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Round two, folks! We're back with the SBC Community Mixtape, and this time, with the introduction of themes. Basically, iterations of the Community Mixtape from here on out will have a specific theme to them, be it a genre, a time period, or maybe even an artist if they're popular enough. So, you probably guessed from the thread title what this version's theme is...

Electronic music! Be it your Daft Punks, Autechres, Pendulums, Fatboy Slims, or whatever else, this Mixtape #2 is all about showcasing the wonders that were introduced to the world of music by the introduction of computers and synth technology. The rules for submissions are mostly the same as last name, but since I'm expecting this might end up with longer songs than usual, let's re-post the rules from the first Mixtape with a slight change:

  • Length limits per person: you have a total of 30 minutes worth of songs to play with, up from 28 in the last round. The flexibility of how many tracks this allows you to submit remains the same. (This site is great for calculating the times.)
  • Joke/troll entries can and most likely will be excluded.
  • Try to make sure that what you're submitting is available (i.e. not copyright-blocked) on both YT and Spotify.
  • No repeat entries (can't submit the same thing as somebody else).
  • If possible, try to make your submissions with a Spotify playlist. That makes the process of building the master playlist a lot faster.
  • Most of all: have fun with it!

To start off, the submission deadline is set for midnight on July 31, next Saturday, though we can kick it back if we feel more submission time is needed. With all of that said, let's get going!


*The Crystal Method - Trip Like I Do
*Daft Punk - Around the World/Harder, Better, Faster Stronger (Alive 2007)
*Daft Punk - The Game Has Changed
*Pendulum - Showdown
*65daysofstatic - Dance Dance Dance

*Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer

Steel Sponge:
*Daft Punk - One More Time
*New Order - Blue Monday
*Röyksopp - The Girl and the Robot
*Pendulum - Propane Nightmares
*M83 - Reunion

*808 State - Plan 9
*BT - Quark
*Squarepusher - Coopers World
*Autechre - Eutow
*Orbital - Halcyon and On and On

*Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You
*Fatboy Slim - Praise You
*Clean Bandit & Jess Glynne - Rather Be
*MGMT - Electric Feel
*Passion Pit - Sleepyhead

*Hudson Mohawke - Polkadot Blues
*Thomas Schumacher - Kickschool 79
*Stush - Dollar Sign
*Skream - Dutch Flowerz
*Noisia, Mayhem, & KRS-One - Exodus
*Scott Brown & DMO - I'm In Heaven

*Bjork - Big Time Sensuality
*Radiohead - Idioteque
*The Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl
*Four Tet - Sing
*Boards of Canada - Dawn Chorus
*Bjork - Hyperballad

*Genesis - Land of Confusion
*Foster the People - Waste
*The Killers - Read My Mind
*The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds



hi, Spotify says 30 minutes but it may be a few seconds over (also it's not updated on the embed for some reason, it should start with Björk now)




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