyways, are you still going to Bikini Top University when it starts in a couple weeks?"

"I'm not sure," said Mikayla.

"What?" Naomi asked. "Why not?"

"I got a job offer in Rock Bottom," said Mikayla.

"What?" Naomi asked. "That's amazing!"

"Yeah," Mikayla said. "One of my old boyfriends got it for me. I'd write for Rock Bottom Magazine. But I don't know if I want to leave."

"A job at Rock Bottom Magazine is a pretty huge opportunity, Mikayla," Naomi told her. "Are you sure you'd want to pass something like that up? It could be life-changing."

"I guess so," said Mikayla.

"You guess?" Naomi said. "Mikayla, that's a big deal. You have to go."

"But wouldn't you miss me?"

"Of course I would. But we could still talk, and I'd know that you were out doing what makes you happy. I... can tell you haven't been happy here in a long time."

"You're right," Mikayla said. "Ever since Temperance died it's been pretty rough living here. Before then, even. Bikini Top just brings back memories about my dad, and when he died... and when he cheated on my mom. You know, memories I'd like to forget."

"I can see why," Naomi said. "At least you knew your dad."

"At least I did."

"So... what do you think you're going to do?"

"I think I'm leaving Bikini Top," Mikayla said. "For good."


Jake walked into the house and spotted Morgan.

"I'll leave you two alone," said Bryan, and he walked upstairs, where he saw Seth.

"Oh hey Seth," said Bryan.

"Bryan!" Seth said. "I have news."

"You told me last night that it's a boy."

"Yeah, but there's something I didn't tell you last night..." Seth said.

"What didn't you tell me?" Bryan asked.

"I kissed Heather."


Meanwhile downstairs, Morgan was about to start comforting Jake, but instead she started singing "Advice" by Christina Grimmie [


"Don't look down.

Because it's easier falling from force.

Just letting it take natures course,

and picking it up when it's over.

Don't be afraid.

'Cause the chances are there for the take.

But treasure the choices you make,

and know when you must take it slower.

You may think you've had it rough,

and try to give it up.

But when you think your stuck,

Just go another way!

Don't let go of good times,

and let the bad ones know you feel fine.

And wear your heart out on your sleeve,

'Cause love is all, love is all you need.

Don't be rushed.

'Cause hurrying causes mistakes,

and make sure to give more than take,

and sharing yourself bring you closer

You may think you've had it rough,

and try to give it up.

But when you think, your stuck.

Just go another way!

Don't let go of good times,

and let the bad ones know you feel fine,

and wear your heart out on your sleeve.

'Cause love is all you need.

Feel with all your senses.

Make sure to let down your defenses.

There just one way to make you see,

that love is all, love is all you need.

Ooh Ooh

Ooh ooh.


Ohh oh.

Take a chance now,

'Cause it's easy.

Take a chance now for you and me.

Take a chance now,

You can reach it!

Take a chance for me!


Don't let go of good times,

and let the bad ones know you feel fine,

and wear your heart out on your sleeve.

Love is all, love is all you need.

Feel with all your senses,

Make sure to let down your defenses.

There's just one way to make you see,

That love is all, love is all you need.

Oh! It's all you need!

Love is all,

Love is all,

Love is all you need..."

Jake got up and kissed Morgan.


("Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A20rx8VQnTE ] plays throughout the end montage)

Bryan and Seth talk in Seth's room.

Miranda wakes up, still chained up in the cellar, naked and dirty.

Anna knocks on Glinda's door.

Molly texts Anna: "when do we have to talk?"

Jackie talks to Sarah about how she's feeling.

Jordin and Dora move into Brenda's house.

Mikayla tells Brenda she's moving.

Naomi returns home and Veera hugs her, apologizing to her for making her leave. Chris is there as well, and welcomes Naomi back.

Heather stares at the photo of the ultrasound.

Jake and Morgan sit across from each other awkwardly.


"Such Small Hands" by La Dispute

"Prettiest Thing" by Oh Darling

"Taking Chances" by Celine Dion [sung by Anna]

"Distant Sures" by The Cave Singers

"Afraid of Everyone" by The National

"Baby Fratelli" by The Fratellis

"This Is Not the Answer" by Jon Black

"Tea For Two" by Yael Meyer

"Street Spirit" by Radiohead

"You Are A Tourist" by Death Cab For Cutie

"Advice" by Christina Grimmie [sung by Morgan]

"Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez


As always, please try to review. :) Next episode coming soon.

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I've just finished the first season, and this is better than some of the stuff I see on television. The fact that you took a silly cartoon about seawater animals and expertly twisted it into this gripping teen drama (about seawater animals) just impresses me more than anything else. Great job, 70sguy. Great job.

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45. The End

"WHY DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME WHEN WE MAKE LOVE!??!?" screamed Naomi. She was pissed.

"Come on baby, let's make love now," said Bryan.

"ok." she said.

They did. Afterwards, she castrated Brian so she could keep part of him inside her forever.

And then she killed everyone else in the show before turning the gun on herself.

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